Kognitivne funkcije
(1 stranica)
Biosana d (+) galaktoza u prahu 400 g
Biosana D (+) Galactose Powder 400 g Biosana D (+) Galactose Powder is a dietary supplement that provides a natural source of D-galactose, a simple sugar that is not found in regular table sugar. D-galactose is known to have numerous health benefits, such as improving cognitive function, reducing inflammation, and aiding in the prevention of certain chronic diseases. Key Features 100% natural D-galactose powder 400 g of powder per container Free from preservatives, additives, and fillers Non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan Easy to mix with smoothies, oats, coffee or any food or drink of your choice Benefits Biosana D (+) Galactose Powder offers numerous benefits to overall health and well-being including: Improved cognitive function- D-galactose is a precursor to galactosemia. It helps in maintaining brain function Reduced inflammation - D-galactose has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body that can lead to chronic diseases Improved digestion - D-galactose aids in the breakdown of lactose in the body. It also promotes healthy digestion and gut health Enhanced immune function - D-galactose promotes the production of certain immune cells in the body, which can help boost overall immunity How to Use Biosana D (+) Galactose Powder can be consumed on its own or mixed with your favourite food or drink. A suggested serving size is 1 teaspoon, which provides approximately 3 grams of D-galactose. It is recommended to start with a smaller serving size and gradually increase to avoid any digestive discomfort. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult a healthcare practitioner before using if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of reach of children...
153.97 USD
Dr. jacob's aminobase powder
DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plvje visokokvalitetni dodatak prehrani koji osigurava esencijalne aminokiseline za promicanje optimalnog zdravlja i dobrobiti. Jedinstvena mješavina aminokiselina u ovom proizvodu pažljivo je formulirana da zadovolji dnevne potrebe ovih esencijalnih građevnih blokova proteina. Šta su aminokiseline? Aminokiseline su građevni blokovi proteina, koji je esencijalni makronutrijent potreban tijelu za rast, popravku i održavanje tkiva. Postoji 20 različitih aminokiselina koje su tijelu potrebne za pravilno funkcioniranje, a od njih 9 se smatra esencijalnim jer ih tijelo ne može proizvesti samo. Zašto uzeti DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv? DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv je odličan izbor za one koji žele osigurati optimalan nivo esencijalnih aminokiselina. Ovaj proizvod je idealan za ljude koji imaju ograničen unos hrane bogate proteinima ili one koji se bave redovnim fizičkim aktivnostima kao što su dizanje utega, trčanje ili drugi sportovi koji zahtijevaju povećanu potrebu za aminokiselinama. Ključne prednosti DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv Podržava rast i popravku mišića Poboljšava imunološku funkciju Promoviše zdravu kožu, kosu i nokte Smanjuje bol u mišićima i umor Poboljšava kognitivne funkcije Zašto odabrati DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv? DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv je napravljen od visokokvalitetnih sastojaka bez GMO koji su klinički testirani kako bi se osigurala njihova sigurnost i efikasnost. Ovaj proizvod ne sadrži umjetne konzervanse, boje i arome, što ga čini potpuno prirodnim i zdravim izborom za one koji žele podržati optimalno zdravlje i dobrobit. DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv je jednostavan za korištenje i može se dodati vašim omiljenim smoothiejima, šejkovima ili drugim napitcima. Dostupan je u praktičnom obliku praha koji olakšava prilagođavanje dnevnog unosa na osnovu vaših individualnih potreba i preferencija. Zaključak DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv je visokokvalitetni dodatak aminokiselinama koji obezbjeđuje osnovne građevne blokove proteina koji su ključni za optimalno zdravlje i dobrobit. Jednostavan je za upotrebu i može se dodati vašim omiljenim napitcima kako bi podržao rast mišića, kognitivne funkcije, imunološku funkciju i opću dobrobit. Pokušajte DR. JACOB'S AminoBase Plv danas i sami iskusite prednosti ovog neverovatnog dodatka...
44.26 USD
Nutergia ergyfosforyl cape blister 60 kom
Nutergia Ergyfosforyl Cape Blist 60 pcs Nutergia Ergyfosforyl Cape Blist 60 pcs is a nutritional supplement that has been specifically designed to help support cognitive functions, improve memory, and reduce fatigue. The product is made up of various ingredients that work together to enhance the brain's function and well-being. Ingredients Phosphatidylserine Acetyl-L-Carnitine Hydrochloride Choline Bitartrate Organic Silicon Vitamin B6 These key ingredients help support the body's natural cognitive function by improving neurotransmitter synthesis, increasing neuronal energy, and promoting healthy circulation to the brain. By doing so, Nutergia Ergyfosforyl Cape Blist 60 pcs may help improve symptoms associated with cognitive decline, such as memory loss and mental fatigue. Benefits The benefits of Nutergia Ergyfosforyl Cape Blist 60 pcs include: Improved cognitive function Reduced mental fatigue Enhanced memory Supports overall brain health and function The product comes in a convenient blister pack of 60 pcs and is recommended for adults who want to maintain their cognitive health and function. Directions for Use It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets daily with meals, or as directed by your healthcare provider. Do not exceed the listed dosage. ..
41.44 USD
(1 stranica)