Tutvuge Šveitsi esmaklassiliste näoniisutajate valikuga, sealhulgas Vichy Liftactiv Flexilift 25. See noorendav toode ühendab jumestuskreemi ja niisutaja eelised, mis on spetsiaalselt loodud teie naha elastsuse suurendamiseks ning särava ja noorusliku välimuse tagamiseks. Uuendage oma nahahooldusrutiini meie kvaliteetsete toodete valikuga, mis on loodud vastama kõigile teie iluvajadustele.
Anti-age sun fluid protects the face from UVA/UVB radiation and environmental pollution.
The Lubex anti-age sun fluid face is usually used in addition to day care to offer good protection on days with high UV exposure and environmental pollution.
protects against UVA/UVB radiationacts as an antioxidantprotects against wrinkling as well as cell and DNA damage (anti-pollution effect)well tolerateddoes not irritate the eyes
Shake well before use ! The sun fluid is applied to the face, neck, décolleté and hands with your fingertips after day care (e.g. Lubex anti-age day classic / day classic UV 10 / day rich) and before make-up applied. If no daily active treatment is used, Lubex anti-age sun fluid face can also be applied directly to cleansed facial skin.