

Tooted 1 - 12, tooteid kokku 12, lehekülgi 1
Tutvuge meie keskkonnasõbralike toodete valikuga, mis on mõeldud keskkonnateadlikule tarbijale. Meie valikus on uuenduslikud, korduvkasutatavad ja biolagunevad esemed, mis aitavad vähendada jäätmeid ja edendavad säästvat eluviisi. Alates suure jõudlusega puhastuslahendustest, nagu korduvkasutatav Kotofom Sponge GRII, kuni orgaaniliste ja kemikaalivabade isikliku hügieeni toodeteni, nagu Natracare tampoonid ja Morga küpsetuspulber ilma fosfaadita, on iga toode loodud nii, et see minimeerib keskkonnamõju ilma kvaliteedis järeleandmisi tegemata. Meie pakkumised annavad teile võimaluse teha valikuid, mis pole mitte ainult teile head, vaid ka planeedi suhtes õrnad, toetades tervislikumat ja rohelisemat elustiili. Uurige juba täna ja ühinege meiega, et muuta keskkonnasõbralikud alternatiivid.
Glad tag periodenunterwäsche s leicht

Glad tag periodenunterwäsche s leicht

Tootekood: 7836008

GLAD Tag Periodenunterwäsche S leicht Introducing the GLAD Tag Periodenunterwäsche S leicht, a revolutionary product designed for women to comfortably and confidently manage their periods. Made with high-quality materials and advanced technology, this period underwear offers superior protection and comfort, allowing you to go about your day without any worries or discomfort. Features and Benefits High Absorbency: The GLAD Tag Periodenunterwäsche S leicht can absorb up to 30 ml of menstrual fluid, keeping you dry and comfortable throughout the day. Leak-Proof Design: The underwear comes with a waterproof layer that prevents any leakage and ensures that your clothes remain stain-free. Soft and Comfortable: Made with soft, breathable fabric, this period underwear is gentle on your skin and offers maximum comfort. Machine Washable: Unlike disposable pads, this period underwear is reusable and can be easily washed in a washing machine. Environmentally Friendly: By using the GLAD Tag Periodenunterwäsche S leicht, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier environment. How to Use Using the GLAD Tag Periodenunterwäsche S leicht is simple and easy. Simply wear the underwear as you would wear your regular underwear, and let it do the rest. The high absorbency and leak-proof design ensure that you stay dry and comfortable throughout the day, without any worries or discomfort. Size Information The GLAD Tag Periodenunterwäsche S leicht comes in various sizes to ensure a perfect fit for every woman. The S size is ideal for women with a hip circumference of 84-94 cm, and a waist circumference of 60-70 cm. Order Now If you want to experience the comfort and convenience of the GLAD Tag Periodenunterwäsche S leicht, order now and join thousands of satisfied customers who have made the switch to period underwear. With its advanced technology and superior design, you can be confident that you are using the best product to manage your periods...

71.04 USD

Kotofom sponge grii

Kotofom sponge grii

Tootekood: 408534

Kotofom Sponge GRII The Kotofom Sponge GRII is a must-have product for pet owners who love their furry friends but also want to keep their homes clean and tidy from pet hair, dander, and other particles. This innovative sponge is designed to effortlessly remove pet hair from carpets, upholstery, and any other fabric surfaces without damaging the material. The Kotofom Sponge GRII is made from high-quality materials, which make it durable and efficient. The sponge features a unique texture that attracts pet hair and other particles like a magnet. It works by lifting the hair and trapping it in the sponge, making it easy to dispose of without leaving any residue behind. The sponge is incredibly easy to use, simply dampen it with water and rub it over the surface you want to clean. The sponge is versatile and can be used on a variety of surfaces, including cars, furniture, clothing, and much more. One of the best things about the Kotofom Sponge GRII is that it?s environmentally friendly. Unlike traditional lint rollers or other pet hair removal techniques that use disposable products, this sponge is reusable, making it a cost-effective option that also reduces waste. Finally, the Kotofom Sponge GRII is designed to be ergonomically friendly with a comfortable and easy-to-grip handle, making it ideal for those with arthritis or hand mobility issues. In conclusion, the Kotofom Sponge GRII is a fantastic solution for pet owners who want to keep their homes clean and hair-free without using harsh chemicals or disposable products. It?s easy to use, environmentally friendly, and can be used on a variety of surfaces, making it a versatile and invaluable tool for any pet owner...

9.46 USD

Lastround wiederverwendbare wattepads grün

Lastround wiederverwendbare wattepads grün

Tootekood: 7797992

LASTROUND Wiederverwendbare Wattepads grün Der LASTROUND Wiederverwendbare Wattepads sind die umweltfreundliche Alternative zu herkömmlichen Wattepads. Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Bambus und Baumwolle sind diese Pads besonders weich und sanft zur Haut. Sie sind perfekt geeignet zur Reinigung des Gesichts, Entfernung von Make-up sowie zur Anwendung von Gesichtswasser oder Toner. Mit jedem Einsatz der LASTROUND Pads leisten Sie einen aktiven Beitrag zum Schutz unserer Umwelt. Dank ihrer wiederverwendbaren Eigenschaft sind sie eine nachhaltige Lösung und können problemlos in der Maschine gewaschen und immer wieder verwendet werden. Die LASTROUND Wiederverwendbare Wattepads sind in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich und werden in einem praktischen Aufbewahrungsbeutel geliefert. So können Sie sie bequem aufbewahren und auch unterwegs mitnehmen. Bestellen Sie jetzt unsere LASTROUND Wiederverwendbare Wattepads und sagen Sie "Tschüss" zu Einweg-Produkten und "Hallo" zu einer umweltfreundlichen Alternative, die Ihrer Haut und unserer Umwelt zugutekommt! ..

23.14 USD

Morga küpsetuspulber ilma fosfaadita btl 200 g

Morga küpsetuspulber ilma fosfaadita btl 200 g

Tootekood: 6982889

Morga Baking Powder without Phosphate Btl 200g Introducing the perfect ingredient for your baking needs - Morga Baking Powder without Phosphate Btl 200g! This baking powder is composed of high-quality ingredients that are guaranteed to make your baked goods rise to perfection. It's not only great for baking, but it's also very healthy and environmentally friendly. Benefits: Phosphate-free: Our baking powder doesn't contain any phosphate, which makes it healthier and safer to use compared to other baking powders in the market. Organic ingredients: The ingredients used in this baking powder are organic, so you can rest assured that you'll be using a product that's free from harmful chemicals or additives. Easy to use: You only need to use a small amount of this baking powder to make your baked goods rise perfectly. High-quality: Our baking powder is made from high-quality ingredients that are carefully selected and tested to make sure that they meet our standards for excellence. Environmentally friendly: Our Morga Baking Powder without Phosphate Btl 200g uses environmentally friendly ingredients, making it safe to use for you and for the environment. Usage: Using our Morga Baking Powder without Phosphate Btl 200g is easy. Simply use 1 to 2 teaspoons for every cup of flour, mix well, and you're good to go! This baking powder is perfect for making cakes, cookies, bread, and other baked goods, giving them that perfect rise and fluffiness that you've always wanted. Conclusion: Morga Baking Powder without Phosphate Btl 200g is an excellent addition to your baking essentials. It's a healthy, organic, and environmentally friendly alternative to other baking powders in the market. With its high-quality ingredients, you'll be assured of perfectly risen baked goods every time you use it! Order now and experience the difference with Morga Baking Powder without Phosphate Btl 200g!..

11.73 USD

Natracare super plus tampoonid 20 tk

Natracare super plus tampoonid 20 tk

Tootekood: 2764552

Natracare Super Plus tampons were developed as a direct answer to health and environmental issues related to dioxin pollution, including chlorine bleaching and other synthetic materials in tampons. They consist only of tested 100% organic cotton, which reduces the risk of direct contact with toxic, carcinogenic substances...

9.71 USD

Natracare super tampons with applicator 16 pieces

Natracare super tampons with applicator 16 pieces

Tootekood: 2764598

Natracare Super Tampons with applicator were developed as a direct answer to health and environmental issues related to dioxin pollution, including chlorine bleaching and other synthetic materials in tampons. They consist only of tested 100% organic cotton, which reduces the risk of direct contact with toxic, carcinogenic substances. The applicator, made of soft, glidable cardboard, has rounded edges and is shaped like a petal, which makes inserting the tampon easier and more pleasant...

10.55 USD

Natracare tualettpaberi niiske safe flush

Natracare tualettpaberi niiske safe flush

Tootekood: 7795175

NATRACARE Safe Flush märg tualettpaber Märg tualettpaber Naturacare Safe Flush on ideaalne lahendus kõigile inimestele, kes hoolivad keskkonnast ja hindavad samal ajal hügieenilist puhtust. See paber on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest ja sellel on niiske pind, mis tagab õrna ja tõhusa puhastamise. Selle tualettpaberi eripära on see, et see on täielikult biolagunev. Erinevalt tavalistest niisketest salvrätikutest, mis sageli lõpetavad torude ummistumise ja nende kahjulike komponentide reovette paiskamise, võib selle paberi muretult tualetti visata. Keskkonnasõbralik koostis ei sisalda plastmassi, parabeene ega muid kahjulikke kemikaale. NATRACARE Safe Flush märg tualettpaber sobib eriti hästi tundliku nahaga inimestele. See ei sisalda lõhnaaineid ega muid allergeenseid komponente, mis võivad põhjustada nahaärritust. pH väärtus on tasakaalustatud ja tagab õrna puhastamise ilma nahka kuivatamata. Paber on dermatoloogiliselt testitud ja vastab kõrgeimatele kvaliteedistandarditele. See on saadaval käepärases pakendis, mis sobib ideaalselt liikvel olles või reisil olles. Tellige NATRACARE Safe Flush niiske tualettpaber kohe ja avastage hügieenilise puhastamise uus mõõde! ..

4.63 USD

Rõõmus tag pestav perioodi aluspesu l tugev

Rõõmus tag pestav perioodi aluspesu l tugev

Tootekood: 7836017

Glad Tag pestav perioodiline aluspesu L Tugev L-suuruses pestav perioodiline aluspesu Glad Tag sobib suurepäraselt naistele, kes otsivad jätkusuutlikku alternatiivi traditsioonilistele ühekordselt kasutatavatele menstruatsioonitoodetele. See aluspesu on spetsiaalselt loodud naistele, kes soovivad olla kogu päeva mugav ja turvaline, ilma et peaksid kartma tampoonide või padjandite lekkimise pärast. Tugeva imavusega imab Glad Tag aluspesu kuni 20 ml vedelikku, mistõttu on see ideaalne keskmise ja raske perioodide või isegi tugevama vooluga päevade jaoks. Aluspesu on valmistatud pehmest ja hingavast materjalist, mis on vastupidav, mugav ja nahasõbralik. Glad Tag pestav perioodi aluspesu on ka keskkonnasõbralikum kui traditsioonilised ühekordsed tooted. Seda saab pesta kuni 100 korda, mis tähendab, et saate korduvkasutatavatele toodetele üle minnes säästa palju raha ja vähendada oma süsiniku jalajälge. Lisaks olete selle aluspesuga alati valmis ega pea muretsema, millal peate oma ühekordsed esemed uuesti ostma. Suurus L sobib ideaalselt naistele, kelle vööümbermõõt on 100–110 cm. Seda aluspesu saate kasutada ka raseduse ajal või pärast sünnitust või lihtsalt turvalise võimalusena ettearvamatutel aegadel. Glad Tagi pestava perioodi aluspesuga võite end keskkonda kaitstes turvaliselt tunda!..

71.04 USD

Sana hügieenikotid 50 tk

Sana hügieenikotid 50 tk

Tootekood: 7323812

Hygiene bag made of blue-colored polyethylene film for the environmentally friendly disposal of pads and tampons. Hygiene bag made of blue-colored polyethylene film for the environmentally friendly Elimination of pads and tampons. ..

7.46 USD

Sonneti universaalne puhastusvahend fl 1 lt

Sonneti universaalne puhastusvahend fl 1 lt

Tootekood: 5722809

Sonnet Allesreiniger Fl 1 lt omadusedKogus pakendis: 1 lKaal: 0,00000000g Pikkus: 0 mm >Laius: 0 mm Kõrgus: 0 mm Ostke Šveitsist võrgus Sonnet Allesreiniger Fl 1 lt..

11.13 USD

Starwax vapustav krohvkütus 95 ° fl 1000 ml

Starwax vapustav krohvkütus 95 ° fl 1000 ml

Tootekood: 7765031

Introducing Starwax the fabulous plaster fuel 95 ° Fl 1000 ml, the ideal solution for all your heating needs this winter! This high-quality plaster fuel is perfect for use with all types of plaster stoves, burners, and heaters. It contains 95% ethanol and has a high calorific value, making it extremely efficient and economical to use. Starwax the fabulous plaster fuel is a clean and easy burning fuel that produces a bright and steady flame. It is smokeless, odourless, and produces very low emissions, making it an environmentally friendly option for heating your home or office. It is perfect for use in enclosed spaces and is safe for indoor use. The 1000 ml bottle is convenient and easy to use. Simply pour the fuel into your plaster stove or burner and light the wick. The long-lasting flame will provide you with warmth and comfort for hours on end. And when you're done, the fuel burns cleanly, leaving no residue or ash behind. Starwax the fabulous plaster fuel 95 ° Fl 1000 ml is manufactured to the highest quality standards and is %100 safe to use for all your heating needs. With its convenient packaging, superior quality, and unbeatable price, it is the perfect choice for every household. Don't wait, order yours today!..

21.69 USD

Tadam perioodi aluspesu tugev verejooks l

Tadam perioodi aluspesu tugev verejooks l

Tootekood: 7841166

TAADAM perioodiline aluspesu tugeva verejooksu jaoks L TADAM Period Underwear for Heavy Bleeding L on revolutsiooniline toode, mis on spetsiaalselt loodud naistele, kes kannatavad menstruatsiooni ajal tugeva verejooksu all. Selle aluspesuga saate nautida menstruatsiooni ilma ebamugavuste, ebamugavuste ja piiranguteta. TADAM Period Underwear for Heavy Bleeding L pakub suurepärast jõudlust ja mugavust kogu päevaks. See on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest ja sobib ideaalselt. Materjal on hingav ja niiskust imav, mis annab mugava kandmiskogemuse ja kaitseb ebameeldiva lõhna eest. Lisaks on aluspesu hüpoallergeenne, seega ei pea te nahaärrituse pärast muretsema. TADAM Period Underwear for Heavy Bleeding L on suure imavusega, mis pakub teile maksimaalset kaitset. See hoiab ära vere lekke ja hoiab teid kogu päeva kuivana ja puhtana. Menstruatsiooni ajal mugavaks tundmiseks ei pea te kasutama kalleid padjandeid, tampoone ega menstruatsioonikuppe. TADAM Period Underwear for Heavy Flow L-ga on teil kõik, mida vajate. TADAM Period Underwear for Heavy Flow L veel üks plusspunkt on selle keskkonnasõbralikkus. Säästate raha ja vähendate saastet, sest peate vähem kasutama tualettpaberit, padjakesi, tampoone või menstruatsioonikuppe. See aluspesu on pestav ja korduvkasutatav, nii et saate seda mitu korda kasutada. See muudab selle naistele taskukohaseks, praktiliseks ja jätkusuutlikuks valikuks. Kokkuvõtlikult võib öelda, et TADAM Period Underwear for Heavy Flow L on suurepärane toode naistele, kes kannatavad menstruatsiooni ajal tugeva verejooksu all. See on mugav, ohutu, imav, keskkonnasõbralik ja odav. Telli kohe ja naudi oma menstruatsiooni ilma piirangute ja ebamugavusteta! ..

47.16 USD

Tooted 1 - 12, tooteid kokku 12, lehekülgi 1
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