Original Bachi Flower White Chestnut No35 20ml
Do you have circling thoughts and find it difficult to switch off? For people who cannot switch off ..
33.32 USD
Bachi lille originaal Mimulus No20 20ml
Bachi lille originaal Mimulus No20 20 ml omadusedKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 38 g Pikkus: 24 mm >Laiu..
33.32 USD
Bachi Flower Original Star of Bethlehem No29 20ml
Do you feel very sad, e.g. after a loss? These people have not yet processed an emotional pain, worr..
33.32 USD
Originaal Bach Flower Impatiens No18 20ml
Originaalse Bach Flower Impatiens No18 20ml omadusedKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 38g Pikkus: 24mm >Lai..
33.32 USD
Original Bachi Flower Cerato No05 20ml
Bachi lilled Original Cerato No05 20 ml Originaalsed Bachi® lilled aitavad toime tulla igapäevaelu ..
33.32 USD
Originaal Bach Flower Aspen No02 20ml
Bachi lilled Original Aspen No02 20 ml Originaalsed Bachi® lilled aitavad toime tulla igapäevaelu e..
33.32 USD
Bachi lille originaal kivivesi No27 20ml
Do you set yourself too high standards?For people who lead a rigid way of life. You want to be an ex..
33.32 USD
Bachi lille originaal Holly No15 20ml
Bachi lille originaalholly No15 20 ml omadusedKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 38 g Pikkus: 24 mm >Laius: ..
33.32 USD
Original Bachi lille pähkel No33 20ml
You find it difficult to get used to change?For people who know their goal, but are constantly being..
33.32 USD
Originaal Bachi lillekirsi ploom No06 20ml
Bachi lilled Original Cherry Plum No06 20 ml Originaalsed Bachi® lilled aitavad toime tulla igapäev..
33.32 USD
Originaal Bach Flower Agrimony NO01 20ml
Bachi lilled Original Agrimony No01 20 ml Originaalsed Bachi® lilled aitavad toime tulla igapäevael..
33.32 USD
Bachi lille originaal Elm No11 20ml
You don't feel up to your responsibility and feel overwhelmed?These people have the feeling that the..
33.32 USD
Bachi Lill Original Lehis No19 20ml
Bachi lille originaallehise No19 20 ml omadusedKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 37 g Pikkus: 24 mm >Laius:..
33.32 USD
Original Bachi Flower Vervain No31 20ml
Does your excessive enthusiasm sometimes lead to overexertion?These people have a strong capacity fo..
33.32 USD
Originaal Bach Flower Rock Rose 20 ml NO26
Originaalse Bachi Flower Rock Rose 20 ml NO26 omadusedKogus pakendis: 1 mlKaal: 37 g Pikkus: 24 mm ..
33.32 USD