Insekticid u spreju
(1 stranica)
Bio kill mit chrysanthemen
BIO KILL mit Chrysanthemen - Effective Insecticide Solution BIO KILL mit Chrysanthemen is a highly effective solution for controlling insects in and around your home. This insecticide spray contains only natural ingredients, making it safe for use around children and pets. The spray is made using extracts from Chrysanthemum flowers, which are known for their insecticidal properties. Features: Contains natural ingredients - safe for use around children and pets Highly effective insecticide Long-lasting protection against insects Easy to use spray bottle Mild fragrance Benefits: The BIO KILL mit Chrysanthemen insecticide solution is a great choice for homeowners looking for a natural and effective way to control insects in their home. The natural ingredients in this spray make it safe to use around children and pets, while still being highly effective against a wide range of insects. The long-lasting protection provided by this insecticide makes it ideal for use in areas where insects are a persistent problem. Whether you're dealing with ants, flies, mosquitoes or other insects, the BIO KILL mit Chrysanthemen insecticide solution is a great choice. The easy-to-use spray bottle is designed to provide even coverage, making it easy to apply the insecticide where it's needed most. The mild fragrance of Chrysanthemum flowers ensures that your home smells fresh and clean after application. Directions for Use: Shake the bottle well before use Spray directly onto the insects or onto the areas where insects are present Repeat application as necessary, depending on the severity of the infestation Store in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight Do not use on food or food preparation surfaces With BIO KILL mit Chrysanthemen, you can enjoy a safe and effective solution for controlling insects in and around your home...
27.19 USD
Finito ungezieferspray 500 ml
Finito Ungezieferspray 500 ml Finito Ungezieferspray 500 ml je veoma efikasan insekticidni sprej koji vam može pomoći da vaš dom i baštu zaštitite od buba i štetočina. Bilo da imate posla s mravima, žoharima, buvama ili drugim uobičajenim kućnim štetočinama, Finito Ungezieferspray ih može brzo eliminirati i spriječiti da zaraze zavladaju. Sa svojom snažnom formulom, Finito Ungezieferspray može ubiti bube pri kontaktu, što ga čini idealnim rješenjem za brzu i efikasnu kontrolu štetočina. Sprej sadrži aktivne sastojke za koje je dokazano da su efikasni protiv širokog spektra puzajućih i letećih insekata, uključujući stjenice, srebrnu ribicu i paukove grinje, između ostalih. Jedna od ključnih prednosti Finito Ungezieferspray je njegov dugotrajni rezidualni efekat. Nakon što ga poprskate na zahvaćeno područje, stvara barijeru koja odbija insekte i sprečava ih da se vrate i do nekoliko sedmica. To znači da možete uživati u domu bez štetočina bez stalnog ponovnog nanošenja spreja. Finito Ungezieferspray je jednostavan za korištenje i pogodan za unutarnju i vanjsku primjenu. Jednostavno dobro protresite limenku i poprskajte direktno na površinu ili područje gdje sumnjate na aktivnost insekata. Možete ga koristiti i kao preventivnu mjeru prskanjem oko vrata i prozora ili drugih područja gdje je vjerovatno da će insekti ući u vaš dom. Sve u svemu, Finito Ungezieferspray 500 ml je efikasno i praktično rješenje za svakoga tko želi zaštititi svoj dom i vrt od štetočina. Sa svojom snažnom formulom i dugotrajnom djelotvornošću, proizvod je nezaobilazan za svakoga ko se bori sa insekata...
9.43 USD
(1 stranica)