Zaštita od infekcije
(1 stranica)
Dermaplast active epi soft plus s2
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 je specijalno formulisani medicinski ljepljivi flaster koji pruža vrhunsku njegu i zaštitu rana. Dizajniran je tako da osigura da vaša rana bude zaštićena i sigurno pokrivena, da promovira brže zacjeljivanje i spriječi infekciju. Karakteristike i prednosti Prozračni materijal: Ovaj medicinski ljepljivi flaster je napravljen od prozračnog materijala koji omogućava vašoj koži da diše, smanjujući iritaciju i promovirajući brže zacjeljivanje. Mekan i fleksibilan: DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 je mekan i nježan prema koži, osiguravajući maksimalnu udobnost uz vrhunsku zaštitu rana. Sigurno prianjanje: Ljepilo koje se koristi u ovom flasteru je dizajnirano da osigura sigurno prianjanje na koži, osiguravajući da gips ostane na mjestu tokom cijelog dana. Otporan na vodu i znoj: Ovaj medicinski ljepljivi flaster je otporan na vodu i znoj, osiguravajući da vaša rana ostane zaštićena čak i tokom fizičke aktivnosti ili kada je izložena vlazi. Lako se nanosi: DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 se lako nanosi i može se rezati na bilo koju željenu veličinu, što ga čini pogodnim za sve vrste rana i ozljeda. Upute za korištenje Očistite i osušite zahvaćeno područje prije nanošenja DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 flastera. Skinite zaštitnu podlogu sa gipsa i nanesite ljepljivu stranu preko rane. Uvjerite se da je gips dobro pričvršćen za kožu, bez praznina ili nabora. Zamijenite gips po potrebi, barem jednom dnevno ili češće ako je potrebno. Zaključak DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 je savršeno rješenje za sve koji žele ubrzati zacjeljivanje i spriječiti infekciju. Njegov mekan i nježan materijal osigurava maksimalnu udobnost, a sigurno prianjanje i vodootporna svojstva čine ga pogodnim za sve vrste rana i ozljeda. Pa, zašto čekati? Naručite svoj DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 flaster danas i promovirajte brže zacjeljivanje i vrhunsku zaštitu!..
100.90 USD
Dermaplast active epi soft plus s3
DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3: Zaštitite svoje rane s povjerenjem DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 je svestrani zavoj za rane koji je dizajniran da podrži zacjeljivanje rana dok je štiti od bakterija, klica i drugih infekcija. Posebno izrađen inovativnom S3 tehnologijom, ovaj zavoj za ranu osigurava optimalnu njegu rana sa svojim mekim, hipoalergenim i prozračnim materijalom koji nudi maksimalnu udobnost i zaštitu. Zašto odabrati DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3? DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 je vaše rješenje za previjanje rana iz više razloga: Pruža trenutno olakšanje i okruženje za iscjeljenje. Štiti od infekcija i štetnih bakterija. Vodootporan i otporan na znoj, osiguravajući da rana ostane suha. Hipoalergenski i prozračni materijal, koji omogućava cirkulaciju zraka oko rane. Prikladan i fleksibilan kako bi se osiguralo udobno pristajanje uz jednostavnu primjenu. Dizajniran za različite vrste rana, uključujući posjekotine, ogrebotine, modrice, razderotine i opekotine. Kako koristiti DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3? DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 je jednostavan za korištenje: Očistite ranu i okolnu kožu blagim sapunom i vodom ili sterilnim fiziološkim rastvorom. Osušite ranu i uvjerite se da nema vlage. Odlepite podlogu sa DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 zavoja. Pažljivo postavite zavoj preko rane i čvrsto ga pritisnite da biste ga učvrstili na mjestu. DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 je pogodan za upotrebu kod odraslih i dece. Uvijek pročitajte pakovanje prije upotrebe. Kupite DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3: Osigurajte svojim ranama optimalnu njegu Ako tražite zaštitni zavoj za rane koji pruža maksimalnu udobnost i zaštitu, DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S3 je vaš najbolji izbor. Naručite sada i uživajte u optimalnoj njezi i zaštiti rana s povjerenjem...
100.90 USD
Dermaplast medical skin+ 10x8cm
DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ is a highly effective and versatile wound dressing that is designed to provide effective wound healing while protecting against infection. The 10x8cm size is perfect for use on larger wounds, making it ideal for use on surgery sites, large scrapes, or burns. The DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm has a unique honeycomb structure that allows it to absorb fluids and protect the wound from further irritation. This innovative structure is highly effective in ensuring that wounds heal quickly and safely, with less chance of scarring or infection. The DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm is also highly breathable, which allows it to maintain a comfortable environment around the wound, ensuring that it heals quickly and efficiently. This feature also makes it suitable for use on sensitive skin, as it reduces the risk of irritation or allergic reactions. The DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm is easy to apply, and its unique adhesive system ensures that it stays in place, even during rigorous physical activity. This makes it an ideal choice for athletes, construction workers, or anyone who requires a reliable and effective wound dressing that can withstand vigorous activity. Overall, the DERMAPLAST Medical skin+ 10x8cm is a highly effective and versatile wound dressing that is suitable for a wide range of applications. Whether you're looking to promote faster healing or simply protect against infection, this product is an excellent choice. ..
20.86 USD
Octenisept gel tube 20 ml
Octenisept wound gel is used for acute skin injuries such as abrasions, cuts and minor burns (e.g. sunburn). Properties Octenisept wound gel is used for acute skin injuries such as abrasions, cuts and minor burns (e.g. sunburn).In order for wounds to heal optimally, they should be sufficiently be supplied with moisture. For the healing process, the skin cells must be able to divide and migrate. This is best possible in a moist wound environment. In addition, the wound must be protected against infections.The special formula of Octenisept wound gel optimally supplies thewound with moisture and forms a protective layer against bacteria. This protective layer prevents germs from penetrating the wound, since the germs are already inactivated in the gel. Octenisept wound gel thus protects against infections and inflammation. This promotes and accelerates natural wound healing.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
22.25 USD
Timask einweg-medizinmaske typ iir schwarz
TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmaske Typ IIR schwarz The TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmaske Typ IIR schwarz is a must-have for anyone who wants the best protection possible against airborne infections, bacteria, and viruses. These masks are designed to offer excellent protection and are ideal for use in hospitals, clinics, or any other setting where infection control is a primary concern. This mask is made from high-quality materials that are comfortable to wear and do not irritate the skin. The mask is designed to fit securely over the nose and mouth to ensure maximum protection. It is easy to use, lightweight, and disposable, making it a convenient solution for anyone looking for a high-quality mask. The TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmaske Typ IIR schwarz is a Type IIR mask, meaning that it has a bacterial filtration efficiency of more than 98% and is designed to offer excellent protection against fluid splashes. It is also latex-free and hypoallergenic, ensuring that it is suitable for anyone to use, regardless of their allergies or sensitivities. The black color of the mask gives it a stylish and modern look that makes it stand out from other masks on the market. This makes it an ideal mask for anyone who wants to show a little style while still protecting themselves from airborne infections. These masks are sold in packs of 50, making them a more cost-effective solution than other masks on the market. They are also easy to store and transport, making them the perfect choice for anyone who needs to keep a supply of masks on hand. Overall, the TIMASK Einweg-Medizinmaske Typ IIR schwarz is an excellent choice for anyone who wants the best protection possible against airborne infections. With its high-quality materials, excellent filtration capabilities, and stylish design, it is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a durable and reliable mask. ..
7.46 USD
(1 stranica)