Tutvuge meie looduslike lilleessentside valikuga, mis on loodud emotsionaalse tasakaalu ja heaolu edendamiseks. Avastage selliseid tooteid nagu Bachi Flower Original Vine No32, Odinelixir Flower Essence Relax Spray ja Bioligo Dr Bach Star of Bethlehem, millest igaüks pakub ainulaadseid eeliseid emotsioonide juhtimisel, stressi vähendamisel ja emotsionaalse valu ravimisel. Need abinõud kasutavad lilleessentside jõudu tervikliku tervise toetamiseks, sisaldades puhtaid koostisosi ja traditsioonilisi koostistehnikaid. Ideaalsed neile, kes otsivad õrna ja loomulikku lähenemist emotsionaalsele tervenemisele, on meie lillessentsid osa usaldusväärsest fütoteraapia traditsioonist.
Bach Flower Original Vine No32 20mlBachi lille originaalviinapuu No32 20ml on looduslik vahend, mis aitab hallata ülekaaluka domineerimise ja kontrolli tunnet. See lilleessents on valmistatud viinapuu taimest ja on eriti tõhus inimestele, kes võitlevad liigse tahtejõu ja ambitsioonidega, mis võib viia nende progressiivseks ja paindumatuks muutumiseni.Viinaessents pärineb Bachi lillesarjast, on eksisteerinud juba üle 80 aasta ning see on usaldusväärne ja väljakujunenud ravi neile, kes otsivad loomulikke ja terviklikke viise oma emotsioonide tasakaalustamiseks.Sobib Bachi lille originaalviinapuu No32 20 ml taimetoitlastele ja veganitele ning see on valmistatud looduslikest koostisosadest, millele pole lisatud kemikaale. Need vahendid toimivad lilleessentside abil, et tasakaalustada keha energiaid ning edendada emotsionaalset ja füüsilist heaolu.KasutamineKasutamiseks lahjendage kaks tilka ravimit veeklaasi ja lonksa vaheaegadega. Ravimit saab kasutada ka välispidiselt, kandes seda randmele ja oimukohtadele või lisades lõõgastavasse vanni.Kasu
Aitab juhtida teiste domineerimise ja kontrollimise tundeid
Edendab tasakaalu ja rahulikkust
Parandab emotsionaalset ja vaimset heaolu
Valmistatud looduslikest koostisosadest ilma kemikaalideta
Bach Flower Original Vine No32 20 ml on ideaalne lahendus inimestele, kes otsivad loomulikku ja terviklikku lähenemist oma emotsioonide juhtimisele ja üldise heaolu parandamisele...
Bioligo Dr Bach 29 Star of Bethlehem 20 ml
Bioligo Dr Bach 29 Star of Bethlehem 20 ml is a pure and natural remedy that is designed to help individuals heal from the emotional pain they are experiencing. The Star of Bethlehem flower essence that is used in the creation of this product is sourced from the wild, and it is processed using traditional techniques to ensure that it retains its natural potency and purity.
This product is formulated based on the principles of Dr. Bach, a renowned physician who believed that our emotional state is intricately connected to our physical health. His remedies are designed to help individuals overcome emotional imbalances that may lead to physical ailments, and the Star of Bethlehem essence is believed to help individuals who are going through shock, trauma, or grief.
Some of the key features and benefits of Bioligo Dr Bach 29 Star of Bethlehem 20 ml include:
100% natural and pure
Sourced from wild flowers
Processed using traditional techniques to ensure purity and potency
Formulated based on the principles of Dr. Bach
Helps individuals heal from emotional pain, shock, trauma, or grief
Safe and gentle on the body, with no known side effects
The Bioligo Dr Bach 29 Star of Bethlehem 20 ml is perfect for individuals who are looking for a natural and safe way to heal their emotional pain and improve their overall well-being. The easy-to-use dropper bottle makes it simple to add a few drops to water, tea, or any beverage, for daily use.
Join the thousands of satisfied customers who have experienced the benefits of Bioligo Dr Bach 29 Star of Bethlehem 20 ml. Order yours today!..
Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml
Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml
Introducing the Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml, the perfect blend of flower essences to help you unwind and relax after a long day. This product is a natural solution that supports your emotional well-being and can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Product Features:
Contains a blend of flower essences
10 ml bottle
Helps promote relaxation and calmness
Natural solution for stress and anxiety relief
Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml is infused with natural ingredients that work together to help you feel more at ease. Some of its key ingredients include:
Cherry Plum - helps to alleviate fear and promote composure and calmness.
Impatiens - reduces impatience, mental tension, and irritability, and promotes mindfulness and awareness.
White Chestnut - calms the mind, reduces restlessness, and helps improve focus and clarity of thought.
Rock Rose - helps to alleviate panic, fear, and feelings of dread in stressful situations and promotes courage and composure.
Clematis - promotes focus and alertness, helps to anchor thoughts in the present, and prevents absent-mindedness.
This finished mixture is easy to use, simply spray it on your pillow, in your bedroom or around the room. You can also use it during meditation or yoga to enhance your relaxation experience. Simply shake the bottle well and spray the mist around your body or on your clothing.
So why wait? Try the Odinelixir Flower Essence Finished Mixture Relax Spr 10 ml today and start experiencing the benefits of a relaxing and stress-free lifestyle...