(1 stranica)
Allsan baze mineralna sol tbl can 150 kom
Tablets with basic minerals and spirulina algae, for dietary supplements with magnesium and calcium. Flavored with ginger and cloves. Supports the harmonization of the acid-base balance. Tablets with alkaline minerals and spirulina algae, for dietary supplementation with magnesium and calcium. Flavored with ginger and cloves.The balanced combination of basic minerals in allsan base mineral salt supports the harmonization of the acid-base balance.Application:2 tablets 3 times a day.Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.Composition:Base mineral salts (58% ) (magnesium citrate, potassium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium carbonate), sweetener (sorbitol), spirulina algae (15%), maltodextrin, spices (ginger and clove powder), anti-caking agent (magnesium stearate). Nutritional information per 6 tablets:Energy 27 kJ / 6 kcalFat 0 gCarbohydrates 0.77 g- of which polyhydric alcohols 0.60 gprotein 0.33 gsalt 0 gcalcium 240 mg / 30% NRV*magnesium 112 mg / 30% NRV*potassium 299 mg / 15% NRV**%NRV: daily reference amount for adultsNotes:Contains sweeteners. Can have a laxative effect if consumed to excess. Store at room temperature and out of the reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. ..
86.09 USD
Bioniq repair zahn-milch fl 400 ml
Bioniq Repair Zahn-Milch Fl 400 ml Introducing Bioniq Repair Zahn-Milch Fl 400 ml, the ultimate solution for healthy and strong teeth. This innovative dental milk strengthener is perfect for those who want to keep their teeth healthy and prevent any decay or erosion that can lead to cavities. Formulated with a unique blend of natural ingredients, Bioniq Repair Zahn-Milch Fl 400 ml contains fluoride to help protect your teeth against harmful bacteria and acids that can break down your enamel. It also contains calcium and phosphate ions to help strengthen your teeth and prevent any further damage. This dental milk strengthener is easy to use and can be applied to your teeth using a mouthguard or similar appliance. Simply pour the Bioniq Repair Zahn-Milch Fl 400 ml into the application device and place it over your teeth for a few minutes each day. In no time, you'll start to notice a significant improvement in the health and strength of your teeth. With regular use, this dental milk strengthener can help you maintain healthy teeth and prevent any future dental problems. Don't let dental decay and erosion ruin your teeth. Try Bioniq Repair Zahn-Milch Fl 400 ml today and maintain a healthy, glowing smile! ..
13.83 USD
Burgerstein dolomite 240 tableta
Burgerstein Dolomit is a dietary supplement with calcium and magnesium in an optimal ratio. Contributes to normal muscle functionContributes to normal energy-yielding metabolismIdeal for athletes, pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as children and young peopleWithout artificial flavorsGluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free and fructose-freeWithout gelatinWithout granulated sugarVegan Application It is recommended to take 5 Burgerstein Dolomit tablets daily together or spread throughout the day. ingredients Calcium carbonate, bulking agent (cellulose), modified starch, magnesium oxide, release agent (silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids), coating agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, talc) ..
54.86 USD
Calvit tablete sa kalcijumom i vitaminom d
CALCIVIT Calcium und Vitamin D Tablet The CALCIVIT Calcium und Vitamin D Tablet is a potent daily supplement designed to support bone health and overall wellness. It contains a combination of essential nutrients, including calcium and vitamin D, which are critical for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Key Features Contains 600mg of calcium, which is essential for developing and maintaining strong bones and teeth. 40 IU of vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium and maintain healthy bone density. Small, easy-to-swallow tablets for convenient daily use. Benefits Calcivit helps ensure that you are getting the essential calcium and vitamin D your body needs to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, which are critical for overall health and wellness. The benefits of taking Calcivit on a regular basis include: Improving bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Supporting healthy teeth and gums. Enhancing overall wellness and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. How to Use Take one Calcivit tablet daily with a meal. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Calcivit is suitable for adults and children over the age of Consult your healthcare provider before taking this supplement if you are pregnant or nursing. Ingredients Each Calcivit tablet contains: 600mg Calcium 40 IU Vitamin D Microcrystalline cellulose Magnesium stearate Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose Anhydrous colloidal silica Calcivit contains no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, and is suitable for vegetarians. Conclusion If you are looking for a simple and effective way to support long-term bone health, Calcivit is an ideal supplement. Its unique combination of essential nutrients makes it a powerful tool to help maintain strong bones and teeth, improve overall wellness, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases...
34.61 USD
Jacob's basentabletten 250 stk
Property name Dietary supplements. Rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and D3, with zinc and silicon. Composition Potassium citrate, calcium citrate, inulin (from chicory), magnesium citrate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, separating agent cellulose and magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetable), acerola extract (1%) , Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Silica, Zinc Citrate, Vitamin D3.. Properties Fruit and vegetables provide valuable organic minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium (in a ratio of about 3:2), but little sodium. Dr. Jacob's base tablets are based on nature's example and consist of nutrients that contribute to the following normal bodily functions: Acid-base metabolism: zinc. Nervous system, muscle function:: potassium, magnesium. Maintenance of bones and teeth:: calcium, magnesium, vitamin D. Maintenance of normal blood pressure: potassium. Reduction of fatigue, energy metabolism: magnesium, vitamin C. Maintenance of skin, hair and nails: zinc. Collagen formation for normal cartilage function: vitamin C. Immune system: zinc, vitamins C and D. Application Swallow 2 × 4 tablets daily with plenty of liquid. Best before end/lot no.: see bottom of can. Nutritional values Nutritional value Quantity per % Measurement accuracy Sodium 5 g 9.6 g Vitamin C 80 mg 9.6 g Potassium 1000 mg 9.6 g Calcium 500 mg 9 .6 g Magnesium 330 mg 9, 6 g Zinc 5 mg 9.6 g Allergens Contains div> Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store the can in a dry place and keep the lid closed. Only use after medical advice in the case of (medication-related) disorders of the potassium balance, hyperkalemia, alkalosis or kidney failure. The full daily dose (8 tablets) is suitable for people aged 15 and over. The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet. Included drying element not suitable for consumption. Property name Food supplements. Rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and D3, with zinc and silicon. Composition Potassium citrate, calcium citrate, inulin (from chicory), magnesium citrate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, separating agent cellulose and magnesium salts of fatty acids (vegetable), acerola extract (1%) , Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Silica, Zinc Citrate, Vitamin D3.. Properties Fruit and vegetables provide valuable organic minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium (in a ratio of about 3:2), but little sodium. Dr. Jacob's base tablets are based on nature's example and consist of nutrients that contribute to the following normal bodily functions: Acid-base metabolism: zinc. Nervous system, muscle function:: potassium, magnesium. Maintenance of bones and teeth:: calcium, magnesium, vitamin D. Maintenance of normal blood pressure: potassium. Reduction of fatigue, energy metabolism: magnesium, vitamin C. Maintenance of skin, hair and nails: zinc. Collagen formation for normal cartilage function: vitamin C. Immune system: zinc, vitamins C and D. Application Swallow 2 × 4 tablets daily with plenty of liquid. Best before end/lot no.: see bottom of can. Nutritional values Nutritional valueQuantityper%Measurement accuracy Sodium5 g9.6 gVitamin C80 mg9.6 gPotassium1000 mg 9.6 gCalcium500 mg9 .6 gMagnesium330 mg9, 6 gZinc5 mg9.6 g Allergens Contains div>Contains no allergens that must be declared Notes Store the can in a dry place and keep the lid closed. Only use after medical advice in the case of (medication-related) disorders of the potassium balance, hyperkalemia, alkalosis or kidney failure. The full daily dose (8 tablets) is suitable for people aged 15 and over. The specified recommended daily dose must not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet. Included drying element not suitable for consumption. ..
53.29 USD
Kalcijum sandoz d3 plv 500/440 bag 30 kom
Kalcij D3 Sandoz je kombinacija kalcija (u obliku kalcijum karbonata) i vitamina D3 (holekalciferol) dostupna kao instant prah i tablete za žvakanje. Kalcijum D3 Sandoz je indiciran kao dodatak kalcijumu i vitaminu D kod starijih osoba s nedostatkom kalcija i vitamina D ili s visokim rizikom od nedostatka (npr. nedovoljna konzumacija mliječnih proizvoda, nedovoljno izlaganje suncu) i kao podrška ciljanom liječenju osteoporoze kod pacijenata s dokazanim ili visokim rizikom od istovremenog nedostatka kalcija i vitamina D. Informacije o pacijentima koje je odobrio SwissmedicCalcium D3 Sandoz®Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AGŠta je Calcium D3 Sandoz i kada će treba primijeniti?Kalcij D3 Sandoz je kombinacija kalcijuma (u obliku kalcijum karbonata) i vitamina D3 (holekalciferol) dostupna kao instant prah i tablete za žvakanje. Kalcijum D3 Sandoz je indiciran kao dodatak kalcijumu i vitaminu D kod starijih osoba s nedostatkom kalcija i vitamina D ili s visokim rizikom od nedostatka (npr. nedovoljna konzumacija mliječnih proizvoda, nedovoljno izlaganje suncu) i kao podrška ciljanom liječenju osteoporoze kod pacijenata s dokazanim ili visokim rizikom od istovremenog nedostatka kalcija i vitamina D. Šta treba uzeti u obzir?Calcij D3 Sandoz je pogodan za dijabetičare. Jedna tableta za žvakanje sadrži 0,48 g probavljivih ugljikohidrata. U zavisnosti od jačine doze, vrećice praha sadrže 0,36 g (500/440) ili 0,72 g (1000/880) upotrebljivih ugljikohidrata. Kada se Calcium D3 Sandoz ne smije uzimati/koristiti?Kalcium D3 Sandoz se ne smije uzimati u Preosjetljivost na bilo koju od aktivnih supstanci ili bilo koji od sastojaka navedenih u sažetku,nenormalno povećana količina kalcija u krvi (hiperkalcemija), povećano izlučivanje kalcija u urinu (hiperkalciurija),teška bolest bubrega, urinarni ili bubrežni kamenac,postojeće liječenje vitaminom D. Tablete za žvakanje mogu uzimati pacijenti, a pacijenti sa fenilketonurijom ne smiju se koristiti zbog komponente aspartama. Kada je potreban oprez kada uzimate/koristite Calcium D3 Sandoz?Pošto Calcium D3 Sandoz već sadrži vitamin D, bilo kakva dodatna primjena vitamina D treba raditi samo pod medicinskim nadzorom kako bi se izbjeglo predoziranje. U slučaju produženog liječenja i/ili blage bubrežne insuficijencije, preporučuje se redovno provjeravati količinu izlučenog kalcija u urinu (kalciurija). Ovisno o rezultatu, Vaš liječnik može smanjiti ili čak prekinuti liječenje. U slučaju liječenja preparatima digitalisa ili tiazidnim diureticima, primjena kalcija u kombinaciji s vitaminom D zahtijeva redovno praćenje. Neophodno je da se posavetujete sa svojim lekarom ili kardiologom. U slučaju liječenja bisfosfonatom, natrijum fluoridom, kinolonima, L-tiroksinom, estramustinom, orlistatom, kolestiraminom, preparatima gvožđa, preparatima koji sadrže cink ili stroncijum ili parafin, treba se pridržavati razmaka od najmanje 2 sata pre uzimanja Kalcijuma D3 Sandoz. . U slučaju oralne terapije tetraciklinima (određeni antibiotici), treba se pridržavati razmaka od najmanje 3 sata prije uzimanja Calcium D3 Sandoz. Calcium D3 Sandoz ne treba uzimati istovremeno s hranom koja sadrži oksalnu kiselinu, fosfate ili fitin, na primjer spanać, rabarbara, mekinje ili proizvodi od soje. Mogu ometati apsorpciju kalcijuma. Ako patite od određene bolesti pluća (sarkoidoze), možete uzimati Calcium D3 Sandoz samo nakon konsultacije sa svojim ljekarom. Vaš lekar će pratiti nivoe kalcijuma u vašoj krvi i urinu. Ako patite od imobilizacijske osteoporoze, postoji povećan rizik od razvoja hiperkalcemije (previše visoke razine kalcija u krvi). Dugotrajno uzimanje velikih količina kalcija ili visokih doza vitamina D iz hrane ili lijekova i istovremeno lako apsorbirajuće bazične tvari (alkalije, npr. bikarbonati, koji se nalaze u lijekovima za vezivanje želučane kiseline) može dovesti do mlečno-alkalnog sindroma (poremećaj metabolizma kalcijuma) sa rizikom od oštećenja bubrega. Istodobnu upotrebu treba izbjegavati po svaku cijenu. Pacijenti na dijeti sa niskim sadržajem natrijuma trebaju imati na umu da Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 i Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 instant prah sadrže 5 mg odnosno 10 mg natrijuma. Calcij D3 Sandoz 500/440 tablete za žvakanje ne sadrže natrij. Obavijestite svog liječnika, farmaceuta ili ljekarnika ako patite od drugih bolesti, imate alergije ili uzimate druge lijekove (čak i one koje ste sami kupili!) ili ih koristite izvana. Da li se Calcium D3 Sandoz može uzimati/koristiti tokom trudnoće ili dojenja?Calcijum D3 Sandoz se može koristiti tokom trudnoće i/ili treba da se koristi tokom trudnoće i/ili treba da se koristi. uzimati za vrijeme dojenja samo ako je to propisao ljekar. Dozu mora odrediti ljekar. Kako se koristi Calcium D3 Sandoz?Otopite sadržaj vrećice u čaši vode, a zatim odmah popijte otopinu. Sisati ili žvakati tablete za žvakanje. DoziranjeOdrasliCalcij D3 Sandoz 500/440 instant prah/tablete za žvakanje: 1 vrećica ili 1 tableta za žvakanje jednom ili dva puta dnevno. Kalcijum D3 Sandoz 1000/880 instant prah: 1 kesica jednom dnevno. Trajanje terapije i doziranje zavise od težine i vrste bolesti koja se leči, pa ih stoga određuje lekar. Calcium D3 Sandoz nije namijenjen za primjenu kod djece i adolescenata mlađih od 18 godina. Ako ste zaboravili jednu ili više doza Calcium D3 Sandoz, nemojte udvostručiti sljedeće doze. Ako uzmete predoziranje Calcium D3 Sandoz, mogu se javiti sljedeći simptomi: mučnina, povraćanje, jaka žeđ, zatvor, bol u trbuhu, slabost mišića i umor. Ukoliko primijetite takve simptome, odmah obavijestite svog ljekara koji će poduzeti potrebne mjere. Držite se doze navedene u uputstvu o lijeku ili kako vam je propisao ljekar. Ako mislite da je lijek preslab ili prejak, razgovarajte sa svojim liječnikom, farmaceutom ili ljekarnikom. Koje nuspojave može imati Calcium D3 Sandoz?Zatvor, nadutost, mučnina, povraćanje i tablete za žvakanje zbog sadržaja manitola u Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 ili sadržaj sorbitola i ksilitola u Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 također uzrokuje želučane probleme ili dijareju. Nadalje, mogu se javiti osip na koži, koprivnjača, svrab, reakcije preosjetljivosti, teške reakcije preosjetljivosti s oticanjem lica, usta, udova (do pada krvnog tlaka i šoka), oticanje lica, usana ili jezika, između ostalog. . Ako osjetite takve simptome, obavijestite svog liječnika ili zdravstvenog radnika. U slučaju predoziranja u vezi sa unosom alkalnih supstanci (npr. sredstava za vezivanje želučane kiseline), može se razviti mlečno-alkalni sindrom (pogledajte pod "Kada je potreban oprez pri uzimanju?") >Ako primijetite nuspojave koje ovdje nisu opisane, obavijestite svog liječnika, farmaceuta ili ljekarnika. Šta još treba uzeti u obzir?Čuvajte Calcium D3 Sandoz van domašaja djece. Instant prah: Čuvati u originalnom pakovanju, na temperaturi ispod 30°C. Tablete za žvakanje: Čuvajte u originalnom pakovanju na sobnoj temperaturi (15-25°C). Ljek se smije koristiti samo do datuma označenog «EXP» na pakovanju. Vaš ljekar, farmaceut ili ljekarnik mogu vam dati dodatne informacije. Ovi ljudi imaju detaljne informacije za specijaliste. Šta sadrži kalcijum D3 Sandoz?Kalcij D3 Sandoz 500/4401 vrećica Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 sadrži: Aktivni sastojci: 1250 mg kalcijum karbonata (ekvivalentno 500 mg kalcijuma), holekalciferol 440 IU (vitamin D3) Pomoćni sastojci: Natrijum saharin, natrijum ciklamat, arome (aroma limuna: sadrži vanilin) i druge pomoćne supstance. 1 tableta za žvakanje Calcium D3 Sandoz 500/440 sadrži: Aktivni sastojci: 1250 mg kalcijum karbonata (ekvivalentno 500 mg kalcijuma), holekalciferol 440 IU (vitamin D3) Pomoćni sastojci: manitol, aspartam, arome (aroma narandže: sadrži vanilin ili aroma kajsije: sadrži vanilin i ulje bergamota) i druge pomoćne tvari. Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/8801 vrećica Calcium D3 Sandoz 1000/880 sadrži: Aktivni sastojci: 2500 mg kalcijum karbonata (ekvivalentno 1000 mg kalcijuma), 880 IU holekalciferola (vitamin D3) Pomoćni sastojci: Natrijum saharin, natrijum ciklamat, aroma (aroma limuna: sadrži vanilin) i druge pomoćne supstance. Broj odobrenja53628, 55760 (Swissmedic) Gdje možete nabaviti Calcium D3 Sandoz? Koja pakovanja su dostupna?U apotekama i drogerijama, bez lekarskog recepta. Kalcij D3 Sandoz 500/440Pakovanje od 30 kesica. Veliko pakovanje od 3 kutije od 30 kesica. aromom limuna. Pakovanje od 20, 60 i 120 tableta za žvakanje u okusima kajsije i narandže. Kalcij D3 Sandoz 1000/880Pakovanje od 30 vrećica. Veliko pakovanje od 3 kutije od 30 kesica. aromom limuna. Nositelj odobrenjaSandoz Pharmaceuticals AG, Risch; Sjedište: Crveni krst Ovaj letak je posljednji put provjerila Agencija za lijekove (Swissmedic) u julu 2017. ..
27.93 USD
Naturstein calci/mag plus kaps glasfl 75 stk
Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk is a dietary supplement made from natural minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These essential minerals play a significant role in maintaining strong bones, healthy muscles, and a robust cardiovascular system. The product comes in an easy-to-swallow capsule form housed in a glass bottle containing 75 capsules. The use of a glass bottle ensures that the product's integrity is maintained, and the capsules remain fresh and potent for longer. The Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk supplement is formulated to provide the body with the much-needed nutrients to promote optimal health. The calcium and magnesium content help to strengthen bones and teeth, while potassium supports healthy blood pressure and a well-functioning nervous system. This supplement is ideal for individuals who are looking to supplement their daily nutrient intake or those who have an increased need for calcium, magnesium, and potassium due to factors such as age, lifestyle, and diet. With consistent use, Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk can provide a range of health benefits, including improved bone and muscle health, better cardiovascular function, and overall wellness. The product is free from artificial additives, making it a safe and natural way to maintain optimal health. Get your bottle of Naturstein Calci/Mag plus Kaps Glasfl 75 Stk today and start your journey towards optimal health! ..
37.47 USD
Salus deca vital kalcij + vitamin d fl sok 250 ml
Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice 250 ml - Product Description Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice is a great tasting dietary supplement specially formulated for growing children. It contains a perfect blend of essential vitamins and minerals needed for healthy growth and development. The Perfect Calcium Supplement for Children Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth in children. From infancy, children undergo rapid bone growth and need a steady supply of calcium and vitamin D to keep their bones strong and healthy. Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice ensures that your child gets the precise amount of calcium, Vitamin D, and other essential nutrients for optimal bone health. Delicious and Nutritious Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice is made from a blend of all-natural fruit juices and plant extracts that kids will love. It is free from artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and synthetic colors. This makes it a healthy and delicious supplement that children will relish taking daily. Easy to Digest and Absorb Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice is designed for easy digestion and absorption. It contains only natural and organic ingredients that the body can quickly assimilate. This ensures that your child can easily absorb all the essential nutrients needed to aid their growth and development. Conclusion If you're looking for a delicious and nutritious supplement to support your child's bone growth and development, then Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice is an excellent choice. It's packed with essential vitamins and minerals that promote healthy bone growth, easy to digest and absorb, and delicious to drink. So, give your children the gift of good health with Salus Children Vital Calcium + Vitamin D Fl Juice!..
38.28 USD
Soyana swiss soy drink original calcium bio tetra 1 lt
Karakteristike Soyana Swiss Soy Drink Original calcium Bio Tetra 1 ltKoličina u pakovanju : 1 ltTežina: 0,00000000g Dužina: 0mm Širina: 0mm Visina: 0mm Kupite Soyana Swiss Soy Drink Original calcium Bio Tetra 1 lt online iz Švicarske..
6.27 USD
Synergia bi-osteo kape 30 kom
Product Description: Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs is a dietary supplement specially formulated to support bone health. Made from a blend of natural ingredients, each capsule provides essential nutrients that the body needs to build strong and healthy bones. Key Features & Benefits Calcium & Vitamin D: These two nutrients work together to enhance bone mineralization and improve bone density. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains a good amount of calcium and Vitamin D to support overall bone health. Magnesium: Magnesium is essential for maintaining strong bones and reducing the risk of fractures. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains magnesium citrate, which is a highly absorbable form of magnesium. Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 plays a vital role in bone health by regulating calcium absorption and preventing calcification in the arteries. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains 45mcg of Vitamin K2 (MK-7). Zinc & Copper: Zinc and copper are essential minerals that stimulate bone growth and prevent bone loss. Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs contains a good amount of both minerals to maintain healthy bones. Easy-to-Swallow Capsules: The capsules are small and easy to swallow, making it convenient to take while on-the-go. High-Quality Formulation: This dietary supplement is made from natural ingredients and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Directions for Use Take 1 capsule of Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs daily with a meal or as directed by your healthcare provider. Warning If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have a medical condition, consult your healthcare provider before use. Keep out of reach of children. Overall, Synergia Bi-Osteo Kaps 30 pcs is a great dietary supplement for anyone looking to support their bone health naturally. With its blend of essential nutrients, high-quality formulation, and easy-to-swallow capsules, it's an excellent choice for those looking for a convenient and effective way to maintain healthy bones...
35.49 USD
(1 stranica)