hingav meditsiiniline teip
3m micropore rollenpflaster mit jaotur 25mmx9,14m weiss 12 stk
3M Micropore Rollenpflaster mit Dispenser 25mmx9.14m weiss 12 Stk The 3M Micropore Rollenpflaster mit Dispenser in white is a highly durable and effective medical adhesive tape used for a variety of clinical purposes. This particular product comes in a pack of 12 rolls, each measuring 25mm by 9.14m, ensuring you have enough to meet your requirements. The dispenser feature ensures ease of use and convenience. One of the standout features of this product is its soft and comfortable texture, making it gentle on the skin, perfect for use on more sensitive skin types. It is made with a unique non-woven fabric that allows for ventilation, which reduces the risk of skin irritation, rashes, and infections. The tape is easily tearable, assisting in quick and efficient application. The 3M Micropore Rollenpflaster mit Dispenser 25mmx9.14m weiss 12 Stk is latex-free, hypoallergenic, and does not leave any residue upon removal, making it an excellent choice for people with allergies, as well as those who need to change dressings frequently. It is also suitable for use on children and elderly individuals. This medical adhesive tape is versatile and can be used for securing small to medium-sized devices, such as dressings, tubing, and catheters, as well as on sensitive skin where repeated taping is required. In conclusion, 3M Micropore Rollenpflaster mit Dispenser 25mmx9.14m weiss is a high-quality medical adhesive tape that offers comfort, efficiency, and durability. It is an excellent investment for medical professionals, caregivers, and individuals who prioritize the well-being and comfort of their patients or themselves...
35.77 USD
3m transpore rolliplaaster 25mmx9,14m läbipaistev 12 tk
This '3M Transpore Role Patch 25mmx9.14m Transparent 12 pcs' product is an innovative and high-quality medical product that is designed to help healthcare professionals in various medical applications. The product is an adhesive tape that is transparent, durable and hypoallergenic, making it perfect for use in sensitive skin applications. Each roll of this adhesive tape measures 25mmx9.14m and the pack contains 12 rolls of this transparent medical tape. The 3M Transpore Role Patch is a reliable and versatile tape that can be used for a wide range of applications. It can be used to secure dressings, catheters, and other medical equipment in place, making it ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, and healthcare facilities. It is made from high-quality materials that are strong and durable, ensuring that the tape stays in place and secures the medical equipment for the entire period needed. The product is manufactured by 3M, a renowned brand in the healthcare industry. The 3M Transpore Role Patch is a transparent tape that allows for easy monitoring of the skin and medical equipment underneath it. The tape is water-resistant and breathable, allowing the skin to breathe while ensuring that the tape remains securely in place. The hypoallergenic nature of the 3M Transpore Role Patch makes it perfect for use in sensitive areas like the face, where other medical tapes may cause skin irritation. The adhesive is gentle on the skin and does not cause any discomfort or skin damage. The product is latex-free, making it safe for individuals with latex allergies. The product is available in a pack of 12 rolls, making it economical to buy in bulk. Each roll is 25mmx9.14m, making it easy to use and versatile for various applications. The transparent nature of the tape ensures that the skin and medical equipment under the tape are visible, facilitating easy monitoring and inspection. In summary, the 3M Transpore Role Patch 25mmx9.14m Transparent 12 pcs pack is an excellent medical product that combines strength, transparency, and hypoallergenic properties. It is perfect for healthcare professionals looking for a reliable and versatile adhesive tape that can be used for various medical applications. Buy this product and experience its excellence in securing your dressings, catheters and other medical devices...
46.30 USD
Curaplast haavaplaaster klassikaline 6cmx5m roll
Curaplasti klassikaline haavaplaaster 6 cm x 5 m rull on iga majapidamise esmaabikomplekti jaoks kohustuslik. See on mõeldud kasutamiseks sekundaarse sidemena suurte haavade korral või esmase sidemena väikeste ja keskmiste haavade korral. See toode on optimaalne kahjustatud piirkonna katmiseks ja kaitsmiseks, pakkudes kandjale mugavat ja õrna kogemust. Kvaliteetsetest materjalidest valmistatud Curaplast haavasidemete klassikaline rull on hüpoallergeenne, mistõttu sobib see kõikidele nahatüüpidele. See on ka hingav, võimaldades nahal hingata ilma haava katvust kahjustamata. See vähendab sügeluse ja ebamugavustunde tekkimise võimalust, soodustades kiiremat paranemist. Rulli mõõtmed on 6 cm x 5 m, mis pakub rikkalikku varu mitmeks kasutuseks. Seda on lihtne lõigata ja vormida, et see sobiks iga haavaga, tagades optimaalse katvuse, mis vastab kandja ainulaadsetele vajadustele. Selle kleepuv pind tagab selle tugeva kleepumise, pakkudes kandjale kindlat katvust ja meelemugavust. Curaplasti klassikaline haavaplaastrirull on ka veekindel, mistõttu sobib see ideaalselt aktiivsetele inimestele, kes tegelevad veespordiga nii õues kui ka siseruumides. Seda saab kasutada haavadele, mis asuvad hõõrdumisohtlikes piirkondades, nagu põlved, küünarnukid ja käed. See haavaplaaster on iga esmaabikomplekti oluline osa, mistõttu sobib see ideaalselt kodudesse, koolidesse ja töökohtadesse. See on mitmekülgne, usaldusväärne ja kasutajasõbralik, mistõttu on see populaarne valik meditsiinitöötajate ja kõigi potentsiaalselt ohtlikes keskkondades töötavate või elavate inimeste seas. ..
20.79 USD
Leukoplasti nahatundlik sil 1,25cmx2,6m
LEUKOPLAST Skin Sensitive Sil 1.25cmx2.6m The LEUKOPLAST Skin Sensitive Sil 1.25cmx2.6m is a trusted and reliable medical tape that is designed to be hypoallergenic and gentle on sensitive skin. This product is recommended for people who have skin conditions or allergies that make them prone to skin irritation or inflammation. It is made from a soft, breathable and porous material that allows air and moisture to pass through, promoting faster healing and reducing the risk of skin maceration. The LEUKOPLAST Skin Sensitive Sil 1.25cmx2.6m is also water-resistant and can be worn while showering or swimming. It has a strong adhesive that sticks securely to the skin, and yet it is easy to remove without causing any pain or trauma to the affected area. The tape is also stretchable and conformable to the contours of the body, making it ideal for use on joints, limbs, and other irregularly shaped areas. This product comes in a convenient roll that can be easily cut to the desired length, and it is suitable for use in hospitals, clinics, first aid kits, and at home. The tape is ideal for securing dressings, bandages, and other medical devices in place, and it provides a comfortable and reliable barrier against dirt, bacteria, and other external factors that can delay the healing process. The LEUKOPLAST Skin Sensitive Sil 1.25cmx2.6m is a must-have for people who want to take care of their skin and promote faster healing of wounds, injuries, surgical incisions, and other medical conditions. It is a high-quality product that has been tested and approved by medical professionals, and it is available at an affordable price on the market. ..
3.92 USD