reguleeritav kaelarihm
Gibaud cervicalstütze c1 9,5cm gr1 pehme 29-34cm
The GIBAUD Cervicalstütze C1 9.5cm Gr1 soft 29-34cm is a high-quality cervical support that is designed to provide optimal support and stabilization to the cervical spine. This cervical collar is particularly effective in cases of cervical trauma or whiplash, as well as providing relief from pain and discomfort caused by surgeries or injuries to the neck or spine. The GIBAUD Cervicalstütze is made from soft and breathable materials that are comfortable to wear for extended periods, while still providing optimum support and protection. This Cervicalstütze is particularly well-suited for individuals who require gentle support for their neck, as well as those who have undergone surgery or have experienced significant injury to their cervical spine. This cervical collar is available in size Gr1 soft 29-34cm, and features an adjustable Velcro strap for a customized and comfortable fit. The 9.5cm width of the collar provides maximum stability and support to the cervical spine, helping to reduce pain and discomfort and promoting proper healing and rehabilitation. The GIBAUD Cervicalstütze C1 9.5cm Gr1 soft 29-34cm is a reliable and effective cervical support, recommended by healthcare professionals worldwide. If you are looking for a high-quality cervical collar to provide you with the support you need to recover from injury or surgery, this product is an excellent choice. ..
64.29 USD
Gibaud cervicalstütze c1 9,5cm gr2 pehme 35-40cm
Introducing the GIBAUD Cervicalstütze C1, an innovative neck support designed to help alleviate neck pain and discomfort. This cervical collar is made from soft materials that are gentle on the skin, making it comfortable to wear all day long. The Cervicalstütze C1 measures 9.5cm in height and is designed to fit neck sizes ranging from 35-40cm. The collar comes in Gr2 soft, providing gentle support to the neck without causing any irritation or discomfort. Whether you are recovering from an injury or just experiencing general neck pain, this cervical collar is an essential tool to have in your recovery kit. The GIBAUD Cervicalstütze C1 is made from high-quality materials that are durable and long-lasting. The collar is easy to clean and maintain, making it a convenient and practical solution for neck support. It is also designed to be adjustable, allowing you to customize the level of support you need throughout your recovery process. Overall, the GIBAUD Cervicalstütze C1 is a must-have for anyone suffering from neck pain or discomfort. With its comfortable, adjustable design and durable construction, this cervical collar is sure to become an essential aid in your recovery process. ..
64.29 USD
Gibaud emakakael c2 7,5cm gr1 29-34cm tugevdatud
GIBAUD emakakaela C2 7,5 cm Gr1 29–34 cm tugevdatudGIBAUD emakakaela kaelarihm on kvaliteetne meditsiiniseade, mis aitab pärast vigastust või operatsiooni kaela toetada ja liikumatuks muuta. See konkreetne mudel, tugevdatud emakakaela C2 7,5 cm Gr1 29–34 cm, on loodud lülisamba kaelaosale täiendava toe pakkumiseks ja sobib inimestele, kellel on kaelavigastus, nikastused, venitused või operatsioonijärgne taastumine. Emakakaela kaelarihm on valmistatud pehmest ja mugavast kangast, mis on tugevdatud polüetüleenist vahetükkidega. Need sisetükid on paigutatud strateegiliselt, et suurendada stabiilsust ja toetada kaela. Lisaks on kaelarihmal esikinnitussüsteem, mis võimaldab seadet hõlpsalt ja reguleeritavalt positsioneerida, pakkudes kasutajale täiuslikku ja turvalist sobivust.GIBAUD emakakaela kaelarihm on suurepärane toode inimestele, kes elavad kaelahaigused, mis nõuavad immobiliseerimist ja toetamist. See on kasulik ka neile, kellel on piitsalöögid või muud ägedad vigastused, mis vajavad ajutist tuge. Kaelarihm on kerge ja hingav, võimaldades kasutajal kanda seda mugavalt pikka aega, ilma ebamugavustunnet või higistamist tundmata.Üldiselt on GIBAUD emakakaela C2 7,5 cm Gr1 29–34 cm tugevdatud toode suurepärane toode. mis pakub erakordset tuge ja mugavust inimestele, kellel on kaelavigastus või haigusseisund. Selle vastupidav materjal pakub kauakestvat ja tõhusat lahendust, samas kui reguleeritavus võimaldab isikupärastatud istuvust. Tellige oma juba täna ja hakake tundma kergendust ja lohutust, mida olete väärt...
83.53 USD