kiire haavade paranemine
Compeed blasenpflaster m 10 stk
Property name Blistering Plaster Composition EU. Features Compeed Blister Plasters medium 5pcsImmediate pain and pressure relief. Protection against friction.The COMPEED® hydrocolloid. Technology is an active gel with moisture-absorbing particles. The COMPEED® pilaster acts like a second skin and supports the naturally moist wound environment for:? Immediate pain and pressure relief? Protection and padding against friction? Fast wound healing. Sticks for several days on average. Individual variations are possible. Application Clean and dry the skin before use. Do not touch the sticky side of the patch. Do not remove the pilaster until it begins to detach by itself (it can remain in place for several days). Consult a doctor before use if you have diabetes.Detailed application instructions & warnings in the inner card. Property name Blister Plaster Composition EU. Properties Compeed Blister Plasters medium 5pcsImmediate pain and pressure relief. Protection against friction.The COMPEED® hydrocolloid. Technology is an active gel with moisture-absorbing particles. The COMPEED® pilaster acts like a second skin and supports the naturally moist wound environment for:? Immediate pain and pressure relief? Protection and padding against friction? Fast wound healing. Sticks for several days on average. Individual variations are possible. Application Clean and dry the skin before use. Do not touch the sticky side of the patch. Do not remove the pilaster until it begins to detach by itself (it can remain in place for several days). Consult a doctor before use if you have diabetes.Detailed application instructions & warnings in the inner card.This Product is CE certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
28,39 USD
Compeed blasenpflaster mix
Property name Blistering Plaster Composition EU. Properties Compeed blister plaster mix 5pcs.The COMPEED® hydrocolloid technology is an active gel with moisture-absorbing particles. The COMPEED® plaster acts like a second skin and supports the naturally moist wound environment for:? Immediate pain and pressure relief.? Protection and cushioning against friction.? Fast wound healing. p> Application Clean and dry the skin before use. Do not touch the sticky side of the patch. Do not remove the plaster until it starts to fall off by itself (it can last for several days). If you have diabetes, consult your doctor before use. Detailed application notes & warnings in the inner map. Property name Blister Plasters Composition EU. Properties Compeed Blister Plasters Mix 5pcs.The COMPEED® hydrocolloid technology is an active gel with moisture-absorbing particles. The COMPEED® plaster acts like a second skin and supports the naturally moist wound environment for:? Immediate pain and pressure relief.? Protection and cushioning against friction.? Fast wound healing. p> Application Clean and dry the skin before use. Do not touch the sticky side of the patch. Do not remove the plaster until it starts to fall off by itself (it can last for several days). If you have diabetes, consult your doctor before use. Detailed application instructions & warnings in the inner card.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
33,19 USD
Compeed blister s 6 pcs
Compeed Blister Plaster S 6 tk Blisterplaaster div> Kompositsioon EL. Atribuudid Compeed blisterplaaster 5ST Kohene valu ja rõhu leevendamine. Kaitse hõõrdumise eest. COMPEED® hüdrokolloid. Tehnoloogia on niiskust imavate osakestega aktiivne geel. COMPEED® pilaster toimib nagu teine nahk ja toetab looduslikult niisket haavakeskkonda: - Kohene valu ja surve leevendamine - Kaitse ja polster hõõrdumise eest - Haava kiire paranemine. Kestab keskmiselt mitu päeva. Võimalikud on individuaalsed variatsioonid. Rakendus Enne kasutamist puhastage ja kuivatage nahk. Ärge puudutage plaastri kleepuvat pinda. Eemaldage pilaster alles siis, kui see hakkab eralduma (võib kleepuda mitu päeva). Kui teil on diabeet, pidage enne kasutamist nõu oma arstiga. Üksikasjalikud rakendusjuhised ja hoiatused sisekaardil. ..
19,88 USD
Compeed blisters on toes 8 pcs
Compeed blisterplaastrid varvastel 8 tk Blisterplaaster div> Kompositsioon EL. Atribuudid Compeed blisterplaaster 5ST Kohene valu ja rõhu leevendamine. Kaitse hõõrdumise eest. COMPEED® hüdrokolloid. Tehnoloogia on niiskust imavate osakestega aktiivne geel. COMPEED® pilaster toimib nagu teine nahk ja toetab looduslikult niisket haavakeskkonda: - Kohene valu ja surve leevendamine - Kaitse ja polster hõõrdumise eest - Haava kiire paranemine. Kestab keskmiselt mitu päeva. Võimalikud on individuaalsed variatsioonid. Rakendus Enne kasutamist puhastage ja kuivatage nahk. Ärge puudutage plaastri kleepuvat pinda. Eemaldage pilaster alles siis, kui see hakkab eralduma (võib kleepuda mitu päeva). Kui teil on diabeet, pidage enne kasutamist nõu oma arstiga. Üksikasjalikud rakendusjuhised ja hoiatused sisekaardil. ..
19,88 USD
Dermaplast härra imeline
DERMAPLAST Mr. Wonderful on esmaklassiline sidemega sillutustoode, mis on loodud haavade kiireks paranemiseks ja kaitseks. Sellel uuenduslikul sidemel on ainulaadne plastmaterjal, mis tagab suurepärase nakkuvuse ja vastupidavuse. Selle kiire assotsiatsioonitehnoloogia tagab haava kiire ja turvalise sulgemise, soodustades optimaalseid paranemistingimusi. Ideaalne erinevate haavade ja vigastuste korral, DERMAPLAST Mr. Wonderful pakub usaldusväärset ja mugavat kaitset, võimaldades kasutajatel oma igapäevaseid tegevusi enesekindlalt teha. Usaldage DERMAPLASTi tõhusate haavahoolduslahenduste jaoks, mis vastavad teie vajadustele...
10,17 USD