Bioderma abcderm h2o micelle sol pompe invisible 1000 ml
Tutvustame Bioderma ABCDerm H2O Sol Micelle Pompe Invisible 1000 ml õrna ja tõhusa mitsellaarvesi, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt tundlikule beebi nahale. See hüpoallergeenne valem puhastab, rahustab ja austab teie väikese naha õrna tasakaalu, muutes selle ideaalseks igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Selles lahuses olevad mitsellid püüavad vaevata ebapuhtused, säilitades samal ajal naha loomuliku niiskusbarjääri. Mugava pumbajaoturiga on seda nähtamatut mitsellaarvet lihtne kasutada ning see sobib suurepäraselt kiireks ja õrnaks puhastamiseks liikvel olles. Usaldage Bioderma ABCDermi toitva ja tõhusa nahahoolduslahenduse saamiseks teie beebi näohoolduse jaoks...
36.99 USD
Bioderma atoderm intens geel moussant 500 ml
Bioderma Atoderm Intens gel Moussant 500 ml Bioderma Atoderm Intens gel Moussant 500 ml is a gentle, soap-free cleansing gel that is formulated to cleanse and soothe dry, irritated skin. This gel moussant is specially designed for those with atopic and very dry skin. The non-drying formula contains a blend of moisturizing and soothing agents that help maintain the skin's natural moisture balance and strengthen its natural barrier function. This intensive cleansing gel is enriched with nourishing ingredients like glycerin, niacinamide, and shea butter that work together to restore and protect the skin's moisture levels. Additionally, it contains a patented Skin Barrier Therapy® complex that helps to repair and strengthen the skin's natural barrier function. With regular use, this cleansing gel effectively cleanses the skin without stripping it of its natural oils, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and comfortable. Bioderma Atoderm Intens gel Moussant 500 ml is easy to use, simply apply a small amount of the gel onto wet skin, lather, and then rinse thoroughly with water. This cleansing gel is suitable for use on both the face and body and can be used daily. It is hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, and free from parabens, soap, artificial colors, and formaldehydes. ..
32.59 USD
Bioderma atoderm intensive baume ultra apais 75 ml
Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Baume Ultra Apais 75ml - Product Description Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Baume Ultra Apais 75ml Product Description The Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Baume Ultra Apais 75ml is a moisturizing, repairing balm that is specially formulated for very dry to atopic skin types. It helps soothe and protect skin from irritations and itching that are often associated with eczema, dermatitis, and other skin conditions. This intensive moisturizing balm works by repairing and strengthening the skin's natural barrier, thereby preventing moisture loss and providing long-lasting hydration. It contains two key active ingredients, lipids and vitamin PP, both of which help restore the skin's physiological balance and improve its overall health and appearance. Features and Benefits Helps soothe and protect very dry and atopic skin Intensively moisturizes and repairs skin's natural barrier Prevents moisture loss and provides long-lasting hydration Contains lipids and vitamin PP to restore and balance skin Suitable for infants, adults, and children Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and hypoallergenic How to Use Apply the Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Baume Ultra Apais 75ml to clean, dry skin twice a day, focusing on areas that are particularly dry or irritated. Massage gently until fully absorbed...
22.43 USD
Bioderma atoderm intensive eye 100 ml
Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml The Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml is an innovative and powerful cream aimed at addressing the needs of people with sensitive and dry skin around the eye area. The cream is designed to help nourish, soothe, and moisturize the delicate skin around the eyes, keeping it soft and youthful. The cream is formulated with active ingredients, including glycerin, niacinamide, and canola oil, which work together to provide long-lasting moisturization and hydration. These ingredients also help to strengthen the skin barrier and improve skin firmness and elasticity. The Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml cream is gentle and non-irritating, making it ideal for people with sensitive skin. It is free from parabens, fragrance, and other harmful chemicals. The cream is hypoallergenic and has been tested under dermatological and ophthalmological supervision, ensuring it is safe for use around the eyes. The cream is easy to apply, just use your fingertips to dab a small amount around the eye area and gently massage until fully absorbed. The formula is non-greasy and lightweight, making it suitable for both day and night use. The cream comes in a convenient 100ml tube, making it ideal for use over an extended period. Whether you're experiencing dryness, puffiness, or other signs of aging around your eyes, the Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Eye 100ml cream is the perfect solution. Use it regularly to give your eyes the care they need, and enjoy a youthful and radiant look...
32.37 USD
Bioderma hydrabio h2o pompe inversée 500 ml
Bioderma Hydrabio H2O Pompe Inversée 500 ml Bioderma Hydrabio H2O Pompe Inversée on puhastav ja meigieemaldusvesi, mis eemaldab nahalt õrnalt mustuse. See valem on loodud spetsiaalselt kuivale ja tundlikule nahale, kuna sisaldab patenteeritud kompleksi, mis stimuleerib naha loomulikku niisutusvõimet. Selle toote ainulaadne omadus on "Pompe Inversée" tehnoloogia, mis tähendab, et jaotur on ümberpööratud ja asub pudeli ülaosas, võimaldades tootele hõlpsamat juurdepääsu ja sihipärast pealekandmist. See aitab vältida ka valemi saastumist. Bioderma Hydrabio H2O Pompe Inversée on rikastatud kurgiekstrakti ja E-vitamiiniga, mis rahustavad ja kaitsevad nahka. Valem ei sisalda parabeene ja on hüpoallergeenne, mistõttu on see tundlikule nahale ohutu. See toode sobib suurepäraselt neile, kes otsivad õrna, kuid tõhusat puhastuslahust, mis ei kuivata nahka. Seda toodet kasutades saate saavutada puhta, värskendatud ja niisutatud jume. ..
37.87 USD
Bioderma photoderm aquafluide spf50+ doré
BIODERMA Photoderm Aquafluide SPF50+ doréKaitske oma nahka päikese kahjulike mõjude eest BIODERMA Photoderm Aquafluide SPF50+ doré abil. See toonitud päikesekaitsekreem on spetsiaalselt loodud pakkuma kõrget päikesekaitset ning jätma naha siledaks ja niisutatuks. Oma ülikerge tekstuuri ja mitterasvase koostisega sulab see koheselt naha sisse, jätmata maha jääke ega kleepuvust. Kuldne toon annab teie nahale peene sära, muutes selle säravamaks, tervislikumaks ja loomulikumaks. See sobib suurepäraselt igapäevaseks kandmiseks, eriti suvel, kui UV-kiirgus on kõige tugevam. Selle kauapüsiv valem tagab maksimaalse katvuse kuni kaheksaks tunniks, nii et te ei pea iga paari tunni tagant uuesti peale kandma. See BIODERMA toonitud päikesekaitsekreem sobib kõikidele nahatüüpidele, sealhulgas tundlikule nahale. See sisaldab laia spektriga UVA/UVB filtrisüsteemi, mis kaitseb teie nahka kahjulike mõjude eest nagu enneaegne vananemine, päikesepõletus ja nahavähk. See on ka veekindel, mistõttu on see ideaalne välitegevusteks, nagu ujumine ja matkamine. BIODERMA Photoderm Aquafluide SPF50+ doré on hüpoallergeenne, lõhnaaineteta ja mittekomedogeenne, mis tähendab, et see ei ummista teie poore ega põhjusta ärritust. Seda on lihtne peale kanda ja see jaotub ühtlaselt, muutes selle täiuslikuks lisandiks teie igapäevasele nahahooldusrutiini. Proovige BIODERMA Photoderm Aquafluide SPF50+ dorét juba täna ja nautige kauni ja terve naha eeliseid...
33.85 USD
Bioderma sebium geel moussant 500 ml
Bioderma Sebium geel Moussant 500 ml omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 0,00000000 g Pikkus: 70 mm Laius: 70 mm Kõrgus: 210 mm Ostke Bioderma Sebium geel Moussant 500 ml Internetist Šveitsist..
32.72 USD
Bioderma sebium niisutav kreem 40 ml
Bioderma Sebium niisutava kreemi 40 ml omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 0,00000000g Pikkus: 32mm Laius: 47mm Kõrgus: 132mm Ostke Bioderma Sebium niisutavat kreemi 40 ml Šveitsist veebist..
23.79 USD
Bioderma sebium poore puhastav kreem 30 ml
Bioderma Sebium Pore Refiner Cream 30 mlKas olete väsinud rasuse ja ülekoormatud nahaga tegelemisest? Otsige Bioderma Sebium Pore Refiner kreemist kaugemale! See uuenduslik toode on loodud selleks, et aidata vähendada pooride väljanägemist ja kontrollida sära, et jume oleks rafineeritum.PõhikoostisosadBioderma Sebium Pore Refiner Cream sisaldab uuenduslike koostisainete kombinatsiooni, mis teha koostööd probleemse naha välimuse parandamiseks. Mõned peamised koostisosad on järgmised: Patenteeritud Fluidactiv® kompleks: see ainulaadne koostisainete kombinatsioon aitab reguleerida rasu tootmist, mis on sageli löövete ja ülekoormatud naha peamine põhjus. Agarhape: seentest saadud agarihape ahendab poore ja vähendab läiget, et muuta jume rafineeritumaks. Saliitsüülhape: see võimas kooriv koostisaine puhastab sügavalt poore ja vabastab naha mustusest, mis võib põhjustada lööbeid. Täiendavad eelisedLisaks pooride väljanägemise vähendamisele ja sära kontrollimisele pakub Bioderma Sebium Pore Refiner Cream ka mitmeid täiendavaid eeliseid: Õlivaba valem: see kerge valem ei sisalda õlisid ega muid raskeid koostisosi, mis võivad põhjustada pooride ummistumist ja lööke. Mittekomedogeenne: Bioderma Sebium Pore Refiner Cream on spetsiaalselt loodud pooride ummistumise vältimiseks, mistõttu on see ideaalne aknele kalduva või rasuse nahaga inimestele. Õrn nahale: hoolimata võimsatest koostisainetest on see kreem nahale õrn, mistõttu sobib see igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. KasutamineBioderma Sebium Pore Refiner kreemi kasutamiseks kandke pärast puhastamist ja toniseerimist väike kogus näole. Kasutage hommikul ja/või õhtul tavapärase nahahooldusrutiini osana.Regulaarse kasutamise korral märkate oma naha välimuse olulist paranemist, alates pooride vähenemisest kuni peenema jumeni. Proovige Bioderma Sebium Pore Refiner kreemi juba täna ja olge valmis oma nahka armastama!..
30.09 USD
Bioderma sebium sensitive 30 ml
Bioderma Sebium Sensitive 30 ml omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 0,00000000 g Pikkus: 25 mm Laius: 49 mm Kõrgus: 126 mm Ostke Bioderma Sebium Sensitive 30 ml veebist Šveitsist..
27.45 USD
Bioderma sensibio ar kreem 40 ml
Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream 40ml Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream is specially formulated to provide relief for sensitive skin that is prone to redness and flushing. This cream contains anti-inflammatory agents that soothe irritated skin and prevent redness from recurring. The lightweight texture of the cream is fast-absorbing and doesn't leave any greasiness or stickiness on the skin. Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream provides long-lasting hydration that leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth. Formulated for Sensitive Skin Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream is formulated for sensitive skin that is prone to redness and flushing. Its hypoallergenic formula is free of fragrances and parabens, making it safe for those with even the most sensitive skin types. Dermatologically tested and approved for use, Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream is perfect for those who experience redness, dryness, and irritation on a regular basis. Key Ingredients The main active ingredients in Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream are: AR Rosactiv: This is a patented complex that reduces redness and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Tripeptide: This ingredient strengthens the skin's blood vessels, which helps to reduce redness over time. Glycerin: This is a powerful humectant that draws moisture to the skin's surface, leaving it soft and smooth. Directions for Use To use Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream, apply a thin layer to clean, dry skin every morning and evening. Massage gently until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin. For best results, use in conjunction with other products from the Bioderma Sensibio range. Conclusion If you're looking for relief from redness and irritation associated with sensitive skin, Bioderma Sensibio AR Cream is the perfect solution. Its unique formula soothes, hydrates, and protects the skin while reducing redness and inflammation. Use it regularly to maintain a healthy, glowing complexion. ..
33.08 USD
Bioderma sensibio contour gel yeux 15 ml
Bioderma Sensibio Contour Gel Yeux 15 ml omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal : 0,00000000 g Pikkus: 20 mm Laius: 39 mm Kõrgus: 116 mm Ostke Bioderma Sensibio Contour Gel Yeux 15 ml veebipoest Šveits..
26.42 USD
Bioderma sensibio ds + kreem 40 ml
Bioderma Sensibio Ds + crème 40 ml Bioderma Sensibio Ds + crème 40 ml is an amazing skincare product that is designed to soothe and calm irritated skin. It is specially formulated for people with seborrheic dermatitis (DS), which causes redness, flaking, itching, and dryness on the scalp and face. This cream works by reducing inflammation, redness, and scaling while also providing long-lasting hydration to the skin. It contains a blend of active ingredients that help to soothe and moisturize the skin, including: Piroctone olamine to fight the proliferation of micro-organisms that cause dandruff. Zinc gluconate to soothe and reduce redness and inflammation. Vitamin E to protect the skin from environmental damage The cream is incredibly lightweight and non-greasy, making it perfect for use under makeup or as a daily moisturizer. It has a silky texture that absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving it feeling nourished and refreshed. Bioderma Sensibio Ds + crème 40 ml is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It is hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, and free from parabens, silicones, and fragrances, making it perfect for people with sensitive skin. This product has been dermatologically tested and has received many positive reviews from users. It is easy to apply and is perfect for people who suffer from seborrheic dermatitis and other skin conditions that cause redness and irritation. Get your Bioderma Sensibio Ds + crème 40 ml today and start enjoying smooth, healthy-looking skin!..
27.08 USD
Bioderma sensibio forte kreem 40 ml
Bioderma Sensibio Forte Cream 40 ml The Bioderma Sensibio Forte Cream is specially formulated to soothe and protect your sensitive skin. This cream contains a combination of active ingredients that work together to provide intense relief for irritated and reactive skin. It is recommended for those with skin that is prone to redness, heating sensations, tightness and tingling. Key Features Instantly soothes and calms irritated skin Strengthens skin's natural defence system Reduces skin sensitivity over time Non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic formula Contains no preservatives, fragrance or allergens How to Use Gently apply the Bioderma Sensibio Forte Cream to your face and neck, once or twice a day, after cleansing and toning. For best results, use in conjunction with other products from the Sensibio range. Ingredients The Bioderma Sensibio Forte Cream contains a combination of soothing and protective ingredients, including: Enoxolone: A powerful calming agent that reduces redness and inflammation Allantoin: An ingredient that stimulates cell growth, promoting healthy skin renewal Canola Oil: A nourishing ingredient that helps to restore the skin barrier and protect against external aggressors Other ingredients include: Aqua, Mineral Oil (Paraffinum Liquidum), Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glycerin, Triceteareth-4 Phosphate, Fructooligosaccharides, Mannitol, Xylitol, Rhamnose, Laminaria Ochroleuca Extract, Glycyrrhetinic Acid, Glyceryl Stearate, Peg-100 Stearate, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Allantoin, Sodium Pca, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Caprylyl Glycol, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol. The Bioderma Sensibio Forte Cream is free from parabens, fragrances and allergens, making it suitable for all skin types, including those with sensitive skin...
31.21 USD
Bioderma sensibio geel nettoyant peau coulters 200 ml
The Sensibio Gel from Bioderma is a mild, foaming cleansing gel for sensitive, normal and combination skin. It gently cleanses and removes (non-waterproof) make-up. Soothes, moisturizes. Can also be used on irritated skin areas. The skin's tolerance threshold is increased. hypoallergenicfree of soap and parabenswithout perfume Application Apply to damp skin. Lather and rinse thoroughly. Dry gently...
26.42 USD
Bioderma sensibio h20 lingettes peau seche 25 tk
Bioderma Sensibio H20 Lingette Peau Seche 25 tk omadusedSäilitustemperatuur min/max 15/25 kraadi Celsiuse järgiKogus pakendis: 25 tk Kaal: 0,00000000 g Pikkus: 110 mm Laius: 140 mm Kõrgus: 40 mm Ostke Bioderma Sensibio H20 Lingettes Peau Seche 25 tk Internetis Šveitsist..
23.62 USD
Bioderma sensibio h20 micellaire solute n parf 100 ml
Bioderma Sensibio H20 Solute Micellaire N parfüüm 100 ml Bioderma Sensibio H2O õrnalt puhastav mitsellaarvesi tundlikule nahale p> Sensibio H2O on ikooniline mitsellaarpuhastusvesi tundlikule nahale. Puhastab õrnalt ja eemaldab tõhusalt mustuseosakesed ja (veekindla) meigi. Unikaalne koostis austab naha barjääri, hoiab ära naha tundlikkuse süvenemise ja taastab säästvalt naha tasakaalu. Ilma loputamiseta. Lõhnatu...
14.29 USD
Bioderma sensibio h20 micellaire solute n parf 250 ml
Bioderma Sensibio H2O Solution Micellaire is a mild 3-in-1 cleansing solution for sensitive or allergic skin. The 3-in-1 solution offers cleanser, make-up remover and toner in one product. The micellar solution reliably cleanses even waterproof make-up and soothes irritated skin. The cucumber extract it contains soothes irritated skin. Application Put the solution directly onto a cotton pad and gently cleanse the eyes and face. For a particularly gentle removal of eye make-up, press the cotton pad gently against the eye for a few seconds. No rinsing necessary. The facial care can be applied immediately afterwards...
21.56 USD
Bioderma sensibio h20 micellaire solute n parf 500 ml
Bioderma Sensibio H2O Solution Micellaire is a mild 3-in-1 cleansing solution for sensitive or allergic skin. The 3-in-1 solution offers cleanser, make-up remover and toner in one product. The micellar solution reliably cleanses even waterproof make-up and soothes irritated skin. The cucumber extract it contains soothes irritated skin. Application Put the solution directly onto a cotton pad and gently cleanse the eyes and face. For a particularly gentle removal of eye make-up, press the cotton pad gently against the eye for a few seconds. No rinsing necessary. The facial care can be applied immediately afterwards. Ingredients Aqua/Water/EauPeg-6 Caprylic/Capric GlyceridesFructooligosaccharidesMannitolXylitolRhamnoseCucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit ExtractPropylene GlycolCetrimonium BromideDisodium Edta. [Bi 446]..
32.29 USD
Bioderma sensibio h20 pompe inversée peau seche 500 ml
Bioderma Sensibio H20 Pompe Inversée Peau Seche 500 ml The Bioderma Sensibio H20 Pompe Inversée Peau Seche 500 ml is the perfect makeup remover and cleanser for people with dry skin. It works to gently remove makeup, dirt, and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural oils or causing irritation. This product is part of the Sensibio line from Bioderma, which is specifically formulated for sensitive skin. The H20 formula is designed to mimic the natural composition of the skin, so it is gentle and effective for even the most delicate skin types. It is also free from harsh ingredients like parabens, sulfates, and fragrances, making it a safe and effective choice for anyone with sensitive skin. The pump bottle is designed with an innovative "pompe inversée" system, which means that the bottle is inverted when you use it. This helps to prevent contamination and ensures that the formula remains fresh and effective. The 500 ml size is ideal for daily use and is sure to last you for months. Overall, the Bioderma Sensibio H20 Pompe Inversée Peau Seche 500 ml is the perfect choice for anyone with dry or sensitive skin who wants an effective and gentle makeup remover and cleanser. With its gentle formula and convenient pump bottle, this product is sure to become a staple in your skincare routine...
37.87 USD
Bioderma sensibio tonique 250 ml
Bioderma Sensibio Tonique 250 ml maapealsed seemendid Kas otsite toonikut, mis rahustab ja niisutab teie tundlikku nahka ilma ärrituseta? Bioderma Sensibio Tonique peau coulters on õrn toonik, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt tundlikele nahatüüpidele. See sisaldab toimeaineid, mis rahustavad ja leevendavad ärritust. See aitab taastada naha loomuliku tasakaalu, et saada selgem ja säravam jume. Bioderma 250 ml Sensibio Tonique peasabadel on mittekleepuv, mitterasvane tekstuur, mis tundub nahal kerge ja värskendav. Toonik on rikastatud E-vitamiiniga, mis aitab kaitsta nahka kahjulike UV-kiirte ja vabade radikaalide eest. See sisaldab ka glütseriini, mis aitab kaasa toote niisutavatele ja niisutavatele omadustele, jättes naha pehmeks ja elastseks. Valem ei sisalda alkoholi, parabeene ega lõhnaaineid, seega sobib see suurepäraselt tundlikule nahale, mis on altid ärritusele. Seda on lihtne kasutada, lihtsalt kandke see vatipadjaga naha puhastamiseks ja liigse mustuse või meigi eemaldamiseks. Kasutage seda igapäevaselt oma nahahooldusrutiini osana, et parandada naha üldist välimust. Kokkuvõttes on Bioderma Sensibio Tonique peau coulters 250 ml suurepärane valik tundliku nahaga inimestele, kes otsivad toonikut, mis aitaks nahka rahustada ja niisutada. Seega, kui olete valmis kogema õrna ja värskendavat toonikut, mis jätab teie nahale parima väljanägemise ja tunde, proovige Bioderma Sensibio Tonique maapiimasid juba täna! ..
26.42 USD