(1 Seite(n))
Althéra powder can 400 g
Althera PLV Ds 400 g The Althera PLV Ds 400 g is a specialized infant formula designed for infants and young children who are unable to tolerate traditional cow's milk-based formula due to allergies or other digestive issues. Formulated with extensively hydrolyzed protein, this formula is gentle on the digestive system and helps to reduce the incidence of allergic reactions. Additionally, the Althera PLV Ds 400 g is fortified with essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and other key building blocks that are essential for healthy development. Easy to prepare and use, this formula is an excellent alternative for parents who are looking for a safe and effective solution for their infant's nutritional needs. The Althera PLV Ds 400 g is also free of lactose, gluten, and soy, making it a highly specialized and easy-to-digest option for infants with sensitive stomachs. Trust the Althera PLV Ds 400 g to provide your infant with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development, without the added risk of allergic reactions or digestive discomfort...
33.98 USD
Aptamil hn 25 plv ds 400 g
APTAMIL HN25 Startermilch 400g Eigenschaftsname Säuglingsnahrung Anfangsmilch Zusammensetzung Zutaten: Glukosesirup, pflanzliche Öle (Palmöl, Kokosöl, Rapsöl, Sonnenblumenöl), Calciumcaseinat (aus MILCH), Maltodextrin, Calciumorthophosphat, Natriumcitrat, Kaliumsalze von Orthophosphorsäure, FISCHöl, Kaliumcitrat, Magnesiumchlorid, Kaliumchlorid, L-Cystein, Cholinchlorid, Mortierella alpina-Öl, Emulgator (SOJA). Lecithin), Vitamin C, Kaliumhydroxid, Inosit, Taurin, L-Tryptophan, L-Carnitin, Eisensulfat, Zinksulfat, Nukleotide (Cytidin, Uridin, Adenosin, Inosin, Guanosin 5?-Monophosphat), Vitamin E, Pantothensäure, Niacin, Kupfersulfat, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitamin A, Thiamin (Vitamin B1), Vitamin B6, Kalium Jodid, Folat, Mangansulfat, Natriumselenit, Vitamin K, Biotin, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12.. Bewerbung Vorbereitung: 1. Hände waschen. Sauger und Flasche auskochen. 2. Trinkwasser abkochen, auf ca. 100 °C abkühlen lassen. 40°C erhitzen und in die Flasche füllen. 3. Verwenden Sie nur den mitgelieferten Messlöffel und schaben Sie ihn mit der Rückseite eines sauberen Messers ab. Geben Sie die abgemessene Menge Pulver in die Flasche. Verschließen und kräftig schütteln. 4. Trinktemperatur prüfen (Handgelenktest). Befolgen Sie bei der Zubereitung sorgfältig die Gebrauchsanweisung. Eine unsachgemäße Zubereitung und Lagerung kann zu gesundheitlichen Problemen führen. Bereiten Sie Lebensmittel vor jeder Mahlzeit frisch zu. Bewahren Sie niemals Essensreste auf. Erhitzen Sie Babynahrung nicht in der Mikrowelle. Nährwerte NährwertMengepro%Messgenauigkeit Energie276,0 kJ100 ml Energie66,0 kcal100 ml Protein1,3 g100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Fett3,4 g100 mlUngefähr Wert (~) tr>Fett, davon gesättigte Fettsäuren1,95 g100 mlungefährer Wert (~) td>Fett, davon einfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren (cis)1,3 g100 mlungefährer Wert ( ~) Fett, einschließlich mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren (cis)0,6 g100 mlungefährer Wert ( ~) Kohlenhydrate, einschließlich Zucker1,2 g100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) Jod13,0 µg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Selen3,0 µg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Fluorid0,006 mg100 mlWeniger als () Mangan0,007 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Kupfer0,05 mg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) tr>Zink0,48 mg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) tr>Eisen0,71 mg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) tr>Magnesium5,6 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Phosphor49,0 mg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) tr>Calcium68,0 mg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) tr>Chlorid51,0 mg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) tr>Kalium80,0 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Pantothensäure (Vitamin B5)0,53 mg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) td>Biotin1,6 µg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) tr>Vitamin B120,17 µg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) Folsäure14,0 µg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Pyridoxin (Vitamin B6)0,05 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) td>Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)0,14 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) td>Thiamin (Vitamin B1)0,07 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert ( ~) td> Vitamin C9,3 mg100 mlUngefähr Wert (~) Vitamin E1,2 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) Vitamin D1,4 µg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) Vitamin A58,0 µg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) Natrium22,0 mg100 mlungefährer Wert (~) tr>Ballaststoffe0,0 g100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Kohlenhydrate7,6 g100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Cholin , insgesamt22,0 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) Inositol7,3 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Niacin0,43 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr>Taurin5,4 mg100 mlUngefährer Wert (~) tr> Allergene Enthält Fisch und FischprodukteMilch und Milchprodukte li>Soja und Sojaprodukte Notizen Verschließen Sie die Verpackung nach Gebrauch gut. Inhalte innerhalb von 4 Wochen verbrauchen. Kühl (25°C, nicht im Kühlschrank) und trocken lagern. Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum: siehe unten. Wichtiger Hinweis: Stillen ist ideal für Ihr Kind. Konsultieren Sie einen Arzt, bevor Sie dieses Produkt verwenden. Das Produkt ist nicht für Säuglinge mit Galaktosämie und Kuhmilcheiweißallergie geeignet. Zusätzliche Informationen Laktosefreie Formel. Nicht geeignet für Säuglinge mit Galaktosämie. ..
39.74 USD
Beba bio pre ab geburt can 800 g
Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g The Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g is the perfect choice for any health-conscious parent who wants to give their newborn the best possible start in life. This formula is made from high-quality organic ingredients that are carefully designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants from birth to six months of age. One of the unique features of this formula is that it is entirely free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Instead, the makers have used natural ingredients that provide essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and zinc to support your baby's healthy growth and development. The Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g also contains a precise blend of prebiotics and probiotics that promote digestive health and support your baby's immune system. The lactose in this formula is also suitable for babies who are lactose intolerant and have difficulty digesting regular cow's milk-based formulas. The formula is effortless to mix and prepare, making it a great option for busy parents. It is also gentle on your baby's delicate tummy, reducing the risk of colic, gassiness, and other digestive issues. If you're looking for a high-quality formula that will give your newborn the very best start in life, the Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g is the perfect choice. It is organic, nutritious, and free of synthetic additives, making it one of the healthiest options on the market today...
61.88 USD
Beba sensitive 1 ab geburt can 800 g
Beba Sensitive 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g The Beba Sensitive 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g is a highly specialized baby formula milk that is ideal for infants from birth up to six months old. It is formulated specifically for infants who are highly sensitive to lactose, and its nutrient composition is tailored to provide the necessary nutrients that growing infants need without compromising on their comfort. Benefits of Beba Sensitive 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g Helps reduce gas and colic Prevents constipation and diarrhea Tailored to meet the nutritional needs of infants from birth up to six months. Fortified with essential nutrients such as iron, vitamins, and minerals to promote healthy growth and development. Easy to digest protein for infants who are highly sensitive to lactose How to Use Beba Sensitive 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g The Beba Sensitive 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g is easy to prepare and use. Simply add the recommended amount of formula powder to warm or room temperature water, and mix it well until the powder is completely dissolved. Always follow the instructions on the packaging for best results. After preparation, store the formula in a cool and dry place, and use it within twenty-four hours. Discard any unused formula. Why Choose Beba Sensitive 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g? Beba Sensitive 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g is an excellent choice for parents who are looking for a specialized baby formula milk that is tailored to meet the nutritional needs of infants and is suitable for those with lactose sensitivity. This baby formula is known for its excellent quality, reliability, and effectiveness in promoting healthy growth and development in infants. It is also easy to prepare and use, making it a convenient option for busy parents. Order your Beba Sensitive 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g today and give your baby the right start in life with excellent nutrition and comfort!..
52.73 USD
Bimbosan bio 1 säuglingsmilch can 400 g
Bimbosan Bio 1 Infant Milk Formula is made exclusively from organic Swiss milk, with no palm oil being used. The infant formula is suitable from birth as a supplement to breast milk, after breastfeeding and for babies who are not breastfed.Made in Switzerland. Use Dosage for a bottle: Age / Weight *waterMeasuring spoon **Drinking bottles amount approx<3 weeks40ml145ml3kg90ml2100ml3-4kg130ml3145ml4-7kg170ml4th190ml> 7kg210ml5235ml *Guide Note According to the WHO, breastfeeding is the best diet for babies, so breastfeeding is recommended for the first 6 months. If supplementary food is required or the baby is no longer breastfed, information should be obtained from healthcare professionals (pediatrician, maternal advice, midwife). Composition Skimmed milk, demineralized whey powder, vegetable oils (sunflower oil, coconut oil, rapeseed oil), lactose , galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS from lactose), minerals (calcium chloride, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, calcium phosphate, calcium citrate, potassium sulphate, sodium hydroxide selenate, potassium sulfate, sodium hydroxide selenate Copper sulfate, iron sulfate), emulsifier ( sunflower lecithin), refined fish oil, choline bitartrate, vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B12, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B2), L-tyrosine, L. -Tryptophan, inositol, antioxidants (high tocopherol-containing extracts), L-cysteine, L-carnitine. ..
29.73 USD
Bimbosan bisoja 1 infant formula refill 400 g
BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref is a high-quality infant formula designed to provide complete nutrition for newborns up to six months old. This formula is made with carefully selected, organic ingredients to ensure your baby receives the best possible start in life. BIMBOSAN has been trusted by parents for over 80 years and is proud to offer a formula that is safe, natural, and easy to digest. The formula is enriched with vitamins and minerals to support healthy growth and development, and it is free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref formula contains essential fatty acids and nucleotides, which are vital for healthy brain and eye development. Additionally, the formula is fortified with probiotics to support a healthy digestive system and reduce the risk of colic and constipation. Preparing BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref is quick and easy. Simply mix the formula with boiled water, shake well, and feed to your baby. The formula is also available in convenient single-serving packets, making it easy to take on the go or while traveling. Choose BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref for a safe and natural way to provide your newborn with the nutrients they need to grow and develop. ..
31.71 USD
Bimbosan premium ziegenmilch 2 refill
Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch refill Btl 400 g The Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g is an excellent milk supplement for infants who are at least six months of age. Prepared from the finest quality goat milk, this organic formula is rich in essential vitamins and minerals that aid in promoting healthy growth and development in babies. Benefits of Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g Provides essential protein, vitamins and minerals for healthy growth and development in infants. Organic formula with no artificial flavors, preservatives, or colors. Aside from goat milk, Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch also contains prebiotic fibers that help maintain a healthy digestive system in babies. Easily digestible and absorbable, which makes it ideal for infants with lactose intolerance or digestive problems. Comes in a refillable bottle packaging, which is eco-friendly and convenient for parents who want to save money on formula. How to Prepare Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g Wash your hands and sterilize all the utensils and bottles to be used. Boil fresh water for five minutes and let it cool for 45 minutes to 50°C. Add the required amount of powder (one scoop per 30 ml of water), which is included in the package, to the water and stir until it dissolves completely. Check the temperature of the milk before feeding your baby. Overall, Bimbosan Premium Ziegenmilch 2 Folgemilch Refill Bottle 400g is an ideal formula for babies who are six months and above. Order now and enjoy the benefits of this organic goat milk formula!..
34.20 USD
Bimbosan super premium 1 säugling nachfüllung
Bimbosan Super Premium 1 Nachfüllen 400 g Kindermilchformel Komposition Magermilch; Lactose, Gemüseöle (Sonnenblumenöl, Rapsöl, Kokosnussöl), Molkenproteinkonzentrat, wasserfreies Milchfett, Galacto-Oligosaccharide (GOS aus Lactose), Mineralien (Calciumcarbonat, Kaliumchlorid, Natriumchlorid, Calciumcarbonat, Kalziumphosphat, Kaliumchlorid, Kaliumphosphat, Kaliumchorium hydroxide, sodium citrate, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodate, manganese sulfate, sodium selenate), REFINED FISH OIL, Mortierella alpina oil, 2?-FUCOSYLLACTOSE, vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6, Thiamin, Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Folsäure, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Biotin, Vitamin B12), Cholin-Bitartrat, L-Tyrosin, Emulsifizier (Lecithin), Taurin, Nukleotide (CMP, Ump, AMP, AMP, GMP, GMP, GMP, GMP ), L-Tryptophan, Antioxidantien (Ascorbyl-Palmitat, Extrakte mit einem hohen Tocopherolgehalt), L-Cystein, L-Carnitin-L-Tartrat, Inosit. Eigenschaften Die supermodernen, selbst die modernsten Bimbosan-Milks enthalten erstklassige Schweizer Kuhmilch. Unsere Super Premium -Milks beeindrucken mit ihrem Milchmilch, ihrem hervorragenden Geschmack und ihren zusätzlichen Zutaten. Sie erfüllen die neuesten Empfehlungen und Spezifikationen und versorgen Säuglinge und Kleinkinder mit den Nährstoffen, die sie in jeder Phase benötigen. Super Premium 1 enthält nur ein Kohlenhydrat, Laktose. Anwendung die angegebene Wassermenge kochen (siehe Dosierung) und lassen Sie sich ca. abkühlen. 45 ° C. Fügen Sie die Anzahl der Levelmesslöffel hinzu (siehe Dosierung). Schütteln Sie die Flasche gut und lassen Sie die Trinktemperatur (37 ° C) abkühlen (Handgelenksprüfung). Unangemessene Lagerung und Vorbereitung kann für die Gesundheit schädlich sein. Bereiten Sie jede Flasche frisch vor, verwenden Sie keine übrig gebliebenen Lebensmittel wieder. Dosierung für 1 Flasche: Alter/Gewicht*: 7 kg | Wasser: 40 ml | 80 ml | 120 ml | 160 ml | 200 ml | Messlöffel **: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Trinkbare Menge ca.: 45 ml | 90 ml | 135 ml | 180 ml | 225 ml | Flaschen pro Tag*: 7 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 4 | * Führungswerte/** 1 Weißer Messlöffel = ca. 6,1 g Diese umweltfreundliche Nachfüllbeutel enthält keinen Messlöffel. Dies ist in jeder Dose. Ernährungswerte Ernährungswert Menge pro % Messgenauigkeit Energie 269 KJ 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Energie 64 kcal 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Natrium 19,2 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Kohlenhydrate; von welchem Zucker 7,3 g 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Arachidonsäure 15 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Eisen 0,70 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Magnesium 5,12 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) 2'-fucosyllactose (2'-fl) 25 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Pyridoxin (Vitamin B6) 58 µg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Pantothensäure (Vitamin B5) 0,38 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) phosphor 28,2 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Linolsäure 422 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Carnitin 1,3 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Biotin 1,9 µg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Inositol 7,7 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) alpha-linolensäure 57 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Vitamin e 1,7 mg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Fett; von welch 0,6 g 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Vitamin D 1,5 µg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) diätetische Faser 0,4 g 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 58 µg 100 ml ungefähren Wert (~) iodin 14,1 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Galactooligosaccharid (GOS) 0,5 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) folsäure 16,6 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Zink 0,51 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) nukleotid 3,1 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) selen 3,2 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 102 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) kuffer 52 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Cholin; geesamt 23 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Vitamin B12 0,19 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) docosahexaensäure (DHA) 15 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Vitamin K 4,5 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) eiweiss 1,2 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Fett; Davon Gettigte Fettsäuren 1,4 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fluorid 1,9 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fett 3,3 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) niacin 0,51 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) laktose 6,9 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Mangan 7,7 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) calcium 44,8 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Taurin 3,8 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Vitamin C 13 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Fett; Davon Einfach UNGESATTIGTE Fettsäuren (cis) 1,2 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Chlorid 47,4 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Kohlenhydrat 7,3 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Vitamin A 57,6 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Kalium 66,6 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Allergen enthält fisch und fischersugnisse milch und milcherugnisse Milchtzucker (Laktose) Hinweise Kühl und Trocken Lagern. Unter Schutzatmosphärre Verpackt. EMPFEHLUNG: Beutel in der Bimbosan-Dosis Aufbewahre, Damit Das Pulver Nach dem Öffnen bis Zu 4 Wochen Lang optimaler Geschüttt BleBt. Wichtiger Hinweis: Stillen ist ideal für die Art. Lassen Sieich Vom fachpersonal des Gesundheitswesen Beraten, Wenn Sie die Produkt Verwenden Wollen. ..
28.50 USD
Holle bio-folgemilch 3 karton 600 g
Holle Bio-Folgemilch 3 Karton 600 g The Holle Bio-Folgemilch 3 Karton 600 g is a high-quality, organic follow-on milk formula that provides your baby with all the essential nutrients they need after starting on solid foods. This formula is made from carefully selected, organic ingredients so you can be sure that your baby is getting the best possible nutrition. Age Range: 10-12 months Quantities: 1 carton contains 600 g of formula Ingredients: Organic skimmed milk, organic whey powder (partially demineralized), organic vegetable oils (palm oil*, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil), organic maltodextrin, organic skimmed milk powder, organic starch, L-tyrosine, organic fish oil, organic vitamins, organic minerals: calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, vitamin C, vitamin E, ferrous lactate, zinc sulfate, niacin, pantothenic acid, copper sulfate, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B2, manganese sulfate, potassium iodate, vitamin K, sodium selenate, vitamin D, biotin, vitamin B12 Usage instructions: Always follow the instructions on the packaging carefully. Use one level scoop of formula for every fluid ounce of water. Shake well until the powder has completely dissolved. Check the temperature of the formula before feeding it to your baby. Benefits: The Holle Bio-Folgemilch 3 Karton 600 g provides your baby with all the essential nutrients they need, including vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids The organic ingredients ensure that your baby is getting the best possible nutrition The formula is easy to prepare and can be used as a replacement for breastfeeding or as a supplement alongside solid foods The carton is easy to store and transport Ensure that you speak with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your baby's diet. ..
29.02 USD
Milupa aptamil 1 800 g
Milupa Aptamil 1 800 g The Milupa Aptamil 1 is a high-quality infant formula designed for babies from birth up to 6 months old. With a unique blend of essential nutrients, this formula provides complete nutrition to support your baby's growth and development during the crucial first few months of life. Features and Benefits: Contains essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals for optimal brain and eye development Contains prebiotics and probiotics to support digestive health Contains nucleotides to support a strong immune system Easy to digest and gentle on baby's tummy Gluten-free, and contains no added sugars or artificial colors or flavors The Milupa Aptamil 1 is also suitable for babies who are not fully breastfed or for babies who require a supplement to their breast milk. It can be easily prepared by mixing with boiled water and can be served either warm or at room temperature. How to Use: Wash your hands and sterilize all utensils. Boil fresh water for 5 minutes and leave to cool for at least 30 minutes. Do not use artificially softened or repeatedly boiled water. Follow the instructions on the packaging to measure the correct amount of formula powder and add to the water. Shake well until all the powder has dissolved. Check the temperature of the formula before serving. It should be lukewarm. Do not microwave the formula as it may cause hot spots. With the Milupa Aptamil 1, you can rest assured that your baby is getting the best possible start in life with the right nutrition to support their growth and development...
52.08 USD
Milupa aptamil ar1 spezial-anfangsnahrung eazypack 800 g
Milupa Aptamil AR1 Special Infant Formula EaZypack 800 g Milupa Aptamil AR1 Special Infant Formula EaZypack 800 g is specially designed for infants who experience frequent regurgitation or spit-up issues. The formula is enriched with a unique blend of nutrients that are specifically designed to support healthy digestion and minimize regurgitation. The formula is made using the highest quality ingredients and contains all the necessary nutrients required for the healthy growth and development of infants. It is also gentle on the digestive system and easy to digest, making it an ideal choice for infants with sensitive tummies. The formula is available in an EaZypack format that is convenient to use and easy to store. The pack is airtight, ensuring the formula stays fresh and safe for consumption. The pack also comes with a measuring scoop to ensure accurate measurement of the formula, thus avoiding wastage. The Milupa Aptamil AR1 Special Infant Formula EaZypack 800 g is suitable for infants from birth till six months of age. It is also recommended for infants who have been diagnosed with reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If you have a baby who experiences frequent regurgitation, then the Milupa Aptamil AR1 Special Infant Formula EaZypack 800 g is the perfect formula to support their healthy growth and development. ..
74.89 USD
Milupa aptamil comfort 1 800g
Aptamil Confort 1 wurde speziell für Babys ab der Geburt mit Koliken und Verstopfung entwickelt.Die einzigartige Formulierung dieser Säuglingsnahrung enthält weniger Laktose, die GOS/FOS-Ballaststoffmischung von Aptamil und ? Palmitat, eine spezielle Fettstruktur. Darüber hinaus ist teilweise hydrolysiertes Protein, auch teilweise gespaltenes Protein genannt, in der Formel enthalten. Anwendung Gewicht ca. Messlöffel pro FlascheWasser (ml) pro FlascheTrinkfertig (ml) pro FlascheFlasche pro Tag3,5 kg390100 63,9 kg41201305 4,7 kg515017055,4 kg61802004-56,2 kg2102304 Hinweis Laut WHO ist Stillen die beste Ernährung für Babys, daher wird empfohlen, in den ersten 6 Monaten zu stillen. Danach wird weiterhin gestillt, jedoch zusammen mit einer ausgewogenen, dem Alter des Babys angemessenen Ernährung. Wenn eine Zufütterung erforderlich ist oder das Baby nicht mehr gestillt wird, sollten Informationen von den zuständigen Fachkräften (Kinderarzt, Mütterarzt) eingeholt werden Berater, Hebamme). Zusammensetzung Hydrolysiertes Molkenprotein (aus Milch), pflanzliche Öle (Palmöl, Rapsöl, Sonnenblumenöl, Kokosöl), Glukose Sirup, Galacto-Oligosaccharide (aus Milch), Maltodextrin, Stärke, Maisstärke, Laktose (aus Milch), Fructo-Oligosaccharide, Fischöl, Kaliumsalze der Orthophosphorsäure, Calciumorthophosphat, Calciumchlorid, Cholinchlorid, Öl aus Mortierella alpina, Magnesiumorthophosphat, Kaliumchlorid, Natriumchlorid, Vitamin C, Inositol, Taurin, Eisensulfat, L-Carnitin, Zinksulfat, Nukleotide (Cytidin, Uridin, Adenosin, Inosin, Guanosin-5'-monophosphat), Vitamin E, Pantothensäure, Niacin, Kupfersulfat, Riboflavin (Vitamin B?), Emulgator (Sojalecithin), Vitamin A, Thiamin (Vitamin B?), Vitamin B?, Kaliumiodid, Folsäure, Antioxidans (L-Ascorbylpalmitat), Mangansulfat, Natriumselenit, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Biotin, Vitamin B??..
58.49 USD
Milupa aptamil pepti syneo ds 400g
APTAMIL PEPTI SYNEO Spezialnahrung 400g Eigenschaftsname Lebensmittel für besondere medizinische Zwecke (ausgewogene Ernährung) Spezialnahrung Zusammensetzung Zutaten: Molkenproteinhydrolysat (aus MILCH), Maltodextrin, pflanzliche Öle (Palm, Kokos, Raps, Sonnenblumenöl), Oligosaccharide (Galactooligosaccharide (aus MILCH), Fructooligosaccharide), Calciumorthophosphat, Emulgator (Zitronensäureester von Mono- und Diglyceriden von Speisefettsäuren), FISCHÖL, Kaliumchlorid, Mortierella alpina-Öl, Cholinchlorid, Kaliumcitrat , Natriumchlorid, Magnesiumchlorid, L-Tyrosin, Vitamin C, Inosit, Magnesiumorthophosphat, Taurin, Bifidobacterium breve M- 16V, Zinksulfat, L-Carnitin, Eisensulfat, Vitamin E, Nukleotide (Natriumsalze von Uridin, Cytidin, Adenosin, Inosin, Guanosin-5-monophosphaten), Pantothensäure, Niacin, Kupfersulfat, Vitamin A , Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Mangan(II)sulfat, Kaliumiodid, Folsäure Säure, Natriumselenit, Vitamin K, Biotin, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12. Inhalt: LAIT, HUILE DE POISSON. Eigenschaften Basierend auf über 40 Jahren Forschung hat unser Team aus mehr als 500 Wissenschaftlern und Experten dazu beigetragen, unser einzigartiges APTAMIL PEPTI SYNEO zu entwickeln. Mit seinem hochhydrolysierten Protein und der patentierten Kombination aus GOS/FOS und Bifidus Breve ist das Futter für das Diätmanagement bei Kuhmilchallergien gedacht. GOS/FOS: Ballaststoffmischung Bifidus Breve: Teil der Bakterienfamilie, die natürlicherweise im Darm von Kindern vorkommt. Anwendung: Aptamil Pepti SYNEO eignet sich zum Diätmanagement bei Kuhmilcheiweißallergie. Aptamil Pepti SYNEO darf ausschließlich zur Ernährung Ihres Babys ab der Geburt verwendet werden. Anwendung Zubereitung: 1. Frisches, abgekochtes Trinkwasser abkühlen lassen und bei einer maximalen Temperatur von 40°C verwenden. Gießen Sie 2/3 der benötigten Wassermenge in die Flasche. 2. Für eine genaue Dosierung des Pulvers den beiliegenden Messlöffel mit der Rückseite eines Messers abstreifen. Verwenden Sie ausschließlich den beiliegenden Messlöffel 3. Geben Sie die benötigte Menge Pulver in die Flasche. Verschließen Sie die Flasche und schütteln Sie sie kräftig, fügen Sie die restliche Menge Trinkwasser hinzu und schütteln Sie den Flascheninhalt erneut kräftig. 4. Flasche öffnen und Sauger anbringen. Überprüfen Sie den Flascheninhalt auf Trinktemperatur (ca. 37°C). Zubereitung: Beachten Sie bei der Zubereitung von Aptamil Pepti SYNEO sorgfältig die Gebrauchsanweisung. Bei unsachgemäßer Zubereitung und Lagerung kann es zu gesundheitlichen Problemen durch das Wachstum unerwünschter Keime kommen. Bereiten Sie das Futter vor jeder Mahlzeit frisch zu und verfüttern Sie es sofort. Essensreste nicht wiederverwenden. Reinigen Sie Flasche, Sauger und Ring gründlich. Erhitzen Sie die Formel nicht in der Mikrowelle (Überhitzungsgefahr). Nährwerte Nährwertkennzeichnungpro 100 ml trinkfertige Lebensmittel1pro 100 gPulver Energie2762023kJ66 483kcalFett3,424,7gvon welche: gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,611,4gmehrfach ungesättigtes Fett Säuren 0,64,2gKohlenhydrate 7,151,7gdavon Zucker 3,52 5,5g davon Laktose 2,921,1gdavon Inositol7,152,0gBallaststoffe0,54,0gGOS20,675.0 gFOS20,080,58gProtein31,611,6gSalz0,050,38g VitamineVitamin A58426µgVitamin D1,712µgVitamin E1,28,9mgVitamin K4,433µgVitamin C9,167mgThiamin (Vitamin B1). td>mgVitamin B60,050,33mgFolat15107µgVitamin B120,161,2µgBiotin1,914µgPantothenhaltig Säure0,574,2mg MineralienNatrium 21153mgP Kalium87635mgChlorid51373mgKalzium61444mgPhosphor35254mgMagnesium5,037mgEisen0,544,0mgZink0,664 .9mgKupfer0,050,38mgMangan0,0080,06mgFluorid 4 ..
34.46 USD
Milupa aptamil pre 400 g
Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g The Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g is an infant formula that provides complete nutrition for infants from birth to six months of age. This formula is specially designed to support the growth and development of babies during their first few months of life. The unique composition of the formula is based on the latest scientific research and has been developed specifically to meet the nutritional needs of newborns. Composition The Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula is made up of a carefully selected combination of ingredients to provide babies with all the nutrients they need to grow and develop. The formula contains a blend of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that are easy for babies to digest. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, and vitamin D, which are important for healthy bone development. Benefits There are several benefits to using the Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula for your baby. Firstly, the formula provides complete nutrition for babies, meaning that you can be confident that your baby is getting all the nutrients they need to grow and develop. The formula is also easy to digest, which can help to reduce the risk of digestive issues such as colic and constipation. Additionally, the formula is enriched with important nutrients that can help to support your baby's immune system and promote healthy brain development. Usage The Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula is easy to prepare and use. Simply follow the instructions on the packaging to prepare the formula, and feed it to your baby as needed. The formula is suitable for use from birth, and can be used for as long as you wish to supplement or replace breastfeeding. Conclusion If you are looking for a high-quality infant formula that provides complete nutrition for your baby, the Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula is an excellent choice. With its unique composition and carefully selected ingredients, this formula provides all the nutrients your baby needs to grow and develop during their first few months of life. Additionally, the formula is easy to prepare and use, making it a convenient and reliable choice for busy parents...
29.25 USD
Milupa aptamil pregomin powder can 400 g
Aptamil Pregomin has been specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of babies from birth who have been diagnosed with cow's milk protein allergy and/or malabsorption.The infant milk formula is suitable for exclusive feeding of the baby from birth. Pregomin contains a highly hydrolyzed protein, medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) and has a reduced lactose content. The formula milk contains milk and fish oil. Application Age of the childBottle-meals per dayReady-to-eat food (ml)water (ml) Measuring spoon of Aptamil Pregomin1st month 5-6130120 42nd month5 17015053rd - 4th month4-5200 td>18065-6th month3-4230210 7from 6. month1-22302107 p> Note The pediatrician or clinic should be consulted first if you wish to use Aptamil Pregomin. Before the first use, the doctor should always test the individual tolerance of the food. According to the WHO, breastfeeding is the best diet for babies, so it is recommended that babies be breastfed for the first 6 months . After that, continue breastfeeding, but together with a balanced diet appropriate to the baby's age. If supplementary feeding is required or the baby is no longer being breastfed, information should be obtained from health care professionals (paediatrician, maternal adviser, midwife). Composition Glucose syrup, hydrolysed whey protein (from milk), vegetable oils (medium chain triglycerides (from coconut and palm oil), rapeseed, sunflower, palm oil), maltodextrin, calcium orthophosphate, potassium citrate, emulsifier (citric acid ester of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids), fish oil, calcium chloride, potassium orthophosphate, oil from Mortierella alpina, choline chloride, magnesium orthophosphate, vitamin C, Inositol, taurine, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, L-carnitine, iron II sulphate, zinc sulphate, vitamin E, nucleotides (sodium salts of uridine, cytidine, adenosine, inosine, guanosine 5 monophosphate), antioxidant (ascorbyl palmitate), pantothenic acid , niacin, copper sulphate, vitamin B2, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, potassium iodide, folic acid, sodium selenite, manganese II sulphate, vitamin K, biotin, vitamin D, vitamin B12..
36.58 USD
Milupa aptamil prematil can 400 g
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indikation Dosierung Milupa Aptamil Prematil Indikation Zur diätetischen Behandlung von Frühgeborenen. Dosierung Die durchschnittliche Trinkmenge beträgt in der Regel 150-170 ml/kg Körpergewicht und Tag. 761339 / 30.08.2017 ..
37.94 USD
Milupa aptamil profutura 1 safebox anfangsmilch 800 g
Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk 800g The Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk is ideal for infants aged up to 6 months. The formula is rich in nutrients that support the healthy growth and development of your baby. It is specially formulated with a unique blend of ingredients, including Pronutra+, which contains prebiotics, LCPs and other nutrients that support immune system and cognitive development. Benefits of Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk Contains essential nutrients for healthy growth and development of your baby Specially formulated with Pronutra+ for cognitive and immune system development Helps to reduce the risk of baby developing cow milk allergy Easy to digest, enabling your baby to absorb nutrients effectively Comes in a safety box packaging that ensures the formula remains fresh and uncontaminated How to use Dissolve each scoop of the formula in a recommended amount of water and shake well until fully mixed. You can feed your baby immediately after this. The formula is recommended for infants aged up to 6 months. Use the scoop provided in the pack for accurate measurement. Please follow the guidelines on the pack for the recommended amount of powder and water to use. Precautions Do not feed your infant on the formula for more than six months Do not give your baby any other food or drinks unless advised by a healthcare professional Ensure that your hands are clean before preparing the formula Discard any unused milk within 2 hours of preparation The Milupa Aptamil 1 Profutura Safety Box Beginning Milk is a great choice for parents who want to ensure their babies are getting the best nutrition possible. It is easy to use, highly nutritious and comes in a packaging that ensures the formula is fresh and safe for your baby...
56.68 USD
Milupa aptamil prosyneo 1 eazypack 800 g
Infant formula for infants at risk of allergies, which reduces the risk of milk protein allergy. Suitable as a single food from birth or as a tweed milk diet. Aptamil Prosyneo Pre combines the GOS/FOS dietary fiber blend of Aptamil (prebiotics) and Bifidus Breve (probiotics), a bifidobacterium that occurs naturally in infants' intestines. The combination of prebiotics and probiotics has a positive effect on the development of the immune system. Application Wash hands, boil drinking water and let it cool down to approx. 40°C. Fill boiled drinking water into the bottle. Then use the measuring spoon provided and wipe off. Add the measured amount of powder to the bottle and shake vigorously. Check drinking temperature before feeding (wrist sample). Prepare each meal fresh, do not reuse leftovers. clues Mother's milk is the best for the infant. The WHO recommends breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months. Prepare fresh food before each meal.Do not reuse remnantsMay not be used in cases of cow's milk protein allergyIf your baby already gets mixed meals after 6 months and does not get enough food with Aptamil Prosyneo 1, you can switch to Aptamil Prosyneo 2. li> Ingredients LACTOSE, hydrolysed whey protein, vegetable oils (palm oil, rapeseed oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil), GOS/FOS mixture (GALACTO and fructo-oligosaccharides) ; 0.8 g/100 ml), emulsifiers (citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, SOY lecithin), potassium orthophosphates, calcium chloride, FISH oil, oil from Mortierella alpina, choline chloride, vitamin C, taurine, Bifidobacterium breve, inositol , iron sulphate, zinc sulphate, nucleotides (uridine, cytidine, adenosine, inosine, guanosine 5'-monophosphate), L-carnitine, vitamin E, niacin, pantothenic acid, copper sulphate, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, vitamin B6 , manganese sulphate, potassium iodide, folic acid, vitamin K, biotin, sodium selenite, vitamin D, vitamin B12 Contains lactosesoya lecithinfish oil Contains none gluten li>eggs..
65.02 USD
Neocate infant powder can 400 g
Table of Contents Advertisement Neocate infant powder Advertisement For the special nutritional needs of infants with cow's milk allergy, multiple food allergies and other indications where an elemental diet IS recommended. 765180 / 12/28/2020 ..
86.71 USD
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