
tervet kasvu

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Avastage meie valikuga "Tervislik kasv" erinevaid esmaklassilisi tooteid, mis toetavad teie lapse arengut. Need hoolikalt kureeritud imiku piimasegud ja suupisted on rikastatud tervislikuks kasvuks ja arenguks vajalike oluliste vitamiinide ja mineraalidega. Alates Aptamil PRONUTRA Juniorist, mis on loodud rinnapiima toiteväärtust matkima, kuni Holle orgaaniliste piimasegudeni ja suupisteteni – kõik tooted on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest koostisosadest, et tagada teie lapsele parim võimalik toitumine. Need tooted sobivad ideaalselt vanematele, kes seavad esikohale tervist ja toitumist. Need tooted aitavad kaasa teie lapse üldisele heaolule. Nautige meelerahu, teades, et pakute oma väikelastele toitu, mida nad vajavad tervislikuks elu alustamiseks.
Aptamil pronutra junior 12+ can 800 g

Aptamil pronutra junior 12+ can 800 g

Tootekood: 7802428

Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g If you are looking for a baby formula that will provide your baby with all the necessary nutrients, then the Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g might be the perfect product for you. This formula is specifically designed for babies over 12 months and contains a blend of important nutrients that support healthy growth and development. What is Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g? Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g is a baby formula that provides key nutrients such as iron, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients are essential for the proper development of your baby's brain, bones, and immune system. This formula is also low in sugar and is carefully formulated to mimic the nutritional benefits of breast milk. Why choose Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g? Contains a unique blend of nutrients essential for your baby's development Low in sugar to support healthy eating habits Mimics the nutritional benefits of breast milk Designed specifically for babies over 12 months How to use Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g should be used as a supplement to your baby's diet. It should be mixed with water according to the instructions on the packaging. Once mixed, the formula should be consumed within 2 hours. It is important to follow the instructions carefully to ensure your baby gets the appropriate amount of nutrients. Conclusion Aptamil PRONUTRA JUNIOR 12+ DS 800 g is a nutrient-rich formula that provides important vitamins and minerals essential for your baby's proper growth and development. With careful attention to sugar levels and a formula that mimics breast milk, you can be sure you are giving your baby the best possible nutrition...

47.89 USD

Holle bio-anfangsmilch pre karton 400 g

Holle bio-anfangsmilch pre karton 400 g

Tootekood: 7802897

Holle Bio-Anfangsmilch PRE Karton 400 g Holle Bio-Anfangsmilch PRE Karton 400 g on esmaklassiline orgaaniline imiku piimasegu, mis sobib alates sünnist. See on hoolikalt valmistatud, kasutades ainult kõrgeima kvaliteediga orgaanilisi koostisosi, et teie laps saaks kõik tervislikuks kasvuks ja arenguks vajalikud toitained. Valmistatud õrnast orgaanilisest lehmapiimast, mis ei sisalda sünteetilisi pestitsiide ega herbitsiidi, sobib ideaalselt teie lapse areneva seedesüsteemi vajadustega. See on rikastatud oluliste vitamiinide ja mineraalidega, sealhulgas rauaga, et teie väikelapsel oleks õige elu algus. Holle Bio-Anfangsmilch PRE Karton 400 g teistest imiku piimasegudest eristub selle pühendumusega mahepõllundustavadele. Lehmi kasvatatakse farmides, mis järgivad rangeid keskkonna- ja loomade heaolustandardeid, tagades, et selles piimasegus kasutatav piim on kõrgeima kvaliteediga ja puhtus. Segu on lihtne valmistada, lihtsalt segage see keedetud veega ja loksutage korralikult. See on ka gluteenivaba ega sisalda lisatud suhkrut, kunstlikke värvaineid ega säilitusaineid, mistõttu on see suurepärane valik vanematele, kes soovivad pakkuda oma beebidele algusest peale parimat võimalikku toitumist. Andke oma lapsele parim elu algus Holle Bio-Anfangsmilch PRE Karton 400 g abil! ..

24.42 USD

Holle bio-kindermilch 4 powder

Holle bio-kindermilch 4 powder

Tootekood: 7826280

HOLLE Bio-Kindermilch 4 Plv - Organic Milk Powder for Children HOLLE Bio-Kindermilch 4 Plv is a high-quality organic milk powder designed especially for children aged 2 years and above. Made with 99% organic milk and fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, this formula provides all the nutrients needed to support healthy growth and development. What sets HOLLE Bio-Kindermilch 4 Plv apart is its commitment to using only the highest quality and most natural ingredients. The organic milk used in this formula comes from cows that are allowed to graze freely in lush green pastures, ensuring a nutrient-rich and chemical-free diet. The milk is then gently processed to retain its natural goodness, resulting in a creamy and delicious milk powder that kids love. In addition to organic milk, HOLLE Bio-Kindermilch 4 Plv is fortified with essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, vitamin D, and zinc. These nutrients are vital for children's growth and development, helping to build strong bones, support the immune system, and promote healthy brain function. HOLLE Bio-Kindermilch 4 Plv is easy to prepare, requiring just water and a measuring spoon to make a delicious and nutritious drink. This formula is ideal for children who are transitioning from breast milk or formula to regular milk, as well as those who need extra nutritional support due to picky eating habits or health conditions. With HOLLE Bio-Kindermilch 4 Plv, you can rest assured that your child is getting the best possible nutrition in a convenient and delicious form. Try this organic milk powder today and see the difference it can make in your child's health and wellbeing...

29.25 USD

Holle blueberry bear pouchy heide apf ban jog

Holle blueberry bear pouchy heide apf ban jog

Tootekood: 7809486

Tutvustame HOLLE Blueberry Bear Pouchy't, veetlevat ja toitvat suupistet, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt imikutele ja lastele. See esmaklassiline orgaaniline imikutoit on valmistatud hõrgutavast mustikate, õunte, banaanide ja kaera segust, pakkudes maitsvat, kuid tervislikku maiust, mida lapsed armastavad. Olulistest vitamiinidest ja mineraalidest pakatav kott sobib suurepäraselt liikvel olles näksimiseks või tasakaalustatud eine osana. HOLLE Blueberry Bear Pouchy ei sisalda lisaaineid, säilitusaineid ega kunstlikke maitseaineid, tagades teie võsukestele ainult parimad koostisosad. Andke oma lapsele mahepuuviljade ja -terade maitse HOLLE Blueberry Bear Pouchy abil...

3.82 USD

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