elastne tugiside
Actimove sport thigh bandage
Actimove Sport Thigh Bandage pakub sihipärast tuge ja kompressiooni reievigastuste ja pingete raviks. Kvaliteetsetest hingavatest materjalidest valmistatud side pakub mugavat sobivust, mis võimaldab füüsiliste tegevuste ajal kõiki liigutusi. Reguleeritav disain tagab turvalise ja kohandatava sobivuse erineva suurusega inimestele. Olenemata sellest, kas taastute spordiga seotud vigastusest või otsite täiendavat tuge füüsilise koormuse ajal, on see reie side usaldusväärne valik. See soodustab paranemist, stabiliseerides reielihaseid ja vähendades pinget, muutes selle väärtuslikuks lisandiks teie spordivigastustest taastumisel või ennetavas hoolduses...
45.25 USD
Dermaplast active uni belt abdomen 3 105-130cm väike
DermaPlast ACTIVE Uni Belt kõht 3 105–130 cm väike Elastne kõhu side traumajärgseks ja operatsioonijärgseks toetamiseks, kõhu stabiliseerimiseks ja leevendamiseks ning immobiliseerimiseks. Individuaalselt reguleeritav. Universaalset kõhu sidet kasutatakse operatsioonijärgseks ja traumajärgseks toetamiseks, stabiliseerimiseks ja leevendamiseks ning kõhu immobiliseerimiseks. See kergendab pärast operatsioone hingamist/köhimist, toetab paranemisprotsessi ja hoiab ära edasised vigastused. Vööümbermõõdu suurused: - 1. suurus: 70-90 cm - 2. suurus: 85-110 cm - 3. suurus: 105-130 cm - 4. suurus: 125-150 cm...
96.73 USD
Dermaplast combifix körperverband 8cmx4m
DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX Körperverband 8cmx4m DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX is a high-quality body bandage that can be used for wound care and injury prevention in various body parts. The bandage is made up of elastic and adaptable materials that can be easily adjusted to the body contours, providing optimal comfort and security. The versatile nature of the bandage makes it ideal for use in areas that are exposed to motion and tension, providing additional support as needed. Features: 8cm x 4m size - suitable for various body parts Elastic and adaptable material - comfortable and secure fit Non-slip formula - maintains position during movement Easy application - fast and efficient use Hypoallergenic - gentle on the skin Breathable - prevents moisture buildup Uses: DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX bandage can be used to cover and protect wounds, as well as prevent injuries and provide additional support. The bandage is ideal for use during physical activities or sports, where the risk of injury is high. It can also be used for general wound care and post-operative recovery. The elastic and adaptable nature of the bandage ensures optimal comfort and security, making it a versatile and convenient wound care solution. Instructions for use: Clean and dry the affected area before applying the bandage Cut the required length of the bandage from the roll Apply the bandage to the affected area, ensuring a tight yet comfortable fit Secure the bandage in place by pressing down gently on the edges. Ensure that the bandage stays in place during movement Remove the bandage gently after use, and dispose of it according to the appropriate waste disposal regulations DERMAPLAST COMBIFIX is a high-quality, versatile bandage that provides optimal comfort and security during wound care and injury prevention. The bandage's elastic and adaptable materials make it suitable for use on various body parts, while its non-slip formula ensures that it maintains position during movement. The bandage is easy to apply, hypoallergenic, and breathable, making it an ideal wound care solution for general use and during physical activities or sports. ..
16.97 USD
Dermaplast gazebinde festkantig 4cmx10m 10 stk
DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig 4cmx10m 10 Stk DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig is a high-quality dressing for injuries and wound care. The dressing is made of non-woven fabric and is designed to provide excellent support and protection to the affected area. Its special weave structure ensures that it remains stable during movement and prevents slipping and shifting of the bandage. DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig is easy to apply and comes in a convenient size of 4cm x 10m, making it ideal for any type of injury or wound. The bandage can be used to cover small or large wounds on any part of the body, and it is suitable for both adults and children. The package contains 10 pieces of DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig, and each piece is individually wrapped for hygiene and easy storage. The dressing is highly breathable and ensures that the wound remains dry and clean, promoting faster healing process. Its high-quality adhesive ensures that the bandage stays securely in place, providing maximum comfort and protection to the injured area. DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig is an essential item for your first aid kit and is perfect for use at home, in schools, offices, and any other environment where injuries can occur. Buy DermaPlast Gazebinde festkantig today and have a reliable and effective dressing for all your wound care needs...
67.64 USD
Epitrain aktiivne tugi koos vööga gr4 titaan
EpiTrain aktiivne side, mille rihma suurus on 4, titaan 4. suuruse titaani rihmaga aktiivside EpiTrain on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud side, mis toetab sportimisel ja igapäevaelus. See on ideaalne lahendus inimestele, kes kannatavad küünarnukivalu käes ja otsivad tuge paranemise ajal. EpiTrain aktiivne side on eriti paindlik ja kohandub ideaalselt küünarnuki kujuga. Tänu kvaliteetsete materjalide kasutamisele on see väga vastupidav ja vajadusel pestav. EpiTraini aktiivsideme eripäraks on sisseehitatud rihm, mis on reguleeritav ja võimaldab seega individuaalset reguleerimist. See tagab optimaalse hoidmise ja mugavuse. Ideaalse surve ja tõhusa toe tagamiseks saab rihma vastavalt vajadusele pingutada või lõdvendada. 4. suuruse titaanist rihmaga EpiTrain aktiivne side võib samuti aidata vereringet soodustada ja põletikku vähendada. Tänu oma kõrgele hingavusele saab seda kanda tundide kaupa, ilma et see ebamugavaks muutuks. See soodustab küünarnuki taastumist ja leevendab valu. Tänu täpsele kujule, rihma poolt pakutavale toele ja hingavatele materjalidele on Gr4 titaanrihmaga EpiTrain aktiivside ideaalne valik sportlastele ja kõigile, kellel on küünarnuki piirkonnas valu. Tänu ainulaadsele tehnoloogiale võimaldab see kiiret taastumist ja tavapäraste tegevuste juurde naasmist...
144.79 USD
Flawa association kassett 8x10cm + 8cmx4m steriilne
Flawa Associationi kasseti omadused 8x10cm + 8cmx4m steriilneEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis : 1 tkKaal: 10 g Pikkus: 30 mm Laius: 40 mm Kõrgus: 85 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist steriilne Flawa Association kassett 8x10cm + 8cmx4m..
7.08 USD
Flawa fikseeritud koormusside 6cmx10m
Flava fikseeritud koormussideme omadused 6 cm x 10 mEuroopa CE sertifikaatSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 tükidKaal: 36 g Pikkus: 61 mm Laius: 61 mm Kõrgus: 69 mm Ostke Flawa Fikseeritud koormusside 6cmx10m võrgus Šveitsist..
7.49 USD
Flawa nova varix lühike veniv side 8cmx5m
Composition 66% cotton, 34% polyamide. Properties Suitable for support, relief and compression bandages. Washable at 60° C on a gentle cycle. Extensibility of about 40%. Composition 66 % cotton, 34 % polyamide. Properties Suitable for support, relief and compression bandages. Washable at 60° C on a gentle cycle. Stretchability of approx. 40%.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
19.88 USD
Hartmann ideaalne side 10cmx5m
HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m The HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is a high-quality, soft and elastic bandage made with a combination of viscose, polyamide and elastane materials. This bandage is suitable for use in a variety of medical settings such as hospitals, clinics, and homes, and is suitable for both professional and personal use. The bandage is perfect for providing reliable and effective support to injured or strained muscles, joints and ligaments. The woven fabric provides excellent elasticity and pressure, creating a comfortable and secure fit that doesn't slip or loosen over time. The bandage conforms perfectly to the shape of the body, providing exceptional support and compression even in the most difficult areas. The HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is also highly absorbent, making it perfect for use during wound care. The bandage is breathable, allowing air to circulate through the fabric and allowing the skin to remain dry and comfortable. This makes it ideal for use in hot and humid environments, or during physical activities where excess heat and moisture can cause discomfort or irritation. The HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is easy to use and safe for patients of all ages. It is designed to be reusable, meaning it can be washed and reused multiple times, making it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option. The bandage is also latex-free, making it suitable for patients with latex allergies. Overall, the HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is an exceptional product that provides reliable and effective support and compression to strained, sore or injured muscles and joints. It is a versatile, comfortable and convenient option for both personal and professional use, and is an essential item in any first aid kit or medical setting...
9.10 USD
Leukoplast elastic 8cmx5m rull
Leukoplast elastne 8cmx5m roll Kui otsite mitmekülgset kvaliteetset venivat sidet, mis aitab teil toime tulla mitmesuguste vigastuste ja seisunditega, on Leukoplast Elastic 8cmx5m roll parim valik. See mugav ja hingav side pakub usaldusväärset ja paindlikku tuge, mis võib aidata vähendada turset, parandada vereringet ja soodustada paranemist. Funktsioonid ja eelised Valmistatud pehmest ja venivast kangast, mis vastab teie keha kontuuridele mugavaks istumiseks Pakub liigestele, lihastele ja sidemetele kindlat ja usaldusväärset tuge ilma liikumist piiramata. Võimaldab nahal hingata, vältides ärritust ja vähendades nakkusohtu Lihtne peale kanda ja eemaldada ilma kleepuvat jääki jätmata või ebamugavust tekitamata Piisavalt paindlik, et seda saaks kasutada mitmesuguste vigastuste ja seisundite korral, nagu nikastused, venitused, liigesevalu, lihaste väsimus ja operatsioonijärgne taastumine. Kasutamine Leukoplast Elastic 8cmx5m Role'i on lihtne kasutada, isegi kui teil on vähe kogemusi elastsete sidemete paigaldamisel. Lihtsalt rullige side lahti ja lõigake soovitud pikkus ära. Alustage sideme mähkimist kahjustatud piirkonna ümber, pingutades seda ühtlaselt ja kattudes kergelt iga kihiga. Kui jõuate sideme lõpuni, kinnitage see klambri või teibiga, et see paigal püsiks. Maksimaalse mugavuse ja toe tagamiseks saate pinget vastavalt vajadusele reguleerida. Ettevaatusabinõud Kuigi Leukoplast Elastic 8cmx5m Role on ohutu ja tõhus side, on tüsistuste vältimiseks oluline järgida mõningaid ettevaatusabinõusid. Ärge asetage sidet liiga tihedalt, kuna see võib piirata vereringet ja põhjustada täiendavaid kahjustusi. Kui tunnete ebatavalist valu, turset või ebamugavustunnet, eemaldage side ja pöörduge arsti poole. Samuti, kui teil on allergia või nahatundlikkus, testige sidet enne suuremal alal kasutamist väikesel alal. Uurige ise, miks Leukoplast Elastic 8cmx5m Role armastavad nii sportlased, tervishoiutöötajad kui ka isetegemise entusiastid. See on usaldusväärne ja mitmekülgne toode, mis aitab teil hõlpsalt hallata mitmesuguseid vigastusi ja tingimusi...
32.61 USD
Leukoplast elastik 4 grössen
LEUKOPLASTI elastne side pakub mitmekülgset tuge erinevat tüüpi vigastuste ja haavahooldusvajaduste korral. Kaasas neli suurust, see toode sobib erinevate kehaosadega. Elastne materjal tagab mugava kandmise, ilma et see kahjustaks kokkusurumist ja stabiilsust. Ideaalne sidemete kinnitamiseks, haavade hooldamiseks või füüsilise tegevuse ajal toe pakkumiseks. Kiiresti ühendatav tekstiil võimaldab hõlpsat pealekandmist ja püsib kindlalt paigal. Olgu see professionaalseks või isiklikuks kasutamiseks mõeldud, LEUKOPLASTI elastne side on usaldusväärne valik tõhusaks haavahoolduseks ja toeks...
10.85 USD
Leukoplast elastne 2 grössen 20 stk
Leukoplast Elastic 2 Grössen 20 Stk Leukoplast Elastic is a highly-stretchable and latex-free tape that can be used for various purposes such as supporting and stabilizing injuries. It is suitable for individuals with sensitive skin and can be easily applied and removed without causing any skin irritation. This package contains 20 pieces of tape in 2 different sizes that can be used for different areas of the body. The tape is highly elastic, providing a comfortable fit that conforms to the contours of the body. It is also water-resistant, making it ideal for use in wet conditions such as during swimming or showering. The Leukoplast Elastic tape is ideal for sports enthusiasts, athletes, and individuals who lead an active lifestyle. It can be used to provide support and reduce pain for injuries such as sprains, strains, and joint pain. It is also an effective solution for people suffering from chronic pain or those recovering from surgery. Leukoplast Elastic 2 Grössen 20 Stk is an essential item to have in any first aid kit, gym bag, or medical facility. Its elasticity and durability make it a reliable choice that offers long-lasting support and comfort. ..
7.64 USD
Leukoplast elastne 6cmx1m rull
Leukoplast Elastic 6cmx1m Roll The Leukoplast Elastic 6cmx1m Roll is a high-quality, elastic adhesive bandage that is specifically designed for providing support and compression to injured or weakened joints, muscles, and soft tissues. This product is ideal for people who engage in sports or physical activities and are prone to injuries or muscle strains. The bandage is made of elastic fabric that conforms to the shape of the body, providing a comfortable fit and optimal support. It is equipped with a strong adhesive that ensures the bandage stays in place and provides constant compression to the injured area without slipping or loosening. The Leukoplast Elastic 6cmx1m Roll is ideal for treating sprains, strains, and other injuries that require compression and support. It can also be used to prevent injuries during physical activities or as a support bandage for weak joints and muscles. The bandage is easy to apply and can be cut to the desired length, ensuring a perfect fit for any part of the body. Key Features: Elastic fabric for a comfortable fit Strong adhesive for secure placement Provides compression and support to injured or weak areas Easy to apply and cut to desired length Can be used to prevent injuries during physical activities The Leukoplast Elastic 6cmx1m Roll is a must-have product for anyone who engages in physical activities, sports or is recovering from an injury. Its high-quality construction and reliable performance mean that you can use it confidently, knowing that you are getting superior support and protection...
7.79 USD
Rhena color elast binde 6cmx5m blau offen
Product Description: RHENA Color Elast Binde 6cmx5m blau offen The RHENA Color Elast Binde is an elastic, self-adhesive bandage that is designed to provide support and stability to the affected area. It is made of a soft and comfortable fabric that conforms to the body's contours without causing any discomfort or irritation. The bandage is open-weave, which allows for easy air circulation, promoting faster healing and preventing infections. At 6cm x 5m, the bandage is a perfect size for most applications, whether it is for soft-tissue injuries, sprains, or strains. The blue color of the bandage adds a touch of style, making it perfect for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, or casual users who want to look good while recovering from an injury. The RHENA Color Elast Binde is easy to use, with its self-adhesive feature making it simple to wrap around the affected area. It can be used on any part of the body, including joints, legs, arms, and wrists. The bandage's elasticity allows for full range of motion, making it ideal for athletes who need to move around and perform at their best. The RHENA Color Elast Binde is a must-have in any first-aid kit or sports bag. It is durable, reliable, and capable of withstanding the rigors of daily use. Its soft, comfortable fabric and open-weave design provide the perfect balance of support, comfort, and airflow, making it an excellent choice for anyone who needs to recover from an injury quickly and efficiently. Order your RHENA Color Elast Binde today and experience the benefits of a high-quality self-adhesive bandage that is designed to make your recovery faster and smoother...
60.92 USD
Rhena color elast binden 4cmx5m blau offen
RHENA Color Elast Binden 4 cm x 5 m, sinine RHENA Color Elast Binden 4cmx5m blau offen on kvaliteetne elastne side, mis pakub suurepärast tuge ja kompressiooni vigastatud või nõrkadele liigestele ja lihastele. 5 m pikkuse ja 4 cm laiusega side sobib suurepäraselt erinevate kehaosade ümber mähkimiseks. Avatud kujundus muudab selle hõlpsaks pealekandmise ja reguleerimise, mistõttu sobib see kasutamiseks igas vanuses ja erineva võimekusega inimestele.Omadused ja eelised Kvaliteetne elastne side tagab suurepärase toe ja kokkusurumise 5 m pikkus ja 4 cm laius sobib suurepäraselt erinevate kehaosade ümber mähkimiseks. Avatud kujundus muudab rakenduse ja kohandamise lihtsaks Sobib kasutamiseks igas vanuses ja erineva võimekusega inimestele Värv: sinine Kasutused RHENA Color Elast Binden 4cmx5m blau offen sobib suurepäraselt kasutamiseks erinevates olukordades. Olenemata sellest, kas paranete vigastusest, vajate füüsilise tegevuse ajal täiendavat tuge või lihtsalt ebamugavustunnet või valu leevendada, on see side suurepärane valik. Seda saab kasutada ümber liigeste, nagu pahkluud, randmed, põlved ja küünarnukid, ning see pakub suurepärast tuge ja kompressiooni, et vähendada turset ja põletikku. Seda saab kasutada ka ennetava meetmena, et vältida kehalise aktiivsuse ajal vigastusi, mistõttu on see sportlaste ja aktiivse elustiiliga inimeste jaoks kohustuslik.Kasutusjuhised Enne kasutamist veenduge, et kahjustatud piirkond oleks puhas ja kuiv. Alustage sideme mähkimisega kahjustatud piirkonna ümber, tagades, et see ei oleks liiga pingul ega liiga lõtv. Jätkake sideme mähkimist, kattudes kergelt iga kihiga, kuni piirkond on piisavalt kaetud. Kinnitage side vastavalt vajadusele klambri või teibiga. Eemaldamiseks kerige side lihtsalt lahti, jälgides, et te ei tõmbaks liiga tugevalt ega liiga kiiresti. Peske sidet vastavalt hooldusjuhistele.Üldiselt on RHENA Color Elast Binden 4cmx5m blau offen suurepärane valik kõigile, kes otsivad kvaliteetset elastset sidet. Oma vastupidava disaini ning suurepärase toe ja kokkusurumisega on see ideaalne valik kõigile, kes taastuvad vigastusest või soovivad seda füüsilise tegevuse käigus vältida...
43.96 USD
Rhena color elastische binden 6cmx5m grün
Rhena Color elastsed sidemed 6cmx5m roheline Värviline keskelt veniv side. Saadaval punane, roheline, kollane ja sinine. Sobib toestavaks ja hoidvaks sidemeks, pestav. 76% puuvill, 23% polüamiid, 1% polüuretaan. Venivus ca. 65%..
8.65 USD
Rhena color elastische binden 6cmx5m sinine
Rhena Color elastsed sidemed 6cmx5m sinine Värviline keskelt veniv side. Saadaval punane, roheline, kollane ja sinine. Sobib toestavaks ja hoidvaks sidemeks, pestav. 76% puuvill, 23% polüamiid, 1% polüuretaan. Venivus ca. 65%..
8.65 USD
Rhena ideal elastische binde 4cmx5m hf
Rhena ideaalne elastne side: teie naha parim sõber Kogege võrratut mugavust ja tuge elastse sidemega Rhena Ideal. See nahavärvi side, mis on loodud pakkuma õrna, kuid tõhusat tuge mitmesuguste vigastuste ja seisundite korral, sulandub sujuvalt teie nahatooniga, muutes selle ideaalseks valikuks diskreetseks paranemiseks. Diskreetne ja mugav: nahavärvi disain tagab loomuliku välimuse. Mitmekülgne: ideaalne nikastuste, venituste ja väiksemate vigastuste korral. Vastupidav: valmistatud kvaliteetsetest hingavatest materjalidest. Lihtne kasutada: 4 cm x 5 m suurus pakub piisavat katvust. Ära lase ebamugavustundel end aeglustada. Tellige oma Rhena Ideali elastsusside juba täna ja kogege erinevust! Peamised eelised: Vähendab turset ja valu Parandab vereringet Toetab paranemist Tellige kohe ja nautige kiiret kohaletoimetamist!..
11.18 USD
Rhena lastic forte 10cmx7m hautfarbig
RHENA Lastic Forte 10cmx7m hautfarbig is a high-quality compression bandage for the treatment of acute and chronic venous insufficiency. This bandage is made from a special elastic material that ensures maximum comfort and support for the patient. Designed for use in a medical setting, this bandage is ideal for wound management, edema reduction, and the prevention of recurrence of venous leg ulcers. The high compression strength of this bandage helps to increase blood flow and reduce swelling, promoting faster healing and recovery. The bandage is also skin-friendly, reducing the risk of irritation or discomfort, and allowing the skin to breathe. The hautfarbig color blends well with most skin tones, providing a discreet and subtle look that won't draw attention to the wound site. The RHENA Lastic Forte 10cmx7m hautfarbig product is latex-free, making it suitable for patients with latex allergies. The 10cm width and 7m length make it easy to handle and apply, while providing ample coverage for larger wounds or areas of swelling. Whether dealing with a minor injury or a more serious medical condition, the RHENA Lastic Forte 10cmx7m hautfarbig bandage provides the support and protection needed for effective wound management and recovery. ..
36.91 USD
Rhena värv elastische binden 6cmx5m mäda
Rhena Color elastsed sidemed 6cmx5m punane Värviline keskelt veniv side. Saadaval punane, roheline, kollane ja sinine. Sobib toestavaks ja hoidvaks sidemeks, pestav. 76% puuvill, 23% polüamiid, 1% polüuretaan. Venivus ca. 65%..
8.65 USD
Rhena varidress 10cmx5m hautfarbig
Rhena Varidress 10cmx5m nahavärv on kvaliteetne kompressioonsidemega side, mis on loodud tõhusaks haavahoolduseks. Selle 10 cm x 5 m mõõtmetega side sobib hästi ja kindlalt erinevate haavatüüpide jaoks. Selle nahavärv seguneb sujuvalt, et tagada diskreetne ja mugav kandmine. Rhena Varidressi side on mitmekülgne ja sobib erinevateks haavahooldusrakendusteks, pakkudes usaldusväärset tuge ja kompressiooni. Ideaalne tervishoiutöötajatele, hooldajatele ja inimestele, kes vajavad tõhusaid haavasidumislahendusi, see side tagab optimaalse paranemise ja kaitse. Usaldage Rhena Varidressi suurepärase haavahoolduse jaoks...
23.75 USD
Smedico krüll köide 11,4cmx3,7m steriilne 10 tk
SMedico Krülli köite omadused 11,4 cm x 3,7 m steriilne 10 tkEuroopa CE sertifikaatSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgi Kogus pakendis: 10 tkKaal: 340 g Pikkus: 310 mm Laius: 200 mm Kõrgus: 230 mm Ostke Šveitsist võrgust SMedico Krüll köide 11,4 cm x 3,7 m steriilne 10 tk..
44.99 USD
Tubigrip vooliku side e 1mx8,75cm beež
Product Description: Tubigrip Hose Bandage E 1mx8.75cm Beige The Tubigrip Hose Bandage E 1mx8.75cm Beige is an elastic bandage that provides effective support and compression to the limbs. Made from high-quality cotton and elastodene, this bandage is a cost-effective and comfortable option for people who suffer from swollen or strained limbs. Features: Length: 1 meter Width: 8.75 cm Color: Beige Provides effective support and compression Cost-effective solution for swollen or strained limbs Latex-free and washable Can be used for a wide range of conditions including arthritis, soft tissue injuries, and varicose veins Benefits: The Tubigrip Hose Bandage E has several benefits. It helps to reduce edema or swelling by providing compression. It also improves circulation and reduces the risk of blood clots. In addition, it helps to manage pain and discomfort associated with swollen or strained limbs. The bandage is made from high-quality cotton and elastodene, making it strong and durable. It is also latex-free and washable, making it safe for people with latex allergies. It can be used for a wide range of conditions including arthritis, soft tissue injuries, and varicose veins. Directions for Use: The Tubigrip Hose Bandage E is easy to use. Simply wrap the bandage around the affected limb, ensuring that it is snug but not too tight. Start at the bottom of the limb and work your way up. Make sure that the bandage is evenly distributed and does not bunch or wrinkle. If you have any concerns about the use of this bandage, please consult a healthcare professional. Conclusion: The Tubigrip Hose Bandage E 1mx8.75cm Beige is a cost-effective and comfortable option for people who suffer from swollen or strained limbs. It provides effective support and compression, and can be used for a wide range of conditions. With its high-quality construction and latex-free design, it is a safe and reliable choice for managing edema and other conditions...
11.81 USD
Varicex s tsinkpasta side 10cmx5m
Varicex S is a zinc paste bandage that is elastic lengthwise and crosswise. Due to the double deformability of the connective tissue, the bandage can be modeled without multiple cutting and cutting and adapts to the leg precisely and without creases. When applied, the zinc paste bandage is a semi-rigid permanent bandage with low restoring force and a very good depth effect. Areas of application: As a compressing permanent bandage for subacute and chronic thrombosesInflammation of the deep and superficial veinsStasis dermatoses in the non-oozing stage. The bandage is also used as a support bandage in general orthopedics and in orthopedic aftercare. Composition: Carrier material: viscose/polyamide bandageZinc glue: zinc oxide, gelatin, calcium chloride, glycerol, waterSize: 10cm x 5m..
20.51 USD