(7 Seite(n))
Biofarm bio hafer knospe bag 500 g
Biofarm Organic Oats Bud Battalion 500g Experience the goodness of organic oats with Biofarm Organic Oats Bud Battalion 500g. This product is made from 100% certified organic whole grain oats, which are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. The oats are carefully selected and processed to retain their natural goodness and flavor. Benefits of Biofarm Organic Oats Bud Battalion 500g: Rich source of dietary fiber and protein. Helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Provides sustained energy and helps in weight management. Gluten-free and suitable for people with gluten intolerance. Contains vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, and zinc. How to Use: Biofarm Organic Oats Bud Battalion 500g can be used in a variety of ways: You can make delicious and nutritious oatmeal for breakfast. You can add it to your smoothies or shakes for an extra boost of nutrition. You can use it as a topping for yogurt, ice cream, or fruit salads. You can use it in baking recipes like cookies, cakes, and bread. Storage: Store Biofarm Organic Oats Bud Battalion 500g in a cool, dry place in an airtight container. About Biofarm: Biofarm is a leading organic food brand that believes in providing healthy, nutritious, and chemical-free food to people. All their products are made from certified organic ingredients that are carefully selected and processed to retain their natural goodness. Total symbols: 904..
7.03 USD
Biofarm schweizer hirseflöckli knospe 500 g
Biofarm Swiss Hirseflöckli bud 500 g Looking for a delicious and healthy start to your day? Look no further than Biofarm Swiss Hirseflöckli bud. A product made from high-quality organic Swiss millet, it's perfect for breakfast or a snack anytime of the day. It's gluten-free, vegan and sugar-free, providing a safe and healthy option for those with gluten sensitivities, following a vegan lifestyle or simply looking to reduce their sugar intake. Biofarm Swiss Hirseflöckli bud is versatile and easy to devour. You can enjoy it as a hearty breakfast cereal with milk or yogurt, add it to smoothies or bake it in your favorite recipes. It is a great addition to your pantry, and you will love its delicious flavor and texture. The manufacturing process ensures optimal quality, ensuring that each bag is packed with the benefits of millet. Millet is naturally rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals. It's a great source of copper, magnesium, and manganese. These essential micronutrients help boost your immune system, support bone health, and promote a healthy metabolism. This product is available in a convenient 500g bag, making it easy to store and use whenever you need it. Shop now and enjoy the benefits of a healthy and delicious start to your day! ..
12.24 USD
Biotta kartoffel bio fl 6 5 dl
Biotta Potato Bio Fl 6 5 dl The Biotta Potato Bio Fl 6 5 dl is a delicious and nutritious juice made from organic potatoes. This product is perfect for those looking for a healthy, non-alcoholic drink option that is also gluten-free and vegan-friendly. It is made from premium quality, organically grown potatoes, which are carefully selected and processed to retain their natural nutrients and flavor. Benefits of Biotta Potato Bio Fl 6 5 dl Good source of potassium, vitamin C, and antioxidants Helps to support healthy digestion and a healthy immune system May help to lower high blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of heart disease Can be used as a natural remedy for constipation and other digestive ailments Has a delicious, savory flavor that can be enjoyed on its own or used as a base for soups and stews How to Use Biotta Potato Bio Fl 6 5 dl You can enjoy Biotta Potato Bio Fl 6 5 dl straight from the bottle or use it as a base for soups and stews. It is also a great addition to smoothies, providing a unique and savory flavor. Biotta Potato Bio Fl 6 5 dl should be stored in a cool, dry place and refrigerated after opening. About Biotta Biotta is a Swiss-based company that has been producing high-quality, organic juices since All of their juices are made from carefully selected, organically grown fruits and vegetables, using a gentle processing method that preserves their natural nutrients and flavors. Biotta is committed to sustainable agriculture and ethical farming practices, and their products are certified organic and non-GMO...
49.18 USD
Burgerstein dolomit tabl 240 stk
Burgerstein Dolomit is a dietary supplement with calcium and magnesium in an optimal ratio. Contributes to normal muscle functionContributes to normal energy-yielding metabolismIdeal for athletes, pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as children and young peopleWithout artificial flavorsGluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free and fructose-freeWithout gelatinWithout granulated sugarVegan Application It is recommended to take 5 Burgerstein Dolomit tablets daily together or spread throughout the day. ingredients Calcium carbonate, bulking agent (cellulose), modified starch, magnesium oxide, release agent (silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids), coating agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, talc) ..
54.86 USD
Burgerstein l-methionin tabl 100 stk
Burgerstein L-Methionine is a dietary supplement containing L-methionine, an important sulphur-containing amino acid that the body cannot produce itself. Contains L-MethionineWithout artificial flavorsGluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free and fructose-freeWithout gelatinWithout granulated sugarVegan Application It is recommended to take 1 Burgerstein L-Methionine tablet daily with some liquid. ingredients L-methionine, starch, fillers (cellulose, cross-linked sodium carboxymethylcellulose), release agent (silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids), coating agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, glycerol), stabilizer (mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids)..
61.69 USD
Burgerstein spirulina tabl can 180 stk
Burgerstein Spirulina is a natural nutrient donor with a high content of vegetable amino acids and natural antioxidants, which serves as a dietary supplement. Contains spirulinaWithout artificial flavorsGluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free and fructose-freeWithout gelatinWithout granulated sugarVegetarian Application It is recommended to take 2 Burgerstein Spirulina tablets 3 times a day with some liquid. ingredients Spirulina platensis (100%)..
53.72 USD
Dixa flohsamen schwarz pheur gereinigt 500 g
Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned 500g: A natural and potent way to support your digestive health If you are looking for an effective and natural way to support your digestive health, Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber might be just what you need. This product is made from high-quality psyllium husk seeds, which are sourced from the Plantago ovata plant. Psyllium husk is known for its high levels of soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help regulate bowel movements, improve digestion, and support the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut. The Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber comes in a convenient 500g packaging, making it a great value. The product has been carefully cleaned to remove any impurities, ensuring that you get the purest and most potent form of psyllium husk. Psyllium husk has been used for centuries to support digestive health and is backed by a wealth of scientific research. It is especially effective in easing constipation and bloating, and can also help regulate blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. As a natural prebiotic, psyllium husk also supports the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which can benefit your immune system and overall health. To use Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber, simply mix a teaspoon or two into a glass of water or juice and drink it immediately. You can also add it to smoothies, cereal, or any other food that you consume regularly. This product is suitable for those who follow a vegan or gluten-free diet, and it contains no additives or preservatives. Investing in your digestive health is essential for your well-being, and Dixa Psyllium Black PhEur Cleaned Fiber is an affordable and easy way to achieve that. Order your 500g pack today and experience the benefits of psyllium husk for yourself!..
28.52 USD
Halibut plus kaps 180 stk
Halibut Plus Kapseln sind Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, die die tägliche Nahrung auf natürlicher Basis ergänzen und den Organismus mit lebenswichtigen Vitaminen versorgen.Die Kapseln enthalten Fischleberöl und sind reich an natürlichen, marinen Vitaminen A + D und 10 weiteren lebensnotwendigen Vitaminen.GlutenfreiOhne LaktoseOhne Süßstoffe Ohne AromenOhne NatriumNahrungsergänzungsmittel sind kein Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung sowie eine gesunde Lebensweise..
80.00 USD
Isostar recovery riegel chocolat 40 g
Isostar Recovery Riegel Schokolade 40g Isostar Recovery Bar Chocolat 40 g ist der perfekte Snack, um die Regeneration nach dem Training oder einem anstrengenden Training zu unterstützen. Der köstliche Schokoladengeschmack stillt Ihr Verlangen nach Süßem und versorgt Ihren Körper mit den Nährstoffen, die er braucht, um sich zu erholen und zu reparieren. Reich an Eiweiß und Kohlenhydraten Dieser Erholungsriegel ist reich an Proteinen und Kohlenhydraten, die für den Muskelaufbau und das Auffüllen der Energiespeicher nach intensivem Training unerlässlich sind. Mit 12 g Protein und 27 g Kohlenhydraten versorgt dieser Riegel deinen Körper mit dem nötigen Treibstoff, um sich schnell zu erholen. Enthält Vitamine und Mineralien Zusätzlich zu Protein und Kohlenhydraten enthält Isostar Recovery Bar Chocolat 40 g auch eine Mischung aus essentiellen Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen, einschließlich Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Magnesium und Zink. Diese Nährstoffe sind entscheidend für die Muskelregeneration und die Funktion des Immunsystems. Leicht verdaulich Der Isostar Recovery Bar Chocolat 40g ist leicht verdaulich, was bedeutet, dass er nicht schwer im Magen liegt und Sie sich aufgebläht oder unwohl fühlen. Dies macht es zu einem ausgezeichneten Snack für unterwegs, egal ob Sie ins Fitnessstudio gehen oder joggen gehen. Glutenfrei und für Veganer geeignet Dieser Erholungsriegel ist glutenfrei, was bedeutet, dass er bei Personen mit Glutenempfindlichkeit keine Verdauungsbeschwerden verursacht. Es ist auch für Veganer geeignet, was es zu einer ausgezeichneten Option für diejenigen macht, die sich pflanzenbasiert ernähren. Schlussfolgerung Zusammenfassend hat Isostar einen köstlichen und nahrhaften Erholungsriegel geschaffen, der sich perfekt als Snack nach dem Training eignet. Mit einem hohen Proteingehalt, Kohlenhydraten und essentiellen Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen ist der Isostar Recovery Bar Chocolat 40 g eine ausgezeichnete Option für alle, die ihre Erholung nach dem Training maximieren und ihre sportliche Gesamtleistung verbessern möchten. ..
4.27 USD
Morga dextrose 1 kg
Morga Dextrose 1 kg Der Morga Dextrose 1 kg ist ein hochwertiger, rein natürlicher Süßstoff, der in einer Vielzahl von Rezepten verwendet werden kann. Es wird aus reiner Dextrose hergestellt, einer Glukoseart, die aus Mais gewonnen wird. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Süßungsmitteln wie Zucker und Maissirup mit hohem Fruchtzuckergehalt hat Dextrose einen niedrigeren glykämischen Index, was bedeutet, dass es keinen plötzlichen Anstieg des Blutzuckerspiegels verursacht. Einer der großen Vorteile von Morga Dextrose 1 kg ist seine Vielseitigkeit. Es kann zum Backen, Kochen und als Süßungsmittel für Getränke verwendet werden. Beim Backen kann es Zucker im Verhältnis 1:1 ersetzen, was es zu einer einfachen und bequemen Option macht. Auch bei Sportlern und Fitnessbegeisterten ist es eine beliebte Wahl als schnelle Energiequelle vor oder nach dem Training. Morga Dextrose 1 kg ist auch ideal für Menschen, die ihre Kalorienaufnahme reduzieren möchten. Es hat weniger Kalorien als Zucker und andere Süßstoffe und ist daher eine gesündere Option. Darüber hinaus ist es glutenfrei und enthält keine künstlichen Farb- oder Konservierungsstoffe, was es zu einer natürlichen und sicheren Wahl für Menschen mit Ernährungseinschränkungen oder Allergien macht. Eines der herausragenden Merkmale der Marke Morga ist ihr Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und ethische Beschaffung. Das Unternehmen legt großen Wert auf die Verwendung biologischer und fair gehandelter Zutaten und stellt sicher, dass alle Produkte auf umweltfreundliche und sozialverträgliche Weise hergestellt werden. Wenn Sie Morga Dextrose 1 kg kaufen, können Sie sich sicher sein, dass Sie ein Unternehmen unterstützen, das Wert auf ethische und nachhaltige Praktiken legt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Morga Dextrose 1 kg ein hochwertiger, rein natürlicher Süßstoff ist, der sich hervorragend zum Backen, Kochen und als Süßstoff für Getränke eignet. Es ist vielseitig einsetzbar, kalorienarm und wird aus nachhaltigen und ethisch vertretbaren Quellen bezogen. Egal, ob Sie Sportler oder Gesundheitsbegeisterter sind oder einfach nur Ihre Kalorienaufnahme reduzieren möchten, dieses Produkt ist eine großartige Ergänzung für Ihren Vorrat...
7.79 USD
Morga granulesoforce bio cornflakes natürlich pfeifenknospe 375 g
Morga Granoforce Bio Cornflakes - Course Pipe Bud 375 g Start your day with a wholesome and healthy breakfast with the Morga Granoforce Bio Cornflakes. Made with premium quality organic corn, these cornflakes are a rich source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals that are necessary for the proper functioning of your body. The Morga Granoforce Bio Cornflakes are perfect for those who are looking for a gluten-free and lactose-free breakfast option. The course pipe bud texture of these cornflakes adds a crunchy element to your breakfast bowl, making it even more delightful to eat. The granoforce technique used to manufacture these cornflakes ensures that the delicate nutrients and taste of the corn are preserved, making it a healthier choice for you and your family. With no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, these cornflakes are a pure and natural option for a healthy breakfast. Whether you have them with milk or yogurt, add some fresh fruits to your bowl to make your breakfast even more nutritious and delicious. The Morga Granoforce Bio Cornflakes are a perfect breakfast option for those who follow a vegan and vegetarian diet. Order your pack of Morga Granoforce Bio Cornflakes - Course Pipe Bud 375 g today and enjoy a healthy and tasty breakfast every day!..
6.70 USD
Morga soja maccaroni bio knospe 500 g
Morga Soy Macaroni Bio Bud 500 g Indulge in a healthy and scrumptious meal with Morga Soy Macaroni Bio Bud. Made from the finest organic soy flour, it is an excellent source of protein and dietary fiber. Each bite of this delicious macaroni is packed with valuable nutrients that will keep your body energized and healthy. 100% organic soy flour Rich in protein and dietary fiber Gluten-free and vegan Non-GMO ingredients 500 g pack - perfect for a family meal Whether you are following a vegan or gluten-free diet or just looking for a healthier alternative to traditional wheat-based pasta, Morga Soy Macaroni Bio Bud is the perfect choice for you. Easy to cook and incredibly versatile, it can be paired with your favorite sauces, vegetables, and proteins to create a satisfying and nutritious meal. So why wait? Add Morga Soy Macaroni Bio Bud to your pantry today and enjoy a delicious and healthy pasta dish whenever you want! ..
6.73 USD
Morga soja spiralen bio 500 g
Eigenschaften von Morga Soja Spiralen Bio 500 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 510g Länge: 90mm Breite: 120mm Höhe: 260mm Morga Soja Spiralen Bio 500g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
7.49 USD
Pural bierhefeflocken mit malz 200 g
Pural Brewer's Yeast Flakes with Malt 200g Pural Brewer's Yeast Flakes with Malt is a 100% natural, vegan-friendly and gluten-free nutritional supplement. This product is made from deactivated yeast and malt extract, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and complete protein. This means that it contains all of the essential amino acids, making it a great source of plant-based protein for vegetarians and vegans who may struggle to meet their protein needs through diet alone. Key Nutritional Benefits: Rich in B Vitamins: Brewer's yeast is the richest known source of natural vitamin B, which is essential for healthy nervous system function, energy metabolism, and cell growth High in Minerals: Brewer's yeast flakes contain essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium, selenium, and zinc, which play a vital role in maintaining good health Complete Protein: Brewer's yeast flakes with malt extract contain all of the essential amino acids, making it an excellent source of plant-based protein Low in Fat: Brewer's yeast flakes with malt extract are a low-fat alternative to traditional sources of protein such as meat, cheese, and eggs How to use Pural Brewer's Yeast Flakes with Malt: Pural Brewer's Yeast Flakes with Malt can be used in a variety of ways to boost your nutritional intake. Here are some ideas to get you started: As a seasoning: add it to soups, stews, casseroles, and sauces for a nutty, savory flavor As a topping: sprinkle it on salads, popcorn, or baked potatoes for added nutrition In smoothies: blend it into your favorite smoothie recipe for a protein boost In baking: substitute some of the flour in your baking recipe with brewer's yeast flakes for added nutrition With Pural Brewer's Yeast Flakes with Malt, you can easily add valuable nutrients to your diet, enhance your food's flavor, and enjoy the many health benefits that this high-quality supplement has to offer. ..
13.76 USD
Ricola holunderblüten-kräuterbonbons ohne sugar 50g dose
Ricola elderflower herbal sweets without sugar 50g Box are a delightful treat for anyone who loves sweets with a twist of natural flavor. Made with Swiss Alpine herbs, these sweets are infused with the delicate and refreshing fragrance of elderflower that will tantalize your taste buds. The 50g box is perfect for sharing with friends and colleagues, or for those moments when you simply need a little pick-me-up during the day. These herbal sweets contain no sugar, making them a guilt-free pleasure that won't harm your teeth or waistline. They are sweetened with stevia, a natural sweetener that is low in calories and has a low glycemic index, making it safe for people with diabetes or anyone who wants to keep their sugar intake under control. The sweets are also gluten-free, lactose-free, and vegan, making them suitable for people with dietary restrictions or allergies. Each elderflower herbal sweet is made with a blend of 13 Swiss alpine herbs, including sage, thyme, and lemon balm, which have been carefully selected for their beneficial properties. The herbs are grown using sustainable farming methods, and the sweets are made using traditional Swiss know-how, resulting in a high-quality product that is both authentic and delicious. Our Ricola elderflower herbal sweets without sugar 50g Box is a practical and convenient choice for anyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of herbal sweets without compromising on taste or quality. They come in a handy pocket-size box that is easy to carry around, so you can enjoy them on the go. Add them to your cart today and experience the unique taste of Swiss alpine herbs...
4.88 USD
Schär biscotti m schokoboden glutenfrei 150 g
Eigenschaften von SCHÄR Biscotti m Schokoladenbasis glutenfrei 150 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 0,00000000g Länge: 40mm Breite: 78mm Höhe: 275mm SCHÄR Biscotti m Schokoboden glutenfrei 150 g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
5.49 USD
Schär grissini glutenfrei 150 g
Eigenschaften von SCHÄR Grissini glutenfrei 150 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 0,00000000g Länge: 0mm Breite: 0mm Höhe: 0mm SCHÄR Grissini glutenfrei 150 g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
7.84 USD
Schär macaroni penne glutenfrei 500 g
Schär Penne Macaroni Gluten-Free 500g: Perfect Solution for Coeliac Patients Schär Penne Macaroni Gluten-Free 500g is an irresistible gluten-free pasta that brings delicious taste to every dish. It is made from high-quality corn, rice, and quinoa flour, which is a great alternative to conventional wheat pasta for people with coeliac disease. This pasta is free from any artificial preservatives and additives, making it a safe and healthy choice for individuals with gluten intolerance. It cooks to perfection, retaining its perfect al dente texture even when tossed in a sauce or mixed with other ingredients. Schär Penne Macaroni Gluten-Free is versatile and can be used to create a range of delicious and healthy pasta dishes such as macaroni and cheese, pasta salads, and more. It also pairs well with a variety of sauces, from traditional marinara to creamy Alfredo sauce. Benefits of Using Schär Penne Macaroni Gluten-Free 100% gluten-free pasta. High-quality ingredients such as corn, rice, and quinoa flour. Free from artificial preservatives and additives. Cooks to perfection every time. Can be used to create a variety of delicious pasta dishes. Offers a healthy and tasty alternative to wheat pasta. Overall, Schär Penne Macaroni Gluten-Free is an excellent gluten-free pasta option that enables individuals with coeliac disease to enjoy their favourite pasta dishes without compromising on taste and nutrition. So, add it to your pantry today and enjoy the deliciousness of Schär Penne Macaroni Gluten-Free 500g pasta!..
6.52 USD
Schär salinis glutenfrei 60 g
Eigenschaften von Warping Salinis glutenfrei 60 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 0,00000000 g Länge: 50 mm Breite: 85mm Höhe: 170mm Kaufen Sie Warping Salinis glutenfrei 60 g online aus der Schweiz..
2.91 USD
Schär salti salzgebäck glutenfrei bag 175 g
Eigenschaften von SCHÄR Salti Salzgebäck glutenfrei Btl 175 gMenge in der Packung: 1 gGewicht: 0,00000000g Länge: 70mm Breite: 120mm Höhe: 220mm SCHÄR Salti Salzgebäck glutenfrei Btl 175 g online aus der Schweiz kaufen..
7.11 USD
Vogel herbamare diet diätsalz streudose 125 g
A. Vogel Herbamare Diet Diet Salt Shaker 125g The A. Vogel Herbamare Diet Diet Salt Shaker 125g is a delicious and healthy alternative to regular table salt. Made with a blend of 14 organically grown herbs and vegetables, this salt shaker adds a burst of flavour to any dish. This product is perfect for people who are on special diets. Features: Organic herbs and vegetables Low sodium content No preservatives Gluten-free Benefits: The A. Vogel Herbamare Diet Diet Salt Shaker 125g offers numerous benefits, including: A delicious and flavourful seasoning for your meals Lower sodium content compared to regular table salt Healthier choice, as it is made with organic ingredients Gluten-free, making it suitable for people with gluten allergies or intolerances Usage: The A. Vogel Herbamare Diet Diet Salt Shaker 125g can be used as a seasoning in a variety of dishes, including salads, soups, and stews. It can also be used to add flavour to grilled meats and fish. This product is easy to use and comes in a convenient shaker. Conclusion: If you are looking for a healthy and delicious alternative to regular table salt, the A. Vogel Herbamare Diet Diet Salt Shaker 125g is the perfect product for you. Made with organic herbs and vegetables and low in sodium, this salt shaker adds a great taste to your meals, while also offering numerous health benefits. ..
9.76 USD
Vogel kelpamare liquid 500 ml
A. Vogel Kelpamare liq 500 ml Das A. Vogel Kelpamare Liq 500 ml ist ein einzigartiges und köstlich schmeckendes Gewürz, das reich an natürlichen Köstlichkeiten ist. Es besteht aus einer Kombination aus Sojasauce, Pflanzenextrakt und Seetang. Kelp ist eine Algenart, die reich an Jod ist und für ihre vielen gesundheitlichen Vorteile bekannt ist. Es stammt aus den kalten Gewässern des Nordatlantiks und wird sorgfältig geerntet und verarbeitet, um ein Gewürz von höchster Qualität herzustellen. Gesundheitliche Vorteile Das A. Vogel Kelpamare Liq 500 ml ist eine ausgezeichnete Jodquelle, ein wichtiger Nährstoff, der eine gesunde Schilddrüsenfunktion unterstützt. Die Schilddrüse produziert Hormone, die den Stoffwechsel regulieren und die Entwicklung des Gehirns und des Nervensystems unterstützen. Jodmangel kann zu einer Beeinträchtigung der kognitiven Funktion, Müdigkeit und Gewichtszunahme führen. Der Verzehr von Kelpamare kann helfen, Jodmangel vorzubeugen und eine optimale Gesundheit zu unterstützen. Natürliches und köstliches Gewürz Kelpamare ist ein vielseitiges Gewürz, das verwendet werden kann, um einer Vielzahl von Gerichten einen köstlichen Umami-Geschmack zu verleihen. Es eignet sich perfekt zum Würzen von Suppen, Salaten, Pfannengerichten, Nudelgerichten und vielem mehr. Das Gewürz ist frei von künstlichen Zusatzstoffen, Konservierungsmitteln und MSG. Es ist vegan und von Natur aus glutenfrei, was es zu einem idealen Gewürz für Menschen mit besonderen Ernährungsbedürfnissen macht. Was macht A. Vogel Kelpamare einzigartig? A. Vogel Kelpamare Liq 500 ml wird aus hochwertigen Zutaten hergestellt und durchläuft einen einzigartigen Brauprozess, der seinen Geschmack und Nährwert verbessert. Der für das Gewürz verwendete Seetang stammt sorgfältig von der Nordküste Frankreichs und ist aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau. Das Gewürz wird außerdem in einem traditionellen Brauprozess hergestellt, der sechs Monate dauert, um sicherzustellen, dass Geschmack und Nährstoffe gut erhalten bleiben. Schlussfolgerung Das A. Vogel Kelpamare Liq 500 ml ist ein ausgezeichnetes natürliches Gewürz, das reich an Jod und anderen nützlichen Nährstoffen ist. Es ist ein vielseitiges und köstliches Gewürz, mit dem Sie Ihren Lieblingsgerichten Geschmack und Nährstoffe verleihen können. Das Gewürz ist frei von künstlichen Zusatz- und Konservierungsstoffen und somit eine gesunde und vollwertige Option für Menschen aller Ernährungsbedürfnisse. ..
22.46 USD
Vogel müesli ohne sugar 1000 g
A.Vogel muesli without sugar 1000 g The A.Vogel muesli without sugar is a nutritious and delicious breakfast choice that is perfect for health-conscious individuals. Made with a blend of whole grains, seeds, and dried fruits, this muesli is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants that support overall health and wellbeing. Unlike most commercial muesli brands that are loaded with added sugars and preservatives, this muesli is free from artificial sweeteners and has no added sugar. Plus, it's gluten-free, non-GMO, and vegan-friendly, making it a great choice for people with dietary restrictions or preferences. The A.Vogel muesli without sugar comes in a 1000 g pack that is enough to last for several weeks. It's easy to prepare and can be eaten with milk, yogurt, or as a topping for smoothie bowls or oatmeal. It's also perfect for snacking and can be enjoyed on its own as a healthy alternative to sugary snacks. Order your pack of A.Vogel muesli without sugar today and enjoy a delicious and nutritious breakfast that's good for your body and your taste buds!..
23.80 USD
Vogel molkosan liquid fl 500 ml
Molkosan is made from fresh whey and contains a high proportion of L+ lactic acid through natural fermentation with a selected lactobacillus. 200ml Composition fermented whey concentrate, lactic acid L+. Features Lactose-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, energy-free. ..
23.01 USD
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