
eukalüpti eeterlik õli

Tooted 1 - 5, tooteid kokku 5, lehekülgi 1
Avasta eukalüpti eeterliku õli taaselustav jõud. Looduslike raviomaduste poolest tuntud eukalüptiõli on teie terviserutiini jaoks hädavajalik. See eukalüptipuu lehtedest pärinev eeterlik õli pakub värskendavat, kosutavat aroomi, mis tõstab tuju ja soodustab hingamisteede tervist. Eukalüptiõli, mis sobib ideaalselt kasutamiseks aroomiteraapias, massaažis ja looduslikes puhastusvahendites, aitab leevendada ummikuid, leevendada lihasvalu ja vähendada stressi. Kogege selle puhta ja mitmekülgse eeterliku õli eeliseid, mis on saadaval mitmesugustes kvaliteetsetes toodetes. Iga toode, mis sobib ideaalselt teie tervise- ja ilurežiimi parandamiseks, on valmistatud hoolikalt Šveitsi parimatest koostisosadest.
Aromalife lõhnasegu äth / õlijääk fl 10 ml

Aromalife lõhnasegu äth / õlijääk fl 10 ml

Tootekood: 6373601

Aromalife lõhnasegu Äth / õlijääk Fl 10 ml omadusedSäilitustemp min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 0,00000000 g Pikkus: 0 mm Laius: 0 mm Kõrgus: 0 mm Ostke Aromalife'i lõhnasegu Äth / õli ülejäänud Fl 10 ml Internetis Šveitsist..

23.90 USD

Aromalife top eukalüpt 12 äth / õli fl 5 ml

Aromalife top eukalüpt 12 äth / õli fl 5 ml

Tootekood: 7843345

Aromalife TOP Eucalyptus 12 Äth / Oil Fl 5ml Experience the refreshing and soothing aroma of the Aromalife TOP Eucalyptus Essential Oil. This premium-quality essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree and offers a range of benefits for your physical and mental health. Benefits: Relieves respiratory issues: Eucalyptus oil has properties that make it useful in treating respiratory problems. It can help clear congested sinuses and fight infections, making it effective in relieving common cold, flu, asthma, and other respiratory issues. Reduces stress and anxiety: The aroma of Eucalyptus oil has a calming and soothing effect on the mind, making it effective in reducing stress and anxiety. It promotes relaxation and can help with sleep issues. Repels insects: Eucalyptus oil is an excellent natural insect repellent. Its refreshing aroma keeps insects at bay, making it useful in protecting you from insect bites and stings. Relieves muscle pain: Eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory properties that make it effective in relieving muscle pain and soreness. It can be used in massage blends to help alleviate muscle tension and stiffness. Usage: Eucalyptus oil can be used in various ways: Diffusion: Add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil to a diffuser to fill your room with its refreshing aroma and enjoy its benefits. Inhalation: Add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam to relieve respiratory issues. Massage: Mix a few drops of Eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil and massage into sore muscles and joints to relieve pain and stiffness. Bath: Add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil to your bathwater to promote relaxation and relieve stress. With Aromalife TOP Eucalyptus Essential Oil, you can enjoy the benefits of this natural wonder. It comes in a 5ml bottle and has a shelf life of two years. ..

18.36 USD

Aromasan eucalyptus citriodora äth / õli 30 ml

Aromasan eucalyptus citriodora äth / õli 30 ml

Tootekood: 4730712

Aromasan Eucalyptus Citriodora Äth / Oil 30 mlKogege Eucalyptus Citriodora loomulikku ja värskendavat lõhna koos Aromasan Eucalyptus Citriodora Äth / õliga 30 ml. Eucalyptus Citriodora taime lehtedest pärinev eeterlik õli on tuntud oma kosutavate ja noorendavate omaduste poolest.Aromasan Eucalyptus Citriodora Äth / Oil 30 ml on mugavas pudelis, mis võimaldab teil hõlpsasti säilitada ja väljastada õli erinevateks kasutusteks. Vaid mõni tilk seda õli võib anda teile värskendava ja rahustava aroomi, mis võib aidata teie tuju tõsta ja meelt kergendada. Samuti võib see leevendada ummikuid, köha, allergiaid ja muid hingamisprobleeme.Funktsioonid: 100% puhas ja looduslik eukalüpti tsitriodora eeterlik õli 30 ml pudel lihtsaks säilitamiseks ja väljastamiseks Värskendav ja noorendav aroom, mis tõstab tuju Aitab leevendada hingamisteede probleeme, nagu ummikud, köha ja allergiad Saadetud kvaliteetsetest Eucalyptus Citriodora lehtedest Ükskõik, kas otsite looduslikku ravimit hingamisteede probleemide jaoks või soovite lihtsalt nautida Eucalyptus Citriodora värsket ja meeliülendavat lõhna, Aromasan Eucalyptus Citriodora Äth / Oil 30 ml on suurepärane valik. Värskendava ja kosutava kogemuse saamiseks lisage paar tilka difuusorile, vannivette või massaažiõlile...

26.68 USD

Herboristeria eucalyptus äth/öl 10 ml

Herboristeria eucalyptus äth/öl 10 ml

Tootekood: 2888277

Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl 10 ml The Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl 10 ml is a pure and natural essential oil extracted from the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree. It is known for its powerful cleansing and healing properties that can benefit the mind, body, and spirit. Benefits of Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl Respiratory health: Eucalyptus essential oil is commonly used to alleviate respiratory issues such as coughs, colds, and congestion. It helps to open up the airways and reduce inflammation in the respiratory system. Relieve pain: Eucalyptus oil has analgesic properties that help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body. It is often used to ease muscle and joint pain, headaches, and menstrual cramps. Boost Immune system: Eucalyptus essential oil has powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to boost the immune system. It is also used as an expectorant and decongestant that can help to reduce symptoms of colds and flu. Reduce stress: Essential oils derived from the Eucalyptus plant are known to have a calming effect on the mind and body. It can help to reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and tension. How to use Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl There are many ways to use Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl: Add a few drops to a diffuser or vaporizer to help purify the air and promote respiratory health. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or olive oil and apply it to the skin to help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Use it in a warm bath to help relax the mind and body. Add a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water to create a natural cleaning solution that will help to disinfect and deodorize surfaces. The Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl 10 ml is a versatile and potent essential oil that can provide many benefits to your health and well-being. It is a must-have for any natural medicine cabinet or aromatherapy collection...

13.15 USD

Puressentiel zitrone-eukalyptus äth/öl bio

Puressentiel zitrone-eukalyptus äth/öl bio

Tootekood: 6702588

Kogege PURESSENTIEL orgaanilise sidruni-eukalüpti eeterõli värskendavaid ja kosutavaid omadusi. See eeterlik õli, mis pärineb esmaklassilistest orgaanilistest koostisosadest, pakub meeldiva sidrunilõhna ja meeliülendava eukalüpti aroomi segu. Seda mitmekülgsete rakenduste poolest tuntud eeterlikku õli saab kasutada aroomiteraapias, massaažis või lisada teie isetehtud nahahooldus- ja puhastustoodetele. Kasutage looduse jõudu selle puhta ja loodusliku eeterliku õliga, mis ei sisalda kahjulikke kemikaale ega lisandeid. Suurendage oma heaolu ja keskkonda sidruni ja eukalüpti erksa lõhnaga, mille on teile toonud PURESSENTIEL...

18.31 USD

Tooted 1 - 5, tooteid kokku 5, lehekülgi 1
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