(1 stranica)
Burgerstein mood kapsule 60 kom
For more motivation and inner balance. Strengthens the nervesSupport normal mental function and mental performanceReduces tiredness and fatigueSupports normal energy metabolismFree from lactose, fructose, sorbitol, yeast, gelatin, soy, peanut oil, soy lecithin and glutenWithout artificial preservatives or colouringsWithout genetic technologyVegetarian Application Adults and children over 12 years: Take 1 capsule in the morning and in the evening.Children 10-12 years: Take 1 capsule daily. composition Lemon balm extract, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, bulking agent (cellulose), zinc bisglycinate, niacin, saffron extract, calcium D-pantothenate, modified starch (corn), release agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids), pyridoxal-5-phosphate, coloring plant extract (carrot concentrate), folic acid, cholecalciferol, cyanocobalamin. ..
59.80 USD
Burgerstein spirulina 180 tableta
Burgerstein Spirulina is a natural nutrient donor with a high content of vegetable amino acids and natural antioxidants, which serves as a dietary supplement. Contains spirulinaWithout artificial flavorsGluten-free, lactose-free, yeast-free and fructose-freeWithout gelatinWithout granulated sugarVegetarian Application It is recommended to take 2 Burgerstein Spirulina tablets 3 times a day with some liquid. ingredients Spirulina platensis (100%)..
53.72 USD
Fruchtbar laugen seepferdchen bio mit dinkel
FRUCHTBAR Laugen Seepferdchen Bio mit Dinkel FRUCHTBAR Laugen Seepferdchen Bio mit Dinkel je ukusna i zdrava grickalica za djecu i odrasle. Ove ukusne perece napravljene su od organskih sastojaka, uključujući brašno od spelte, i ne sadrže veštačke aditive i konzervanse. Organski Bez umjetnih aditiva ili konzervansa Napravljeno od speltinog brašna Pogodno za vegetarijance Ove perece u obliku Seepferdchena savršene su za pakovanje u kutiju za ručak, ponijeti na piknike ili uživati kao brzi zalogaj u pokretu. Ukusni su umočeni u humus, sir ili druge namaze, što ih čini raznovrsnim dodatkom bilo kojoj kolekciji grickalica. FRUCHTBAR Laugen Seepferdchen Bio mit Dinkel nije samo ukusna već i zdrava opcija za grickanje. Brašno od spelte sadrži više hranljivih sastojaka od običnog pšeničnog brašna, a ove perece takođe imaju malo masti i šećera. Osim toga, odličan su izvor cjelovitih žitarica, koje su neophodne za zdravu i uravnoteženu prehranu. Zašto ne probati FRUCHTBAR Laugen Seepferdchen Bio mit Dinkel danas? Sa svojom hrskavom teksturom i ukusnim okusom, sigurno će postati nova omiljena grickalica. Cijena: 4,99 USD Dodaj u korpu ..
6.70 USD
Kingnature vitamin d3 vida boca 30 ml
Vitamin D3 Vida contains vegetarian vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and medium chain triglycerides (MCT) from coconut oil of the highest quality. For babies, children and adults Ingredients Vitamin D3 Vida for adultsVitamin D3 Vida contains medium-chain triglycerides from coconut oil ( Southeast Asia), vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and vitamin E (antioxidant). Net content: 30 ml. Vitamin D3 Vida is available from stock. A bottle of Vitamin D3 Vida contains 22,410 mcg (=894,000 IU) of vitamin D3. One drop contains 20 mcg (= 800 IU) of vitamin D3. A bottle contains about 1120 drops. The bottle is made of special Miron violet glass, which ensures the quality of the content. Ingredients Vitamin D3 Baby Vitamin D3 Baby contains medium-chain triglycerides from coconut oil (origin: Southeast Asia), Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and vitamin E (antioxidant). Net content: 30 ml. Vitamin D3 Baby is available from stock. A bottle of Vitamin D3 Baby contains 10,200 mcg (=408,000 IU) of vitamin D3. One drop contains 10 mcg (= 400 IU) of vitamin D3 - ideal for precise dosing. A bottle contains about 1020 drops. The quality of the content is ensured by the bottle made of special Miron violet glass.About the production of vitamin D3Our vitamin D3 is obtained in Germany from wool fat (lanolin). This accumulates when sheep's wool is washed, is cleaned in several steps and converted into cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). The purified vitamin D3 is finally mixed with an MCT oil as a carrier. The end product is vegetarian and BSE-free.Made in Switzerland ..
35.36 USD
Strath original liquid aufbaumittel mit vit d
Strath Original liq builder sa vitaminom D Fl 250 ml Strath graditeljsko sredstvo s prirodnim vitaminom D bazirano je na visokokvalitetnom vitaminu -D-biljnom kvascu. div data-test> Strath sredstvo za izgradnju s prirodnim vitaminom D je bazirano na visokokvalitetnom biljnom kvascu vitamina D. Dodatak prehrani bogat vitalnim supstancama pogodan je za djecu, odrasle, trudnice, dojilje i studente; radni ljudi; Sportisti i stariji ljudi. Vitamin D u sredstvu za izgradnju Stratha: podržava imuni sistem doprinosi održavanju normalnih kostiju i zuba doprinosi normalnoj apsorpciji kalcija i fosfora doprinosi održavanju normalne funkcije mišića koristi se za potrebno za zdrav rast i razvoj kostiju kod djece. doprinosi normalnoj funkciji imunološkog sistema kod djece. Primjena: Uzimajte 1 kašičicu (5 ml) 3 puta dnevno pre jela, čisto ili pomešano sa mlekom, sokom od voća ili povrća. Djeca od 1 godine i preko pola cijene. Dnevna doza za odrasle od 15 ml Strath gradiva sadrži 6 µg ili 240 IU vitamina D. Preporučena dnevna količina od 15 ml može se uzimati dugotrajno. Ne postoji rizik od predoziranja. Sastav:Sastav: plazmolizirani vitamin D biljni kvasac 83% (vitamin D kvasac, fruktoza, dekstroza, biljni mješavina); Ekstrakt ječmenog slada 9%, sirup narandže 5% (šećer, voda, koncentrat soka od pomorandže), med 3%. Prednost: bez laktoze ; vegetarijanac. Dodaci prehrani nisu zamjena za raznoliku i uravnoteženu prehranu i zdrav način života. ..
30.76 USD
Wasa hrskavi kruh bez glutena 240 g
Wasa Crispbread Gluten-Free 240 g The Wasa Crispbread Gluten-Free 240 g is the perfect option for those who are looking for a gluten-free alternative to traditional bread. Made with the highest quality ingredients, this crispy and crunchy bread is ideal for snacking, pairing with your favorite toppings or as part of your meal. Key Features Gluten-free Low calorie High fiber content No artificial flavors or preservatives Suitable for vegetarians Nutrition Information One serving (2 pieces) of Wasa Crispbread Gluten-Free 240 g contains: Calories: 60 Fat: 0.5g Carbohydrates: 13g Fiber: 3g Protein: 1g Ingredients This product is made from the following ingredients: Corn starch Potato starch Corn flour Buckwheat flour Potato fiber Salt Yeast Canola oil Use and Storage This product should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Once opened, the crispbread should be stored in an airtight container. The crispbread can be eaten on its own or topped with your favorite ingredients. Order your Wasa Crispbread Gluten-Free 240 g now and enjoy a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional bread!..
8.95 USD
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