
tervise jälgimise seade

Tooted 1 - 2, tooteid kokku 2, lehekülgi 1
Tutvuge meie terviseseireseadmete valikuga, mis aitavad teil oma heaoluga kursis olla. Alates pulssoksümeetritest kuni täiustatud tervisejälgijateni – meie tooted tagavad täpse ja mugava terviseseire kodus või liikvel olles. Need seadmed sobivad ideaalselt konkreetsete terviseseisunditega inimestele, sportlastele või kõigile, kes on keskendunud hea tervise säilitamisele. Need seadmed pakuvad kasutajasõbralikke funktsioone, nagu kergesti loetavad ekraanid, kompaktne disain ja usaldusväärne jõudlus. Avastage, kuidas meie valik saab teie tervise ja heaolu teekonnale kaasa aidata.
Innovo pulsoksimeeter

Innovo pulsoksimeeter

Tootekood: 7788805

Innovo Pulsoximeter - Accurate and Easy Monitoring of Your Oxygen Saturation Levels The Innovo Pulsoximeter is a state-of-the-art device that lets you easily and accurately monitor your oxygen saturation levels. The device has a fingertip sensor that clips on to your finger and measures the amount of oxygen in your blood. This can help you assess your health and wellbeing in a quick and simple way. Features and Benefits Quick and easy measurement of oxygen saturation levels in your blood Clear and easy-to-read LED display Small, lightweight, and portable design makes it easy to carry with you wherever you go Low battery indicator and automatic shut-off to preserve battery life Comes with a lanyard and carrying case for convenient storage and transportation Why Choose the Innovo Pulsoximeter? The Innovo Pulsoximeter offers accurate and reliable measurements of your oxygen saturation levels, helping you to monitor your health in a quick and easy way. Whether you have a medical condition that requires monitoring or just want to keep tabs on your overall wellbeing, this device offers a convenient and hassle-free solution. Plus, with its small and lightweight design, you can easily take it with you wherever you go, making it perfect for use at home or on the go. Order Your Innovo Pulsoximeter Today If you're looking for an accurate and easy way to monitor your oxygen saturation levels, look no further than the Innovo Pulsoximeter. Order yours today and take the first step towards a healthier future...

117.06 USD

Rossmax pulssoksümeeter sb100

Rossmax pulssoksümeeter sb100

Tootekood: 7773659

Rossmaxi pulssoksümeeter SB100 on usaldusväärne kaaslane hapnikuküllastuse taseme ja pulsisageduse jälgimiseks mugavalt kodus või liikvel olles. See kompaktne seade pakub täpseid näitu kiiresti ja vaevata, muutes selle ideaalseks neile, kellel on hingamishaigused, sportlased ja kõik, kes muretsevad oma üldise tervise pärast. Selge LED-ekraaniga ja lihtsa ühe nupuvajutusega SB100 tagab kasutajasõbraliku kasutamise igas vanuses inimestele. Ergonoomilise disaini ja reguleeritava ekraani orientatsiooniga pulssoksümeetrit on mugav kasutada ja see annab hetkega usaldusväärseid tulemusi. Püsige oma tervisega kursis Rossmaxi pulssoksümeetriga SB100 – teie kaasaskantava tervisepartneriga...

117.71 USD

Tooted 1 - 2, tooteid kokku 2, lehekülgi 1
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