Ublažavanje bolova
(5 stranica)
3m nexcare coldhot happy kids 12 x 11 cm 2 kom
The reusable ColdHot Happy Kids gel compresses from Nexcare can be used both cold and warm. It uses the natural power of cold and warmth and uses it as an alternative therapy.As a heat compress, it helps to relieve muscle spasms, relieve pain, soothe and relax.As a cold compress, it helps Relief of pain, inflammation and swelling.A protective cover is supplied with the gel compresses, which ensures safety and enables easy and comfortable use.The gel contained is non-toxic and 99% of the time biodegradable (99% of the active ingredients are according to 84/449 / EEC). This makes it particularly environmentally friendly and safe for the whole family.ApplicationCold therapy :Use for: toothache, acute injuries (bruises, sprains, small bumps), nosebleeds, swelling after infections or insect bites, fever (not intended to lower body temperature).Keep the gel compress in the refrigerator or freezer so that it is always ready to use. It must be refrigerated or frozen (in the refrigerator or freezer) for more than 2 hours before the compress can be used.Always use the gel compress with the protective cover provided or in a towel when you place the compress on the skin.Do not use the compress for more than 20 minutes to avoid burns and frostbite. Wait 20 minutes before using again, meanwhile put again in the refrigerator or freezer.Heat therapy:Use for: Growing pains, stomach pains (only due to tense muscles), warming the hands.Water bath:Boil water and remove from the heat source. Put the gel compress in the water for 60 seconds and then carefully remove it from the hot water. Knead the compress to distribute the heat evenly.Microwave:Place the gel compress flat in the microwave for 20 seconds at 640 W and then carefully remove it from the microwave. Knead the compress to distribute the heat evenly.Always use the gel compress with the enclosed protective cover or in a towel when you place the compress on the skin. If the compress is too hot, let it cool down before use.The compresses can be washed by hand with mild soap.No alcohol or use other solvents for cleaning.ColdHot Happy Kids gel compresses can be disposed of with normal household waste.NoteFor external use only.Discontinue use if you experience discomfort.If discomfort or discomfort persists Consult a doctor.Do not use on injured or sensitive skin areas.People who are known or suspected of having nervous or circulatory problems should only use these compresses Use with a doctor's prescription.Use on children or people with intellectual disabilities only under supervision.ColdHot Happy Kids gel compress not to be used as a toy ends.Never heat the compress if it is folded, kinked or frozen. This can lead to leakage.Damage to the compresses due to overheating.Do not heat in the oven or grill.Do not sit on the gel compress, lean against it or excessively Apply pressure as this can cause damage and / or leakage. Do not use while sleeping.Check the tightness before use.Never use damaged compresses. Discard if leaks.Use caution to avoid frostbite or damage to the nerves.The heat can cause local burns due to its analgesic effect.?Which packs are available?3M Nexcare coldhot Happy Kids 12 x 11cm 2 pcs?????..
28.74 USD
3m nexcare coldhot therapy pack gel comfort termoindikator 26x1
Doživite brzo olakšanje i udobnost uz 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Gel Comfort termoindikator. Ovaj svestrani terapijski paket je dizajniran da pruži efikasnu terapiju hladnom ili toplotom za lečenje i umirenje raznih bolova, bolova i povreda. S veličinom od 26x1 inča, nudi velikodušnu pokrivenost za ciljanu upotrebu na različitim dijelovima tijela. Inovativna funkcija Thermoindicator pomaže u praćenju temperature, osiguravajući sigurnu i optimalnu primjenu terapije. Bilo da trebate smanjiti oticanje i upalu hladnom terapijom ili ublažiti napetost mišića i poboljšati cirkulaciju toplinskom terapijom, ovo pakiranje je pouzdan pratilac za vaše zdravstvene potrebe. Idealan za komplete prve pomoći, sportske povrede, postoperativni oporavak i svakodnevno održavanje udobnosti, 3M Nexcare ColdHot Therapy Pack Gel je vrijedan dodatak vašoj wellness rutini. Prihvatite snagu temperaturne terapije sa ovim praktičnim i efikasnim rešenjem...
29.23 USD
Activove everyday support karpalni steznik za zglob
The Carpal Everyday Support wrist splint from Actimove supports the healing effect and pain relief on the wrist through the balanced application of heat and medical compression. The splint is very comfortable to wear due to its breathable, perforated and quick-drying performance material. It is also manufactured without neoprene and with COOLMAX AIR technology. The unique open design allows full finger movement and dexterity.By stabilizing the wrist with an anatomically shaped bar for correct positioning, the splint helps to treat pain and provides relief. Because the hand can rest on the palm pad.Fields of application:Symptomatic relief of carpal tunnel syndrome, e.g. when using a computer...
32.03 USD
Activove sports wrist m
Karakteristike Actimove Sports Wrist MCertificirano u Europi CEKoličina u pakovanju: 1 komadTežina: 111g Dužina: 60 mm Širina: 135 mm Visina: 335 mm Kupite Actimove Sports Wrist M online iz Švicarske..
46.71 USD
Algifor dolo forte susp 400 mg / 10 ml 10 ml 10 bag
Algifor Dolo forte Susp 400 mg / 10 ml 10 ml 10 BtlAlgifor Dolo forte Susp 400 mg / 10 ml 10 ml 10 Btl je suspenzija koja se koristi za ublažavanje boli i groznice. Sadrži aktivni sastojak ibuprofen, koji je nesteroidni protuupalni lijek (NSAID) koji djeluje tako što blokira proizvodnju određenih tvari u tijelu koje uzrokuju bol i upalu.Ključne karakteristike:Ključne karakteristike: h2> Sadrži 400 mg ibuprofena na 10 ml suspenzije Dolazi u pakovanju od 10 boca, od kojih svaka sadrži 10 ml suspenzije Obrazac suspenzije omogućava jednostavnu administraciju, čak i za djecu Može se koristiti za ublažavanje različitih vrsta boli, kao što su glavobolja, menstrualni grčevi, zubobolja i mišićno-koštani bol Također indicirano za liječenje groznice Upute za korištenje: Dobro protresite bocu prije upotrebe. Koristite isporučenu mjernu čašu da izmjerite ispravnu dozu suspenzije. Doza će ovisiti o dobi i težini pacijenta i treba je uzimati s hranom ili mlijekom kako bi se smanjio rizik od iritacije želuca. Nemojte prekoračiti preporučenu dozu niti koristiti duže od 3 dana za povišenu temperaturu ili 5 dana za bol, osim ako zdravstveni radnik ne odredi drugačije.Upozorenje i mjere opreza: Nemojte uzimati s drugim proizvodima koji sadrže NSAID ili ako ste alergični na ibuprofen Pre upotrebe konsultujte se sa zdravstvenim radnikom ako imate istoriju čira na želucu ili poremećaja krvarenja Izbjegavajte upotrebu u kasnoj trudnoći jer može utjecati na cirkulaciju bebe Ne davati deci mlađoj od 6 meseci bez saveta lekara Algifor Dolo forte Susp 400 mg / 10 ml 10 ml 10 Btl pruža efikasno ublažavanje bola i groznice u prikladnom obliku suspenzije koja se lako primjenjuje. Međutim, važno je slijediti upute za upotrebu i mjere opreza kako biste osigurali maksimalnu sigurnost i učinkovitost. Ako simptomi potraju ili se pogoršaju, potražite savjet od zdravstvenog radnika...
42.30 USD
Bonneville epsom sol can 1 kg
Bonneville Epsom Salt Ds 1kg Bonneville Epsom Salt Ds 1kg is a premium quality, natural magnesium sulfate that is perfect for a wide range of applications. It is a cost-effective way to indulge in a luxurious spa experience right in the comfort of your own home. The magnesium sulfate in the Epsom salt has been known to help soothe the skin, reduce inflammation, and increase circulation, while the sulfate aids in detoxification. Features 100% natural magnesium sulfate No additives or preservatives Indulge in a luxurious spa experience at home Cost-effective and versatile Benefits The Bonneville Epsom Salt Ds 1kg provides a myriad of benefits that enable individuals to achieve total wellness. Relaxation: The magnesium sulfate content promotes relaxation and makes you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Detoxification: The sulfate is known to help the body eliminate toxins and heavy metals that accumulate in the body. Aid Digestion: Epsom salt can help stimulate the digestive system by breaking down food and toxins, and promote bowel movement. Pain Relief: Magnesium sulfate aids in reducing pain and inflammation associated with muscle soreness, cramps, and arthritis. Skin Care: The Epsom salt is gentle on the skin and helps exfoliate and reduce inflammation, revealing healthy and glowing skin. How to Use The Bonneville Epsom Salt Ds 1kg can be used in multiple ways to achieve the benefits mentioned above. Bath Soak: Add 2 cups of Epsom salt to warm bathwater and soak for 20 minutes to promote relaxation and soothe muscles. Foot Soak: Add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to warm water and soak the feet for 30 minutes to combat foot odor or soothe tired feet. Exfoliation Scrub: Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and massage into the skin for a gentle exfoliation and to reduce inflammation. Overall, the Bonneville Epsom Salt Ds 1kg is a versatile and cost-effective way to promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and total wellness, right in the comfort of your own home...
17.25 USD
Cross traka mix traka protiv bolova i akupunkture 20x s / m 27x / 6x l / xl 2x 55 kom
Properties The Crosstapes are water-resistant and can be worn for several days without restriction. Do not use on wounds or skin diseases. Properties The Crosstapes are water-resistant and can last several days without restrictions.Do not use on wounds or skin diseases.This product is CE -certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
22.20 USD
Dermaplast active hot and cold
Karakteristike DermaPlast Active Hot & ColdCertificirano u Europi CEKoličina u pakovanju: 1 komadTežina: 450g Dužina: 40 mm Širina: 125 mm Visina: 190 mm Kupite DermaPlast Active Hot & Cold online iz Švicarske..
35.85 USD
Dermaplast active manu easy 3 kratko lijevo
DermaPlast ACTIVE Manu Easy 3 kratko lijevo Stabilna ortoza za zglob za imobilizaciju i povećanu stabilizaciju ručnog zgloba. Sa anatomski oblikovanom potpornom šipkom i čičak trakama koje se mogu zatvoriti jednom rukom. Stabilna, kratka ortoza za zglob služi za imobilizaciju i povećanje stabilizacije ručnog zgloba. Anatomski unaprijed oblikovana potporna šipka i poseban oblik ortoze omogućavaju optimalnu stabilizaciju ručnog zgloba pomoću fiksacije, što sprječava pokrete koji izazivaju bol. Veličine obim zgloba: - Veličina 1: 15-17 cm - Veličina 2: 17-19 cm - Veličina 3: 19-21 cm...
63.47 USD
Dermaplast active rhizo 1 mekani univerzalni
DermaPlast ACTIVE Rhizo 1 mekani univerzalni Iritirajuća stanja u palcu, rizartroza, degenerativne bolesti zglobova. Meka ortoza služi za ublažavanje, stabilizaciju i ublažavanje bolova u slučaju iritacije zgloba palca. Blago stabilizirajući zglob palca, pomaže u sprječavanju nepravilnih pokreta i ublažavanju bolova. Veličine obim zgloba: - Veličina 1: 12-19 cm - Veličina 2: 19-23 cm...
68.16 USD
Drogovita konoplje muskelgel roll-on 50 ml
Karakteristike Drogovita konoplje Muskelgel roll-on 50 mlTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju : 1 ml Težina: 145g Dužina: 40mm Širina: 40mm Visina: 110mm Kupite Drogovita konoplju Muskelgel roll-on 50 ml online iz Švicarske..
28.09 USD
Epitrain active support gr1 titanium
Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium The Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is an advanced knee support designed to help you move better, recover faster, and perform at your best. Made with medical-grade compression and a unique knitted design, this knee brace helps to support and stabilize the knee joint during physical activity while still allowing for a full range of motion. Whether you're an athlete looking to improve your performance or someone who suffers from knee pain or instability, the Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is a great solution. This knee brace is designed to provide targeted compression to the knee joint, helping to relieve pain and reduce swelling and inflammation. It also features a silicone insert that provides additional support and stabilization to the patella, helping to improve overall knee function. The Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is made with high-quality materials, including medical-grade compression and breathable knit fabric. The compression helps to improve blood flow to the knee joint, while the breathable fabric wicks away moisture and helps to regulate temperature, keeping you cool, dry, and comfortable throughout your workout or daily activities. Overall, the Epitrain Active Support Gr1 Titanium is a great option for anyone looking to improve knee stability, reduce pain and inflammation, and enhance their overall abilities. With its advanced design and high-quality construction, it's sure to provide you with the support and performance you need to reach your goals. ..
144.79 USD
Epitrain active support gr5 titan
Epitrain Active Support Gr5 Titanium The Epitrain Active Support Gr5 Titanium is a state-of-the-art athletic support designed for individuals who wish to remain active while providing exceptional joint support. This amazing product is manufactured using Gr5 titanium, which is a highly durable and lightweight material used in the aerospace and medical industries for its superior strength, biocompatibility, and corrosion resistance. The Epitrain Active Support Gr5 Titanium is specially designed to relieve pain and swelling, improve circulation, and enhance mobility for athletes and individuals suffering from joint pain. Features Gr5 titanium material provides exceptional joint support Highly durable and lightweight (30% lighter than steel) Breathable and moisture-wicking material ensures comfortable wear Anatomically shaped for a precise fit and enhanced support Adjustable straps for personalized compression and support Designed to relieve pain and swelling, improve circulation, and enhance mobility Easy to wear and clean Benefits Provides exceptional joint support and stability Relieves pain and inflammation Improves circulation and enhances mobility Reduces the risk of further joint damage and injuries Allows individuals to remain active with confidence Perfect for athletes and individuals suffering from joint pain Can be worn during exercise, sports, and everyday activities Conclusion The Epitrain Active Support Gr5 Titanium is a game-changing product that provides exceptional joint support, pain relief, and enhanced mobility for athletes and individuals suffering from joint pain. Its Gr5 titanium construction ensures superior durability and lightweight without compromising on support, making it an ideal choice for active individuals looking to stay fit and healthy. So, don't let joint pain hold you back ? get the Epitrain Active Support Gr5 Titanium today and continue living your life to the fullest! ..
144.79 USD
Epitrain active support gr6 titan
Epitrain Active Support GR6 Titanium The Epitrain Active Support GR6 Titanium is an advanced compression and stability system designed to provide relief from pain, swelling, and inflammation caused by conditions such as sprains, strains, and arthritis. This product is suitable for athletes and individuals who are physically active, as well as those who are recovering from injuries or surgery. Featuring a unique knitted fabric made from a blend of high-quality materials, including spandex, nylon, and titanium, this support offers targeted compression and support to the affected area, promoting circulation, reducing inflammation, and speeding up the healing process. The titanium fibers woven into the fabric provide additional strength and durability, ensuring that the support maintains its shape and effectiveness over time. The Epitrain Active Support GR6 Titanium features an anatomical shape and a breathable design that conforms to the natural contours of your body, ensuring a comfortable fit and maximum range of motion. The support is available in a range of sizes to fit most adults, and can be easily adjusted for a custom fit using the adjustable straps and clasps. Whether you're an athlete looking to improve performance and prevent injury, or simply looking for a safe, effective way to manage pain and discomfort, the Epitrain Active Support GR6 Titanium is an excellent choice. Order yours today and experience the benefits of advanced compression and stability technology for yourself! ..
144.79 USD
Irfen dolo l forte lactab 400 mg od 10 kom
Karakteristike Irfen Dolo L forte Lactab 400 mg od 10 komTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju: 10 komada p>Težina: 20g Dužina: 21mm Širina: 95mm Visina: 60mm Kupite Irfen Dolo L forte Lactab 400 mg od 10 kom online iz Švicarske..
22.05 USD
K-traka 5cmx5m crna uloga
K-Tape 5cmx5m Black Role: The Ultimate Pain Relief Solution Introducing the K-Tape 5cmx5m Black Role, an innovative physiotherapy tape that is designed to alleviate pain and inflammation in various parts of the body. This versatile tape is made from high-quality cotton and has a stretchable, breathable fabric that contours to the natural shape of the body. Whether you're an athlete or someone suffering from chronic pain, the K-Tape can be an effective solution for a range of conditions. Key Features and Benefits 5cmx5m roll - Provides enough tape for multiple applications Black color - Subtle and discreet for wearers who prefer subdued tones Stretchable fabric - Conforms to the shape of the body and allows for full range of motion Durable and long-lasting - Can withstand wear and tear from activity and showering Waterproof - Maintains adhesion even during intense workouts or water-based activities Hypoallergenic - Safe for sensitive skin, latex-free Uses and Applications K-Tape can be used for various purposes, including: Supporting and stabilizing joints and muscles Reducing pain and inflammation from injuries, such as shin splints, tennis elbow, and plantar fasciitis Alleviating symptoms of conditions like carpal tunnel, migraines, and menstrual cramps Aiding in post-surgery recovery How to Use Applying the K-Tape is easy and can be done at home without the help of a professional. Simply clean and dry the affected area, then cut the tape to the desired length and shape. Apply with gentle tension, being careful not to overstretch the tape. The adhesive will last for up to 5 days, and can be worn during workouts, showers, and other activities. Order Now and Relieve Your Pain If you want a reliable, easy to use pain relief solution, the K-Tape 5cmx5m Black Role is a great option. Order now and experience the benefits of this innovative physiotherapy tape for yourself!..
32.18 USD
Omron heat tens stimulacija živaca tens i toplina u kombinaciji. uključujući gel jastučiće
263.93 USD
Perskindol termalni hot roll-on 75 ml
The Perskindol Thermo Hot Roll-On helps with neck and back pain. Thanks to the essential oils contained, the Roll-On warms pleasantly, relieves pain and promotes healing. Very well toleratedSuitable for short and long periods of useFor hard to reach parts of the bodyIdeal for massagingQuickly retracts Application For adults and children from 5 years: If necessary, apply several times a day to the affected area...
24.61 USD
Perskindol termalni vrući gel 200 ml
Karakteristike Perskindol termalnog Hot Gela 200 mlCertificiran u Europi CETemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju: 1 mlTežina: 223g Dužina: 52mm Širina: 67mm Visina: 198mm Kupite Perskindol termalni vrući gel 200 ml online iz Švicarske..
45.57 USD
Phytostandard tablete vražje vrbe 30 kom
Phytostandard devil's claw willow tablets 30 pcs Phytostandard devil's claw willow tablets are a natural product that combines two powerful plants - devil's claw and willow - to support joint health and relieve pain and inflammation. Each tablet contains a standardized extract of these plants, ensuring consistent potency and efficacy. Key Benefits Relieves joint pain and stiffness Reduces inflammation Supports joint health and mobility Provides natural relief without the side effects of conventional pain medications Devil's Claw Devil's claw is a plant native to southern Africa, known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Its active ingredient, harpagoside, reduces inflammation and relieves pain, making it an effective natural alternative to conventional pain medications. Willow Willow bark is another potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic herb, containing salicin - a natural precursor to aspirin. It has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for pain and fever, and is often recommended for joint pain and arthritis. Phytostandard Phytostandard is a range of natural supplements developed by the French laboratory PiLeJe. These high-quality supplements are made from standardized plant extracts, ensuring consistent potency and efficacy, and are formulated using the latest scientific research. Usage Take 1-2 tablets per day, with a full glass of water, preferably with a meal. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. This product is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or children under 12. Ingredients Standardized extract of devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) root - 400mg per tablet Standardized extract of willow (Salix alba) bark - 80mg per tablet Other ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide. Disclaimer This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult your healthcare provider before using any dietary supplement. ..
33.25 USD
Puressentiel gel cryo pure za zglobove i mišiće tube 80 ml
Puressentiel Cryo Pur Joint & Muscle Gel is used for intensive cooling to relieve pain in sensitive areas. The formulation with 14 valuable essential oils and natural menthol provides a fast and long-lasting cooling effect. Cooling gelWith menthol li>With 14 valuable essential oilsEffectiveness proven by thermographyTested under dermatological and physiotherapeutic control Application Apply Puressentiel Cryo Pure Joint & Muscle Gel 2 times daily to the affected areas. Ingredients Alcohol, Isopropyl Myristate, Menthol, Aqua (Water), Mentha Viridis (Spearmint) Leaf Oil, Lavandula Latifolia Herb Oil, Pinus Sylvestris Leaf Oil, Gaultheria Procumbens (Wintergreen) Leaf Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Lavandula Hybrida Grosso Herb Oil, Cananga Odorata Flower Oil, Origanum Majorana Flower Oil, Melaleuca Viridiflora Leaf Oil, Cedrelopsis Grevei Bark Extract, Eugenia Caryophyllus ( Clove) Bud Oil, Helichrysum Italicum Flower Oil, Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil, Cymbopogon Winterianus Herb Oil, Limonene, Linalool, Eugenol, Geraniol, Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Salicylate, Citronellol, Citral...
24.12 USD
Sanalgin n tbl 10 kom
Sanalgin N sadrži aktivni sastojak paracetamol i kofein koji ublažava bol. Sanalgin N se koristi za kratkotrajno liječenje glavobolje, zubobolje, bolova u predjelu zglobova i ligamenata, bolova u leđima, bolova u toku menstruacije, bolova nakon ozljeda (npr. sportske ozljede), bolova od prehlade. Informacije o pacijentima koje je odobrio SwissmedicSanalgin® N tablete Gebro Pharma AG Šta je Sanalgin N i kada se koristi? Sanalgin N sadrži aktivni sastojak paracetamol i kofein koji ublažava bol. Sanalgin N se koristi za kratkotrajno liječenje glavobolje, zubobolje, bolova u predjelu zglobova i ligamenata, bolova u leđima, bolova u toku menstruacije, bolova nakon ozljeda (npr. sportske ozljede), bolova od prehlade. Šta treba uzeti u obzir?Sanalgin N treba koristiti najviše 5 dana bez ljekarskog recepta. Lekove protiv bolova ne treba uzimati redovno tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda bez lekarskog nadzora. Dugotrajna bol zahtijeva medicinsku procjenu. Doziranje koje je odredio ili propisao ljekar ne smije se prekoračiti. Kako bi se spriječio rizik od predoziranja, potrebno je osigurati da drugi lijekovi koji se uzimaju u isto vrijeme ne sadrže paracetamol. Također je važno zapamtiti da dugotrajna upotreba lijekova protiv bolova može sama po sebi doprinijeti postojanju glavobolje. Dugotrajna upotreba lijekova protiv bolova, posebno kada se uzimaju kombinacije nekoliko lijekova protiv bolova, može dovesti do trajnog oštećenja bubrega s rizikom od zatajenja bubrega. Kada se Sanalgin N ne smije uzimati/koristiti?Ne smijete koristiti Sanalgin N u sljedećim slučajevima: Ako ste preosjetljivi na aktivne sastojke paracetamol ili kofein ili bilo koji od pomoćnih sastojaka. Takva preosjetljivost izražava se npr. astmom, otežanim disanjem, problemima s cirkulacijom, oticanjem kože i sluzokože ili kožnim osipom (koprivnjača).U slučaju teških oboljenja jetre. li>U slučaju prekomjerne konzumacije alkohola.Ako imate nasljedni poremećaj jetre (tzv. Meulengrachtova bolest).Sanalgin N se ne smije uzimati. koristi se kod djece i adolescenata. Kada je potreban oprez kada uzimate/koristite Sanalgin N?Ako ste prethodno oštetili bubrege ili jetru, posavjetujte se sa svojim ljekarom prije nego što ga uzmete. Ako imate rijetku nasljednu bolest crvenih krvnih zrnaca, tzv. "nedostatak glukoza-6-fosfat dehidrogenaze" i ako uzimate lijekove koji utiču na jetru, odnosno određene lijekove za tuberkulozu i epilepsiju ) ili lijekove sa aktivnim sastojkom zidovudin, koji se koristi za liječenje imunodeficijencije (AIDS), treba uzimati samo u skladu sa strogim uputama ljekara. Obavijestite svog liječnika ako trebate uzimati lijekove za razrjeđivanje krvi (npr. Marcumar). Trebalo bi se konsultovati i sa svojim ljekarom ako patite od nepravilnosti u pulsu (srčane aritmije). Pojačani su efekti i nuspojave određenih lijekova za astmu koji sadrže aktivne sastojke teofilin ili aminofilin. Može doći do nemira ili palpitacije. Nije preporučljivo uzimati paracetamol i alkohol u isto vrijeme. Rizik od oštećenja jetre se povećava, posebno ako ne jedete u isto vrijeme. Pojedinci koji su preosjetljivi na bol ili antireumatske lijekove također mogu biti preosjetljivi na paracetamol (pogledajte «Koje nuspojave Sanalgin N može imati?»). Ako imate ozbiljnu infekciju (npr. trovanje krvi), konsultujte se sa svojim lekarom pre uzimanja. Pretjeranu konzumaciju kofeina u obliku kafe, čaja ili konzerviranih pića koja sadrže kofein treba izbjegavati dok uzimate Sanalgin N. Ovaj lijek sadrži manje od 1 mmol natrijuma (23 mg) po dozi, tj. u suštini 'bez natrijuma'. gotovo je «bez natrijuma». Recite svom ljekaru, farmaceutu ili ljekarniku ako: patite od drugih bolesti,imate alergije iliuzimate druge lijekove (uključujući i one koje ste sami kupili!)!Da li se Sanalgin N može uzimati/koristiti tokom trudnoće ili dojenja?Iz predostrožnosti treba izbjegavati uzimanje lijekova tokom trudnoće i dojenja ili se obratiti ljekaru, farmaceutu ili ljekarnika, pitajte ljekarnika ili ljekarnika za savjet. Na osnovu dosadašnjeg iskustva, ne postoji poznat rizik za dijete kod kratkotrajne primjene aktivne tvari Parcetamol u navedenoj dozi. Iako se paracetamol nalazi u majčinom mlijeku, nema poznatih štetnih učinaka na novorođenče. Međutim, osip na koži može se pojaviti kod dojenih novorođenčadi. Tokom trudnoće, postoji povećan rizik od spontanog pobačaja povezan sa konzumacijom kofeina. Zbog toga se Sanalgin N ne smije uzimati tokom trudnoće osim ako Vam je Vaš ljekar dao izričitu dozvolu za to. Kofein može uticati na stanje i ponašanje bebe i stoga ga treba izbegavati tokom dojenja. Kako se koristi Sanalgin N?Navedena maksimalna dnevna doza ne smije se prekoračiti. Odrasli uzimaju 1-2 tablete po potrebi. Doza se može uzimati svakih 6 sati ako je potrebno. Međutim, ne smije se uzeti više od 8 tableta u periodu od 24 sata. Tablete progutajte cijele sa dosta tečnosti ili pustite da se raspadnu, a zatim popijte pola čaše tečnosti. Tableta se ne smije dijeliti na ukrasnom žljebu. Djeca i adolescenti ne bi trebali uzimati Sanalgin N. Predoziranje može uzrokovati vrlo ozbiljna oštećenja jetre. Držite se doze navedene u uputstvu o lijeku ili kako vam je propisao ljekar. Ako mislite da je lijek preslab ili prejak, razgovarajte sa svojim ljekarom, farmaceutom ili ljekarnikom. Koje nuspojave Sanalgin N može imati?Sljedeće nuspojave se mogu javiti kada koristite Sanalgin N: Rijetko (javlja se kod 1 do 10 korisnika na 10.000)U rijetkim slučajevima, reakcije preosjetljivosti kao što su svrab, oticanje kože i sluzokože ili osip, mučnina, kratkoća zadaha ili astme (posebno ako su ove nuspojave također ranije opažene pri upotrebi acetilsalicilne kiseline i drugih nesteroidnih protuupalnih lijekova (NSAID)) Vrlo rijetko (javlja se kod manje od 1 na 10.000 korisnika)Vrlo rijetko se mogu javiti i ozbiljne kožne reakcije. Ako se jave znaci reakcije preosjetljivosti, modrice ili krvarenje, lijek treba prekinuti i konsultovati liječnika. Uočene su i promjene u krvnoj slici, kao što je smanjen broj krvnih pločica (trombocitopenija) ili ozbiljno smanjenje određenih bijelih krvnih stanica (agranulocitoza). Kofein može uzrokovati nesanicu, nemir i lupanje srca, posebno ako se u isto vrijeme konzumiraju napitci koji sadrže kofein kao što su kafa, čaj ili kola. Ako dobijete bilo koju nuspojavu, razgovarajte sa svojim liječnikom, farmaceutom ili ljekarnikom. Ovo se posebno odnosi na nuspojave koje nisu navedene u ovom uputstvu. Šta još treba uzeti u obzir?Lijek se smije koristiti samo do datuma označenog «EXP» na kutiji. Čuvati van domašaja djece! U slučaju nekontrolisanog uzimanja (predoziranja), odmah se obratite lekaru. Predoziranje može uzrokovati vrlo ozbiljna oštećenja jetre. Mučnina, povraćanje, bol u trbuhu, gubitak apetita i opći osjećaj bolesti mogu biti pokazatelj predoziranja, ali se javljaju samo nekoliko sati do jednog dana nakon uzimanja. Upute za skladištenjeČuvajte na sobnoj temperaturi (15-25°C). Dodatne informacijeVaš ljekar, farmaceut ili ljekarnik mogu vam dati dodatne informacije. Ovi ljudi imaju detaljne informacije za specijaliste. Šta Sanalgin N sadrži?Aktivni sastojci1 tableta sadrži: paracetamol 500 mg, kofein 50 mg Pomoćne supstancePovidon K 2932, mikrokristalna celuloza, kroskarmeloza natrijum tipa A, koloidni bezvodni silicijum dioksid, magnezijum stearat Broj odobrenja55339 (Swissmedic) Gdje se može nabaviti Sanalagin N? Koja pakovanja su dostupna?U apotekama i drogerijama, bez lekarskog recepta. Pakovanje od 10 tableta sa ukrasnim utorom. Nositelj odobrenjaGebro Pharma AG, 4410 LiestalOvaj letak je posljednji put provjerila Agencija za lijekove (Swissmedic) u junu 2020. ..
16.06 USD
Saridon neo film-coated tablets 400 mg od 10 kom
Karakteristike Saridon neo Filmtabl 400 mg od 10 kom.Anatomska terapijska hemikalija (ATS): M01AE01Aktivni sastojak: M01AE01Temperatura skladištenja min/ max 15/30 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju : 10 komadaTežina: 21g Dužina: 21mm Širina: 99mm Visina: 65 mm Kupite Saridon neo Filmtabl 400 mg od 10 kom online iz Švicarske..
26.04 USD
Thermacare® veća bolna područja 4 kom
Heat pads that can be used flexibly for large-area pain, for effective pain relief through therapeutic deep heat. Contains no medicinal substances and is odorless. Application As required The patch should be worn continuously for at least 3 hours and up to 8 hours for ideal effect. This product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
49.55 USD
Voltaren žbuka za grijanje 2 kom
Voltaren topli malter 2 komada Fleksibilni toplotni flaster bez ljekovitih tvari, za ublažavanje bolova i opuštanje grčenih mišića u predelu leđa, vrata i ramena. div data-test> Kompozicija Iron; Aktivni ugljen, voda i ostali sastojci.. Svojstva Fleksibilni toplinski flaster od Voltarena za opuštanje grčenih mišića i ublažavanje bolova koji su povezani. Može se koristiti u području leđa, vrata i ramena. Grije 8 sati Pomaže bez lijekova Jednokratni flasteri Od 12 godina Mjere predostrožnosti Nemojte lijepiti otvorene rane Kod modrica, modrica ili otoka, koristiti tek nakon 48 sati.ljudi; Ako ne možete sami ukloniti flaster, ne biste trebali koristiti flaster.Nemojte ga koristiti na koži sa smanjenom osjetljivošću na toplinu. Nemojte koristiti flaster ako ste ikada imali alergijsku reakciju na toplinski flaster Aplikacija Pobrinite se da vam koža na zahvaćenom području bude čista i da nije previše suha ili masna. Najprije skinite zaštitni film sa ljepljive strane gipsa, a zatim ga zalijepite na zahvaćeno područje. Pustite da vaš gips djeluje 8 sati za najbolji rezultat. (Nemojte prekoračiti ovo trajanje upotrebe.) Povećana cirkulacija krvi uzrokovana toplinom može u početku izazvati blagi osjećaj peckanja/svraba. Obratite pažnju na čvrstoću i ako ste u nedoumici, uklonite gips. ..
26.76 USD
(5 stranica)