
blisterravi plaaster

Tooted 1 - 4, tooteid kokku 4, lehekülgi 1
Avastage tõhusaid lahendusi villide leevendamiseks ja paranemiseks meie villiravi plaastrite valikuga. Esiletõstetud toodete hulka kuuluvad Flawa HydroPlast blistrid, mis on saadaval kahes mugavas suuruses optimaalse kaitse ja mugavuse tagamiseks. Need hüdrokolloidmaterjalist valmistatud plaastrid on veekindlad, hingavad ja nahale õrnad, tagades tõhusa pehmenduse ja valu leevendamise. Lisaks tutvuge 3M Nexcare'i mullplaastritega, mis on loodud igakülgseks haavahoolduseks, millel on kindel nakkumine ja lihtne eemaldamine. Compeed Blister Plaastrid pakuvad täiustatud hüdrokolloidtehnoloogiat koheseks valu leevendamiseks ja kiireks paranemiseks. Tutvuge meie kureeritud mullplaastrite valikuga survekaitseks ja tõhusamaks haavahoolduseks, tuues teieni Šveitsis usaldusväärsed tervise- ja ilulahendused.
3m nexcare blasenpflaster 2 grössen assortiert 6 stk

3m nexcare blasenpflaster 2 grössen assortiert 6 stk

Tootekood: 7800904

Tutvustame erinevas suuruses 3M Nexcare'i mullplaastreid igakülgseks haavahoolduseks ja survekaitseks. See pakend sisaldab 6 tükki täiustatud blisterplaastreid, mis on loodud tõhusa leevenduse ja paranemise tagamiseks. Olenemata sellest, kas tegemist on väikeste villide või suuremate haavadega, tagavad erinevad suurused sobiva sobivuse optimaalse katvuse ja mugavuse tagamiseks. Uuenduslik liimitehnoloogia tagab kindla hoidmise, soodustades samal ajal õrna eemaldamist. 3M Nexcare'i blisterplaastritega saate enesekindlalt hallata villide ja väiksemate haavade teket, kaitstes oma nahka ja soodustades kiiremat taastumist. Usaldage 3M-i tervishoiulahenduste ekspertteadmisi, et tagada usaldusväärne kaitse siis, kui seda kõige rohkem vajate...

14,74 USD

Compeed blasenpflaster extreme für ferse 10 stk

Compeed blasenpflaster extreme für ferse 10 stk

Tootekood: 7824109

Plaaster toimib nagu teine ​​nahk. Kohene kaitse valu, surve ja hõõrdumise eest.FunktsioonidCompeedi blister plaastrid koosnevad hüdrokolloididest, mis hoiavad haava niiskena ja takistavad kärna tekkimist. Plaaster toimib nagu teine ​​nahk. Kohene kaitse valu, surve ja hõõrdumise eest. Tänu kärgstruktuurile pehmendab Compeed Blister Plaster Extreme 20% rohkem kui Compeed Blister Plaster Medium. Plaastrid toetavad haava kiiret paranemist.See toode on CE-sertifikaadiga. See tagab Euroopa ohutusstandardite täitmise...

39,21 USD

Compeed blasenpflaster mix

Compeed blasenpflaster mix

Tootekood: 7824110

Property name Blistering Plaster Composition EU. Properties Compeed blister plaster mix 5pcs.The COMPEED® hydrocolloid technology is an active gel with moisture-absorbing particles. The COMPEED® plaster acts like a second skin and supports the naturally moist wound environment for:? Immediate pain and pressure relief.? Protection and cushioning against friction.? Fast wound healing. p> Application Clean and dry the skin before use. Do not touch the sticky side of the patch. Do not remove the plaster until it starts to fall off by itself (it can last for several days). If you have diabetes, consult your doctor before use. Detailed application notes & warnings in the inner map. Property name Blister Plasters Composition EU. Properties Compeed Blister Plasters Mix 5pcs.The COMPEED® hydrocolloid technology is an active gel with moisture-absorbing particles. The COMPEED® plaster acts like a second skin and supports the naturally moist wound environment for:? Immediate pain and pressure relief.? Protection and cushioning against friction.? Fast wound healing. p> Application Clean and dry the skin before use. Do not touch the sticky side of the patch. Do not remove the plaster until it starts to fall off by itself (it can last for several days). If you have diabetes, consult your doctor before use. Detailed application instructions & warnings in the inner card.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

33,19 USD

Flawa hydroplast blisters 2 sizes 6 pcs

Flawa hydroplast blisters 2 sizes 6 pcs

Tootekood: 7751684

Flawa HydroPlast Blisters 2 Sizes 6 pcs Are you tired of the discomfort and pain caused by blisters? The Flawa HydroPlast Blisters are here to help. These blisters are specially designed to provide instant relief and protection to your skin while healing your blister. Features Comes in 2 sizes - small and medium, to fit any blister size Made of Hydrocolloid material, which is water-resistant, breathable and absorbs excess moisture from the wound The blister pad is cushioned to provide extra comfort The adhesive is gentle on skin and won't cause irritation or allergies The blisters are transparent, making them virtually invisible on the skin Pack of 6 for convenience and value Benefits The Flawa HydroPlast Blisters offer several benefits: Relieves pain by covering and cushioning the blister Protects the blister from further friction and damage Allows the blister to breathe and heal naturally while keeping it clean and dry Reduces the risk of infection Easy to apply and remove without leaving sticky residue Thin and flexible, so you can move freely and comfortably without any discomfort Usage The Flawa HydroPlast Blisters are easy to use: Wash your hands and the blister area with soap and water Make sure the blister area is completely dry Remove the backing from the blister and apply it gently over the blister Smooth the edges to ensure a secure fit Replace the blister as needed, usually after a day or when it starts to peel off on its own Get instant relief and protection from blisters with the Flawa HydroPlast Blisters. Order yours today!..

8,50 USD

Tooted 1 - 4, tooteid kokku 4, lehekülgi 1
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