(1 stranica)
Ensure plus advance čokolada 4 x 220 ml
Karakteristike Ensure Plus Advance čokolade 4 x 220 mlAnatomska terapijska hemikalija (ATS): V06DBAktivni sastojak: V06DBTemperatura skladištenja min/ max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju : 4 mlTežina: 1100g Dužina: 115mm Širina: 115mm Visina: 133 mm Kupite Ensure Plus Advance čokoladu 4 x 220 ml online iz Švicarske..
39.21 USD
Fortimel compact čokolada 4 fl 125 ml
Karakteristike Fortimel Compact čokolade 4 Fl 125 mlAnatomska terapijska hemikalija (ATS): V06DBAktivni sastojak: V06DBTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju: 4 mlTežina: 648g Dužina: 105mm Širina: 105mm Visina: 108 mm Kupite Fortimel Compact čokoladu 4 Fl 125 ml online iz Švicarske..
30.63 USD
Fruchtbar frucht tasche bio dink erdb apf
Predstavljamo FRUCHTBAR organsku vrećicu voća sa ukusnim okusom zemljane jabuke. Ova hranljiva grickalica je savršen izbor za pojedince koji vode računa o zdravlju koji žele da napajaju svoje telo zdravim sastojcima. Prepuna organskog voća i bez umjetnih aditiva, ova torba za voće pruža praktičan način da uživate u prirodnom naletu energije u pokretu. Bilo da slijedite reformu/plan zdrave ishrane ili jednostavno tražite alternativu za ukusnu grickalicu, FRUCHTBAR je izvrsna opcija da zadovoljite svoje žudnje bez osjećaja krivnje. Prihvatite zdraviji izbor grickalica uz FRUCHTBAR vrećicu voća i prepustite se dobroti organskog voća gdje god da ste...
10.12 USD
Idealna čokolada all in one 230g
Karakteristike čokolade Ideal all in one 230gTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju: 1 gTežina: 260g Dužina: 60mm Širina: 85mm Visina: 117mm Kupite čokoladu Ideal all in one 230g online iz Švicarske p>..
16.03 USD
Kolačić cat vanilla choc chip cookie 50g
Karakteristike kolačića Kookie Cat Vanilla Choc Chip Cookie 50gTemperatura skladištenja min/max 15/25 stepeni CelzijusaKoličina u pakovanju : 1 gTežina : 52g Dužina: 14mm Širina: 119mm Visina: 84mm Kupite Kookie Cat Vanilla Choc Chip Cookie 50g online iz Švicarske ..
3.67 USD
Moltein plus 2.5 schokolade
MOLTEIN PLUS 2.5 čokolada Moltein PLUS je proteinska i vrlo energetski bogata, potpuno izbalansirana hrana za piće. Moltein PLUS sadrži visokokvalitetne proteine sirutke, esencijalne aminokiseline, masti, ugljikohidrate i sve vitamine i minerale u izbalansiranom omjeru. Visoka koncentracija proteina i L-leucina stimuliraju izgradnju mišića i zajedno doprinose održavanju i razvoju mišića. Zahvaljujući specifičnoj recepturi, Moltein PLUS se može koristiti kao jedini izvor ishrane. Moltein PLUS je hrana za posebne medicinske svrhe za dijetalnu kontrolu pothranjenosti ili ako postoji rizik od pothranjenosti. Osobine - Veoma kalorično - visoko u proteinima (100% proteina sirutke) - bez glutena - malo laktoze - sa MCT i Omega-3 - bez konzervansa, boja i zaslađivača - vegetarijanski Priprema 1. Stavite 3 merne kašike praha ( 50 g) u šoljici za mućkanje 2. Najmanje. Napunite sa 60 ml tečnosti i zatvorite poklopac 3. Protresite 4. Pijte i uživajte Za pripremu možete koristiti vodu, mleko, napitak od soje ili voćni sok - zavisno od vašeg ukusa. Ukupna dnevna količina zavisi od individualnih potreba i odgovarajuće nutritivne terapije. Nutritivne informacije po porciji (50 g) Energija: 250 kcal (1046 kJ) Masti: 8,4 g Ugljikohidrati: 20,9 g Proteini: 21 g L-leucin: 5 g Odobreno u skladu sa smjernicama Švicarskog društva za kliničku ishranu (GESKES). p> div data-test> Moltein Plus je proteinska i energetski vrlo bogata, potpuno izbalansirana hrana za piće. Moltein PLUS sadrži visokokvalitetne proteine sirutke, esencijalne aminokiseline, masti, ugljikohidrate kao i sve vitamine i minerale. uravnotežen odnos. Visoka koncentracija proteina i L-leucina stimuliraju izgradnju mišića i zajedno doprinose održavanju i razvoju mišića. Zahvaljujući specifičnoj recepturi, Moltein PLUS se može koristiti kao jedini izvor ishrane. Moltein PLUS je hrana za posebne medicinske svrhe za upravljanje ishranom u slučajevima pothranjenosti ili kada postoji rizik od pothranjenosti . Svojstva p> - Veoma visoko kalorijsko - visoko u proteinima (100% proteina sirutke) - bez glutena - sa malo laktoze - sa MCT i Omega-3 - bez konzervansa, boja i zaslađivača - vegetarijanska Voda, Za pripremu se mogu koristiti mlijeko, soja ili voćni sok - prema individualnim zahtjevima Ukus. Ukupna dnevna količina ovisi o individualnim potrebama i odgovarajućoj nutritivnoj terapiji. Hranljive informacije po porciji (50 g) Energija: 250 kcal (1046 kJ) Masti: 8,4 g Ugljeni hidrati: 20,9 g Proteini: 21 g L-leucin: 5 g Odobreno prema smjernice za zdravstveno osiguranje Švicarskog društva za kliničku ishranu (GESKES). ..
173.42 USD
Nature and cie riža hrskava čokolada bez glutena 200 g
Nature & Cie Rice Crispies Choco Gluten Free 200 g Looking for a delicious gluten-free snack that satisfies your sweet tooth? Look no further than Nature & Cie Rice Crispies Choco! These yummy little bites are made from premium quality rice and covered in a delicious layer of rich, indulgent chocolate. They're perfect for snacking on the go, or as an indulgent treat after a long day! What makes Nature & Cie Rice Crispies Choco so special? For one thing, they're gluten-free, which means they're safe for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. But that doesn't mean they sacrifice taste or texture. These rice crispies are light, crunchy and full of flavor, with just the right amount of sweetness to satisfy your cravings. Each bag of Nature & Cie Rice Crispies Choco contains 200g of delicious, gluten-free goodness. They make a great addition to any snack table or pantry, and are perfect for sharing with friends and family. Whether you're looking for an on-the-go snack or a guilt-free indulgence, these choco rice crispies are sure to please. So why wait? Try Nature & Cie Rice Crispies Choco today and discover the perfect gluten-free snack for every occasion!..
8.32 USD
Okus prirode riegel brusnica
Prepustite se savršenom spoju zdravlja i ukusa uz Taste of Nature Cranberry Bar. Ova grickalica od 40 g je odličan izbor za one koji traže zdravu poslasticu u pokretu. Prepuna dobrote brusnice, ova pločica je izvor esencijalnih nutrijenata i antioksidansa. Bilo da tražite brzo povećanje energije ili zadovoljavajuću užinu između obroka, Taste of Nature Cranberry Bar je zgodna opcija koja ne pravi kompromise u pogledu okusa ili kvalitete. Uživajte u prirodnoj slatkoći brusnice u svakom zalogaju, znajući da birate užinu koja podržava vaše zdravlje i dobrobit...
5.44 USD
Okus prirode riegel orah
Prepustite se ukusnom i zdravom Taste of Nature pločica orašastih plodova 40g, savršen izbor za pojedince koji vode računa o zdravlju koji traže hranljivu opciju za užinu. Prepuna mješavine orašastih plodova, ova pločica je bogata proteinima i vlaknima, pružajući zadovoljavajuću poslasticu koja daje energiju u pokretu. Bilo da tražite brzi zalogaj između obroka ili dopunu goriva nakon treninga, ova pločica kombinuje odličan ukus s prirodnim sastojcima za podršku vašem aktivnom načinu života. Dodajte malo hrskanja svom danu uz Taste of Nature Bar Nut 40g, užitak bez krivice za one kojima je prioritet i ukus i ishrana...
5.44 USD
Optimalno 100% whey gold standard chocolate double rich battalion 450 g
OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Chocolate Double Rich Battalion 450 g If you're looking for a delicious and high-quality protein powder, the OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Chocolate Double Rich Battalion 450 g is the perfect supplement for you. This protein powder is made from pure whey protein isolate, the highest quality form of whey protein available. It is an excellent source of protein, providing 24 grams of protein per serving and only 1 gram of fat and 3 grams of carbs. With its double rich chocolate flavor, it makes for a great post-workout shake, a quick snack, or a tasty add-on to your recipes! Benefits: 24 grams of high-quality whey protein per serving Only 1 gram of fat and 3 grams of carbs Double rich chocolate flavor Instantized formula for easy mixing and absorption Supports muscle growth and recovery Ingredients: Whey Protein Isolate Whey Protein Concentrate Cocoa Powder Natural and Artificial Flavors Lecithin Acesulfame Potassium Sucralose How to use: Mix one scoop of OPTIMUM 100% Whey Gold Standard Chocolate Double Rich Battalion 450 g protein powder with 6-8 ounces of cold water, milk, or your favorite beverage in a shaker cup or blender. Shake or blend until the powder is fully dissolved. You can consume it at any time of the day, but it is ideal as a post-workout shake to help your muscles recover and grow. ..
49.55 USD
Osigurajte plus čokoladu
Osigurajte Plus Chocolate - Vaša dnevna doza ishrane Prepustite se ukusnom ukusu Ensure Plus Chocolate, kompletnog nutritivnog napitka dizajniranog da podrži vaše zdravlje i dobrobit. Prepun visokokvalitetnih proteina, esencijalnih vitamina i minerala, Ensure Plus je savršen način za dopunu ishrane i održavanje zdrave težine. Zašto odabrati Ensure Plus Chocolate? Bogat, čokoladni ukus Visoka količina proteina za izgradnju mišića Podržava povećanje težine i održavanje Idealno za one sa povećanim nutritivnim potrebama Bilo da se oporavljate od bolesti, želite da dobijete na težini ili jednostavno želite osigurati da dobijete sve nutrijente koji su vam potrebni, Ensure Plus Chocolate je savršen izbor. Naručite svoju danas!..
203.32 USD
Resource junior chocolate 4 fl 200 ml
Characteristics of Resource Junior chocolate 4 Fl 200 mlAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical (АТС): V06DBActive ingredient: V06DBStorage temp min/max 15/25 degrees CelsiusAmount in pack : 4 mlWeight: 0.00000000g Length: 0mm Width: 0mm Height: 0mm Buy Resource Junior chocolate 4 Fl 200 ml online from Switzerland..
33.12 USD
Resource protein čokolada 4 x 200 ml
A protein deficiency can lead to a reduction in muscle mass - with increasing age this poses a higher risk of functional deterioration. Resource Protein is a suitable protein supplement in liquid form with a very high proportion of protein (18.8g per bottle) to prevent such a deficiency. Thanks to the rather low fat content and the optimal fat quality thanks to rapeseed oil, the drink is well tolerated. The drink is high in calories (1.25kcal/ml) and gluten-free. It provides strength and supports muscle strength and activity into old age.This product is flavored with Chocolate...
30.20 USD
Schär digestive choc bez glutena 150 g
Karakteristike SCHÄR Digestive Choc bez glutena 150 gKoličina u pakovanju: 1 gTežina: 0,00000000g Dužina: 0mm Širina: 0mm Visina: 0mm Kupite SCHÄR Digestive Choc bez glutena 150 g online iz Švicarske..
6.40 USD
Schär melto bez glutena 90g
Karakteristike Schär Melto bez glutena 90gKoličina u pakovanju : 1 gTežina: 109g Dužina: 32mm Širina: 108 mm Visina: 144 mm Kupite Schär Melto bez glutena 90g online iz Švicarske..
8.85 USD
Schär noccioli snack pakovanje od 3 bezglutenske 63 g
Karakteristike SCHÄR Noccioli Snack pakovanja od 3 bezglutenske 63 gKoličina u pakovanju : 1 gTežina: 75g Dužina: 17mm Širina: 62 mm Visina: 174 mm Kupite SCHÄR Noccioli Snack pakiranje od 3 bezglutenske 63 g online iz Švicarske..
4.05 USD
Schär slani keksi bez glutena bag 175 g
Karakteristike SCHÄR Salti slanih keksa bez glutena Btl 175 gKoličina u pakovanju : 1 gTežina: 0,00000000g Dužina: 70mm Širina: 120 mm Visina: 220 mm Kupite SCHÄR slani keksići bez glutena Btl 175 g online iz Švicarske..
7.11 USD
Sponser whey isolate 94 limenka čokolade 850 g
?Sponser Whey Isolate 94 protein powder with chocolate flavor is a whey protein isolate and lactose and virtually fat-free. It supports not only muscle building and maintenance, but also the regeneration of stressed muscles. Endurance and strength athletes can benefit from this additional protein supply, but also people active in everyday life as well as convalescents. The amount is suitable for the preparation of 34-42 servings, water or milk can be used depending on taste. The powder was produced by means of cross flow microfiltration (CFM) and thus has the highest biological value.Which packs are available? Sponser Whey Isolate 94 Chocolate Can 850 g ..
93.98 USD
Taste of nature pločice jabuka 40g
Karakteristike pločica Taste of Nature Jabuka 40gKoličina u pakovanju : 1 gTežina: 42g Dužina: 14mm Širina: 148 mm Visina: 38 mm Kupite Taste of Nature pločice Apple 40g online iz Švicarske..
5.41 USD
Twin archipelago bar snack sa čokoladom bez glutena 3 x 21,5 g
Twin Archipelago Bar Snacks with Chocolate - Gluten-free 3 x 21.5g Introducing the Twin Archipelago Bar Snacks with Chocolate, now available in a gluten-free variant! These delicious snacks are a perfect way to satisfy your sweet tooth while also providing a healthy dose of energy to keep you going throughout the day. Gluten-free and Delicious These Twin Archipelago Bar Snacks are made with gluten-free ingredients, making them a perfect snack for those with gluten intolerance. The bars are made from a blend of nuts, seeds and fruit and are coated in a delicious layer of chocolate that will satisfy any sweet craving. Healthy and Nutritious The Twin Archipelago Bar Snacks with Chocolate are packed full of nutritious ingredients. The bars contain a combination of almonds, pumpkin seeds, and cranberries, which are all rich in vitamins and minerals. The chocolate coating is also made from dark chocolate, which contains antioxidants that are good for your heart. Convenient Size The Twin Archipelago Bar Snacks with Chocolate come in a convenient size of 3 x 21.5g bars, making them perfect for on-the-go snacking. Whether you need a quick pick-me-up during a busy workday or a snack to fuel your outdoor adventures, these bars are a perfect choice. Buy Now If you're looking for a delicious and nutritious gluten-free snack, the Twin Archipelago Bar Snacks with Chocolate are the perfect choice. Order now and enjoy the sweet taste of chocolate combined with the healthy goodness of nuts, seeds and fruit. ..
6.40 USD
Warping doppelkeks bez glutena 250 g
Karakteristike Warping Doppelkeksa bez glutena 250 gKoličina u pakovanju: 1 gTežina: 0,00000000g Dužina: 60 mm Širina: 150 mm Visina: 60 mm Kupite Warping Doppelkeks bez glutena 250 g online iz Švicarske..
7.74 USD
Warping salinis bez glutena 60 g
Karakteristike Warping Salinisa bez glutena 60 gKoličina u pakovanju: 1 gTežina: 0,00000000g Dužina: 50 mm Širina: 85 mm Visina: 170 mm Kupite Warping Salinis bez glutena 60 g online iz Švicarske..
2.91 USD
Yogi tea choco aztec spice 17 bag 2,2 g
Yogi Tea Choco Aztec Spice 17 Btl 2.2 g Indulge in a delicious and exotic treat with Yogi Tea Choco Aztec Spice. This unique blend of ingredients combines the rich flavor of chocolate with the spicy kick of chili pepper and other traditional Aztec spices, for a taste that truly transports you to another world. Each box of Yogi Tea Choco Aztec Spice contains 17 tea bags, each weighing 2.2 g, so you can enjoy this delicious brew any time of the day or night. Made with only the finest organic herbs and spices, this tea is high in antioxidants and contains no artificial colors or flavors. Whether you're looking for a warm and comforting treat to indulge in on a cold winter's night, or you want to add something new and exciting to your daily tea routine, Yogi Tea Choco Aztec Spice is the perfect choice. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the delicious flavors of this exotic and luxurious beverage. Key Features: 17 count tea bags 2.2 g per tea bag Combines chocolate with Aztec spices Organic ingredients No artificial colors or flavors ..
6.60 USD
(1 stranica)