Ivf idealcrepe binding 4mx10cm 10 pcs
Toote kirjeldus: IVF Idealcrepe köide 4mx10cm 10 tkIVF Idealcrepe side on esmaklassiline kreppside, mis on loodud pakkuma suurepärast tuge ja stabiliseerimist taastumisfaasis. See side on spetsiaalselt ette nähtud kasutamiseks IVF-protseduuride ajal, kuna see pakub ideaalset kokkusurumist, mis aitab toetada suguelundeid ja pakub protseduuri ajal mugavust.IVF Idealcrepe sideme pikkus on 4 meetrit ja 10 meetrit. sentimeetri laiune, mistõttu on see ideaalne suurus erinevatel kehaosadel kasutamiseks. Pakett sisaldab 10 osa, nii et teil on palju sidemeid, mida kasutada mitmeks hoolduseks või esmaabikomplekti varumiseks.Pehmest puuvillast ja polüestrist valmistatud IVF Idealcrepe köide on mugav kanda ja õrn teie nahale. Kreppmaterjal aitab tagada kahjustatud piirkonnale kindla ja stabiilse haarde, samas kui sideme elastsus tagab, et see püsib paigal kogu päeva.Hoidke IVF Idealcrepe sidet oma taastumiskomplektis ja kasutage seda oma suguelundite toetamiseks IVF-ravi ajal. Saate seda kasutada ka muude kehaosade (nt pahkluud, põlved või küünarnukid) toetamiseks.Üldiselt on IVF Idealcrepe side oluline meditsiiniline toode, mis peaks olema osa iga IVF raviplaani kohta. Selle suurepärane kvaliteet ning tõhusus toe ja mugavuse pakkumisel muudavad selle usaldusväärseks valikuks IVF-i protseduuridest taastuvatele patsientidele...
60.77 USD
Ivf idealcrepe binding 4mx8cm 10 pcs
IVF Idealcrepe Binding 4mx8cm - 10 pcs IVF Idealcrepe binding is a high-quality, medical-grade bandage that is perfect for use during in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. These bandages come in a pack of 10 and each bandage measures 4 meters long and 8 centimeters wide, making them ideal for wrapping around various parts of the body. IVF Idealcrepe binding is made from soft and breathable crepe material, which means that they are comfortable to wear and won't irritate the skin. The bandages are also stretchy, which makes them easy to apply and ensures a snug fit that won't slip or loosen. They are designed to provide firm support and compression to the affected area, helping to reduce swelling and promote healing. These bandages are perfect for use during IVF treatment when a reliable and secure dressing is required. They can be used to wrap around the abdomen following egg retrieval or to secure a dressing after embryo transfer. IVF Idealcrepe binding is also useful in cases where additional support is needed during pregnancy or after surgery. IVF Idealcrepe binding is a must-have for anyone undergoing IVF treatment or for those recovering from surgery. These bandages come in a convenient pack of 10 and are easy to use and apply. Whether you're using them during IVF treatment or for other medical reasons, these bandages are the perfect choice for reliable and secure support...
50.56 USD
Peha crepp kreppside 4mx8cm valge 20 tk
Peha Crepp kreppsideme omadused 4mx8cm valge 20 tkEuroopas CE sertifitseeritudKogus pakis: 20 tkKaal: 262g Pikkus: 85 mm Laius: 184 mm Kõrgus: 146 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Peha Crepp kreppsideme 4mx8cm valge 20 tk..
48.54 USD