Plantur 39 kofeinski tonik za žene posebno je formulisan za podršku zdravlju kose za žene iznad četrdeset, posebno tokom prijelazne faze menopauze. Kako se razina estrogena padne i muški hormoni postaju utjecajniji, mnoge žene doživljavaju gubitak kose. Ovaj kofein tonik, u prikladnoj boci od 200 ml, sadrži fito aktivne sastojke od prirode koji pomažu u zaštiti korijena kose i vlasišta iz ovih hormonskih promjena. Svakodnevnom primjenom izravno na vlasište, ovaj tonik ne samo pomaže u sprečavanju gubitka kose, već i promovira zdraviji rast kose. Jednostavno ga masirajte unutra, ostavite da se osuši i stil kao i obično bez ispiranja. Prigrlite prednosti PLANTUR 39 kofeinskih tonika da negujete i oživite kosu tokom ove vitalne faze života.
A woman's hair roots are protected by a high proportion of the female hormone estrogen until the menopause. After that, this proportion decreases and the influence of male hormones increases. This often results in hair loss.Plantur 39 Phyto-Caffeine Tonic is a care product for hair over forty and helps prevent hair growth after menopause. Phyto-active ingredients from nature also protect the scalp from the consequences of falling estrogen levels.
Apply once a day directly to the scalp with the dosing tip and massage in evenly. Allow to dry briefly, then brush through the hair and style as usual, do not rinse out the tonic...
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