(6 Seite(n))
Dixa erdrauchkraut pheur geschnitten 500 g
DIXA Erdrauchkraut PhEur geschnitten Are you in search of a natural remedy? DIXA Erdrauchkraut PhEur geschnitten might be just what you need. This product is made from carefully selected cuttings of the erdgrauch plant, which is known for its unique healing properties. Erdrauchkraut has been used for centuries to promote healthy respiratory function and to help relieve common respiratory problems, such as coughs and congestion. Our DIXA Erdrauchkraut PhEur geschnitten is made from the highest-quality erdgrauch plants, which are grown in nutrient-rich soil and are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. The plants are carefully harvested by hand and are cut to the perfect size for easy use. Our goal is to provide you with the purest, most natural form of erdrauchkraut possible. That's why our product is free from any additives or artificial preservatives. We believe in the power of nature and the natural benefits of this amazing plant. Not only is DIXA Erdrauchkraut PhEur geschnitten a great natural remedy, but it's also very easy to use. Simply add a spoonful to your favorite tea, and enjoy the benefits of this powerful herb. You can also use our product as a natural addition to your favorite recipes. So if you're looking for a natural remedy that promotes respiratory health and overall wellbeing, give DIXA Erdrauchkraut PhEur geschnitten a try. We're confident that you'll love the results. ..
49.65 USD
Herboristeria rooibos tea natur im sack 110 g
Eigenschaften von Herboristeria Rooibos Tee natürlich im Beutel 110 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 0,00000000g Länge: 0mm Breite: 0mm Höhe: 0mm Herboristeria Rooibos Tee natürlich im Beutel 110 g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
14.36 USD
Herboristeria tee winter im sack 175 g
Eigenschaften von HERBORISTERIA Tee Winter im Beutel 175 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 0,00000000g Länge: 0mm Breite: 0mm Höhe: 0mm HERBORISTERIA Tee Winter im Beutel 175g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
12.95 USD
Jentschura 7x7 kräutertee 100 g
Zusammensetzung Thymian, Zimtrinde, Zitronenmelissenblätter, Zitronengras, Zitronenschale, Liebstöckelwurzel, Majorankraut, Thymiankraut, Spitzwegerichkraut, Weinblätter, Ysopkraut, Eisenkrautblätter – duftend, Apfel, Artischockenkraut, Bärlauchkraut, Buchweizen Kraut, Fenchelfrucht – süß, Kreuzkümmel, Lindenblütensilber, Rosmarinblätter, Süßholzwurzel, Anisfrucht, Basilikumblätter, Hagebutte Schale, Lavendelblüten, Lungenkraut, Bohnenkraut, Erdbeerblatt, Eukalyptusblatt, Holunderblüte, Johannisbeerblatt, Koriander, Kümmel, Löwenzahnblatt, Orangenschale, Hopfenblüte, Brennnesselblatt, Brombeerblatt, Dillfrucht, Heidelbeerblatt, Hibiskusblüte, Himbeerblatt , Ingwerwurzel, Kardamom, Ringelblumenblüte, Estragonblatt, Dillkraut, Blaubeerfrucht, Rosenblütenblätter – rosa*Zutat aus ökologischer/biologischer Anbau. Eigenschaften Die feine Auswahl aus 49 Zutaten wie Kräutern, Samen, Gewürzen, Wurzeln und Blüten ist an kalten Tagen ein wahrer Genuss. Ideal für Sportler. Bewerbung 250–500 ml kochendes Wasser über einen Teefilterbeutel gießen und 2–3 Minuten ziehen lassen. ..
21.17 USD
Morga balance tee bag 20 stk
Eigenschaften von Morga Balance Tee Btl 20 StückLagertemperatur min./max. 15/25 Grad CelsiusMenge in der Packung: 20 StückGewicht: 67g Länge: 67mm Breite: 121mm Höhe: 76mm Morga Balance Tee Btl 20 Stk online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
6.12 USD
Morga fenchelfruchttee bag 20 stk
Morga Fenchelfruchttee Btl 20 pcs The Morga Fenchelfruchttee is an herbal tea that is derived from the natural ingredients of fennel and fruits. Each pack contains 20 individually wrapped tea bags, making it perfect for both home and office use. The Fenchelfruchttee is made from high-quality natural ingredients, which means it is both caffeine-free and gluten-free, making it perfect for those with special dietary requirements. Additionally, the tea bags do not contain any artificial flavorings, additives, or preservatives. The Fenchelfruchttee has been carefully blended to provide a unique taste that balances the sweetness of the fruits with the subtle, anise-like flavor of fennel. It is perfect for those who enjoy a light, refreshing tea that is not overpowering. The tea bags are easy to use, simply place one tea bag into a cup of hot water and leave to steep for up to five minutes. This allows the natural flavors and aromas to be released and infuse into the water, creating a delicious, soothing tea that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Overall, the Morga Fenchelfruchttee is a premium, natural herbal tea that offers a unique and refreshing taste experience. So, why not try a pack today and discover the delicious flavors and benefits of fennel and natural fruits? ..
6.73 USD
Morga malvenblättertee bag 20 stk
Morga Malvenblättertee Btl 20 pcs Product Description The Morga Malvenblättertee Btl 20 pcs is a premium quality product that is made from 100% pure and natural malva leaves. This tea is a perfect choice for people looking for a healthier alternative to regular tea, without compromising on taste. The rich flavor and aroma of this incredible tea is due to its high-quality ingredients, which are carefully sourced and processed to ensure maximum freshness and flavor. The malva leaves used to make this tea are harvested at optimal ripeness and then carefully dried to preserve their natural flavor and aroma. The Morga Malvenblättertee Btl 20 pcs is a caffeine-free tea, making it a perfect choice for people who wish to avoid caffeine. It is also free from any artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners, making it a safe and healthy option for children and adults alike. This tea is packed in convenient teabags, which makes it easy to brew and enjoy anytime, anywhere. One box of Morga Malvenblättertee contains 20 teabags, each of which is individually wrapped to ensure freshness and hygiene. The Morga Malvenblättertee Btl 20 pcs is an amazing tea that offers a range of health benefits to its consumers. Malva leaves are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate pain and inflammation in various parts of the body. They are also rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the body against damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, malva tea is known to have a soothing effect on the digestive system, making it a perfect choice for people with digestive issues. If you are looking for a high-quality tea that offers great taste and health benefits, Morga Malvenblättertee Btl 20 pcs is the perfect choice for you. Buy yours today and experience the goodness of pure and natural malva leaves...
6.50 USD
Morga tausendgüldenkrauttee bag 20 stk
Eigenschaften von Morga Tausendgüldenkrauttee Btl 20 StkAnatomisches Heilmittel (АТС): A16AX99Lagertemperatur min/max 15/25 Grad CelsiusMenge in Packung: 20 StückGewicht: 0,00000000g Länge: 0mm Breite: 0mm Höhe: 0mm Morga Tausendgüldenkrauttee Btl 20 Stk online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
6.73 USD
Ricola instant tea herbs 200 g
Eigenschaften Ricola Instant Tee Kräuter Ds 200 gAnatomisches Heilmittel (АТС): R05CA10Wirkstoff: R05CA10Lagertemperatur min/max 15/25 Grad CelsiusMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 260 g Länge: 77 mm Breite: 77 mm Höhe: 129mmRicola Instant Tee Kräuter Ds 200 g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
8.17 USD
Salus anis fenchel kümmeltee bio bag 15 stk
Eigenschaften von Salus Anis Fenchel Kümmel Bio Btl 15 StückLagertemperatur min./max. 15/25 Grad CelsiusMenge in der Packung: 15 Stück Gewicht: 50g Länge: 46mm Breite: 119mm Höhe: 70mm Salus Anis Fenchel Kümmel Bio Btl 15 Stk online kaufen aus der Schweiz..
9.10 USD
Sidroga brennnesselblätter 20 bag 1.5 g
Sidroga Brennnesselblätter: Bei Reizungen im Bereich der Blase und Harnröhre mit Harndrang und Brennen beim Wasserlösen sowie als unterstützende Massnahme bei Blasen- und Nierensteinen.Swissmedic-genehmigte PatienteninformationSidroga® Brennnesselblätter, TeeSidroga AGPflanzliches ArzneimittelAMZVWas ist Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee und wann wird er angewendet?Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee enthält Brennnesselblätter in getrockneter Form und fein geschnittener Qualität (geprüft nach Arzneibuch). Den Brennnesselblättern werden traditionsgemäss harntreibende Eigenschaften zugeschrieben.Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee wird verwendet bei Reizungen im Bereich der Blase und Harnröhre mit Harndrang und Brennen beim Wasserlösen sowie als unterstützende Massnahme bei Blasen- und Nierensteinen.Was sollte dazu beachtet werden?Bei wiederkehrenden oder mehrere Tage andauernden Beschwerden sowie bei Fieber ist ein Arzt bzw. eine Ärztin zu konsultieren. Infektionen der Harnwege können ernsthafte Folgen haben. Wenn Sie bereits an einer chronischen Nieren- und Harnwegsinfektion leiden oder geschwollene Beine (Ödeme) haben, sollten Sie Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee nur mit dem ausdrücklichen Einverständnis Ihres Arztes bzw. Ihrer Ärztin einnehmen.Wann darf Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee nicht oder nur mit Vorsicht angewendet werden?Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee darf nicht angewendet werden bei bekannter Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber Brennnessel.Die Anwendung dieses Arzneimittels wird bei Kindern unter 6 Jahren nicht empfohlen.Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin, wenn Siean anderen Krankheiten leidenAllergien haben oderandere Arzneimittel (auch selbstgekaufte!) einnehmen.Darf Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee während einer Schwangerschaft oder in der Stillzeit eingenommen werden?Aufgrund der bisherigen Erfahrungen ist bei bestimmungsgemässer Anwendung kein Risiko für das Kind bekannt. Systematische wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen wurden aber nie durchgeführt. Vorsichtshalber sollten Sie während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit möglichst auf Arzneimittel verzichten oder den Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. die Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin um Rat fragen.Wie verwenden Sie Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee?Erwachsene und Schulkinder ab 6 Jahren nehmen 3- bis 5mal täglich je 1 Tasse nach oder zwischen den Mahlzeiten.Zubereitung: Übergiessen Sie pro Tasse einen Teebeutel mit siedendem Wasser und lassen Sie den Beutel 5 bis 10 Minuten darin ziehen. Nehmen Sie anschliessend den Teebeutel heraus und drücken Sie ihn über der Tasse leicht aus. Verwenden Sie pro Tasse Tee nur einen Teebeutel und süssen Sie Ihren Tee erst, nachdem Sie den Teebeutel aus der Tasse genommen haben. Zum Süssen können Sie sowohl natürlichen als auch künstlichen Zucker verwenden.Zur Erzielung einer vollen Wirkung ist normalerweise eine Anwendung über mehrere Tage sinnvoll. Achten Sie auf eine reichliche Flüssigkeitszufuhr (mindestens 2 Liter Flüssigkeit pro Tag), um eine ausreichende Durchspülung der Harnwege zu erreichen.Die Anwendung und Sicherheit von Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee bei Kindern unter 6 Jahren ist bisher nicht geprüft worden.Halten Sie sich an die in der Packungsbeilage angegebene oder vom Arzt bzw. von der Ärztin verschriebene Dosierung. Wenn Sie glauben, das Arzneimittel wirke zu schwach oder zu stark, so sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. mit Ihrer Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin.Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee haben?Für Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee sind bisher bei bestimmungsgemässem Gebrauch keine Nebenwirkungen beobachtet worden. Wenn Sie dennoch Nebenwirkungen beobachten, informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogisten bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin.Was ist ferner zu beachten?Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee ist bei Raumtemperatur (15–25 °C), und ausserhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufzubewahren.Die Doppelkammerbeutel in Aromaschutzverpackung dürfen nur bis zu dem auf dem Behälter mit «Exp.» bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden.Weitere Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen Ihr Arzt, Apotheker oder Drogist bzw. Ihre Ärztin, Apothekerin oder Drogistin.Was ist in Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee enthalten?1 Doppelkammerbeutel enthält 1,5 g getrocknete und fein geschnittene Brennnesselblätter.Zulassungsnummer41668 (Swissmedic).Wo erhalten Sie Sidroga Brennnesselblätter Tee? Welche Packungen sind erhältlich?In Apotheken und Drogerien, ohne ärztliche Verschreibung.Schachteln mit 20 Doppelkammerbeuteln in Aromaschutzverpackung.ZulassungsinhaberinSidroga AG, 4310 RheinfeldenDiese Packungsbeilage wurde im April 2010 letztmals durch die Arzneimittelbehörde (Swissmedic) geprüft...
11.63 USD
Sidroga frauenmantelkraut 20 bag 1 g
Ingredients: Lady's mantle Properties: Lady's mantle is particularly popular with women as a soothing herbal tea. Preparation: 1 tea bag for 1 cup (150 ml). Pour boiling water over it and let it steep for 5 minutes. Gently squeeze out the bag and remove. Important note: Always pour boiling water over it and let it stand for at least 5 minutes! This is the only way to get safe food! Ingredients: Lady's Mantle Properties: Lady's mantle herb is particularly popular with women as a soothing herbal tea.Preparation: 1 tea bag for 1 cup (150 ml). Pour boiling water on, steep for 5 minutes permit. Gently squeeze out the bag and remove. Important note: Always pour boiling water over it and let it stand for at least 5 minutes! This is the only way to get safe food! ..
7.51 USD
Sidroga löwenzahn 20 bag 1.5 g
Sidroga dandelion tea is used for both loss of appetite and digestive problems. Swissmedic-approved patient information Sidroga® dandelion tea Sidroga AGHerbal medicinal product What is Sidroga Dandelion Tea and when is it used? Sidroga Dandelion Tea contains dried and finely chopped dandelion herb with roots. Digestive and appetizing properties are traditionally attributed to the dandelion herb with roots. Sidroga dandelion tea is used for both loss of appetite and digestive problems. What should be considered? In the case of persistent or recurring loss of appetite and digestive problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor and have the causes clarified. Stomach pain that manifests itself as pain or pressure pain in a specific area or is associated with a general feeling of illness requires a medical evaluation. Remember that certain stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, nicotine, as well as certain medications such as painkillers and rheumatism drugs can cause stomach problems. Indigestion in children under the age of 12 must be examined by a doctor. Therefore, the preparation should not be used in these cases without medical advice. When must Sidroga dandelion tea not be used or only with caution? Sidroga dandelion tea must not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to dandelion. Sidroga dandelion tea may only be used on the advice of a doctor in the case of severe diseases of the digestive organs such as inflammation or blockage of the bile ducts. Because children under the age of 12 need medical attention for digestive problems, the use of this medicine in these cases is not recommended without medical advice. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other diseaseshave allergies ortake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!). Can Sidroga Dandelion Tea be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as directed. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Sidroga Dandelion Tea? Adults and adolescents from the age of 12 take 1 cup half an hour before meals; for flatulence or bloating 1 cup after meals. Preparation: 1 tea bag for one cup. Pour boiling water over it, let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes and remove the bag. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Sidroga dandelion tea have? The following side effects can occur when taking or using Sidroga dandelion tea: occasional stomach problems or mild diarrhea. If you notice side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered? Sidroga dandelion tea should be kept at room temperature (15-25°C) and out of the reach of children. The double-chamber bags in aroma protection packaging may only be used up to the date marked «EXP» on the container. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Sidroga dandelion tea contain? 1 double chamber bag contains 1.5 g dried and finely chopped dandelion herb with roots. Approval number 44554 (Swissmedic) Where can you get Sidroga dandelion tea? What packs are available? This is an over-the-counter medicine. Boxes of 20 double chamber bags in aroma protection packaging. Authorization holder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in September 2010. ..
7.38 USD
Sidroga pfefferminzblätter 20 bag 1.5 g
Sidroga peppermint leaf tea is used for mild cramping gastrointestinal complaints, feeling of fullness, flatulence and indigestion. Swissmedic-approved patient information Sidroga® peppermint leaf tea SIDROGA Herbal medicinal product AMZVWhat is Sidroga Peppermint Leaf Tea and when is it used? Sidroga Peppermint Leaf Tea contains dried peppermint leaves Shape and finely cut quality (tested according to pharmacopoeia). Peppermint leaves are traditionally believed to have antispasmodic, anti-bloating and digestive properties. Sidroga peppermint leaf tea is used for mild cramping gastrointestinal complaints, feeling of fullness, flatulence and indigestion. What should be considered? In the case of persistent severe spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints, it is advisable to consult a doctor and have the causes clarified . Stomach pain that manifests itself as pain or pressure pain in a specific area or is associated with a general feeling of illness requires a medical evaluation. Remember that certain stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, nicotine, as well as certain medications such as painkillers and rheumatism drugs can cause stomach problems. When should Sidroga peppermint tea not be used or only with caution? Sidroga peppermint tea should not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to menthol or essential mint oil. In the case of severe diseases of the digestive organs, only use on the advice of a doctor. Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking other medicines (even those you bought yourself!). Can Sidroga peppermint leaf tea be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as directed. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Sidroga Peppermint Leaf Tea? Adults and children over 4 years of age take 1 cup up to 3 to 4 times a day between meals. Preparation: Pour boiling water over one tea bag per cup and let the bag steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Then take out the tea bag and squeeze it out lightly over the cup. Only use one tea bag per cup of tea and only sweeten your tea after removing the tea bag from the cup. You can use both natural and artificial sugar for sweetening. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Sidroga peppermint leaf tea have? So far, no side effects have been observed for Sidroga peppermint leaf tea when used as intended. If you nevertheless observe side effects, inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered? Sidroga peppermint leaf tea is stored at room temperature (15?25 °C), protected from light, in a dry place and out of the reach of to keep for children. The double-chamber bags in aroma protection packaging may only be used up to the end marked on the container with «Exp.» designated date are used. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Sidroga peppermint leaf tea contain? 1 double chamber bag contains 1.5 g of dried and finely chopped peppermint leaves. Approval number 41678 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Sidroga Peppermint Leaf Tea? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Boxes of 20 double chamber bags in aroma protection packaging. Authorization holder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in September 2010. ..
9.71 USD
Sidroga schafgarbe 20 bag 1.5 g
Sidroga yarrow tea is used for non-specific digestive disorders such as flatulence, belching, a feeling of fullness and mild cramping gastrointestinal complaints. Swissmedic-approved patient information Sidroga® yarrow tea SIDROGA Herbal medicinal product AMZVWhat is Sidroga Yarrow Tea and when is it used? Sidroga Yarrow Tea contains dried yarrow herb Shape and finely cut quality (tested according to pharmacopoeia). Traditionally, yarrow has antispasmodic and digestive properties. Sidroga yarrow tea is used for non-specific digestive disorders such as flatulence, belching, feeling of fullness and mild cramping gastrointestinal complaints. What should be considered? In the case of persistent or recurring gastrointestinal complaints, it is advisable to consult a doctor and clarify the causes permit. Stomach pain that manifests itself as pain or pressure pain in a specific area or is associated with a general feeling of illness requires a medical evaluation. Remember that certain stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, nicotine, as well as certain medications such as painkillers and rheumatism drugs can cause stomach problems. When should Sidroga yarrow tea not be used or only with caution? Sidroga yarrow tea should not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to plants of the daisy family (composites). Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking other medicines (even those you bought yourself!). Can Sidroga yarrow tea be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as directed. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Sidroga Yarrow Tea? Adults and adolescents from the age of 12 take 1 cup 2 to 3 times a day between meals. Preparation: Pour boiling water over one tea bag per cup and let the bag steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Then take out the tea bag and squeeze it out lightly over the cup. Use only one tea bag per cup of tea. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Sidroga yarrow tea have? The following side effects can occur when taking Sidroga yarrow tea: Rarely allergic reactions with skin itching and blistering. If this is the case, you should stop taking it and, if necessary, consult a doctor. If you notice any side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor or pharmacist. What else needs to be considered? Sidroga yarrow tea is stored at room temperature (15-25 °C), protected from light, in a dry place and out of the reach of to keep for children. The double-chamber bags in aroma protection packaging may only be used up to the end marked on the container with «Exp.» designated date are used. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Sidroga yarrow tea contain? 1 double chamber bag contains 1.5 g of dried and finely chopped yarrow herb. Approval number 41685 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Sidroga Yarrow Tea? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Boxes of 20 double chamber bags in aroma protection packaging. Authorization holder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in September 2010. ..
10.42 USD
Sidroga thymian 20 bag 1.6 g
Product Description: Sidroga Thyme Btl 20 1.6 g Sidroga thyme tea is a popular herbal drink known for its therapeutic effect on the respiratory system. The product comes in a bottle with 20 tea bags, with each bag containing 1.6 g of thyme. Thyme is a herb that belongs to the mint family and has a warm, earthy flavor with a hint of minty freshness. This tea is made with 100% pure thyme leaves that are carefully harvested, dried, and packed to ensure the highest quality and potency. The tea is caffeine-free and free from artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, making it a natural and healthy beverage choice. Thyme has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, coughs, and sore throat. It is also known to have antimicrobial properties that help in fighting off infections. Drinking Sidroga thyme tea can provide relief from respiratory symptoms, improve breathing, and boost the immune system. Sidroga thyme tea is easy to prepare; simply steep one tea bag in a cup of hot water for 5-10 minutes, add honey or lemon juice to taste, and enjoy the warm, soothing flavor. It can be consumed at any time of the day, but is especially beneficial when consumed before bedtime to promote relaxation and restful sleep. Order Sidroga thyme tea today and experience the therapeutic benefits of this natural and delicious herbal drink! ..
10.37 USD
Sidroga verveine 20 bag 1 g
Sidroga verbena tea is used both for states of tension and for nervous indigestion. Swissmedic-approved patient information Sidroga® verbena, tea Sidroga AGHerbal medicinal product AMZVWhat is Sidroga Verbena Tea and when is it used? Sidroga Verbena Tea contains lemon leaves (Verveine ) in dried form and finely chopped quality. Calming properties are traditionally attributed to the leaves of the lemon tree. Sidroga verbena tea is used both for states of tension and for nervous indigestion. What should be considered? In the case of persistent or recurring states of tension and nervous digestive problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor and have the causes clarified . Stomach pain that manifests itself as pain or pressure pain in a specific area or is associated with a general feeling of illness requires a medical evaluation. Remember that certain stimulants such as coffee, alcohol, nicotine, as well as certain medications such as painkillers and rheumatism drugs can cause stomach problems. When should Sidroga verbena tea not be used or only with caution? Sidroga verbena tea should not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to verbena, especially its essential oil. The use of this medicine is not recommended in children under 6 years of age. Tell your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other diseaseshave allergies ortake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!). Can Sidroga verbena tea be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as directed. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Sidroga Verbena Tea? Adults and school children from the age of 6 take 1 cup up to 5 times a day during or as needed after meals; to promote sleep, 1 to 2 cups should be taken half an hour before bedtime. Preparation: Pour boiling water over one tea bag per cup and let the bag steep in it for 5 to 10 minutes. Then take out the tea bag and squeeze it out lightly over the cup. Only use one tea bag per cup of tea and only sweeten your tea after removing the tea bag from the cup. You can use both natural and artificial sugar for sweetening. The use and safety of Sidroga Verveine Tea in children under the age of 6 has not yet been tested. Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Sidroga Verbena Tea have? No side effects have been observed for Sidroga Verbena Tea when used as intended. If you nevertheless observe side effects, inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered? Sidroga Verveine Tea should be kept at room temperature (15-25°C) and out of the reach of children. The double-chamber bags in aroma protection packaging may only be used up to the end marked on the container with «Exp.» designated date are used. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Sidroga Verbena tea contain? 1 double chamber bag contains 1.0 g of dried and finely chopped lemon bush leaves (verbena). Approval number 41687 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Sidroga Verbena Tea? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Boxes of 20 double chamber bags in aroma protection packaging. Authorization holder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden. This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in April 2010. ..
10.42 USD
Sonnentor abend tee 50 g
Sonnentor Evening Tea 50g Unwind after a long day with Sonnentor Evening Tea, a soothing blend of organic herbs that is perfect to help you relax and unwind. This herbal tea is made from carefully selected organic herbs including valerian root, peppermint, lemon balm, and lavender. The combination of these natural ingredients works together to create a calming and comforting effect on both the body and mind. Valerian root is well known for its natural ability to help promote relaxation, eliminate anxiety and improve sleep quality. Peppermint may also aid in digestion and soothe stomach discomfort. Lemon balm is believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system and may help reduce stress and anxiety. Lavender, with its calming aroma, is known for its ability to promote relaxation and restful sleep. Sonnentor Evening Tea is perfect for enjoying as you wind down for the evening after a long day at work or to help you relax before bedtime. This organic herbal tea has a lovely mild flavor and is caffeine-free, making it perfect for enjoying at any time of day. Whether you are looking to unwind, reduce stress or simply enjoy a lovely, comforting cup of tea, Sonnentor Evening Tea is the perfect choice. Ingredients: Valerian root Peppermint Lemon balm Lavender Benefits: Helps promote relaxation and calmness May reduce stress and anxiety Aids digestion and soothes stomach discomfort May help improve sleep quality How to Prepare: To prepare a cup of Sonnentor Evening Tea, bring water to a boil, and then let it cool for a minute. Place a heaping teaspoon of the tea in a tea infuser or a teapot, and then pour the hot water over it. Steep for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how strong you like your tea. Strain and serve hot. Sonnentor Evening Tea comes in a 50-gram package, which provides you with approximately 20 cups of tea. Order yours today and start enjoying the soothing effects of this delightful organic herbal tea. ..
12.75 USD
Sonnentor brennessel tee sack 50 g
Eigenschaften von Sonnentor Brennnessel Tee Beutel 50 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 67g Länge: 60mm Breite: 99mm Höhe: 213mm Sonnentor Brennnessel Tee Beutel 50g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
9.81 USD
Sonnentor geburtstagstee 50 g
Eigenschaften von SONNENTOR Geburtstagstee 50 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 66g Länge: 61mm Breite : 93mm Höhe: 215mm SONNENTOR Geburtstagstee 50 g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
12.75 USD
Sonnentor ingwer-zitronen sirup 500 ml
Eigenschaften von Sonnentor Ingwer-Zitronen-Sirup 500 mlMenge in der Packung: 1 mlGewicht: 1048gLänge: 61mmBreite: 61mm Höhe: 279mm Sonnentor Ingwer-Zitronen-Sirup 500 ml online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
22.51 USD
Sonnentor kamillen tee sack 50 g
Eigenschaften von Sonnentor Kamillentee Beutel 50 gLagertemperatur min./max. 15/25 Grad CelsiusMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 67g Länge: 60mm Breite: 94mm Höhe: 213mm Sonnentor Kamillenteebeutel 50g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
10.24 USD
Sonnentor lindenblüten tee ganz 35 g
Eigenschaften von SONNENTOR Lindenblütentee durchgehend 35 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 52gLänge: 66mmBreite: 98mm Höhe: 214mm SONNENTOR Lindenblütentee durchgehend 35 g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
10.57 USD
Sonnentor melissen tee sack 50 g
Eigenschaften von SONNENTOR Melisse Tee Beutel 50 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 0,00000000g Länge: 0mm Breite: 0mm Höhe: 0mm SONNENTOR Melisse Teebeutel 50 g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
10.70 USD
Sonnentor zaubertrank 50 g
Erleben Sie die bezaubernde Mischung des SONNENTOR Zaubertrank-Tees, eine köstliche Zubereitung, die Ihre Sinne verwöhnt und Ihr Wohlbefinden fördert. Diese 50-g-Packung birgt die Geheimnisse einer harmonischen Mischung aus Früchte- und Kräutertee, sorgfältig zusammengestellt, um bei jedem Schluck ein wohltuendes und belebendes Erlebnis zu bieten. Dieser Tee wird aus erstklassigen Bio-Zutaten, darunter einer Mischung aus Früchten und Kräutern, hergestellt und bietet ein reichhaltiges Spektrum an Geschmacksrichtungen und Aromen, die den Geist beleben und den Körper verjüngen. Lassen Sie sich von der Magie des SONNENTOR Tranktees verzaubern und genießen Sie mit jeder Tasse einen Moment puren Genusses...
12.75 USD
(6 Seite(n))