
kahekordne pump

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
"Double Pump" silt on mõeldud tõhusate ja mitmekülgsete imetamislahenduste jaoks, mis on loodud imetavate emade toetamiseks. Sellised tooted nagu MAM 2in1 Doppelmilchpumpe elektrisch pakuvad täiustatud tehnoloogiat isikupärastatud mugavuse tagamiseks, võimaldades samaaegset piima väljutamist mõlemast rinnast. Need seadmed pakuvad nii elektri- kui ka manuaalrežiimi võimalusi, kohandudes erinevate vajadustega, tagades samas lihtsa kasutamise ja hoolduse. Need pumbad sobivad ideaalselt emadele, kes otsivad kvaliteetseid ja kohandatavaid lahendusi haavahoolduse ja põetuse kategooriates. Need pumbad parandavad terviseteadlike tarbijate imetamiskogemust tervise ja ilu sektoris.
Mam 2in1 doppelmilchpumpe elektrisch

Mam 2in1 doppelmilchpumpe elektrisch

Tootekood: 7753268

MAM 2in1 Doppelmilchpumpe elektrisch If you are looking for a comprehensive solution for your breastfeeding needs, then the MAM 2in1 Doppelmilchpumpe elektrisch is the perfect product for you. This electric breast pump has been designed for maximum comfort and efficiency, allowing you to express milk from both breasts at the same time. This product features advanced technology that allows for personalised suction levels and phase patterns, ensuring that you can express milk comfortably and efficiently. The pump also comes with a range of features that make it easy to use and maintain, from the adjustable suction levels to the compact design that makes it easy to transport and store. The unique design of the MAM 2in1 Doppelmilchpumpe elektrisch allows you to switch between electric and manual pumping modes, depending on your needs. This makes it a versatile product that can adapt to your changing needs as a breastfeeding mother. The electric pump comes with a range of accessories that make it easy to use and maintain, including a storage pot, milk storage bags, and a travel case. This product is also easy to clean, with all the removable parts being dishwasher safe. Overall, if you are looking for a high-quality, efficient, and versatile electric breast pump, then the MAM 2in1 Doppelmilchpumpe elektrisch is the perfect product for you. Try it today and see the difference it can make to your breastfeeding experience. ..

321.72 USD

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
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