upija vlagu
(1 stranica)
Interdry roll
InterDry Roll: Vrhunsko rješenje za vlagu i iritaciju kože Ako ste neko ko se nosi s iritacijom kože, intertrigom ili pretjeranim znojenjem, znate koliko to može biti neugodno i frustrirajuće. Srećom, postoji rješenje koje može ublažiti ove probleme - InterDry Roll. InterDry Roll je jedinstven i inovativan proizvod koji sadrži poliesterska i rajonska vlakna protkana antimikrobnim agensima. Rezultat je snažno rješenje koje učinkovito odvodi vlagu, smanjuje trenje kože i sprječava rast bakterija i gljivica. Uz InterDry Roll, uživat ćete u sljedećim prednostima: Uklanja trenje kože o kožu Smanjuje rast bakterija, kvasca i gljivica Pruža dugotrajnu zaštitu od vlage Može se koristiti na bilo kojem dijelu tijela gdje se javlja iritacija kože Jednostavna upotreba i primjena Nježan prema osjetljivoj koži Za razliku od drugih proizvoda koji su dizajnirani da se koriste kao puderi, sprejevi ili kreme, InterDry Roll je praktična rola koja se može rezati na željenu veličinu i staviti bilo gdje na tijelo. Savršen je za područja koja su sklona prekomjernoj vlazi i iritaciji kože, poput pazuha, prepona i grudi. Bilo da ste sportista, neko ko radi na otvorenom ili jednostavno patite od iritacije kože i prekomernog znojenja, InterDry Roll je vrhunsko rešenje za vaše potrebe. Isprobajte danas i osjetite razliku! ..
273.78 USD
Manutrain active support gr1 right titan
ManuTrain Active Support Gr1 Right Titanium The ManuTrain Active Support Gr1 Right Titanium is a high-quality wrist support designed to stabilize and protect the wrist joint while providing a comfortable fit for both daily wear and sports activities. This support features a breathable and skin-friendly material that ensures superior comfort and moisture-wicking properties to keep your skin dry and cool during extended wear. Features and Benefits Provides pain relief and support for the wrist Features a 3D knit for a comfortable and snug fit Designed to promote mobility and flexibility of the wrist Helps to prevent wrist injuries during sports activities Breathable and skin-friendly material for increased comfort and moisture-wicking properties Easy to use, simply slide it onto your wrist like a glove Magnetic rods help to promote blood circulation and accelerate the healing process Low-profile design fits comfortably under clothing Sizing The ManuTrain Active Support Gr1 Right Titanium comes in various sizes to ensure a proper fit. Please measure your wrist circumference to determine the correct size. Size Wrist Circumference (inches) 1 5.25" - 6.25" 2 6.25" - 7" 3 7" - 7.75" Washing and Care Instructions The ManuTrain Active Support Gr1 Right Titanium is easy to care for. Simply hand wash in cold water with mild soap and air dry. Do not bleach, tumble dry, iron, or dry clean. Overall, the ManuTrain Active Support Gr1 Right Titanium is an excellent choice for individuals looking for a high-quality and comfortable wrist support for both daily wear and sports activities. With its breathable material, magnetic rods, and low-profile design, this support provides exceptional comfort, support, and pain relief for the wrist joint...
126.69 USD
(1 stranica)