
Dodatak za podizanje raspoloženja

Prikaz 1 od 12 dp 12
(1 stranica)
Tražite prirodni pojačivač raspoloženja? Otkrijte izbor dodataka za podizanje raspoloženja vrhunskog kvaliteta na Iskoristite prirodne lijekove poput korijena valerijane i Avenaforce Nerves kako biste uravnotežili svoje raspoloženje i umirili nervni sistem. Odlučite se za naše umirujuće tablete ili Laitea Kaps za upravljanje stresom i pomoć pri spavanju. Osim toga, riješite probleme s nicanjem zuba i nadimanjem s našim asortimanom Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC). U Beeoviti nudimo i paket proizvoda za njegu tijela i kože kako biste poboljšali vašu wellness rutinu. Naš homeopatski lijek i globule izrađeni su s pažnjom u Švicarskoj. Učinite Beeovitu vašom jednom šalterom za rješenja za zdravlje i ljepotu.
Baldriparan za noćni drag 30 kom

Baldriparan za noćni drag 30 kom

Šifra proizvoda: 2347073

Valdriparan «For the Night» sadrži suhi ekstrakt korijena valerijane. Baldriparan «For the night» se proizvodi standardizovanim procesom. Ekstrakt zvaničnog korijena valerijane koristi se za poboljšanje sna. Baldriparan "For the Night" se koristi za poremećaje spavanja uzrokovane nervozom. Informacije o pacijentima koje je odobrio SwissmedicBaldriparan® dražeji «Za noć»Future Health Pharma GmbHLijekovi od ljekovitog bilja Šta je Baldriparan «For the Night» i kada se koristi?Valdriparan «For the Night» sadrži suhi ekstrakt korijena valerijane. Baldriparan «For the night» se proizvodi standardizovanim procesom. Ekstrakt zvaničnog korijena valerijane koristi se za poboljšanje sna. Baldriparan "For the Night" se koristi za poremećaje spavanja uzrokovane nervozom. Šta treba uzeti u obzir?Ako simptomi traju duže od mjesec dana, treba potražiti medicinsku pomoć. Podržite tretman bilo čime što vam daje odmor i opuštanje: umirujuća puna kupka i lagana fizička aktivnost poput plivanja, hodanja ili gimnastike. Olakšajte sebi da zaspite tako što ćete naviknuti svoje tijelo na redovnu dnevnu rutinu s fiksnim obrocima i ujednačenim ritmom dan/noć. Kada se Baldriparan «For the Night» ne smije uzimati ili samo sa oprezom?Valdriparan «For the Night» se ne smije koristiti ako postoji poznata preosjetljivost na lijekove. jedan od sastojaka (vidi "Sastav"), također nije od male djece. Upotreba i sigurnost Baldriparana "For the Night" kod djece mlađe od 12 godina još nije ispitana. Kod djece uzrasta 6-12 godina, preparat se stoga smije koristiti samo uz liječnički nadzor i recept. Obavijestite svog liječnika, farmaceuta ili ljekarnika ako patite od drugih bolesti, imate alergije ili uzimate druge lijekove (čak i one koje ste sami kupili!). Može li se Baldriparan «For the Night» uzimati tokom trudnoće ili dojenja?Na osnovu prethodnog iskustva, ne postoji poznati rizik za dijete kada se koristi prema uputama. Međutim, nikada nisu sprovedena sistematska naučna istraživanja. Kao mera predostrožnosti, izbegavajte uzimanje lekova tokom trudnoće i dojenja ili se obratite svom lekaru, farmaceutu ili apotekaru za savet. Kako se koristi Baldriparan «Za noć»?Osim ako nije drugačije propisano, odrasli i adolescenti stariji od 12 godina uzimaju 1-2 tablete oko sat vremena prije spavanja . Dražee treba uzimati cijele sa dovoljno tečnosti (npr. 1 čaša vode). Pratite dozu datu u uputstvu o lijeku ili kako vam je propisao ljekar. Ako mislite da je lijek preslab ili prejak, razgovarajte sa svojim ljekarom, farmaceutom ili ljekarnikom. Koje nuspojave Valeriparan «For the Night» može imati?Sljedeće nuspojave mogu se javiti prilikom uzimanja Valeriparana «For the Night»: rijetko reakcije preosjetljivosti, posebno na boja Indigotine, kao svrab, osip. Ako primijetite bilo koju nuspojavu koja ovdje nije opisana, obavijestite svog liječnika, farmaceuta ili ljekarnika. Šta još treba uzeti u obzir?Baldriparan "For the Night" treba držati van domašaja djece. Čuvajte na sobnoj temperaturi (15-25°C). Ljek se smije koristiti samo do datuma označenog «EXP» na ambalaži. Vaš ljekar, farmaceut ili ljekarnik mogu vam dati dodatne informacije. Šta Baldriparan "For the Night" sadrži?1 dražeja sadrži: 441 mg suhog ekstrakta korijena valerijane (DEV: 6.0 - 7,4:1), ekstraktant etanol 70% (v/v); Boja: indigotin (E 132), kao i druge pomoćne tvari. Napomena za dijabetičare: 1 draže sadrži: 0,015 hljebnih jedinica (BE). Broj odobrenja55786 (Swissmedic). Gdje se može nabaviti Valeriparan «Za noć»? Koja pakovanja su dostupna?U apotekama i drogerijama, bez lekarskog recepta. Baldriparan "For the Night" dostupan je u pakovanju od 30 i 60 obloženih tableta. Nositelj odobrenjaFuture Health Pharma GmbH, 8620 Wetzikon Ovaj letak je posljednji put provjerila agencija za lijekove (Swissmedic) u aprilu 2006. ..

60.00 USD

Lasea kaps 80 mg 28 kom

Lasea kaps 80 mg 28 kom

Šifra proizvoda: 6684494

Karakteristike Lasea Kaps 80 mg 28 kom.Anatomska terapijska hemikalija (ATS): N05CX99Aktivni sastojak: N05CX99Temperatura skladištenja min/max 15 /30 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju: 28 komadaTežina: 27g Dužina: 28mm Širina: 114mm Visina: 75 mm Kupite Lasea Kaps 80 mg 28 kom online iz Švicarske..

74.83 USD

Lasea kaps 80 mg 56 kom

Lasea kaps 80 mg 56 kom

Šifra proizvoda: 6684502

Karakteristike Lasea Kaps 80 mg 56 komAnatomska terapijska hemikalija (ATS): N05CX99Temperatura skladištenja min/max 15/30 stepeni Celzijusa Količina u pakovanju: 56 komadaTežina: 45g Dužina: 39mm Širina: 114mm Visina: 75mm Kupite Lasea Kaps 80 mg 56 kom online iz Švicarske..

118.29 USD

Morga beruhigungstee 20 btl 1,3 g

Morga beruhigungstee 20 btl 1,3 g

Šifra proizvoda: 1696802

Karakteristike Morga Beruhigungstee 20 Btl 1,3 gAnatomska terapijska hemikalija (ATS): N05CTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni Celzijusa Količina u pakovanju : 20 gTežina: 64g Dužina: 66mm Širina: 121mm Visina: 74mm Kupite Morga Beruhigungstee 20 Btl 1,3 g online iz Švicarske..

8.22 USD

Neurexan kapi 30 ml

Neurexan kapi 30 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 4836669

Karakteristike Neurexan kapi 30 mlAnatomska terapijska hemikalija (ATS): N05CZTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanje: 1 mlTežina: 83g Dužina: 37mm Širina: 92mm Visina: 37mm Kupite Neurexan kapi 30 ml online iz Švicarske..

52.60 USD

Sédatif pc tablete 90 kom

Sédatif pc tablete 90 kom

Šifra proizvoda: 7184718

Karakteristike Sédatif PC tableta 90 komTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju: 90 komadaTežina: 54g Dužina: 30 mm Širina: 76 mm Visina: 97 mm Kupite Sédatif PC tablete 90 kom online iz Švicarske..

61.03 USD

Selomida nervozna plv 30 btl 7,5 g

Selomida nervozna plv 30 btl 7,5 g

Šifra proizvoda: 6823458

Karakteristike Selomida nervous PLV 30 Btl 7,5 gAnatomska terapijska hemikalija (ATS): N05CZAktivni sastojak: N05CZTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju : 30 gTežina: 278g Dužina: 90 mm Širina: 91 mm Visina: 136 mm Kupite Selomida nervous PLV 30 Btl 7,5 g online iz Švicarske..

90.11 USD

Sidroga beruhigungstee 20 btl 2 g

Sidroga beruhigungstee 20 btl 2 g

Šifra proizvoda: 4164537

What is Sidroga Calming Tea and when is it used? Sidroga Calming Tea contains dried and finely chopped passion flower herb. Calming and relaxing properties are traditionally attributed to the passion flower herb. Sidroga calming tea is traditionally used to support the treatment of nervous restlessness. What should be considered? If the symptoms last longer than 2 weeks or worsen, you should consult your doctor. It cannot be ruled out that interactions with other medicines may occur. When should Sidroga Soothing Tea not be taken or only with caution? Sidroga Soothing Tea must not be used if there is a known hypersensitivity to passion flower herb.This medicine can impair the ability to react, the ability to drive and the ability to use tools or machines, especially if alcohol is also drunk.The use of this medicine in children there is insufficient experience. It should therefore not be used in children under the age of 12.Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other diseaseshave allergies ortake other medicines (including those you bought yourself!). Can Sidroga calming tea be used during pregnancy or during breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child when used as intended. However, systematic scientific investigations have never been carried out. As a precaution, you should avoid taking medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist for advice. How do you use Sidroga Calming Tea? Adults and adolescents from the age of 12 take 1 cup 2 to 4 times a day. Preparation: 1 sachet for one cup. Pour boiling water over it and leave to stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Squeeze the sachet gently and remove.Follow the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by your doctor. If you think the medicine is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Sidroga calming tea have? In rare cases, hypersensitization and in individual cases allergic skin symptoms can occur.If you notice any side effects that are not described here, you should consult your doctor, pharmacist or pharmacist rogist or your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered? Sidroga Calming Tea should be stored at room temperature (15?25 °C), protected from light, in a dry place and out of the reach of children. The double-chamber bags with aroma protection may only be stored up to the end marked on the container with «Exp.» designated date.Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Sidroga Calming Tea contain? 1 double-chamber bag contains 2.0 g of dried and finely chopped passion flower herb. Authorization number 58713 (Swissmedic) Where can you get Sidroga Calming Tea? Which packs are available? This is an over-the-counter drug. Boxes with 20 double-chamber bags with aroma protection. Authorization holder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in August 2008. ..

14.19 USD

Sidroga čaj za spavanje i živce n 20 kom

Sidroga čaj za spavanje i živce n 20 kom

Šifra proizvoda: 5750378

Herbal medicine AMZV What is Sidroga Sleep and Nerve Tea N and when is it used? Sidroga Sleep and Nerve Tea N contains the following plant parts in dried and finely chopped quality: valerian root, ?melissa leaves, passion flower herb and peppermint leaves. Calming properties are traditionally attributed to the plants contained in ?Sidroga Sleeping and Nerve Tea N. Sidroga Sleep and Nerve Tea N is used to support slight restlessness and nervous disorders. What should you pay attention to? If your symptoms worsen or do not improve after 2 weeks, you should consult a doctor. When should Sidroga Sleep and Nerve Tea N not be used or only with caution? Sidroga sleep - and Nerve Tea N must not be used if you are known to be hypersensitive to one of the ingredients (see «What does Sidroga Sleep and Nerve Tea N contain?») or menthol. ?Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (backflow of gastric juice into the esophagus) should avoid preparations with peppermint leaves, as heartburn can increase.Patients with bile disorders (e.g. gallstones) should refrain from taking the tea, as the tea can cause colic.No interaction studies with Sidroga Schlaf- und ?Nerventee N have been carried out . If other drugs with a sedative effect are taken at the same time, including synthetic sleeping pills or sedatives, a mutual intensification of the effect is possible. This combination requires medical diagnosis and supervision. The effect of valerian can be enhanced by the simultaneous consumption of large amounts of alcohol. Even when used as intended, Sidroga Sleeping and Nerve Tea N can impair the ability to react, drive and the ability to operate tools or machines. This applies to a greater extent in combination with alcohol. Sidroga sleep and nerve tea N should not be taken up to 2 hours before such activities. There are no adequate studies on the use and safety of Sidroga sleep and nerve tea N in children. Therefore, this medicine is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. ?Inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist if you suffer from other illnesses, have allergies or are taking or using other medicines (including those you bought yourself!). Can Sidroga sleep and nerve tea N be taken during pregnancy or while breastfeeding? Based on previous experience, there is no known risk for the child if used as intended . Systematic scientific investigations were never carried out. ?As a precaution, you should ?do without medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding or ask your doctor, pharmacist or pharmacist for advice. How do you use Sidroga Sleep and Nerve Tea N? Adults and adolescents from the age of 12 may drink 1 cup of tea 2 to 3 times a day and before going to bed.Preparation: 1 to 2 tea bags Sidroga Sleep and Nerve Tea N are poured with approx. 150 ml of boiling water and left to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes. Then gently squeeze out the bag(s) and remove. Only sweeten your tea after you have removed the tea bag(s) from the cup. You can use both natural and artificial sugar for sweetening. Sidroga Sleep and Nerve Tea N is not intended for use in children under the age of 12. The duration of use is not limited. If the symptoms worsen or do not improve after 14 days, a doctor must be consulted. No cases of overdose have been reported. Taking more than 20 g of valerian root(corresponds to 29 or more tea bags) led to the following symptoms in one individual case: tiredness, abdominal cramps, tightness in the chest, feeling of emptiness in the head, trembling hands and dilation of the pupils. These complaints had subsided after 24 hours. In the event of a significant overdose, please contact your doctor. If you have any further questions on the use of the medicine, ask your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. Observe the dosage given in the package leaflet or as prescribed by the doctor. If you think the drug is too weak or too strong, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What side effects can Sidroga Sleep and Nerve Tea N have? The following side effects can occur when taking Sidroga Sleep and Nerve Tea N:Stomach and intestinal problems and allergic skin symptoms en (itching, ?rash).Backflow of gastric juice into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux) may worsen and heartburn may worsen. ?If you notice any side effects that are not described here, you should inform your doctor, pharmacist or druggist. What else needs to be considered? Sidroga sleep and nerve tea N should be stored at room temperature (15-25 °C), protected from light, in a dry place and out of the reach of children.The double-chamber bags in aroma protection packaging may only be used up to the ?on the container with «Exp.» designated date. Your doctor, pharmacist or druggist can provide you with further information. What does Sidroga Sleeping and Nerve Tea N contain? 1 double-chamber bag contains 2.0 g of a dried form and finely chopped quality of a mixture consisting of: valerian root 35%, ?melissa leaves 20%, Passion flower herb 15%, peppermint leaves 15%, anise 5%, rosemary leaves 5% and liquorice root 5%. Authorization number 63046 (Swissmedic). Where can you get Sidroga Sleeping and Nerve Tea N? What packs are available? In pharmacies and drugstores, without a doctor's prescription. Boxes with ?20 double-chamber bags in aroma protection packaging. Authorization holder Sidroga AG, 4310 Rheinfelden.This leaflet was last checked by the drug authority (Swissmedic) in January 2013...

13.20 USD

Similasan kava kava tablete 80 kom

Similasan kava kava tablete 80 kom

Šifra proizvoda: 5476931

Karakteristike Similasan kava kava tableta 80 kom.Anatomsko terapeutsko hemikalije (ATS): N05CZAktivni sastojak: N05CZTemplarija skladištenja min/max 15 /25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju: 80 komadaTežina: 0,00000000g Dužina: 32mm Širina: 80mm p>Visina: 80mm Kupite Similasan kava kava tablete 80 kom online iz Švicarske..

64.44 USD

Similasan sleep glob 15 g

Similasan sleep glob 15 g

Šifra proizvoda: 5481091

Karakteristike Similasan sleep Glob 15 gAnatomska terapijska hemikalija (ATS): N05CZTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju : 1 gTežina: 0,00000000g Dužina: 33mm Širina: 40mm Visina: 81mm Kupite Similasan sleep Glob 15 g online iz Švicarske..

48.68 USD

Viburcol n supp 12 kom

Viburcol n supp 12 kom

Šifra proizvoda: 2295399

Viburcol® N se može koristiti za simptomatsko liječenje fizičkog nemira povezanog sa plačljivošću i nesanicom, kao i za probleme izbijanja zuba i nadimanja...

33.38 USD

Prikaz 1 od 12 dp 12
(1 stranica)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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