
kargu tarvik

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
Karkude tarvikud on olulised komponendid, mis on loodud karkude mugavuse, stabiilsuse ja üldise funktsionaalsuse suurendamiseks. Need uuenduslikud tooted, nagu Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex 19mm Black, pakuvad kasutajatele liikuvuse ajal suurepärast tuge. Täiustatud tehnoloogiad, nagu Pivoflex löögi neelamiseks ja libisemiskindlad materjalid, mis parandavad veojõudu, vähendavad kasutaja ülakeha koormust, tagades samal ajal ohutuse erinevatel pindadel. Neid on lihtne paigaldada, need on vastupidavad ja sulanduvad sujuvalt erinevate karkude stiilidega, muutes need praktiliseks valikuks inimestele, kes soovivad oma liikumiskogemust parandada. Need tarvikud, mis sobivad igas vanuses inimestele, sobivad ideaalselt inimestele, kellel on ülajäsemete nõrkus või sellised seisundid nagu artriit, ning need kuuluvad kategooriasse "Haavahooldus ja põetamine".
Ossenberg kargukapsel pivoflex 19mm must üks paar

Ossenberg kargukapsel pivoflex 19mm must üks paar

Tootekood: 6004157

Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex 19mm Black One Pair The Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex 19mm Black One Pair is an innovative crutch accessory designed to provide superior comfort and support during ambulation. Made from high-quality materials, these crutch capsules are perfect for people who require the use of crutches for mobility assistance. The Pivoflex technology of these capsules enables them to pivot and swivel as users move, effectively absorbing the impact of each step taken. This minimizes the strain on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders, making them perfect for those with upper extremity weakness or arthritis. The capsules are also designed to be slip-resistant, giving users better traction and stability on various surfaces. The Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex 19mm Black One Pair is easy to install and fits snugly over the crutch tips with their 19mm diameter. They are made of durable, high-quality materials, ensuring long-lasting use. The black color enables them to blend well with most types of crutches, giving users a stylish, sleek look. If you are looking for a practical and efficient accessory to make crutch use more comfortable and less strenuous, the Ossenberg Crutch Capsule Pivoflex 19mm Black One Pair is the ideal solution, and perfect for people of all ages and fitness levels...

15.55 USD

Tooted 1 - 1, tooteid kokku 1, lehekülgi 1
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