Algisite m alginaadi kompressid 5x5cm 10 tk
Algisiit M alginaatkompresside omadused 5x5cm 10 tkEuroopa CE sertifikaatSäilitustemp min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis : 10 tükkiKaal: 47 g Pikkus: 149 mm Laius: 98 mm Kõrgus: 27 mm Ostke Šveitsist Internetist Algisite M alginaatkompressid 5x5cm 10 tk..
41.70 USD
Biatain ag alginaat 10x10cm 10 tk
Biatain Ag Alginate 10x10cm 10 pcs Biatain Ag Alginate is a highly absorbent wound dressing designed to provide a moist environment for faster wound healing. This product is comprised of calcium alginate fibers and silver ions which work to inhibit bacterial growth and reduce the risk of infection. This dressing is ideal for use on moderate to heavily exuding wounds, such as leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, and diabetic foot ulcers. It is designed to be easy to apply and remove, yet adhere securely to the wound bed, ensuring maximum comfort for the patient. Biatain Ag Alginate is made of soft and flexible material that conforms to the contours of the wound, creating a smooth surface that helps minimize pain and discomfort. This product also features a unique, three-layer design that helps prevent the dressing from sticking to the wound bed, reducing the risk of wound trauma during removal. With Biatain Ag Alginate, healthcare professionals and patients can trust that wounds are being cared for effectively and with care. Each box contains 10 dressings, each measuring 10x10 cm, providing ample coverage for multiple wounds or larger areas of the body. Order your Biatain Ag Alginate today and help promote faster healing and minimize the risk of infection for your patients. ..
177.72 USD
Kaltostat kompressid 10x20cm steriilsed 10 tk
KALTOSTAT Kompressid 10x20cm steriilsed 10tk KALTOSTATi kompressid on steriilsed haavasidemed, mis on loodud tõhusaks ja tõhusaks haavahoolduseks. Neid kompresse on pakis 10 tükki, igaüks mõõtmetega 10x20 cm ja sobib suuremate haavade jaoks. KALTOSTATi kompressidel on ainulaadne disain, mis koosneb looduslikust tselluloosmaterjalist, mis muutub haavaeritise kokkupuutel geeliks. See geeli moodustumine aitab säilitada haava ümber niisket keskkonda, mis kiirendab loomulikku paranemisprotsessi. KALTOSTATi kompressid on tõhusad paljude haavade, sealhulgas traumaatiliste haavade, kirurgiliste haavade ja krooniliste haavade (nt survehaavandid ja diabeetilised haavandid) ravimisel. Need sobivad kasutamiseks ka põletushaavade korral, kuna annavad jahutava efekti, mis aitab kahjustatud piirkonda rahustada. Kompresse on lihtne kasutada ja neid saab lõigata iga suuruse või kujuga haava järgi. Need on ka paindlikud, järgides keha kontuurid, et parandada mugavust ja vähendada valu liikumise ajal. Kompressid on steriilsed, mis tagab nende ohutu kasutamise kliinilistes tingimustes ja on eraldi pakitud, et säilitada nende steriilsus kuni kasutamiseni. Üldiselt on KALTOSTATi kompressid hädavajalikud kõigile, kes otsivad tõhusat haavahooldust. Tänu oma tõhusale disainile ja võimalusele luua niiske haavakeskkond, aitavad need kiirendada loomulikku paranemisprotsessi ja vähendada nakkusohtu. Tellige oma KALTOSTATi kompresside pakk juba täna ja kogege tõhusa haavahoolduse eeliseid. ..
242.73 USD
Sorbalgon classic 5x5cm 10 stk
Sorbalgon Classic 5x5cm 10 Stk Sorbalgon Classic is a sterile wound dressing with high absorption capacity for exudate management. It has a square shape of 5x5cm and comes in a pack of 10 individual pieces. Sorbalgon Classic wound dressings are made of a combination of calcium alginate and carboxymethylcellulose, which forms a gel when in contact with wound exudate, creating a moist wound healing environment. The advanced technology used in Sorbalgon Classic wound dressings allows for optimal wound healing by maintaining a moist wound environment and promoting natural healing processes. The surface of Sorbalgon Classic is designed to reduce pain and trauma during wound dressing changes. Sorbalgon Classic is suitable for the management of moderately to heavily exuding wounds, including leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, surgical wounds, and traumatic wounds. It is recommended to change the dressing every 1-3 days, or as necessary depending on the amount of wound exudate. The Sorbalgon Classic wound dressing is easy to apply and supports the healing process without discomfort to the patient. It should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. ..
64.66 USD