
Bez glutena

Prikaz 151 od 165 dp 165
(7 stranica)
Dobrodošli u Beeovitu, vašu destinaciju za proizvode za zdravlje i ljepotu bez glutena iz Švicarske. Dizajniran za one koji vode računa o zdravlju, naš asortiman bez glutena savršen je za one koji imaju ograničenja u ishrani zbog celijakije ili koji više vole da eliminišu gluten iz svog životnog stila. Naš širok izbor uključuje proizvode bez glutena u kategorijama kao što su dodaci prehrani, zdrava hrana, proizvodi za dijetu i mršavljenje i još mnogo toga. Nudimo visokokvalitetne proizvode obogaćene proteinima, vitaminima, antioksidansima i drugim organskim sastojcima koji podržavaju različite aspekte vašeg zdravlja, od probave i imunološke funkcije do zdravlja kože. Pregledajte niz bezglutenskih hljeba, tjestenine, keksa i grickalica kako biste zadovoljili svoju želju bez kompromisa u prehrani. Istražite naše odjeljke hrane za bebe i kućne ljubimce bez glutena kako biste osigurali dobrobit cijele vaše porodice. Svaki artikal je pažljivo odabran kako bi se osiguralo da ispunjava naše švicarske standarde visokog kvaliteta. Neka bude vaš izvor proizvoda za zdravlje i ljepotu bez glutena, osiguravajući vam zdraviji način života.
Bauckhof flammkuchen glutenfrei 2 x 200 g

Bauckhof flammkuchen glutenfrei 2 x 200 g

Šifra proizvoda: 7819747

Bauckhof Flammkuchen glutenfrei 2 x 200 g Gluten-free flame-grilled pizza made easy Looking for a delicious and easy-to-make gluten-free snack or meal? Look no further than Bauckhof Flammkuchen! Made from high-quality, gluten-free ingredients and with a crispy thin crust, Bauckhof Flammkuchen delivers the authentic taste of flame-grilled pizza right to your plate. Perfectly sized for a quick meal between work or school, or as a light afternoon snack, this gluten-free product is packed with rich, mouth-watering flavors and will leave you feeling satisfied and energized. High-quality ingredients for a delicious, gluten-free pizza experience Made with high-quality organic spelt flour, this flame-grilled pizza is both delicious and nutritious. Spelt flour is an ancient grain that is easier to digest than wheat, and it contains a host of important nutrients, including protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Bauckhof Flammkuchen is also free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, ensuring that you get only the best and most nutritious ingredients in every bite. With its crispy, thin crust and delicious toppings, Bauckhof Flammkuchen is a great gluten-free alternative for anyone looking for a delicious, easy-to-make meal or snack. Simply pop it in the oven and enjoy! Convenient, delicious, and gluten-free ? everything you need in a pizza Bauckhof Flammkuchen is a great choice for anyone looking for a delicious and easy gluten-free meal or snack. With its crispy crust, delicious toppings, and high-quality ingredients, this flame-grilled pizza is sure to satisfy even the most discerning of palates. So why wait? Order your Bauckhof Flammkuchen today and discover the taste of authentic flame-grilled pizza made easy! ..

6.52 USD

Holle apfel und birne glas 190 g

Holle apfel und birne glas 190 g

Šifra proizvoda: 7815595

Holle Apfel und Birne Glas 190 g Experience the fruity goodness of Holle's apple and pear puree in a convenient jar! This 190g glass jar contains a high-quality, organic puree made from ripe, sun-ripened apples and pears, which undergo strict quality controls to ensure it meets Holle's high standards. The puree is free from added sugars, artificial preservatives, and flavorings. It is also free from gluten, soy, and dairy, making it an excellent food option for infants and young children with dietary restrictions, allergies, or sensitivities. The puree's smooth texture is easy to swallow, making it ideal for babies in their first year of life as they start introducing solid foods into their diet. Holle's apple and pear puree is not only tasty but also nutritious. It is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, such as vitamin C, iron, and potassium, which support healthy growth and development in babies and young children. This puree can be served as a snack or included in recipes to add a healthy dose of fruits to your child's diet. The Holle Apfel und Birne Glas 190g is a convenient and healthy option for busy parents who want the best for their children. Order yours today and enjoy the delicious, organic goodness of Holle's apple and pear puree! ..

4.68 USD

Holle kürbis mit huhn

Holle kürbis mit huhn

Šifra proizvoda: 7815598

HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn Looking for a nutritious and delicious meal for your little one? Try HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn! This organic and gluten-free baby food is made with the highest quality ingredients, including tender chicken, creamy pumpkin, and a blend of essential vitamins and minerals. It is perfect for infants starting at 6 months of age. What sets HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn apart is its commitment to using only the best ingredients. The chicken is sourced from sustainable and ethical farms, ensuring that your little one is getting healthy and responsibly raised protein. The pumpkin is carefully selected for its sweet and creamy taste, making it a perfect complement to the savory chicken. Moreover, HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn is free from artificial additives, preservatives, and flavors, ensuring that your baby is getting only wholesome and natural ingredients. It is also easy to digest and gentle on your little one's tummy. This convenient baby food comes in an easy-to-use pouch, making it a perfect choice for busy parents on the go. Whether you're feeding your baby at home or out and about, HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn is a nutritious and delicious option. Give your baby the best with HOLLE Kürbis mit Huhn. Order now and see the difference for yourself!..

4.68 USD

Moltein complete vegan nature 6 fl 58 g

Moltein complete vegan nature 6 fl 58 g

Šifra proizvoda: 7839291

Moltein Complete Vegan Nature 6 Fl 58 g Moltein Complete Vegan Nature 6 Fl 58 g is the ultimate protein supplement for individuals who follow a plant-based diet. This product is specially formulated for vegans who require an excellent source of essential amino acids and proteins to enhance their overall health and well-being. Moltein Complete Vegan Nature 6 Fl 58 g is made from 100% natural and organic plant-based proteins, including pea, brown rice, and quinoa. Key Features: 100% natural and organic Provides essential amino acids and proteins Vegan-friendly Easy to digest Gluten-free Nutritional Information: Nutrient Per 100 g Per Serving (58 g) Energy 1552 kJ 901 kJ Protein 73 g 42 g Fat 2 g 1.2 g Carbohydrates 11 g 6.4 g Fibre 5 g 3 g Ingredients: Pea protein isolate Brown rice protein concentrate Quinoa protein concentrate Flavours (Natural vanilla, cinnamon) Sweetener (Stevia) Moltein Complete Vegan Nature 6 Fl 58 g is suitable for anyone who wants to supplement their diet with a high-quality plant-based protein source. It can be used as a post-workout supplement, a meal replacement, or as a convenient way to increase your protein intake throughout the day. Try it today and take the first step towards a healthier you! ..

86.73 USD

Moltein plus 2.5 vanille btl 750 g

Moltein plus 2.5 vanille btl 750 g

Šifra proizvoda: 7816299

Moltein PLUS 2.5 Vanilla Bag 750 g Moltein PLUS je proteinska i vrlo energetski bogata, potpuno izbalansirana hrana za piće. Moltein PLUS sadrži visokokvalitetne proteine ​​sirutke, esencijalne aminokiseline, masti, ugljikohidrate i sve vitamine i minerale u izbalansiranom omjeru. Visoka koncentracija proteina i L-leucina stimuliraju izgradnju mišića i zajedno doprinose održavanju i razvoju mišića. Zahvaljujući specifičnoj recepturi, Moltein PLUS se može koristiti kao jedini izvor ishrane. Moltein PLUS je hrana za posebne medicinske svrhe za dijetalnu kontrolu pothranjenosti ili ako postoji rizik od pothranjenosti. Osobine - Veoma kalorično - visoko u proteinima (100% proteina sirutke) - bez glutena - malo laktoze - sa MCT i Omega-3 - bez konzervansa, boja i zaslađivača - vegetarijanski Priprema 1. Stavite 3 merne kašike praha ( 50 g) u šoljici za mućkanje 2. Najmanje. Napunite sa 60 ml tečnosti i zatvorite poklopac 3. Protresite 4. Pijte i uživajte Za pripremu možete koristiti vodu, mleko, napitak od soje ili voćni sok - zavisno od vašeg ukusa. Ukupna dnevna količina zavisi od individualnih potreba i odgovarajuće nutritivne terapije. Nutritivne informacije po porciji (50 g) Energija: 250 kcal (1046 kJ) Masti: 8,4 g Ugljikohidrati: 20,9 g Proteini: 21 g L-leucin: 5 g Odobreno u skladu sa smjernicama Švicarskog društva za kliničku ishranu (GESKES). p> div data-test> Moltein Plus je proteinska i energetski vrlo bogata, potpuno izbalansirana hrana za piće. Moltein PLUS sadrži visokokvalitetne proteine ​​sirutke, esencijalne aminokiseline, masti, ugljikohidrate kao i sve vitamine i minerale. uravnotežen odnos. Visoka koncentracija proteina i L-leucina stimuliraju izgradnju mišića i zajedno doprinose održavanju i razvoju mišića. Zahvaljujući specifičnoj recepturi, Moltein PLUS se može koristiti kao jedini izvor ishrane. Moltein PLUS je hrana za posebne medicinske svrhe za upravljanje ishranom u slučajevima pothranjenosti ili kada postoji rizik od pothranjenosti . Svojstva p> - Veoma visoko kalorijsko - visoko u proteinima (100% proteina sirutke) - bez glutena - sa malo laktoze - sa MCT i Omega-3 - bez konzervansa, boja i zaslađivača - vegetarijanska Voda, Za pripremu se mogu koristiti mlijeko, soja ili voćni sok - prema individualnim zahtjevima Ukus. Ukupna dnevna količina ovisi o individualnim potrebama i odgovarajućoj nutritivnoj terapiji. Hranljive informacije po porciji (50 g) Energija: 250 kcal (1046 kJ) Masti: 8,4 g Ugljeni hidrati: 20,9 g Proteini: 21 g L-leucin: 5 g Odobreno prema smjernice za zdravstveno osiguranje Švicarskog društva za kliničku ishranu (GESKES). ..

166.18 USD

Moltein pro 1.5 vanille

Moltein pro 1.5 vanille

Šifra proizvoda: 7811743

MOLTEIN PRO 1.5 Vanilla Moltein PRO je proteinski bogata, kalorična, uravnotežena hrana za piće. Moltein PRO sadrži visokokvalitetne proteine ​​sirutke, esencijalne aminokiseline, masti, ugljikohidrate i sve vitamine i minerale. Visoka koncentracija proteina i L-leucina stimuliraju izgradnju mišića i zajedno doprinose održavanju i razvoju mišića. Moltein PRO je hrana za specijalne medicinske svrhe za dijetalnu kontrolu pothranjenosti proteina i gubitka mišića uzrokovanog godinama i bolestima (sarkopenija). Svojstva - visoko kalorično - visoko u proteinima (100% proteina sirutke) - bez glutena - malo laktoze - sa MCT i omega-3 - bez konzervansa, bojila - vegetarijanski Priprema 1. Otpustite prah (nakratko nagnite bočicu naopako ) 2. Napunite tečnost do ruba etikete ili oznake punjenja i čvrsto zašrafite poklopac 3. Okrenite bocu naopako i lagano je protresite 4. Pijte i uživajte Vodu, mlijeko, napitak od soje ili voćni sok možete koristiti za pripremite ga - u zavisnosti od vašeg individualnog ukusa. Ukupna dnevna količina zavisi od individualnih potreba i odgovarajuće nutritivne terapije. Nutritivne informacije po porciji (34 g) Energija: 150 kcal (628 kJ) Masti: 5 g Ugljikohidrati: 5 g Proteini: 21 g L-leucin: 5 g Dopušteno prema smjernicama Švicarskog društva za kliničku ishranu (GESKES). p> div data-test> Moltein PRO je proteinima bogata, kalorična, uravnotežena hrana za piće. Moltein PRO sadrži visokokvalitetne proteine ​​sirutke, esencijalne aminokiseline, masti, ugljikohidrate kao i sve vitamine i minerale. Visoka koncentracija proteina i L-leucina stimulišu izgradnju mišića i zajedno doprinose održavanju i razvoju mišića. Moltein PRO je hrana za posebne medicinske svrhe za upravljanje ishranom u slučajevima pothranjenosti proteina kao i starosti. -gubitak mišića povezan i sa bolešću (sarkopenija). Svojstva - visoka kalorija - bogata proteinima (100% proteina sirutke) - bez glutena - sa malo laktoze - sa MCT i omega-3 - bez konzervansa, boja < p>- vegetarijanski Za pripremu se mogu koristiti voda, mlijeko, soja ili voćni sok - prema individualnom ukusu. Ukupna dnevna količina ovisi o individualnim potrebama i odgovarajućoj nutritivnoj terapiji. Informacije o nutritivnoj vrijednosti po obroku (34 g) Energija: 150 kcal (628 kJ) Masti: 5 g Ugljeni hidrati: 5 g Proteini: 21 g L-leucin: 5 g Odobreno prema smjernice Švicarskog društva za kliničku ishranu (GESKES). ..

83.12 USD

Moltein pure cappuccino

Moltein pure cappuccino

Šifra proizvoda: 7853355

MOLTEIN PURE Cappuccino Prepustite se bogatom i glatkom ukusu MOLTEIN PURE Cappuccina. Napravljena od visokokvalitetnih sastojaka i savršenog balansa kafe i mlijeka, ova instant mješavina za kapućino daje baršunastu, pjenastu teksturu koja će maziti vaše nepce sa svakim gutljajem. Sastojci Arabica kafa Šećer Pmamasno mlijeko u prahu Kakao prah Naš cappuccino miks koristi prava, vrhunska zrna kafe koja su pažljivo odabrana i pržena do savršenstva. Koristimo samo sastojke bez GMO-a i bez glutena, osiguravajući da naša mješavina kapućina bude i zdrava i ukusna. Prirodna slatkoća šećera i kremasto mlijeko u prahu stvaraju savršeno izbalansiran okus koji će učiniti da se svako jutro osjeća kao poslastica. Priprema Priprema MOLTEIN PURE Cappuccina je nevjerovatno jednostavna. U samo tri jednostavna koraka možete uživati ​​u bogatoj i kremastoj šoljici kapućina: Prokuhajte vodu i sipajte je u šolju, ostavljajući malo prostora za mešavinu kapućina. Dodajte dvije kašike MOLTEIN PURE Cappuccino mješavine u šolju. Dobro promiješajte dok se ne postigne glatka i pjenasta tekstura. Uživajte u svom ukusnom i prepuštajućem MOLTEIN PURE Cappuccinu samostalno ili ga uparite sa svojim omiljenim jelima za doručak za savršenu jutarnju poslasticu. Bilo da tražite brz i jednostavan napitak ili luksuzni napitak za uživanje, MOLTEIN PURE Cappuccino je savršen izbor...

83.12 USD

Omni-biotic nove plv 30 btl 6 g

Omni-biotic nove plv 30 btl 6 g

Šifra proizvoda: 7841191

Food supplement with lactic acid bacteria. Composition Live lactic acid bacteria (KBE), corresp.:, ut Lactobacillus casei W56, et Lactobacillus acidophilus W37, et Lactobacillus brevis W63, et Lactococcus lactis W58, et Lactococcus lactis W19, et Bifidobacterium lactis W52, et Lactobacillus salivarius W24, et Bifidobacterium Bifbacterium lactis W51, et bifidum W23, per sachet (6g). Application Stir 1 sachet (=6g) into a glass of water (approx. 125 ml) once a day, Wait at least 1 minute for activation, stir again and then drink. We recommend taking it on an empty stomach. Nutritional values Nutritional valueAmountper%Measurement accuracy Energy td>22 kcal6g ptnEnergy93 kJ6g ptnfat0 g6g ptnFat, thereof saturated fatty acids 0g6g ptnCarbohydrates5.2 g6g ptnCarbohydrates, including sugar0.3 g6g ptnprotein0.3 g td>6g ptnSalt0 g6g ptn Additional info Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, yeast-free. ..

155.97 USD

Ovo sport 60 g

Ovo sport 60 g

Šifra proizvoda: 7833643

Ovo Sport 60g Spremite se za sljedeću sportsku aktivnost uz Ovo Sport 60g ? vrhunski pojačivač energije. Bilo da se bavite dizanjem utega, trčanjem, biciklizmom ili bilo kojim drugim sportom, ovaj proizvod je savršen za sportiste svih nivoa. Napravljen od visokokvalitetnih, prirodnih sastojaka, Ovo Sport pruža energiju i hranljive sastojke koji su vam potrebni za najteže treninge i takmičenja. Visoka količina proteina: Ovo Sport sadrži 20 g proteina po porciji koji pomažu u popravljanju i jačanju mišića nakon napornog treninga. Malo ugljikohidrata: Sa samo 4 g ugljikohidrata po porciji, Ovo Sport je odlična opcija za sportiste na dijeti s niskim udjelom ugljikohidrata. Bogat vitaminima i mineralima: Ovo Sport je pun vitamina i minerala koji pomažu u održavanju zdravog imunološkog sistema i opšteg blagostanja. Bez glutena: Ovo Sport je potpuno bez glutena, što ga čini sigurnim izborom za one koji su preosjetljivi na gluten ili celijakiju. Lako probavljivo: Ovo Sport je napravljen od lako probavljivih sastojaka kako bi se osiguralo da vaše tijelo može brzo apsorbirati energiju i nutrijente koji su mu potrebni za najbolji učinak. Ovo Sport dolazi u pakovanju praktične veličine od 60 g, što ga čini lakim za poneti sa sobom gde god da idete. Jednostavno pomiješajte s vodom, mlijekom ili vašim omiljenim napitkom i uživajte u ukusnom, osvježavajućem ukusu. Napunite svoje tijelo Ovo Sportom i podignite svoje atletske performanse na viši nivo! ..

5.23 USD

Phytopharma aminosäuren tabl

Phytopharma aminosäuren tabl

Šifra proizvoda: 7821418

Food supplement with the 8 essential amino acids - purely vegetable Composition 500 mg L-Leucine, 425 mg L-Valine, 375 mg L-Isoleucine, 375 mg L-Lysine HCL, 325 mg L-Phenylalanine, 275 mg L-Threonine, 175 mg L-Methionine, 100 mg L- Tryptophan, release agent: magnesium stearate, bulking agent: cellulose, coating agent: cellulose, per 2 tablets. Properties Amino acids contribute to an increase and maintenance of muscle mass. Application 1-2 tablets per day Notes Keep away from children. Additional info Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free. (The amino acids are obtained from corn, rice and pumpkin). ..

56.30 USD

Phytopharma bitter tropfen

Phytopharma bitter tropfen

Šifra proizvoda: 7813353

Phytopharma bitter drops are nevertheless tasty and contain choline. Choline contributes to maintaining normal liver function and normal lipid metabolism. Composition Water, centaury 1.5%, wormwood 1.5%, artichokes 1.5 %, gentian root 1%, bitter orange 0.8%, ginger 0.8%, cardamom 0.8%, zedoary root 0.8%, turmeric root 0.8%, dandelion root 0.8%, yarrow herb 0.8%, angelica root 0.8%, fennel 0.5%, black cumin 0.3%, lavender flowers 0.3%, Choline bitartrate 10%, preservatives: potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate. Without alcohol. . Properties Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, alcohol-free. With pipette attachment. Application Put 18 drops 3 times a day throughout the day directly on the tongue or in a little water or 1 pipette filling (54 drops = 2 ml) daily . Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantity per%Measurement accuracy Choline, total83 mg 54 drops / gouttes Notes Keep away from children. Additional info All plants were obtained using an aqueous extract. ..

25.11 USD

Phytopharma cys forte filmtabl 40 stk

Phytopharma cys forte filmtabl 40 stk

Šifra proizvoda: 7834296

Composition Birch leaf dry extract 9.5% (40mg), bearberry leaf dry extract 37.8% (160mg of which arbutin: 16mg), bearberry leaf powder 23.6% (100mg), horsetail Dry extract 9.5% (40mg), restharrow root dry extract 9.5% (40mg), release agent: magnesium stearate, bulking agent: cellulose, coating agent: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Properties Vegan, lactose-free and gluten-free. Application Take 2 film-coated tablets 3 times a day with liquid. Composition Birch leaf dry extract 9.5% (40mg), bearberry leaf dry extract 37.8% (160mg of which arbutin: 16mg), bearberry leaf powder 23.6% (100mg) , horsetail dry extract 9.5% (40mg), restharrow root dry extract 9.5% (40mg), release agent: magnesium stearate, bulking agent: cellulose, coating agent: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Properties Vegan , lactose-free and gluten-free. Application Take 2 film-coated tablets 3 times a day with liquid. ..

28.91 USD

Phytopharma kohle kaps ds 30 stk

Phytopharma kohle kaps ds 30 stk

Šifra proizvoda: 7818474

Composition 225 mg Coconut Shell Vegetable Charcoal, Rice Extract (Release Agent), Per Capsule. Properties Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free. Capsule shell made of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Application Adults: Take 2 to 3 capsules 3 times a day with a glass of water. Children between 6 and 15 years: Take 1 to 4 capsules daily with a glass of water. Composition 225 mg of coconut shell vegetable charcoal, rice extract (release agent), per capsule. Properties h3> Vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free. Capsule shell made of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Application Adults: Take 2 to 3 capsules 3 times a day with a glass of water. Children between 6 and 15 years: Take 1 to 4 capsules daily with a glass of water. ..

22.42 USD

Schär butter cookies glutenfrei 100 g

Schär butter cookies glutenfrei 100 g

Šifra proizvoda: 7831486

Schär Butter Cookies glutenfrei 100 g Indulge in the rich and buttery goodness of Schär Butter Cookies glutenfrei 100 g. These cookies are specially crafted to meet the dietary needs of those who are gluten intolerant, and are made with high-quality ingredients that are free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. Schär Butter Cookies glutenfrei 100 g are carefully crafted to provide a satisfying crunch while melting in your mouth at the same time. They are perfect for on-the-go snacking or for complementing your afternoon tea or coffee. These biscuits are made of rice flour, butter, sugar, and eggs, and are carefully baked to perfection to create a satisfying snack that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere. These cookies are individually wrapped to help retain their freshness and flavor, making them perfect for taking on the go, packing in a lunchbox, or keeping in your office drawer. They are also a perfect snack for sharing with family and friends, and are ideal for parties, events, or simply for enjoying at home. Schär is a leading international brand that is dedicated to creating delicious, high-quality gluten-free products. They have been producing gluten-free foods for over 30 years and are committed to providing people with coeliac disease, gluten sensitivity or intolerance, with a wide range of gluten-free alternatives. These biscuits are just one of many products in Schär's product line, all of which are made with the same dedication to quality, taste, and nutrition. So, why not treat yourself to Schär Butter Cookies glutenfrei 100 g today and experience the delicious taste that everyone is raving about! These cookies are perfect for those who appreciate the taste of buttery cookies and are looking for a tasty snack that they can enjoy without compromising their dietary needs...

5.89 USD

Vitamin d3 wild sprej 1000 iu veganski

Vitamin d3 wild sprej 1000 iu veganski

Šifra proizvoda: 7836056

Sastav 25 µg holekalciferola (vitamina D3) (1000 IU), po dnevnoj dozi (2 prskanja). Osobine Bez šećera, bez glutena, bez alkohola. Primjena Razprskajte 2 spreja direktno u usta dnevno. Kompozicija 25 µg holekalciferola (vitamin D3) (1000 IU), po dnevnoj dozi (2 prskanja). Svojstva Bez šećera, bez glutena, bez alkohola. Primjena Uprskajte 2 spreja direktno u usta dnevno. ..

20.96 USD

Prikaz 151 od 165 dp 165
(7 stranica)
Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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