
Éterické oleje

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Objevte širokou škálu esenciálních olejů na, které uspokojí vaše různorodé potřeby v oblasti zdraví, krásy a wellness. Náš jedinečný sortiment výrobků vyrobený ve Švýcarsku zahrnuje suroviny, sprchové a koupelové produkty, masáže a péči o svaly, osobní hygienu a další; vše navrženo tak, aby vás podporovalo zdravější a šťastnější. Prozkoumejte naši kolekci esenciálních olejů a objevte výhody aromaterapie, zklidňující vlastnosti přírodních deodorantů a výjimečné produkty péče o pleť a tělo. Vyživujte své tělo našimi organickými esenciálními oleji, posilujte své zdraví našimi přírodními prostředky a relaxujte s našimi uklidňujícími masážními balzámy. S naší jemnou, ale účinnou dětskou kosmetikou vycházíme vstříc i miminkům a dětem. Náš výběr navíc není jen o těle a zdraví, chápeme, že čistý domov je zdravý domov. Proto vám poskytujeme kolekci domácích potřeb včetně pracích prostředků a osvěžovačů vzduchu. Ať už jde o zdraví, krásu nebo domácí péči, je vaším jediným cílem pro vysoce kvalitní esenciální oleje ze Švýcarska. Nakupujte ještě dnes a osvojte si přirozenější způsob života.
Aromalife geschenkset filz pinguin duft schnupfna

Aromalife geschenkset filz pinguin duft schnupfna

Kód produktu: 1036677

Představujeme AROMALIFE Geschenkset Filz Pinguin Duft Schnupfna, nádhernou aromaterapeutickou dárkovou sadu, která kombinuje kouzlo plstěného tučňáka se silou uklidňujících vůní. Tato sada je ideální pro ty, kteří hledají relaxaci a rovnováhu, obsahuje prémiový plstěný difuzér tučňáka a výběr aromatických nosních inhalátorů. Každý inhalátor, navržený tak, aby podporoval pohodu a všímavost, obsahuje jedinečnou směs esenciálních olejů, které povznášejí, uklidňují nebo omlazují smysly. Ať už jste doma, v práci nebo na cestách, tato dárková sada nabízí pohodlný způsob, jak si užívat výhod aromaterapie, kdykoli a kdekoli ji potřebujete. Dopřejte sobě nebo svým blízkým dar klidu s AROMALIFE Geschenkset Filz Pinguin Duft Schnupfna...

36.69 USD

Dermasel badesalz gelenk muskel d/f

Dermasel badesalz gelenk muskel d/f

Kód produktu: 7823232

DERMASEL Badesalz Gelenk Muskel D/F DERMASEL Badesalz Gelenk Muskel D/F is a high-quality bath salt product that is specifically designed to provide relief from muscle and joint pains. Whether you are an athlete, suffering from chronic pain or arthritis, or simply need a relaxing bath, DERMASEL Badesalz Gelenk Muskel D/F is the perfect solution to your needs. This special formula is enriched with a unique blend of natural minerals and essential oils that work together to soothe and revitalize tired muscles and sore joints. The active ingredients in the product include: Dead Sea salt - rich in minerals that have anti-inflammatory properties and aid in muscle relaxation Pine essential oil - known for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties, pine essential oil helps to soothe muscle and joint pain, as well as stress and tension Juniper essential oil - known for its cleansing and purifying properties, juniper essential oil helps to detoxify the body and relieve muscle and joint stiffness and discomfort To use, simply dissolve the bath salt in warm water and enjoy a relaxing soak for at least 15-20 minutes. The product is suitable for all skin types, dermatologically tested and free from parabens and silicone. With DERMASEL Badesalz Gelenk Muskel D/F, you can indulge in a luxurious spa treatment in the comfort of your own home while also reaping the benefits of natural healing properties of essential oils and Dead Sea salt. So why not treat yourself today and experience the soothing power of DERMASEL Badesalz Gelenk Muskel D/F? ..

12.04 USD

Dermasel kinderschaumbad plitsch platsch deutsch französisch 2 btl 15 ml

Dermasel kinderschaumbad plitsch platsch deutsch französisch 2 btl 15 ml

Kód produktu: 7848611

DermaSel Kinderschaumbad Plitsch Platsch deutsch französisch 2 Btl 15 ml DermaSel Kinderschaumbad Plitsch Platsch is a high-quality foam bath designed specifically for children, perfect for a fun and relaxing bath time. This product comes in a two-pack, each bottle containing 15ml of foam bath. As a result, parents can ensure their kids get the most out of this high-quality product through extended use. DermaSel Kinderschaumbad Plitsch Platsch is tailored to meet your child's specific skin needs. This product is made up of a mild, soap-free formula that cleanses, nourishes, and protects the delicate skin of children of all ages. The foam bath contains a blend of natural magnesium minerals and essential oils, which not only provide a therapeutic effect but also allow a long-lasting fragrance that will help your child's skin stay moisturized and soft. DermaSel Kinderschaumbad Plitsch Platsch is a German and French-speaking package, emphasizing its appeal to a wide range of customers. Its exceptional packaging design features lively and bright colors that are guaranteed to capture the attention of even the most discerning young customers. This package design perfectly creates a fun and appealing vibe for your kids, making bath time more engaging and enjoyable for parents and kids alike. With DermaSel Kinderschaumbad Plitsch Platsch, your kids can have a fun, relaxing, and safe bath time experience. At the same time, parents can also enjoy a sense of relief knowing that they provide their children with a high-quality product that cares for their delicate skin. Invest in this exceptional product and experience the joy of a safe and exciting bathing experience...

5.72 USD

Dermasel kristallbad bleib gesund deutsch französisch btl 60 g

Dermasel kristallbad bleib gesund deutsch französisch btl 60 g

Kód produktu: 7848609

DermaSel Kristallbad Bleib Gesund Deutsch Französisch Btl 60g Looking for a relaxing and revitalizing experience for your skin? Look no further than the DermaSel Kristallbad Bleib Gesund Deutsch Französisch Btl 60g! This exceptional product is perfect for those who want to pamper themselves while also taking care of their skin's health. This product is a type of bath salt, and it is packed with natural minerals and essential oils that will help soothe and nourish your skin. It contains pure, natural salt crystals that are sourced from the Dead Sea, which is known for its healing properties. The salt crystals are high in magnesium, potassium, and calcium ions, all of which are essential for healthy skin. The DermaSel Kristallbad Bleib Gesund Deutsch Französisch Btl 60g also contains natural essential oils, including eucalyptus and rosemary, which have a soothing and calming effect on the mind and body. The oils are also beneficial for the skin, helping to keep it healthy and hydrated. To use the product, simply add it to your bathwater and soak in the goodness. The salt crystals will dissolve, releasing their minerals and essential oils into the water. The result is a relaxing, revitalizing experience that will leave your skin feeling soft, smooth, and healthy. So if you're looking for a natural way to pamper yourself and take care of your skin's health, try the DermaSel Kristallbad Bleib Gesund Deutsch Französisch Btl 60g today! ..

5.72 USD

Drossa nose nasensalbe tb 20 g

Drossa nose nasensalbe tb 20 g

Kód produktu: 7816729

A nasal ointment with essential oils to moisten dry nasal mucosa. PropertiesDrossa-Nose is a nasal ointment with essential oils to moisten dry nasal mucosa.This product is CE -certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

13.12 USD

Goodsphere beginners elements 5x30ml

Goodsphere beginners elements 5x30ml

Kód produktu: 7833611

Začněte s Goodsphere Beginners Elements 5x30ml! Představujeme sadu Goodsphere Beginners Elements 5x30ml – ideální volba pro ty, kteří s používáním esenciálních olejů začínají. Tato sada pěti esenciálních olejů je vyrobena pouze z těch nejlepších, 100% čistých a přírodních ingrediencí. Pečlivě jsme vybrali ty nejlepší esenciální oleje pro začátečníky, abychom měli jistotu, že budete mít různé možnosti, se kterými můžete experimentovat. Co je součástí sady? Levandule Citron Máta peprná Tea Tree Oranžová sladká Každý esenciální olej je dodáván v praktické 30ml lahvičce s kapátkem pro snadné použití. Tyto esenciální oleje lze používat buď samostatně, nebo je kombinovat a vytvářet tak jedinečné a osobní směsi. Výhody esenciálních olejů Esenciální oleje nabízejí řadu výhod pro zlepšení vašeho zdraví a pohody, včetně: Snížení stresu a úzkosti Zvýšení nálady Zlepšení kvality spánku Odstranění přetížení Úleva od bolesti hlavy Zvýšení koncentrace a soustředění A mnoho dalších! Esenciální oleje se navíc používají v aromaterapii jako přirozený způsob relaxace a odbourávání stresu. Lze je také použít jako alternativu k osvěžovačům vzduchu a čisticím prostředkům na chemické bázi. Jak používat Existuje mnoho způsobů, jak používat esenciální oleje, včetně: Aromaterapeutické difuzéry Inhalace papírovým kapesníčkem nebo látkou Masážní a tělové oleje Výrobky do koupele a sprchy Domácí čisticí prostředky A další! Při používání esenciálních olejů se vždy řiďte pokyny a pokyny k ředění, zejména pokud je aplikujete přímo na pokožku. Objednejte si svůj ještě dnes! Zažijte výhody esenciálních olejů se sadou Goodsphere Beginners Elements 5x30ml. Objednejte si svůj ještě dnes a začněte objevovat svět aromaterapie ještě dnes! ..

78.96 USD

Goodsphere essenz metall fl 250 ml

Goodsphere essenz metall fl 250 ml

Kód produktu: 7809517

Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml is a high-quality aromatherapy diffuser that creates a pleasant scent in your home or workplace. It's perfect for reducing unpleasant odors and providing a relaxing and peaceful atmosphere. The diffuser uses advanced technology to disperse essential oils throughout your space, creating a more comfortable environment. It does not require electricity or batteries, making it energy-efficient and eco-friendly. The bottle is made of high-quality metal, making it durable and long-lasting. The 250 ml capacity ensures long-lasting use, and the compact size makes it easy to place in any room. To use Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml, simply fill the bottle with water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oils. Then, insert the rattan sticks into the bottle to smokeless fragrance. The diffuser will evenly distribute the fragrance throughout your space. Goodsphere Essenz Metall Fl 250 ml is an excellent addition to any room, whether it's your living room, bedroom, office, or any space you want to relax and unwind in. It is an excellent product for anyone who enjoys aromatherapy or is looking for an eco-friendly and energy-efficient way to diffuse essential oils. ..

73.89 USD

Puressentiel displej sinus roll-on 12 stk tester

Puressentiel displej sinus roll-on 12 stk tester

Kód produktu: 7853252

PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on 12 Stk Tester The PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on 12 Stk Tester is a perfect combination of science and natural ingredients that offer quick relief in cases of sinus congestion. It is a must-have for anyone who suffers from sinus problems and is looking for a natural and effective solution. This display pack contains 12 sinus roll-ons, each of them a tester, perfect for anyone looking to try the product before they make a purchase. The roll-on is made with 100% natural active ingredients that help to decongest blocked sinuses, clear nasal passages, and relieve sinus pain and pressure. The roll-on contains a blend of essential oils, including eucalyptus, peppermint, and Niaouli, which work together to eliminate congestion and help you breathe easier. The compact and travel-friendly size of the roll-on makes it perfect for on-the-go use, providing immediate relief from sinus pain and sinusitis symptoms. The PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on 12 Stk Tester is easy to apply, and the rollerball applicator helps to massage and stimulate the facial pressure points, providing additional relief. Just roll the applicator over your temples, on the sides of your nose, and along your hairline to experience the benefits of the natural essential oils. If you are searching for a natural and effective way to deal with your sinus congestion, then the PURESSENTIEL Display Sinus Roll-on is the product for you. Try it out today with our 12 Stk testers to start experiencing the benefits of natural essential oils. ..

190.48 USD

Puressentiel respiratory sinus roll-on s esenciálními oleji bio 5 ml

Puressentiel respiratory sinus roll-on s esenciálními oleji bio 5 ml

Kód produktu: 7843376

Puressentiel Respiratory Sinus Roll-on s organickými esenciálními oleji 5 ml Puressentiel Respiratory Sinus Roll-on je ideální produkt pro lidi, kteří trpí problémy s dutinami. Roll-on láhev obsahuje jedinečné složení vyrobené ze 100% přírodních ingrediencí. Efekty Směs esenciálních olejů, jako je eukalyptus, máta a rozmarýn, uvolňuje hleny v dýchacích cestách a čistí dutiny. Oleje mají protizánětlivý a antibakteriální účinek, který může pomoci zmírnit infekce dutin. Aplikace Použití roll-onu je jednoduché a praktické. Naneste váleček na spánky, čelo a nosní dírky a lehce vmasírujte. Oleje se kůží jemně vstřebávají a okamžitě rozvinou svůj účinek. Roll-on je ideální na cestování a vejde se do každé kabelky. Výhody 100% přírodní ingredience Účinný přípravek proti problémům s dutinami Protizánětlivé a antibakteriální Snadné a praktické použití Ideální na cestování Puressentiel Respiratory Sinus Roll-on je vysoce kvalitní produkt, který je vysoce doporučen pro lidi s problémy s dutinami. Přírodní složení je jemné a bezpečné, zatímco esenciální oleje poskytují rychlou a účinnou úlevu. Vyzkoušejte roll-on a pociťte okamžitou úlevu...

22.28 USD

Puressentiel schlaf box schlafspr+massageöl

Puressentiel schlaf box schlafspr+massageöl

Kód produktu: 7853246

PURESSENTIEL Schlaf Box Schlafspr+Massageöl Get ready to enjoy a peaceful and relaxing sleep with the PURESSENTIEL Schlaf Box Schlafspr+Massageöl. This kit includes a sleep spray and massage oil that are formulated with a blend of essential oils designed to soothe and calm the mind and body, promoting a deep and restful sleep. Sleep Spray: The Sleep Spray is a natural and effective way to promote sleep, made with a unique combination of 12 essential oils known for their calming and relaxing properties. Simply spray the mist onto your pillow or in the room before bedtime to create a calming atmosphere that promotes sleep. Lavender Bitter orange Camomile Marjoram Neroli Vetiver Ylang-ylang Clary sage Rose geranium Bergamot Lemon Sweet orange Massage Oil: The Massage Oil is a luxurious blend of 12 essential oils that are ideal for a relaxing massage after a long day. This oil is especially formulated to help promote a deep and restful sleep by relaxing the muscles and calming the mind. Lavender Bitter orange Mandarin Marjoram Camphor Vetiver Neroli Ylang-ylang Basil Rosewood Clary sage Vanilla Both of these products are made with 100% pure and natural essential oils and are free from synthetic fragrances and parabens. So, if you're looking for a natural and effective way to promote a restful and peaceful sleep, the PURESSENTIEL Schlaf Box Schlafspr+Massageöl is the perfect solution. ..

59.00 USD

Puressentiel sinus box kapseln+roll-on

Puressentiel sinus box kapseln+roll-on

Kód produktu: 7853250

PURESSENTIEL Sinus Box Kapseln+Roll-on The PURESSENTIEL Sinus Box Kapseln+Roll-on is your ultimate solution for sinus congestion and related issues. This product consists of two effective components, sinus capsules and a roll-on, each designed to provide quick relief from sinus discomfort. Sinus Capsules The sinus capsules contain a blend of 8 essential oils ranging from peppermint, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, to thyme, which is an excellent natural disinfectant. The capsules help clear the airways and reduce inflammation that causes sinus-related discomfort. They are easy to swallow and can be taken up to three times a day with or without meals. Sinus Roll-on The sinus roll-on, on the other hand, is a natural-based remedy that targets sinus discomforts with a unique roller-ball applicator. The roll-on contains four essential oils such as eucalyptus, peppermint, niaouli and Ravintsara that work together to relieve tightness around the sinus area and improve breathing. Applying it to the temples, neck, and chest provides quick relief from congested sinuses. Benefits Clears congestion and enhances breathing Contains pure essential oils for natural healing Non-invasive and easy-to-use components Fast-acting and effective against sinus-related discomforts Free from artificial preservatives and parabens The PURESSENTIEL Sinus Box Kapseln+Roll-on is suitable for adults and children above 7 years. It is also vegan and cruelty-free, making it an ethical choice for those who care about animal welfare. If you are struggling with sinus congestion, get your hands on this fantastic product today and breathe easy. ..

30.39 USD

Puressentiel weihnachtsbox wohl 3 kl duftmis fr/ch

Puressentiel weihnachtsbox wohl 3 kl duftmis fr/ch

Kód produktu: 7834551

PURESSENTIEL Weihnachtsbox Wohl 3 kl Duftmis FR/CH The PURESSENTIEL Weihnachtsbox Wohl 3 kl Duftmis FR/CH is the perfect gift for anyone who loves natural, essential oils. This beautiful gift box includes three 5ml bottles of pure essential oils: Ravintsara, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Pine, all of which are perfect for diffusing during the winter months. These essential oils are perfect for purifying the air in your home, to help boost your respiratory system, and to improve your mood. They can be used in a variety of ways, including in a diffuser, a bath, or added to massage oil. The PURESSENTIAL Weihnachtsbox is a perfect gift for anyone who wants to turn their home into a spa or wants to support their physical and mental health naturally. PURESSENTIEL is a well-known brand that only uses pure, natural ingredients in its products, without any synthetic materials. All their essential oils are sourced from the finest plants and distilled using a traditional method to ensure maximum purity. The PURESSENTIEL Weihnachtsbox Wohl 3 kl Duftmis FR/CH is an ideal gift for anyone who is looking to use aromatherapy to help increase their well-being, or those that are already fans of using essential oils. Give the gift of natural wellness with the gorgeous and beautifully presented PURESSENTIEL Weihnachtsbox Wohl 3 kl Duftmis FR/CH! ..

59.63 USD

Sanaya aroma&bachblüt roll on energy bio

Sanaya aroma&bachblüt roll on energy bio

Kód produktu: 7830180

SANAYA Aroma&üt Roll on Energy Bio Achieving energy and balance in our daily lives is essential. It is the key to a fulfilling and productive day, which is why the SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Roll on Energy Bio was developed to help you reach your goals. Our blend of high-quality essential oils and Bach Flower Remedies provides a powerful and unique combination that helps you restore balance and energy whenever you need it. Our energy roll-on is ideal for those feeling tired or sluggish in need of a boost of energy to enhance productivity, motivation, or elevate their mood. Features 100% natural ingredients Certified organic Fast-acting formula Convenient and easy-to-use roll-on packaging Vegan and cruelty-free Made in Switzerland Ingredients Our formula contains the following essential oils: Lemon: Promotes mental clarity, focus, and energy Ginger: Stimulates the senses and promotes vitality Grapefruit: Reduces stress and promotes positivity Our energy roll-on also includes Bach Flower Remedies that help to balance the emotional aspects of our lives: Olive: Increases mental and physical vitality Mimulus: Reduces anxiety and fear Wild Rose: Promotes enthusiasm, motivation and a positive attitude How to use Apply the roll-on to your wrists or neck whenever you need an energy boost. Re-apply as needed throughout the day. Experience the power of natural essential oils and Bach Flower Remedies with SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Roll on Energy Bio today!..

25.90 USD

Sanaya aroma&bachblüt sprej atmosphere bio

Sanaya aroma&bachblüt sprej atmosphere bio

Kód produktu: 7830185

SANAYA Aroma&üt Spray Atmosphere Bio The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is a unique product that combines the power of natural essential oils and Bach flower remedies to create a soothing and uplifting atmosphere in your home or workplace. Made with 100% natural and organic ingredients, this spray is designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance your overall sense of wellbeing. Key Features: 100% natural and organic Contains a blend of essential oils and Bach flower remedies Promotes relaxation and reduces stress Enhances overall sense of wellbeing Easy to use spray bottle The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is perfect for anyone who wants to create a peaceful and calming environment at home or at work. It can be used to refresh the air in any room, or as a personal spray to help calm your nerves during moments of stress. The spray is also great for use during meditation and yoga sessions, as it can help to promote a deeper sense of focus and relaxation. The powerful blend of essential oils in this spray includes lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang, all of which have been shown to have calming and mood-enhancing properties. In addition, the Bach flower remedies in the spray are carefully selected to help promote emotional balance and positivity. The SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is made from high-quality, natural and organic ingredients, which are free from harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances. This makes it a safe and gentle option for anyone who is sensitive to harsh chemicals or artificial scents. Overall, if you want to create a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere in your home or workplace, the SANAYA Aroma&Bachblüt Spray Atmosphere Bio is an effective and natural solution...

35.32 USD

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