Gel za njegu rana
(1 stranica)
Actimaris wundgel tb 20 g
ACTIMARIS WUNDGEL TB 20 G je svestrani proizvod za negu rana dizajniran da obezbedi optimalne uslove zarastanja za različite vrste rana. Ovaj inovativni gel kombinuje prednosti rastvora dlačica za rane sa umirujućim svojstvima specijalizovanog gela za rane. Svojom jedinstvenom formulacijom, ovaj proizvod potiče brže zacjeljivanje, smanjuje rizik od infekcije i pomaže u održavanju vlažnog okruženja rane za optimalan oporavak. Jednostavan za nanošenje i nježan za kožu, ACTIMARIS WUNDGEL TB 20 G je bitan dodatak svakom kompletu prve pomoći ili medicinskoj ustanovi, osiguravajući efikasnu njegu rana svih veličina. Vjerujte ovom naprednom gelu za rane koji će podržati proces zacjeljivanja i pružiti udobnost za manje posjekotine, ogrebotine i opekotine...
22.18 USD
Octenisept gel tube 20 ml
Octenisept wound gel is used for acute skin injuries such as abrasions, cuts and minor burns (e.g. sunburn). Properties Octenisept wound gel is used for acute skin injuries such as abrasions, cuts and minor burns (e.g. sunburn).In order for wounds to heal optimally, they should be sufficiently be supplied with moisture. For the healing process, the skin cells must be able to divide and migrate. This is best possible in a moist wound environment. In addition, the wound must be protected against infections.The special formula of Octenisept wound gel optimally supplies thewound with moisture and forms a protective layer against bacteria. This protective layer prevents germs from penetrating the wound, since the germs are already inactivated in the gel. Octenisept wound gel thus protects against infections and inflammation. This promotes and accelerates natural wound healing.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..
22.25 USD
Sigvaris clean pad kutija maramica za čišćenje 10 kom
Disposable cleaning cloth with caring ingredients for improved adhesion of the silicone coating and to increase the durability of adhesive edges. Contains no alcohol. ..
10.95 USD
(1 stranica)