Prirodno eterično ulje
(1 stranica)
Farfalla aromamischung lavendel gute nacht 5 ml
"Good night" aroma blend with lavender. Composition Mixture of 100% natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.). Contains limonene, linalool, citral, beta-pinene.. Properties Let the thoughts go, let the day pass and wrap yourself in soothing arms well-deserved relaxation. Like no other fragrance, the natural aroma blend with lavender oil makes it easier to fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep. A faithful helper for everyone who has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. With 100% natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.).Vegan. Notes Warning. Flammable liquid and vapour. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. If possible, remove contact lenses. Continue rinsing. Dispose of contents in accordance with local regulations. ..
22.00 USD
Farfalla kissenspray gute nacht lavendel
"Good night" pillow spray with organic lavender. Composition Organic alcohol, natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.).. Properties Leave your pillow to cloud nine and take you from it to the land of dreams. The gently floral pillow spray with fine lavender helps to get a good night's sleep. Leaves no stains on the textiles. With 100% natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.).Vegan. Application Directly onto the pillow spray on. Leaves no stains. ..
15.20 USD
Herboristeria eucalyptus äth/öl 10 ml
Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl 10 ml The Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl 10 ml is a pure and natural essential oil extracted from the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree. It is known for its powerful cleansing and healing properties that can benefit the mind, body, and spirit. Benefits of Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl Respiratory health: Eucalyptus essential oil is commonly used to alleviate respiratory issues such as coughs, colds, and congestion. It helps to open up the airways and reduce inflammation in the respiratory system. Relieve pain: Eucalyptus oil has analgesic properties that help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body. It is often used to ease muscle and joint pain, headaches, and menstrual cramps. Boost Immune system: Eucalyptus essential oil has powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to boost the immune system. It is also used as an expectorant and decongestant that can help to reduce symptoms of colds and flu. Reduce stress: Essential oils derived from the Eucalyptus plant are known to have a calming effect on the mind and body. It can help to reduce feelings of anxiety, stress, and tension. How to use Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl There are many ways to use Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl: Add a few drops to a diffuser or vaporizer to help purify the air and promote respiratory health. Dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or olive oil and apply it to the skin to help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Use it in a warm bath to help relax the mind and body. Add a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water to create a natural cleaning solution that will help to disinfect and deodorize surfaces. The Herboristeria Eucalyptus Äth/Öl 10 ml is a versatile and potent essential oil that can provide many benefits to your health and well-being. It is a must-have for any natural medicine cabinet or aromatherapy collection...
13.15 USD
Perskindol classic bad fl 500 ml
Perskindol Classic Bad sadrži visok udio prirodnih eteričnih ulja kao aktivnih sastojaka. Informacije o pacijentima koje je odobrio SwissmedicPERSKINDOL® Classic BadVERFORA SAAMZVŠta je PERSKINDOL Classic Bad i kada se koristi? PERSKINDOL Classic Bad sadrži visok udio prirodnih eteričnih ulja kao aktivnih sastojaka. Ublažava tegobe uzrokovane reumatizmom (mišićni reumatizam), bolovima u ligamentima i zglobovima. PERSKINDOL Classic Bad opušta kada je mišićno-koštani sistem preopterećen (bol u mišićima, napetost i grčevi mišića). Istovremeno, udisanje eteričnih ulja donosi olakšanje od prehlade u respiratornom traktu. Kupka pospješuje cirkulaciju krvi u koži, što stimulira prirodne funkcije kože. Kada se ne smije koristiti PERSKINDOL Classic Bad?Ako ste alergični na jedan od sastojaka (pogledajte sastav), PERSKINDOL Classic Bad se ne smije koristiti. U slučaju većih povreda kože, kožnih oboljenja, srčanih i cirkulatornih tegoba, visokog krvnog pritiska i grozničavih bolesti, pune kupke, bez obzira na sastojke, treba koristiti samo nakon konsultacije sa lekarom. PERSKINDOL Classic Bad nije pogodan za malu djecu i dojenčad. Bolesnici sa bubrežnom insuficijencijom ne bi trebali koristiti PERSKINDOL Classic Bad duži vremenski period bez stručnog savjeta. Kada je potreban oprez kada se koristi PERSKINDOL Classic Bad?Druge mjere predostrožnosti ne postoje ako se koriste prema uputama. Obavijestite svog liječnika, ljekarnika ili ljekarnika ako patite od bolesti, imate alergije ili koristite druge lijekove, uključujući i one koje ste sami kupili. Može li se PERSKINDOL Classic Bad koristiti tokom trudnoće ili dojenja?Na osnovu prethodnog iskustva, ne postoji poznati rizik za dijete ako se koristi prema uputama. Međutim, nikada nisu sprovedena sistematska naučna istraživanja. Kao mera predostrožnosti, izbegavajte uzimanje lekova tokom trudnoće i dojenja ili se obratite svom lekaru ili farmaceutu za savet. Kako koristite PERSKINDOL Classic Bath?Za standardne veličine kade kapaciteta cca 120-150 litara. Napunite kadu toplom vodom (kako tolerišete) i uz pomoć priložene mernice dodajte odgovarajuću količinu za željenu kupku (u zavisnosti od telesne težine i starosti): Puna kupka: 20-30ml.Kupka za kukove: 10-15 ml.Kupka za stopala: 5-10 ml. Nježno promiješajte rukom i okupajte. Ne pjeni, pogodan za pjenušave kupke. Nemojte koristiti sapun i sl. u medicinskom kupatilu. Vrijeme kupanja treba biti između 10 i 20 minuta. Nakon toga je preporučljivo napraviti pauzu. Držite se doze koja je navedena u brošuri ili koju je propisao Vaš ljekar. Ako smatrate da je PERSKINDOL Classic Bad preslab ili prejak, obratite se svom ljekaru, farmaceutu ili ljekarniku. Upotreba i sigurnost PERSKINDOL Classic Bad kod male djece još nije ispitana. Koje nuspojave može imati PERSKINDOL Classic Bad?Ako primijetite bilo kakve neželjene efekte (kožne reakcije kao što su svrab ili crvenilo kože), prestanite koristiti PERSKINDOL Classic Bad. . Šta još treba uzeti u obzir?Čuvati van domašaja djece! Nemojte gutati. PERSKINDOL Classic Bad može se koristiti samo do datuma označenog «EXP» na kontejneru. Vaš ljekar, farmaceut ili ljekarnik mogu Vam dati dodatne informacije. Šta sadrži PERSKINDOL Classic Bath?Sastav na 100 ml: ulje borove iglice 4,30 g, ulje narandže 1,89 g, ulje lavande 0,086 g, ulje ruzmarina 0,52g, ulje limuna 0,52g, ulje eukaliptusa 1,29g, ulje zimzelena 1,72g. Ovaj preparat sadrži i pomoćne supstance. Broj odobrenja53532 (Swissmedic). Gdje možete nabaviti PERSKINDOL Classic Bad? Koja pakovanja su dostupna?U apotekama i drogerijama bez lekarskog recepta. 250ml, 500ml, 2×500ml. Nositelj odobrenjaVERFORA SA, CH-1752 Villars-sur-Glâne. Ovaj letak je posljednji put provjerila agencija za lijekove (Swissmedic) u oktobru 2011. ..
90.99 USD
Phytomed eterično ulje mente 10 ml
Which packs are available? Phytomed Peppermint Essential Oil 10 ml ..
20.48 USD
Puressentiel lavandula angustifolia äth / ulje bio 10ml
Karakteristike Puressentiel Lavandula angustifolia Äth / Ulje Bio 10mlTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju : 1 ml Težina: 45g Dužina: 20mm Širina: 30mm Visina: 80mm Kupite Puressentiel Lavandula angustifolia Äth / Oil Bio 10ml online iz Švicarske..
27.38 USD
Weleda baby sapun od nevena 100 g
The ideal mild cleansing for delicate baby skin or highly sensitive skin, which gently cares and makes the skin silky soft. Composition Base soap made from palm oil, coconut oil and olive oil, water, glycerine, mixture of natural essential oils, marigold / calendula (extract), chamomile (extract), orris rhizome (extract), pansy (excerpt), malt and rice (extract), table salt. Properties Mild cleansing for delicate baby skin. Also suitable for adults with sensitive skin for body cleaning or frequent hand washing. Without synthetic colors, fragrances and preservatives as well as raw materials based on mineral oil. ..
10.29 USD
(1 stranica)