
Unterstützung des Immunsystems

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Bei wissen wir, wie wichtig ein robustes Immunsystem für die allgemeine Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden ist. Deshalb umfasst unsere Auswahl an Gesundheits- und Schönheitsprodukten aus der Schweiz verschiedenste Kategorien zur Immununterstützung – Gesundheitsprodukte, Naturheilmittel, Homöopathie, Gesundheit + Ernährung, Lebensmittel, Diät- und Schlankheitsprodukte bis hin zu Kursen/Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln. Unsere Produkte zur Immununterstützung wurden wissenschaftlich entwickelt, um Ihr Immunsystem zu stärken. Egal, ob Sie nach einem pflanzlichen Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, einer natürlichen Medizin oder einem probiotischen Nahrungsergänzungsmittel suchen, bei sind Sie genau richtig. Wir verstehen auch die vorteilhaften adaptogenen Eigenschaften, die sich von der körperlichen Körperpflege bis hin zu Kosmetika erstrecken. Entdecken Sie unser Sortiment an Hautpflegeprodukten, Kosmetika, Vitamin D3 und Vitamin K2-Ergänzungsmitteln für die Knochengesundheit. Für diejenigen, denen die Gesundheit des Herzens am Herzen liegt, haben wir Cholesterinpräparate zur Senkung des LDL-Cholesterins. Unser Sortiment ist mit einer breiten Palette an Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen angereichert, um Ihren vielfältigen Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Machen Sie zu Ihrem One-Stop-Shop für alle Ihre Gesundheits- und Schönheitsbedürfnisse aus der Schweiz.
Activox propolis rachenspray

Activox propolis rachenspray

Produktcode: 7814811

ACTIVOX Propolis Rachenspray - All Natural Solution for Sore Throat & Mouth Infections Overview ACTIVOX Propolis Rachenspray is a high-quality natural product that is made of propolis - a resin-like substance that bees collect from certain trees and plants. It is used to protect and maintain the health of their hive. The spray is formulated to provide effective relief for sore throat, mouth, and gums. It can help soothe inflammation, relieve pain, and protect against bacterial and viral infections. Features and Benefits 100% natural ingredients Contains high-quality propolis extract, natural honey, and sage Minimizes inflammation and soreness Relieves pain, irritation, and itching in the throat and mouth Protects against bacteria and viruses, boosts immunity Provides antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects Safe and easy to use, convenient spray bottle No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives Health Benefits ACTIVOX Propolis Rachenspray is an excellent choice for anyone struggling with a sore throat or mouth infections. It has a powerful natural cleansing action that helps reduce inflammation, prevent bacteria and viruses from attaching to cell membranes, and protect the oral microbiome. Additionally, it helps neutralize harmful free radicals, supporting immune function and keeping us healthy. By using ACTIVOX Propolis Rachenspray, you can help alleviate discomfort, promote healing, and boost your overall wellbeing. Directions for Use Shake the bottle well before use. Spray a few times into your mouth or throat, targeting the affected areas. Repeat 3-4 times daily, as needed. Use for up to 30 days or as recommended by your healthcare provider. Keep the bottle in a cool, dry place, and out of reach of children. Conclusion If you're looking for a natural solution to help soothe a sore throat, mouth, or gums, ACTIVOX Propolis Rachenspray is an excellent choice. Made from high-quality propolis extract, natural honey, and sage, it provides powerful antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects. Its natural formulation makes it safe and easy to use without any side effects. Give ACTIVOX Propolis Rachenspray a try today, and experience the many health benefits it provides!..

24.65 USD

Atolur mini-liquiduid 40 mg 60 capsules

Atolur mini-liquiduid 40 mg 60 capsules

Produktcode: 7805275

Atolur Mini-Liquid Caps 40 mg 60 Stk Atolur Mini-Liquid Caps 40 mg 60 Stk is a unique and effective dietary supplement that promotes overall wellness and nourishes your body. These soft gel capsules come in a convenient bottle of 60 pcs, providing you with a generous supply of the supplement that is perfect for everyday use. Beneficial Ingredients The product contains an array of beneficial ingredients, including coconut oil, sunflower, and hemp paste. Atolur Mini-Liquid Caps are specially formulated to provide the perfect blend of essential nutrients that promote vitality, boost the immune system, and support the health of bones, joints, and muscles. Potency and Quality The supplement capsules are packed with 40 mg of hemp paste per capsule, providing you with the highest level of potency and quality. The combination of ingredients in these capsules works synergistically to improve your mood, reduce anxiety and inflammation, and support the reduction of symptoms such as soreness or tension in your body, making it an excellent choice for those seeking optimal wellness. Easy to Use One of the advantages of Atolur Mini-Liquid Caps is its simple and straightforward usage. You need to take one soft gel capsule with a glass of water daily. The capsules are small, light, and easy to swallow, making it ideal for people who have difficulty swallowing larger capsules or pills. This supplement is also perfect for those who are always on the go and cannot afford to spend time making complicated or messy preparations. Conclusion Atolur Mini-Liquid Caps 40 mg 60 Stk is a premium quality dietary supplement that delivers results quickly and effectively! It is an excellent supplement for anyone looking to improve their overall well-being or to support specific bodily functions. Buy now and experience the benefits of the potent blend of ingredients in these capsules!..

65.11 USD

Biotta wellness woche bio karton

Biotta wellness woche bio karton

Produktcode: 7786915

Product Description: BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio Experience the ultimate wellness journey with the BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio! This carefully curated bundle of organic juices is perfect for anyone looking to rejuvenate their body and mind. Each bottle is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients to help you feel refreshed and energized. What's Included in the BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio? The BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio includes 7 different juices that are designed to help you achieve your health goals. Here's what you'll find in the package: 1 bottle of BIOTTA Breuss Vegetable Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Wellness Week Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Digest Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Turbo Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Elderberry Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Beet Juice 1 bottle of BIOTTA Carrot Juice Each bottle contains 100% organic ingredients that are grown without the use of harmful pesticides or chemicals. Plus, the juices are never heated, which means you get all of the raw nutrition your body needs. Benefits of the BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio The BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio is designed to help you achieve a variety of health benefits. Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect to experience: Increased energy Better digestion Improved immune system function Reduced inflammation Reduced risk of chronic diseases Improved mood and mental clarity With the BIOTTA Wellness Woche Bio, you can feel confident that you are giving your body the nourishment it needs to thrive. These juices are perfect for anyone looking to enhance their overall health and wellness...

102.12 USD

Dr. jacob's vitamin d3k2 oil forte

Dr. jacob's vitamin d3k2 oil forte

Produktcode: 7811049

Das verwendete Vitamin D3 wird durch UV-Lichtbestrahlung aus Wollwachs (Lanolin) gewonnen, das aus Schafwolle lebender Tiere stammt. (Pro Flasche Vitamin D3K2 Öl forte werden rund 0,04 g Lanolin zur Herstellung von Vitamin D verwendet.) Hergestellt in Deutschland. Eigenschaftsname Nahrungsergänzungsmittel. Die Vitaminsynergie für Knochen und Immunsystem. Zusammensetzung MCT-Öl (mittelkettige Triglyceride aus Kokosnussöl), Antioxidantien: Vitamin E natürlichen Ursprungs, Vitamin D3, Menachinon (Vitamin K2, all-trans MK-7). Eigenschaften Das langkettige Vitamin K2 (all-trans MK-7) wird aus pflanzlichen Stoffen hergestellt. Die Vitamine D und K tragen zu folgenden normalen Körperfunktionen bei: Vitamin D3: Aufrechterhaltung einer normalen Muskelfunktion, Aufrechterhaltung normaler Knochen und Zähne, Immunsystem, Vitamin K2: Knochenerhalt< /p> Verwenden 1 Tropfen täglich (ab 11 Jahren). Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum und Chargennummer: siehe Packungsunterseite. Nach dem Öffnen innerhalb von 6 Monaten verbrauchen. Allergene Enthält Keine deklarationspflichtigen Allergene Notizen Kühl (6–25 °C) und vor Licht geschützt lagern. Wenn Sie Vitamin-K-Antagonisten (Antikoagulanzien vom Cumarin-Typ) einnehmen, müssen Sie Ihren Arzt konsultieren. Die empfohlene Tagesdosis sollte nicht überschritten werden. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sind kein Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung. Zusätzliche Informationen Laktosefrei, sojafrei, glutenfrei und vegetarisch. ..

78.95 USD

Forzinc tabl

Forzinc tabl

Produktcode: 7802552

FORZINC Tabl 60 Stk FORZINC Tabl 60 Stk is a dietary supplement that contains the necessary amount of Zinc, an essential mineral that plays a vital role in various bodily functions. Benefits: Helps with immune system function Aids in the normal growth and development of the body?s cells Promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails Assists in healing wounds and abrasions Supports healthy fertility and reproduction Ingredients: The active ingredient in FORZINC Tabl 60 Stk is Zinc Gluconate. Each tablet contains 15mg of Zinc Gluconate. Usage: The recommended daily dosage for adults is one tablet a day, preferably taken with a meal. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Cautions: FORZINC Tabl 60 Stk is safe for most people when taken in the recommended dosage. However, it could cause minor side effects like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a history of allergies or kidney problems. Keep the product out of reach of children and store it in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Try FORZINC Tabl 60 Stk today and support your overall health and wellness...

24.12 USD

Immun biomed granules

Immun biomed granules

Produktcode: 7806492

Was ist IMMUN Biomed und wann wird es angewendet? IMMUN Biomed enthält die Vitamine D3 + C und die Spurenelemente Zink + Selen. Alle diese Mikronährstoffe tragen zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei. Vitamin C, Zink und Selen tragen dazu bei, die Zellen vor oxidativem Stress zu schützen und Vitamin C trägt zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Erschöpfung sowie zu einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel bei. Was ist zu beachten? Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sind kein Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche und ausgewogene Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise. Wie verwenden Sie IMMUN Biomed? Erwachsene und Jugendliche ab 11 Jahren: Einmal täglich den Inhalt eines Beutels in ein Glas geben, mit Wasser auffüllen (ca. 150 – 200 ml), gut umrühren und trinken. Das zubereitete Getränk schmeckt fruchtig und frisch nach Blutorange, Orange und Mandarine. Die empfohlene Tagesdosis sollte nicht überschritten werden. Was ist sonst noch zu beachten? Bei Raumtemperatur an einem trockenen Ort und außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern aufbewahren. Was enthält IMMUN Biomed? Zusammensetzung: Zucker, L-Ascorbinsäure (Vitamin C), Säuerungsmittel (Zitronensäure), Rote-Bete-Saftpulver, Zinkgluconat, Natriumselenat, Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3), Süßungsmittel (Cyclamat, Saccharin), natürliches Blutorangenaroma, Aroma ( Orange), Aroma (Mandarine, enthält Laktose*), Farbstoff (Carotin). NährwertangabenPro Tagesdosis (1 Beutel) % NRV* pro 1 Beutel Vitamin D320 µg (= 800 I.E.)400%Vitamin C500 mg625%Zink5,0 mg50%Selen70 µg127% * tägliche Referenzmenge für Erwachsene. IMMUN Biomed ist glutenfrei und vegan. ** 1 Beutel IMMUN Biomed enthält weniger als 0,1 g/100 g Laktose. Das Produkt gilt gesetzlich als laktosefrei. Wo erhalten Sie IMMUN Biomed? Welche Pakete sind verfügbar? Erhältlich in Apotheken und Drogerien, ohne ärztliche Verschreibung. IMMUN Biomed ist in Packungsgrößen mit 20 und 40 Beuteln erhältlich. Vertriebsunternehmen Biomed AG, Überlandstrasse 199, CH-8600 Dübendorf. Hersteller Verla-Pharm Arzneimittel, D-82324 Tutzing. ..

30.63 USD

Livsane vitamin c depot kaps 500 mg ch version 30 stk

Livsane vitamin c depot kaps 500 mg ch version 30 stk

Produktcode: 7810563

Livsane Vitamin C Depot Kaps 500 mg CH Version 30 Stk Livsane Vitamin C Depot Kaps 500 mg CH Version 30 Stk is an effective dietary supplement that helps in the maintenance of the immune system. Each capsule contains 500mg of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body. One of the unique features of this supplement is its depot capsule technology. The capsule slowly releases vitamin C into the body over a period of several hours, ensuring a sustained dose throughout the day. This supplement is particularly useful during cold and flu season, as it helps to reduce the severity and duration of symptoms. Vitamin C also aids in the absorption of iron, so it can be beneficial for those with iron deficiency anemia. Additionally, it assists in the production of collagen, which is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Livsane Vitamin C Depot Kaps 500 mg CH Version 30 Stk is suitable for vegetarians and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. It is also gluten-free, lactose-free, and sugar-free. Overall, this supplement is an excellent choice for anyone looking to support their immune system and maintain their overall health and well-being. ..

21.11 USD

Luvit vitamin d3 mini-tabs 2000 ie

Luvit vitamin d3 mini-tabs 2000 ie

Produktcode: 7802465

LUVIT Vitamin D3 Mini-Tabs 2000 IE Introducing LUVIT Vitamin D3 Mini-Tabs 2000 IE, the perfect solution for a healthy and active lifestyle. Our product is formulated with high quality ingredients to provide your body with the essential vitamins it needs. Each bottle contains 120 mini-tabs, providing you with a 4-month supply of Vitamin D3. Why choose LUVIT Vitamin D3 Mini-Tabs? High potency: Each mini-tab contains 2000 International Units (IU) of Vitamin D3, which is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth, and supporting the immune system. Mini-tabs: Our mini-tabs are easy to swallow and perfect for those who struggle with larger tablets or capsules. Fast-acting: Our Vitamin D3 is easily absorbed by the body, ensuring fast and effective results. Quality ingredients: Our product is made with high quality ingredients to provide you with the best possible health benefits. 100% natural: Our Vitamin D3 is derived from 100% natural sources, making it safe for adults and children alike. Benefits of Vitamin D3 Vitamin D3 is essential for a healthy and active lifestyle. It works together with Calcium to promote strong bones and teeth, and plays a key role in supporting the immune system. Vitamin D3 has also been linked to other health benefits, including: Reduced risk of mortality Supported lung function Lowered risk of depression Improved cardiovascular health Reduced risk of certain cancers Directions for use Take 1 mini-tab daily with food, or as directed by a healthcare professional. Do not exceed recommended dose. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Improve your overall health and wellbeing with LUVIT Vitamin D3 Mini-Tabs 2000 IE. Order yours today and experience the benefits for yourself!..

36.91 USD

Metacare basic 3 kaps

Metacare basic 3 kaps

Produktcode: 7809620

Metacare Basic 3 Kaps Ds 90 Stk The Metacare Basic 3 Kaps Ds 90 Stk is a dietary supplement containing a unique blend of vitamins and minerals to support overall health and wellness. With its carefully selected ingredients, this product helps to maintain the body's natural functions, supports a healthy immune system, and provides essential nutrients for energy and vitality. Important Features and Benefits of Metacare Basic 3 Kaps Ds 90 Stk Contains Vitamin C: A vital nutrient that supports a healthy immune system, promotes healthy skin, and contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism. Includes Zinc: An essential mineral that plays a role in many bodily functions, including immune system support and wound healing. Rich in Vitamin E: An antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative stress and supports a healthy immune system. Contains Vitamin B6: An essential vitamin that contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and supports normal psychological function. Formulated with Vitamin D: A vitamin that helps maintain normal bones, teeth, and muscle function. The Metacare Basic 3 Kaps Ds 90 Stk is also suitable for vegetarians and has no artificial flavorings, preservatives, or colorants. Each bottle contains 90 capsules, providing a 3-month supply per container. How to Use Metacare Basic 3 Kaps Ds 90 Stk As a dietary supplement, take one capsule daily with water, preferably with a meal, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking this supplement if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have a pre-existing medical condition, or are taking any medications. Get your Metacare Basic 3 Kaps Ds 90 Stk today and start enjoying the benefits of this convenient and effective dietary supplement!..

64.72 USD

Metacare colon plus kapseln

Metacare colon plus kapseln

Produktcode: 7809622

METACARE Colon Plus Kaps METACARE Colon Plus Kaps is an advanced probiotic supplement designed to support digestive health and promote proper bowel functioning. These capsules contain a blend of powerful probiotic strains, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes that work synergistically to improve gut health and maintain a healthy bacterial balance in the colon. Benefits of METACARE Colon Plus Kaps Regulates bowel movements and prevents constipation Relieves symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Reduces inflammation in the gut Improves nutrient absorption and assimilation Boosts immune system function Enhances overall digestive health and wellbeing Key Ingredients Probiotic Strains: Lactobacillus Acidophilus Bifidobacterium Lactis Bifidobacterium Bifidum Bifidobacterium Longum Prebiotics: Inulin Oligofructose Digestive Enzymes: Protease Amylase Lipase Cellulase Directions for Use Take 1 capsule of METACARE Colon Plus Kaps daily, preferably with food. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any dietary supplement regimen. Quality and Safety METACARE Colon Plus Kaps is made from high-quality, non-GMO, and gluten-free ingredients. It is manufactured in an FDA-registered facility with strict adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Each batch is third-party tested to ensure purity, potency, and safety. Buy with Confidence We are confident that you will love METACARE Colon Plus Kaps. If for any reason you are not satisfied, we offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. Contact us for more information...

131.12 USD

Metacare l-glutamin-kaps

Metacare l-glutamin-kaps

Produktcode: 7809625

METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps is a dietary supplement that contains 100% pure L-Glutamine in the form of vegetarian capsules. L-Glutamine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body and plays a vital role in protein synthesis and muscle recovery. As a dietary supplement, METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps is designed to support a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. It may be beneficial for people who are looking to enhance their muscle recovery, reduce muscle breakdown, and improve their immune function. Key Benefits of METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps: Promotes muscle recovery and growth Reduces muscle breakdown during exercise Supports a healthy immune system Boosts digestive health Improves gut barrier function Enhances cognitive function METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps is suitable for athletes, bodybuilders, people who lead an active lifestyle, and anyone who wants to support their overall health and well-being. It's easy to include this supplement in your daily routine - simply take two capsules daily, either with food or as directed by your healthcare professional. At METACARE, we prioritize quality and purity, which is why all of our products are third-party tested to ensure they meet strict standards. METACARE L-Glutamin Kaps is made in a GMP certified facility and is free from harmful additives, fillers, and preservatives. ..

48.13 USD

Morga thymian tee m/h bio knospe

Morga thymian tee m/h bio knospe

Produktcode: 7808545

Morga Thymian Tee mit Hülle Bio Knospe Btl 20 Stk The Morga Thymian Tee mit Hülle Bio Knospe Btl 20 Stk is a natural and organic herbal tea that is packed with the goodness of thyme. Thyme is a common herb used in cooking and is known for its distinct flavor and aroma. However, it is also a powerful herb when it comes to health benefits. Thyme has several medicinal properties that make it an excellent ingredient for herbal teas and remedies. The Morga Thymian Tee with Hülle Bio Knospe is made from 100% organic thyme leaves, which are carefully picked and dried to preserve the natural flavor, aroma, and health benefits. The thyme tea is packed in 20 individual tea bags, making it convenient to use and carry with you on-the-go. Each tea bag is made from unbleached, compostable, and biodegradable paper, making it an eco-friendly choice for tea lovers. The Morga Thymian Tee with Hülle Bio Knospe is a natural way to support the immune system, soothe coughs and sore throats, and improve digestion. Thyme is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making it a great choice for overall health and well-being. Whether you need a hot cup of tea to start the day or a calming afternoon pick-me-up, the Morga Thymian Tee with Hülle Bio Knospe is a great choice. With its organic and natural ingredients, the Morga Thymian Tee with Hülle Bio Knospe is perfect for people who are health-conscious or prefer organic products. The tea is free from additives, artificial flavors, and colors, which makes it a healthy and tasty drink for everyone. So, if you are looking for a natural and organic way to boost your health and well-being, the Morga Thymian Tee with Hülle Bio Knospe is an excellent choice. Enjoy the benefits of thyme in a delicious and convenient way with this herbal tea. ..

5.61 USD

Naturstein propolis tinktur fl 10ml

Naturstein propolis tinktur fl 10ml

Produktcode: 7793960

Naturstein Propolis Tinktur Fl 10 ml Our Naturstein Propolis Tinktur Fl 10 ml is a natural-based product that is rich in propolis extracts. Propolis is a natural resin material that is collected by bees from various trees and plants, which they use to create honeycombs and protect their hives from harmful bacteria and fungi. The Naturstein Propolis Tinktur is the ideal supplement for anyone looking for a natural-based product to support their immune system, relieve symptoms of respiratory infections, and maintain good oral health. Our product is highly concentrated, and only a few drops are enough to offer the body the benefits of propolis extracts. The Naturstein Propolis Tinktur is also highly convenient as it comes in a 10 ml bottle that is easy to carry around and use on the go. Our product is made from high-quality natural ingredients, without the use of harmful chemicals, making it safe and gentle on the skin. It is also suitable for individuals with sensitive or allergy-prone skin. Get your hands on our Naturstein Propolis Tinktur Fl 10 ml today and give your body the natural support it deserves! ..

17.70 USD

Naturstein vitamin d3 k2 öl tropfen

Naturstein vitamin d3 k2 öl tropfen

Produktcode: 7802864

NATURSTEIN Vitamin D3 K2 Öl Tropfen The NATURSTEIN Vitamin D3 K2 Öl Tropfen is a natural dietary supplement that offers the perfect combination of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 to support better bone, immune system, and cardiovascular health. These oil drops are made from the highest quality ingredients that are sourced from natural sources for maximum effectiveness. Features and Benefits: Supports strong and healthy bones: Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 work together to promote better calcium absorption for stronger bones and teeth. Boosts immune system function: Vitamin D3 helps regulate immune function and may decrease the risk of chronic illnesses. Reduces the risk of heart disease: Vitamin K2 is known to support healthy cardiovascular function and may reduce the risk of heart disease. Easy to use: These oil drops are easy to consume and absorb quickly into the body for maximum effectiveness. Simply add the recommended dosage to your favorite food or drink. High-quality ingredients: NATURSTEIN Vitamin D3 K2 Öl Tropfen are made from natural ingredients that are free from additives, preservatives, and artificial colors or flavors. This makes them a safe and healthy dietary supplement for everyone. Why choose NATURSTEIN Vitamin D3 K2 Öl Tropfen? NATURSTEIN Vitamin D3 K2 Öl Tropfen are the perfect dietary supplement for anyone looking to support their overall health and wellness naturally. They are gentle on the digestive system and are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. So, if you are looking for an easy and effective way to support your bone, immune, and cardiovascular health, give NATURSTEIN Vitamin D3 K2 Öl Tropfen a try today! ..

42.26 USD

Nutrexin immun power kaps

Nutrexin immun power kaps

Produktcode: 7793020

NUTREXIN Immun Power Kaps The NUTREXIN Immun Power Kaps is a powerful dietary supplement designed to boost the immune system naturally. This product is a potent combination of essential vitamins, minerals, and herbs that work together to promote the body's natural defense system against harmful infections, viruses, and diseases. Key Benefits Fortifies the Immune System Promotes Cellular Health Provides Antioxidant Protection Enhances Energy and Vitality Supports Overall Well-being Ingredients The NUTREXIN Immun Power Kaps contains a comprehensive blend of natural and potent ingredients, including: Vitamin C Vitamin E Zinc Selenium Astragalus Echinacea Reishi Mushroom Garlic Ginger Ginseng How It Works The ingredients in the NUTREXIN Immun Power Kaps work together to strengthen the immune system, enhance overall health, and fight off harmful invaders. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, and Selenium are powerful antioxidants that provide crucial support for immune function and cellular health. Astragalus, Echinacea, Reishi Mushroom, Garlic, Ginger, and Ginseng all have immune-boosting benefits and work together to provide comprehensive protection for the body. Dosage and Safety The recommended dosage for the NUTREXIN Immun Power Kaps is two capsules daily, preferably with food. This product is safe for most people to take but it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any dietary supplement regimen. Overall, the NUTREXIN Immun Power Kaps is a safe and effective supplement that provides essential immune support and overall well-being. If you are looking for a natural way to enhance your immune system and stay healthy, this product might be the perfect fit...

70.22 USD

Omni-biotic 10 30 bag 5 g

Omni-biotic 10 30 bag 5 g

Produktcode: 7785870

OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv is a high-quality probiotic supplement formulated with 10 different bacterial strains. Each sachet contains 5 billion bacteria and is designed to support and promote a healthy gut microbiome. The probiotic strains in OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv have been carefully selected based on their ability to survive the harsh acidic environment of the stomach and reach the intestine where they can have the greatest impact. These strains include: Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus casei Lactobacillus plantarum Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lactobacillus salivarius Bifidobacterium bifidum Bifidobacterium lactis Bifidobacterium longum Enterococcus faecium Streptococcus thermophilus OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv helps balance the gut microbiome, which can become disrupted due to poor diet, stress, illness, or medication use. By promoting the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria, this probiotic supplement can support digestive health, immune function, and overall wellness. OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv is easy to use - simply dissolve one sachet in water or other liquid and consume once per day. The powder is flavorless and can be mixed with any beverage of your choice. OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv is gluten-free, lactose-free, and vegan, making it suitable for a wide range of dietary needs. It is also free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. Take care of your gut and support your overall health with OMNI-BIOTIC 10 Plv probiotic supplement. Order now and start feeling your best!..

88.75 USD

Omni-biotic 6 powder 60 bag 3 g

Omni-biotic 6 powder 60 bag 3 g

Produktcode: 7785873

OMNI-BIOTIC 6 Plv OMNI-BIOTIC 6 Plv is a probiotic supplement that supports the human digestive system and helps boost immunity. These capsules are specially formulated with six types of beneficial bacteria strains, including lactobacillus acidophilus, streptococcus thermophilus, and bifidobacterium bifidum. The supplement helps maintain healthy intestinal flora, promotes regular bowel movements, and supports overall digestive health. The formula also helps improve the body's ability to digest lactose, which is instrumental in reducing digestive discomfort in those who are lactose intolerant. Features: Contains six beneficial bacteria strains, including lactobacillus acidophilus, streptococcus thermophilus, and bifidobacterium bifidum. Helps maintain healthy intestinal flora, promotes regular bowel movements, and supports overall digestive health. Improves the body's ability to digest lactose, reducing digestive discomfort in lactose intolerant people. Natural, clinically proven formula that aids digestion and enhances immune function. Suitable for vegetarians and free from allergens, artificial flavors, and preservatives. Benefits: Supports digestive and immune health - OMNI-BIOTIC 6 Plv helps to maintain a healthy intestinal balance of microorganisms, which in turn helps support the digestive tract and boost immunity. Relieves digestive discomfort - The formula enhances the body's ability to digest lactose, reducing digestive discomfort in those who are lactose intolerant. Promotes regular bowel movements - The supplement helps improve bowel movements and soothes gastrointestinal issues such as constipation. Natural and clinically proven - The supplement is made up of pure and natural ingredients that have been clinically tested and proven to aid digestive health and enhance immune function. Safe and Easy to Take - Suitable for vegetarians, OMNI-BIOTIC 6 Plv is free from artificial flavors, and preservatives, making it a safe and easy-to-use supplement to support your digestive health and immunity. Directions for Use: Take one (1) sachet daily dissolved in a glass of water, ideally on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before a meal. Conclusion Keeping your gut healthy is essential to your overall health and well-being. OMNI-BIOTIC 6 Plv is an advanced probiotic supplement that contains six types of beneficial bacteria strains that promote digestive health, improve lactose digestion, and enhance immunity. With regular use, this supplement can help you achieve optimal digestion, reduce digestive discomfort, and support overall health...

157.64 USD

Omni-biotisches pro-vi 5 plv 30 btl 2 g

Omni-biotisches pro-vi 5 plv 30 btl 2 g

Produktcode: 7809647

OMNi-BiOTiC® Pro-Vi 5 ? Ihr Partner für das Immunsystem Zusammensetzung Lebende Milchsäurebakterien, entspr.: Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus LB2 (LMG P-21905), entspr.: Lactobacillus rhamnosus SP1 (DSM 21690), entspr.: Lactobacillus reuteri (DSM 12246), entspr.: Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 (DSM 29673), entspr.: Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. Lactis (DSM 15954), pro Beutel (2 g). Eigenschaften Enthält 5 speziell ausgewählte Milchsäurebakterienstämme in Kombination mit Vitamin D. Anwendung Kinder ab 3 Jahren und Erwachsene: 1 - 2 x täglich 1 Beutel (= 2 g) in ein Glas Wasser (ca. 125 ml) einrühren. , 1 Minute auf Aktivierung warten, umrühren und trinken. Es wird empfohlen, es auf nüchternen Magen einzunehmen. Wenn Sie OMNi-BiOTiC® Pro-Vi 5 zweimal täglich einnehmen, empfehlen wir die Einnahme vor dem Frühstück und vor dem Abendessen. Notizen Schwangere und stillende Frauen können OMNi-BiOTiC® Pro-Vi 5 einnehmen. Die fünf Milchsäurebakterienstämme kommen natürlicherweise im menschlichen Darm vor. Zusätzliche Informationen Laktosefrei, glutenfrei, hefefrei, für Vegetarier geeignet. ..

77.85 USD

Pharmalp pastilles des alpes doypack

Pharmalp pastilles des alpes doypack

Produktcode: 7811001

PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel Der PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel ist ein einzigartiges Produkt, das die natürlichen medizinischen Eigenschaften von Schweizer Bergkräutern mit dem Komfort eines nachfüllbaren Beutels kombiniert. Diese Pastillen werden aus einer proprietären Mischung von 13 Schweizer Bergkräutern hergestellt, die sorgfältig aufgrund ihrer gesundheitlichen und wohltuenden Wirkung ausgewählt wurden. Die in diesen Pastillen verwendeten Kräuter stammen alle aus biologischem Anbau und werden von Hand in den Schweizer Alpen gepflückt, was ihre Reinheit und Wirksamkeit gewährleistet. Anschließend werden sie mit natürlichem Zucker und Bio-Honig kombiniert, um eine köstliche und wirksame Methode zur Unterstützung Ihres Immunsystems und zur Förderung des allgemeinen Wohlbefindens zu schaffen. Jede Pastille ist vollgepackt mit Vitaminen, Antioxidantien und anderen nützlichen Verbindungen, die dazu beitragen, die natürlichen Abwehrkräfte Ihres Körpers zu stärken, Halsschmerzen und Husten zu lindern sowie Entspannung und Stressabbau zu fördern. Ganz gleich, ob Sie auf der Suche nach einer natürlichen Möglichkeit zur Bekämpfung von Erkältungen und Grippe sind oder einfach nur eine köstliche Möglichkeit zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit und Ihres Wohlbefindens suchen, PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel sind die perfekte Wahl. Zusätzlich zu ihren gesundheitlichen Vorteilen sind diese Pastillen auch praktisch und einfach in der Anwendung. Der Nachfüllbeutel kann bei Bedarf mit Pastillen nachgefüllt werden, sodass Sie nie auf Ihr Lieblings-Naturheilmittel verzichten müssen. Sie sind außerdem tragbar und eignen sich perfekt für den Einsatz unterwegs, egal ob Sie auf Reisen, bei der Arbeit oder einfach unterwegs sind. Wenn Sie die natürliche Heilkraft der Schweizer Bergkräuter erleben möchten, probieren Sie noch heute PHARMALP Pastilles des Alpes Nachfüllbeutel und spüren Sie den Unterschied! ..

18.13 USD

Regulatpro immun

Regulatpro immun

Produktcode: 7794025

REGULATPRO Immune REGULATPRO Immune ist ein natürliches Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zur Unterstützung des körpereigenen Immunsystems. Diese einzigartige Formel besteht aus einer Mischung aus 100 % biologischem Obst, Gemüse und Nüssen, fermentiert mit Lactobacillus bulgaricus und Streptococcus thermophilus. Der Fermentationsprozess zerlegt die Nahrung in ihre kleinste, bioverfügbarste Form, sodass sie vom Körper leichter aufgenommen und verwertet werden kann. Dies führt zu einer verbesserten Nährstoffaufnahme, einer verbesserten Immunfunktion und einem erhöhten Energieniveau. Hauptvorteile Unterstützt das Immunsystem Bietet ein breites Spektrum an essentiellen Nährstoffen Erhöht das Energieniveau Verbessert die Nährstoffaufnahme Steigert die allgemeine Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden Zutaten Zu den Zutaten in REGULATPRO Immune gehören Bio-Datteln, Feigen, Aprikosen, Kokosnüsse, Zitronen, Karotten, Artischocken und Hirse. Diese Zutaten werden sorgfältig nach ihrem Nährstoffgehalt ausgewählt und mit Lactobacillus bulgaricus und Streptococcus thermophilus fermentiert, um ihre Bioverfügbarkeit und Nährstoffaufnahme zu verbessern. Gebrauchsanweisung Nehmen Sie zweimal täglich 10 ml (2 Teelöffel) REGULATPRO Immune ein, entweder pur oder gemischt mit Wasser oder Saft. Vor Gebrauch gut schütteln. Nach dem Öffnen im Kühlschrank aufbewahren. Schlussfolgerung REGULATPRO Immune ist ein natürliches, organisches Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das das Immunsystem des Körpers unterstützt, die Nährstoffaufnahme verbessert und das Energieniveau erhöht. Mit seiner einzigartigen Mischung aus fermentierten Früchten, Gemüse und Nüssen ist dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittel eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, für optimale Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zu sorgen. ..

103.15 USD

Reines vitamin d3 flüssig ch fl 22,5 ml

Reines vitamin d3 flüssig ch fl 22,5 ml

Produktcode: 7812908

REINES Vitamin D3 Liquid CH Kämpfen Sie mit Vitamin-D-Mangel? Wenn ja, dann ist PURE Vitamin D3 Liquid CH das Produkt, nach dem Sie gesucht haben. Dieses flüssige Nahrungsergänzungsmittel besteht aus hochwertigem Vitamin D3 und wurde speziell entwickelt, um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, das ganze Jahr über einen optimalen Vitamin-D-Spiegel in Ihrem Körper aufrechtzuerhalten. Vitamin D ist ein essentieller Nährstoff, den unser Körper benötigt, um starke Knochen und Zähne zu erhalten und eine gesunde Funktion des Immunsystems zu unterstützen. Leider mangelt es vielen Menschen an diesem lebenswichtigen Vitamin, vor allem denen, die in kälteren Klimazonen leben, wo die Sonneneinstrahlung begrenzt ist. Das PURE Vitamin D3 Liquid CH wird aus Cholecalciferol hergestellt, einer Form von Vitamin D, die aus Lanolin gewonnen wird. Es enthält keine zusätzlichen Konservierungsstoffe, Füllstoffe oder künstlichen Farbstoffe und ist somit eine sichere und natürliche Möglichkeit, Ihre tägliche Vitamin-D-Zufuhr zu ergänzen. Die flüssige Form dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittels ermöglicht eine einfache Aufnahme durch den Körper und ist daher eine ideale Wahl für diejenigen, die möglicherweise Schwierigkeiten beim Schlucken von Pillen oder Kapseln haben. Die Flasche wird mit einem praktischen Tropfer geliefert, mit dem Sie ganz einfach die richtige Dosierung für Ihren Bedarf abmessen können. Um dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zu verwenden, schütteln Sie einfach die Flasche und geben Sie ein paar Tropfen unter Ihre Zunge oder mischen Sie es in Ihren Lieblingssaft oder Smoothie. Die empfohlene Dosierung beträgt 1-2 Tropfen pro Tag, Ihr Arzt kann Ihnen jedoch je nach Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen eine andere Dosierung empfehlen. Bei regelmäßiger Anwendung von PURE Vitamin D3 Liquid CH können Sie davon ausgehen, einen gesunden Vitamin-D-Spiegel aufrechtzuerhalten und sich insgesamt einer besseren Gesundheit und eines besseren Wohlbefindens zu erfreuen...

29.17 USD

Sananutrin ingwersan plus tabl

Sananutrin ingwersan plus tabl

Produktcode: 7799534

SANANUTRIN Ginger San Plus Tabletten sind ein sorgfältig zusammengestelltes Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit und Ihres Wohlbefindens. Diese Tabletten sind vollgepackt mit der Güte des Ingwers und sollen die Verdauung unterstützen und einen gesunden Stoffwechsel fördern. Egal, ob Sie Ihre Darmgesundheit verbessern, Ihr Immunsystem stärken oder einfach ein natürliches Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zu Ihrer Routine hinzufügen möchten, SANANUTRIN Ginger San Plus Tabletten bieten eine praktische und wirksame Lösung. Diese aus hochwertigen Inhaltsstoffen hergestellten Tabletten sind eine perfekte Ergänzung zu Ihrer Diät und Ihrem Schlankheitsprogramm. Nutzen Sie die Vorteile von Ingwer mit SANANUTRIN Ginger San Plus Tabletten und machen Sie einen Schritt zu einem gesünderen Körper...

55.74 USD

Schoenenberger kartoffel nat frischpfl bio

Schoenenberger kartoffel nat frischpfl bio

Produktcode: 7803884

Schoenenberger Kartoffel naturreiner Frischpflanzensaft Bio Fl 200 ml Schoenenberger Kartoffel naturreiner Frischpflanzensaft Bio Fl 200 ml is a natural, organic and fresh potato juice. This juice is made from freshly harvested potatoes that are gently pressed to extract the juice, without the use of any additives, preservatives or artificial ingredients, making it completely natural and pure. The Schoenenberger Kartoffel naturreiner Frischpflanzensaft Bio Fl 200 ml is made from certified organic potatoes that are grown on farms that use traditional farming methods and are free from harmful pesticides and chemicals, ensuring that the juice is healthy and safe to consume. This juice is rich in essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6, and is an excellent natural remedy for a variety of health problems, including digestive problems, inflammation, and overall immunity support. The Schoenenberger Kartoffel naturreiner Frischpflanzensaft Bio Fl 200 ml is packaged in a convenient 200ml bottle that can be easily carried and consumed on the go. It is recommended to take this juice in the morning on an empty stomach for maximum health benefits. If you are looking for a natural and organic way to improve your health, try the Schoenenberger Kartoffel naturreiner Frischpflanzensaft Bio Fl 200 ml today and experience the benefits of fresh potato juice. ..

14.36 USD

Vita immunoxanthin kaps

Vita immunoxanthin kaps

Produktcode: 7813840

The Vita Immunoxanthin Kaps Ds 50 Stk is a high-quality dietary supplement that has been formulated to support immune system health. The supplement contains a special blend of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients that have been carefully selected to strengthen the immune system, protect against oxidative damage, and promote overall health and well-being. Each capsule is packed with a potent combination of vitamins C, E, and D, along with beta-carotene, selenium, and other essential antioxidants that help to neutralize harmful free radicals, reduce inflammation, and support cellular health. These nutrients work together to improve immune function, boost energy levels, and enhance overall vitality. One of the key ingredients in Vita Immunoxanthin Kaps Ds 50 Stk is the antioxidant astaxanthin, which is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Astaxanthin has been clinically proven to reduce cellular inflammation and promote healthy immune system function, making it an essential nutrient for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being. Overall, Vita Immunoxanthin Kaps Ds 50 Stk is a must-have supplement for anyone looking to boost their immune system and protect against oxidative damage. Whether you're looking to improve your overall health, increase your energy levels, or simply stay healthy and protected against illness, this powerful supplement provides the support you need to live your best life. ..

123.38 USD

Yogi tea natürliche abwehr 17 bag 2 g

Yogi tea natürliche abwehr 17 bag 2 g

Produktcode: 7811182

Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr | Product Description Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr 17 Btl 2 g Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr is a unique blend of herbs and spices that are carefully selected to help support your immune system. This tea is perfect for those who are looking for a natural way to boost their immunity and prevent illness. The combination of herbs and spices in this tea is specifically designed to help strengthen the body's natural defenses. It contains Echinacea, which is known for its immune-boosting properties, as well as vitamin C-rich rose hips and elderberries. Additionally, Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr contains warming and soothing spices like cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom, which help to support overall wellness. Brewing a cup of Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr is easy. Simply pour boiling water over one tea bag and let it steep for 7-10 minutes. You can enjoy this tea hot or cold, and it is also delicious with a bit of honey or lemon. Each box contains 17 tea bags, each with 2 grams of tea. This gives you plenty of tea to enjoy throughout the season, and the convenient tea bags make it easy to take on-the-go. Overall, Yogi Tea Natürliche Abwehr is a delicious and effective way to help support your immune system and stay healthy. Try it today and see the difference for yourself! ..

6.60 USD

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