hingav kangas
Bort climacare kehasoojendaja l valge
BORT ClimaCare Body Warmer L White The BORT ClimaCare Body Warmer is designed to keep you warm and comfortable during cooler weather conditions. The body warmer is made of high-quality materials that provide a soft and breathable layer of insulation to your skin. The white color of the body warmer adds a touch of style to your winter outfits while keeping you cozy. The ClimaCare technology incorporated into the body warmer ensures optimal management of moisture and temperature regulation, so that you feel comfortable all day long. The special breathable fabric allows for enhanced airflow, which reduces the buildup of sweat, keeping you dry and comfortable. The body warmer is designed with a slim fit, which ensures it fits snugly to your body, providing maximum insulation. This also allows you to wear it comfortably under your other layers of clothing without feeling bulky. The BORT ClimaCare Body Warmer is perfect for people who enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and skiing, as well as for everyday use. The body warmer is available in a size L and is suitable for both men and women. Get your BORT ClimaCare Body Warmer today, and experience the ultimate comfort and warmth during this winter season!..
69.71 USD
Dermaplast active malleo soft plus s4
DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 on meditsiiniline kompressioonside, mis aitab leevendada pahkluu nikastustest, kõõlusepõletikust ja muudest hüppeliigese vigastustest põhjustatud valu ja turset. See on vastupidavatest materjalidest valmistatud kvaliteetne side, mis on nahale õrn, pakkudes samal ajal pahkluule maksimaalset kompressiooni ja toestust. Funktsioonid Reguleeritav kompressioon: DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 on loodud pakkuma reguleeritavat kompressiooni, mis võimaldab teil kohandada hüppeliigese toetamise taset. Ergonoomiline kuju: side on kujundatud nii, et see sobiks teie pahkluu kontuuridega, pakkudes maksimaalset mugavust ja tuge. Hingav kangas: hingav kangas aitab hoida nahka jahedana ja kuivana, vältides ärritust või ebamugavustunnet. Lihtne kasutada: DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 on lihtne peale kanda ja eemaldada, võimaldades seda kiiresti ja mugavalt selga panna ja vajadusel ära võtta. Eelised DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 pakub mitmeid eeliseid, sealhulgas: Leevendab valu ja turset: reguleeritav kompressioon aitab vähendada pahkluu vigastustest või seisunditest põhjustatud valu ja turset. Toetab paranemist: sideme ergonoomiline kuju ja reguleeritav kokkusurumine toetavad pahkluu, aidates kaasa paranemisele ja vältida edasisi vigastusi. Mugav ja hingav: DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest hingavatest materjalidest, mis on nahale õrnad ja pakuvad maksimaalset mugavust. Mugav ja kauakestev: sidet on lihtne peale kanda ja eemaldada ning seda saab kanda pikka aega, ilma et see kaotaks oma kuju või tõhusust. Järeldus DERMAPLAST Active Malleo Soft plus S4 on suurepärane valik kõigile, kes otsivad leevendust pahkluu valule või tursele. Reguleeritava kompressiooni, ergonoomilise kuju, hingava kanga ja hõlpsasti kasutatava disainiga pakub see maksimaalset tuge ja mugavust, võimaldades teil enesekindlalt ja hõlpsalt naasta oma igapäevaste tegevuste juurde. ..
100.90 USD
Genutrain active tugi silikoonhelmega gr4 titan
GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan Introducing the GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan, the perfect product for those who suffer from knee pain and discomfort! This high-quality knee support is designed to provide optimal comfort, support, and stability to help you stay active and on-the-go. The GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan is made using high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting. The silicone bead technology featured in the knee support ensures that you get the perfect fit and maximum support without compromising on comfort. The integrated stays support the knee and promote proper alignment and stability throughout your activities. This knee support is designed with an anatomical shape that fits comfortably and snugly around your knee. The breathable knit fabric allows for optimal ventilation, preventing excess heat and moisture buildup, ensuring a comfortable fit even during extended use. Whether you are out for a run, playing sports, or simply going about your daily routine, this knee support is the perfect companion for your knees. One of the standout features of the GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan is its easy-to-use design. This knee support slips on easily and is adjustable, allowing for a customized fit every time you wear it. This product comes in a size that fits most, with size adjustments possible to ensure the perfect fit for you. The GenuTrain Active Support with Silicone Bead Gr4 Titan is perfect for anyone looking to reduce knee pain and discomfort or support recovering knees. With its durable, high-quality design and adjustable fit, this knee support provides optimal stability, support, and comfort. With regular use, it can help you stay active and healthy while protecting your knees from everyday wear and tear. ..
159.79 USD
Gibaud lombogib double action 21cm gr1 80-90cm blue
GIBAUD Lombogib Double Action 21cm Size 1 80-90cm blue The GIBAUD Lombogib Double Action is a high-quality lumbar support brace that offers effective relief for lower back pain. The brace is designed to provide a perfect fit and maximum support while maintaining excellent comfort. The GIBAUD Lombogib Double Action is also double-action, meaning it can apply both compression and traction to the lower back, helping to reduce pain and inflammation. The brace is made from a soft, breathable fabric that is comfortable to wear for long periods of time. It features an anatomical design that perfectly fits the contours of the body, ensuring maximum support and comfort. The brace also features adjustable straps that allow for a personalized fit. The GIBAUD Lombogib Double Action is easily washable, ensuring hygiene and longevity. This particular brace is size 1 and is suitable for those with waist measurements between 80-90cm. It comes in a stylish blue color and is the perfect choice for those suffering from lower back pain who need a comfortable and supportive brace that can provide a range of benefits to enhance their well-being. So, if you're looking for a reliable and effective lumbar support brace that can help to alleviate lower back pain, then the GIBAUD Lombogib Double Action is the perfect choice!..
286.73 USD
Gibaud waist strap elastically gr5 white 121-135cm
GIBAUD waist strap elastically Gr5 white 121-135cm The GIBAUD waist strap is made for people who require lumbar support and compression for their lower back muscles, especially for those who spend a lot of time sitting or lifting heavy objects. This waist strap is designed to offer maximum support and comfort, so you can wear it all day long without any discomfort. It features an elastic band that stretches to fit your waist perfectly, making it easy to adjust the level of compression based on your needs. The GIBAUD waist strap is made of high-quality materials that ensure durability and comfort. The exterior is covered with a soft and breathable fabric that keeps you cool and dry all day long. It also has an adjustable Velcro closure, which allows you to adjust the fit according to your body shape, ensuring a perfect fit every time. This waist strap is particularly useful for those who suffer from lower back pain, sciatica, or even mild spinal conditions. It can also prevent injuries during physical activity by supporting your lower back muscles and improving your posture. The GIBAUD waist strap is available in white color, and it measures between 121-135cm in length, ensuring that it fits most people. Overall, the GIBAUD waist strap is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to support their lower back muscles while engaging in physical activities or even sitting for long periods. Its high-quality materials, adjustability, and breathability make it a must-have accessory for anyone seeking relief from lower back pain, improved posture, or to prevent injuries. ..
75.58 USD
Glad nacht periodenunterwäsche l leicht
GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L leicht The GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L leicht is the perfect solution for those who want to stay comfortable and worry-free during their menstrual periods. This product is designed to provide maximum protection while keeping you feeling stylish and confident. Made from a soft, breathable fabric, this period underwear is gentle on your skin and keeps you dry and comfortable throughout the day and night. Features Maximum protection - this period underwear is designed to provide maximum protection, with a leak-proof layer that keeps you dry and worry-free. Soft and breathable - made from a soft, breathable fabric that is gentle on your skin and keeps you comfortable throughout the day and night. Stylish and comfortable - the GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L leicht is designed to be both stylish and comfortable, so you can feel confident and comfortable no matter what you're wearing. Made to last - this period underwear is made from high-quality materials that are designed to last, so you can use it over and over again. Easy to care for - this product is easy to care for and can be washed and reused, making it an eco-friendly alternative to disposable pads and tampons. How to Use The GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L leicht is easy to use. Simply wear it like normal underwear and change as needed. It can be worn for up to 8 hours, making it perfect for overnight use. When you're done, simply wash it in cold water and hang dry. Who is it for? The GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L leicht is perfect for anyone who wants to stay comfortable and worry-free during their menstrual periods. It's ideal for those who prefer a more eco-friendly and sustainable option to pads and tampons, and for those who need maximum protection. Final Thoughts The GLAD Nacht Periodenunterwäsche L leicht is a high-quality, stylish, and comfortable period underwear that is designed to provide maximum protection. With its leak-proof layer and soft, breathable fabric, you can feel confident and comfortable no matter what you're doing. It's easy to use, easy to care for, and perfect for those who want a more eco-friendly and sustainable period solution. Try it today and see the difference for yourself!..
74.37 USD
Seni active classic pants s
Seni Active Classic S 30 tk on esmaklassilised inkontinentsi mähkmed, mis on mõeldud aktiivsetele inimestele, kes otsivad usaldusväärset kaitset ja mugavust. Nendel spetsiaalselt valmistatud pükstel on hingav kangas, mis aitab säilitada naha tervist, tagades samal ajal maksimaalse lekkekindluse. Diskreetse ja õhukese profiiliga võimaldavad need piiramatult liikuda, muutes need ideaalselt igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Olgu kodus, tööl või liikvel olles, Seni Active Classic S püksid pakuvad kindlustunnet ja meelerahu inimestele, kes põevad pidamatust. Usaldage Seni teadmisi kvaliteetsete lahenduste pakkumisel teie intiimtervise vajadustele...
53.54 USD
Sentinex soft op hoods disp 100 pcs
Avastage Sentinexi pehmete OP-korkidega erakordne kaitse ja mugavus. See pakett sisaldab 100 tükki kvaliteetseid ühekordselt kasutatavaid kirurgilisi kateid, mis on loodud tervishoiutöötajate praktiliste vajaduste rahuldamiseks. Need pehmest mittekootud materjalist valmistatud mütsid tagavad kindla sobivuse ja optimaalse katte meditsiiniliste protseduuride ajal. Hingav kangas suurendab kasutaja mugavust, samal ajal kui elastne riba tagab mugava ja reguleeritava istuvuse kogu päevaks. Ideaalsed operatsioonisaalidesse, kliinikutesse ja muudesse tervishoiuasutustesse, Sentinex Soft OP Caps pakuvad usaldusväärset kaitset ja hügieeni nii personalile kui ka patsientidele. Usaldage Sentinexit kirurgiliste rõivaste esmaklassilises kvaliteedis...
62.51 USD
Sigvaris mobilis manusupport wrist splint s/m
Sigvaris MOBILIS ManuSupport Wrist Splint S/M pakub suurepärast tuge ja stabiilsust randmevigastuste või kompressiooni nõudvate seisundite korral. See randmelahas on loodud randme liikumatuks muutmiseks, võimaldades samal ajal sõrmede vaba liikumist. Selle hingav kangas tagab mugavuse pikema kandmise ajal, mistõttu sobib see igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Reguleeritav rihm võimaldab kohandada sobivust, rahuldades individuaalseid vajadusi. Olenemata sellest, kas taastute vigastusest või otsite tuge igapäevasteks tegevusteks, pakub Sigvarise randmellahas usaldusväärset abi optimaalseks paranemiseks ja mugavuse tagamiseks...
73.92 USD