
Fleksibilni zavoj

Prikaz 1 od 13 dp 13
(1 stranica)
Beeovita vam donosi izbor najboljih fleksibilnih zavoja – neophodan proizvod za sve kojima je potrebna njega tijela i kozmetika. Naši fleksibilni zavoji su skrojeni da pruže najveću moguću njegu vašim rukama, stopalima i bilo kojoj oblasti kojoj je potrebna pomoć pri korekciji. Kao ključna komponenta njege stopala, ovi zavoji nude pouzdanu podršku i pomoć pri korekciji za liječenje hallux valgusa. Ručno izrađeni u Švicarskoj, naši proizvodi osiguravaju vrhunski tretman za vaš hallux valgus i srodna stanja. Pregledajte naš asortiman već danas da biste otkrili savršeno fleksibilno rješenje zavoja za vas.
3m nexcare flaster ultra comfort stretch fleksibilan 3 različite veličine 30 kom

3m nexcare flaster ultra comfort stretch fleksibilan 3 različite veličine 30 kom

Šifra proizvoda: 7773572

Which packs are available? 3M Nexcare patch Ultra Comfort Stretch Flexible 3 assorted sizes 30 pcs ..

11.53 USD

3m nexcare strong hold uklanjanje bez bola 2 grössen assortiert 20 stk

3m nexcare strong hold uklanjanje bez bola 2 grössen assortiert 20 stk

Šifra proizvoda: 7803903

Introducing the 3M Nexcare Strong Hold Pain Free Removal 2 Grössen assortiert 20 Stk - the ultimate solution for people who suffer from painful adhesive removal! These adhesive bandages offer strong hold for longer-lasting protection, while still being pain-free during removal. The pack includes two sizes of bandages (10 of each) to comfortably fit different areas of the body. Each bandage is designed to stay in place for up to 48 hours, making it an ideal first aid solution for busy individuals who can't afford frequent dressing changes. The advanced adhesive technology ensures that these bandages do not leave any residue on the skin upon removal. They are also breathable and water-resistant, doubling up as showerproof dressing. This product is perfect for wound protection in everyday activities or post-surgery dressing. The ergonomic design allows flexible movement while still providing maximum coverage to protect the wound from external factors such as dirt, germs, and water. The 3M Nexcare Strong Hold Pain Free Removal 2 Grössen assortiert 20 Stk is a must-have for anyone looking for a reliable, pain-free, and long-lasting adhesive dressing solution. Order yours today to experience maximum comfort and get back to your daily activities without any interruptions! ..

14.87 USD

Biatain fiber gelier faserverband 5x5cm

Biatain fiber gelier faserverband 5x5cm

Šifra proizvoda: 7749047

BIATAIN Fiber gelier Faserverband 5x5cm The BIATAIN Fiber gelier Faserverband 5x5cm is an innovative wound dressing that is designed to promote optimal wound healing. This dressing is made from a unique blend of super absorbent fibers that are gentle on the skin and provide advanced wound care. The BIATAIN Fiber gelier Faserverband 5x5cm is packed with features that make it stand apart from other wound dressings. For starters, it is incredibly lightweight and flexible, ensuring maximum comfort for the user. The super absorbent fibers are designed to lock in moisture and keep the wound area dry and clean, reducing the risk of infection and promoting faster healing. The BIATAIN Fiber gelier Faserverband 5x5cm is also incredibly easy to apply and maintain. The dressing comes in a convenient 5x5cm size, making it perfect for use on small wounds, cuts, and abrasions. The self-adhesive backing ensures that the dressing stays in place without the need for any additional bandages or wraps. Overall, the BIATAIN Fiber gelier Faserverband 5x5cm is a top-quality wound dressing that provides advanced care for all types of wounds. Whether you are dealing with a small cut or a larger injury, this dressing is sure to provide the comfort and protection you need to get back to feeling your best. ..

83.23 USD

Dermaplast active epi soft plus s2

Dermaplast active epi soft plus s2

Šifra proizvoda: 7822247

DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 je specijalno formulisani medicinski ljepljivi flaster koji pruža vrhunsku njegu i zaštitu rana. Dizajniran je tako da osigura da vaša rana bude zaštićena i sigurno pokrivena, da promovira brže zacjeljivanje i spriječi infekciju. Karakteristike i prednosti Prozračni materijal: Ovaj medicinski ljepljivi flaster je napravljen od prozračnog materijala koji omogućava vašoj koži da diše, smanjujući iritaciju i promovirajući brže zacjeljivanje. Mekan i fleksibilan: DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 je mekan i nježan prema koži, osiguravajući maksimalnu udobnost uz vrhunsku zaštitu rana. Sigurno prianjanje: Ljepilo koje se koristi u ovom flasteru je dizajnirano da osigura sigurno prianjanje na koži, osiguravajući da gips ostane na mjestu tokom cijelog dana. Otporan na vodu i znoj: Ovaj medicinski ljepljivi flaster je otporan na vodu i znoj, osiguravajući da vaša rana ostane zaštićena čak i tokom fizičke aktivnosti ili kada je izložena vlazi. Lako se nanosi: DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 se lako nanosi i može se rezati na bilo koju željenu veličinu, što ga čini pogodnim za sve vrste rana i ozljeda. Upute za korištenje Očistite i osušite zahvaćeno područje prije nanošenja DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 flastera. Skinite zaštitnu podlogu sa gipsa i nanesite ljepljivu stranu preko rane. Uvjerite se da je gips dobro pričvršćen za kožu, bez praznina ili nabora. Zamijenite gips po potrebi, barem jednom dnevno ili češće ako je potrebno. Zaključak DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 je savršeno rješenje za sve koji žele ubrzati zacjeljivanje i spriječiti infekciju. Njegov mekan i nježan materijal osigurava maksimalnu udobnost, a sigurno prianjanje i vodootporna svojstva čine ga pogodnim za sve vrste rana i ozljeda. Pa, zašto čekati? Naručite svoj DERMAPLAST Active Epi Soft plus S2 flaster danas i promovirajte brže zacjeljivanje i vrhunsku zaštitu!..

100.90 USD

Dermaplast active manu easy three long right

Dermaplast active manu easy three long right

Šifra proizvoda: 7755397


73.79 USD

Epitact fleksibilni zavoj korekcija hallux valgus day m 21,5-23cm

Epitact fleksibilni zavoj korekcija hallux valgus day m 21,5-23cm

Šifra proizvoda: 5318310

Epitact fleksibilni korektivni zavoj Hallux valgus TAG M 21,5-23cm Svakodnevno nošenje udlage sprječava razvoj hallux valgusa ograničenog i korigiranog, a istovremeno ublažava bol. div data-test> Svojstva Epitact Hallux Valgus udlaga za korekciju omogućava ispravljanje i ograničavanje razvoja hallux valgusa svakodnevnim nošenjem i istovremeno ublažavanje bolova u zglobovima. Zahvaljujući fleksibilnoj, vrlo tankoj Epithelium Flex tehnologiji, udlaga za korekciju lako se prilagođava svakoj cipeli, dok vanjska traka ispravlja veliki prst. Osim toga, bol se ublažava preusmjeravanjem pritiska koji se vrši na haluks. Ekstra tanka kompresijska traka na sredini stopala i zaštitni jastučić također pomažu u sprječavanju potapanja i širenja prednjeg stopala. Za razliku od krutih udlaga, kada trčite tokom dana, ovo utiče na sve faktore koji mogu pogoršati neusklađenost. Napomene Udlagu ne treba nositi na upalu kožu.Napomene Udlaga ne treba da se nosi na upalu kožu. li>U slučaju dijabetesa, arteritisa ili neuropatije stopalo se mora redovno kontrolirati. Ako se palac više ne može pomicati bočno, udlaga se ne smije koristiti. ul> ..

84.97 USD

Epitact fleksibilni zavoj za korekciju hallux valgus tag l 23-24,5cm

Epitact fleksibilni zavoj za korekciju hallux valgus tag l 23-24,5cm

Šifra proizvoda: 5318327

Epitact fleksibilni korektivni zavoj Hallux valgus TAG L 23-24,5cm Svakodnevno nošenje udlage sprječava razvoj hallux valgusa ograničenog i korigiranog, a istovremeno ublažava bol. div data-test> Svojstva Epitact Hallux Valgus udlaga za korekciju omogućava ispravljanje i ograničavanje razvoja hallux valgusa svakodnevnim nošenjem i istovremeno ublažavanje bolova u zglobovima. Zahvaljujući fleksibilnoj, vrlo tankoj Epithelium Flex tehnologiji, udlaga za korekciju lako se prilagođava svakoj cipeli, dok vanjska traka ispravlja veliki prst. Osim toga, bol se ublažava preusmjeravanjem pritiska koji se vrši na haluks. Ekstra tanka kompresijska traka na sredini stopala i zaštitni jastučić također pomažu u sprječavanju potapanja i širenja prednjeg stopala. Za razliku od krutih udlaga, kada trčite tokom dana, ovo utiče na sve faktore koji mogu pogoršati neusklađenost. Napomene Udlagu ne treba nositi na upalu kožu.Napomene Udlaga ne treba da se nosi na upalu kožu. li>U slučaju dijabetesa, arteritisa ili neuropatije stopalo se mora redovno kontrolirati. Ako se palac više ne može pomicati bočno, udlaga se ne smije koristiti. ul> ..

84.97 USD

Epitact fleksibilni zavoj za korekciju hallux valgus tag s 20-21,5cm

Epitact fleksibilni zavoj za korekciju hallux valgus tag s 20-21,5cm

Šifra proizvoda: 5318304

With daily wear, the Epitact Hallux Valgus Correction Splint makes it possible to correct and limit the development of Hallux valgus while also relieving joint pain. Due to the flexible, very thin Epithelium Flex technology, the correction splint easily adapts to any shoe, while the external band straightens the big toe. It also reduces pain by redirecting the pressure exerted on the hallux. The extra-thin compression band on the midfoot and the protective pad also help to prevent the forefoot from lowering and widening. Unlike rigid splints, this affects all factors that could aggravate a deformity during the day. Notes The splint should not be worn on raw skin.In the case of diabetes, arteritis or neuropathy, the foot must be observed regularly.If the big toe can no longer move laterally, the splint must not be used. ..

83.34 USD

Hansaplast univerzalne trake

Hansaplast univerzalne trake

Šifra proizvoda: 7794239

HANSAPLAST univerzalne trake - zaštitite svoju ranu s povjerenjemKada je u pitanju njega rana, potrebno vam je pouzdano rješenje za zaštitu vaših posjekotina i ogrebotina. HANSAPLAST univerzalne trake su savršen izbor za sve vrste rana. Ove trake su izrađene od visokokvalitetnih materijala koji osiguravaju da je vaša rana pokrivena i zaštićena od daljnje infekcije. Sa HANSAPLAST univerzalnim trakama možete vjerovati da će vaša rana dobiti najbolju moguću njegu. Ove trake su dizajnirane da budu nježne prema vašoj koži, a istovremeno pružaju snažnu i efikasnu zaštitu. Svaka traka je napravljena od fleksibilne tkanine koja se prilagođava konturama vašeg tijela, osiguravajući optimalnu udobnost i fleksibilnost kada vam je to najpotrebnije. Ove trake se takođe lako nanose, što ih čini idealnim za one koji su u pokretu. Zaštitni film se jednostavno skida, a ljepilo osigurava sigurno držanje koje neće skliznuti niti se pomaknuti čak ni tokom fizičkih aktivnosti ili sporta. Dakle, možete uživati ​​u svom aktivnom načinu života, uvjereni da je vaša rana dobro zaštićena. Bilo da imate manju posjekotinu ili trebate zaštititi veću ranu, HANSAPLAST univerzalne trake savršeno pristaju. Dostupne u različitim veličinama, ove trake su pogodne za upotrebu na bilo kojem dijelu tijela. Bilo da se radi o vašem licu, rukama ili stopalima, možete se osloniti na HANSAPLAST univerzalne trake kako bi vaša rana bila sigurna i zaštićena. Sve u svemu, HANSAPLAST univerzalne trake morate imati u vašem kompletu prve pomoći. Nude pouzdanu i efikasnu njegu rana po pristupačnoj cijeni, što ih čini idealnim izborom za svakoga. Naručite svoje HANSAPLAST univerzalne trake danas i doživite pouzdanu njegu rana kao nikada prije!..

9.15 USD

Hartmann idealbandage 10cmx5m

Hartmann idealbandage 10cmx5m

Šifra proizvoda: 5341711

HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m The HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is a high-quality, soft and elastic bandage made with a combination of viscose, polyamide and elastane materials. This bandage is suitable for use in a variety of medical settings such as hospitals, clinics, and homes, and is suitable for both professional and personal use. The bandage is perfect for providing reliable and effective support to injured or strained muscles, joints and ligaments. The woven fabric provides excellent elasticity and pressure, creating a comfortable and secure fit that doesn't slip or loosen over time. The bandage conforms perfectly to the shape of the body, providing exceptional support and compression even in the most difficult areas. The HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is also highly absorbent, making it perfect for use during wound care. The bandage is breathable, allowing air to circulate through the fabric and allowing the skin to remain dry and comfortable. This makes it ideal for use in hot and humid environments, or during physical activities where excess heat and moisture can cause discomfort or irritation. The HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is easy to use and safe for patients of all ages. It is designed to be reusable, meaning it can be washed and reused multiple times, making it a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option. The bandage is also latex-free, making it suitable for patients with latex allergies. Overall, the HARTMANN Idealbandage 10cmx5m is an exceptional product that provides reliable and effective support and compression to strained, sore or injured muscles and joints. It is a versatile, comfortable and convenient option for both personal and professional use, and is an essential item in any first aid kit or medical setting...

9.10 USD

Mepilex border flex lite 7.5x7.5cm

Mepilex border flex lite 7.5x7.5cm

Šifra proizvoda: 7845925

MEPILEX Border Flex Lite 7.5x7.5cm MEPILEX Border Flex Lite 7.5x7.5cm is a wound dressing designed to provide optimum healing conditions for different types of wounds. Its thin and flexible design makes it ideal to use on hard-to-reach areas like the elbows, fingers or toes. The dressing effectively manages exudate and protects the wound from further infections or damages. Features: Flexible design for hard-to-reach areas Ultra-thin for comfort Highly absorbent material that keeps the wound dry Adheres securely without damaging skin or leaving residue upon removal Provides a comfortable and breathable barrier to external contaminants Benefits: The MEPILEX Border Flex Lite 7.5x7.5cm wound dressings offer several benefits for patients with acute or chronic wounds. Some of these benefits include: Promotes faster healing and reduces pain Protects and cushions the wound site from further damage Prevents the spread of bacteria and infection to the wound site Easy to apply and remove, causes minimal pain or discomfort Curved design makes it suitable for use in various body parts Usage: MEPILEX Border Flex Lite 7.5x7.5cm is ideal for treating a variety of wounds such as cuts, grazes, shallow burns, surgical wounds, and leg ulcers. The dressing can be used in conjunction with other wound management products such as antiseptic creams or ointments. For optimal results, make sure to apply the dressing on a clean and dry wound bed, and change it as per your doctor's instructions or if it gets soaked with fluid. Conclusion: If you are looking for a versatile wound dressing that offers quick healing and ease of use, MEPILEX Border Flex Lite 7.5x7.5cm is an excellent option you can choose. With its high-quality design and features, it can help you manage different types of wounds and promote faster healing...

55.93 USD

Mollelast elastische fixierbinde 6cmx4m weiss 20 stk

Mollelast elastische fixierbinde 6cmx4m weiss 20 stk

Šifra proizvoda: 2591666

Karakteristike Mollelast fleksibilnog zavoja 6cmx4m bijeli 20 komSertificiran u Europi CETemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju : 20 komadaTežina: 204g Dužina: 63mm Širina: 264mm Visina: 102mm Kupite Mollelast fleksibilni zavoj 6cmx4m bijeli 20kom online iz Švicarske..

25.47 USD

Mollelast fleksibilni zavoj 4cmx4m bijeli 20 kom

Mollelast fleksibilni zavoj 4cmx4m bijeli 20 kom

Šifra proizvoda: 2591672

Mollelast Flexible Bandage 4cmx4m white 20 pcs The Mollelast Flexible Bandage 4cmx4m white 20 pcs is a high-quality bandage designed to provide optimal support and compression for various injuries. The bandage is made with a high-quality material that is gentle on your skin, ensuring maximum comfort when used. It features a unique design that allows it to conform easily to your body's shape, providing a perfect fit that helps to eliminate pain and discomfort. Features High-quality material Conforms easily to your body's shape Provides optimal support and compression Gentle on your skin Easy to use Benefits Reduces pain and discomfort Provides support and compression to affected areas Accelerates healing time Prevents the worsening of injuries Easy to apply and remove Usage The Mollelast Flexible Bandage 4cmx4m white 20 pcs is perfect for anyone looking for a high-quality bandage that offers support and compression for various injuries. Whether you are recovering from surgery or dealing with a sports injury, this bandage can help to provide the relief you need to get back on your feet. Conclusion If you are looking for a reliable and high-quality bandage that provides optimal support and compression for your injuries, then look no further than the Mollelast Flexible Bandage 4cmx4m white 20 pcs. With its unique design and gentle material, this bandage is sure to become your go-to solution for all your injury care needs. Get yours today and experience the difference! ..

23.17 USD

Prikaz 1 od 13 dp 13
(1 stranica)
expert advice