Poboljšanje mobilnosti
(1 stranica)
Epitrain active support gr5 titan
Epitrain Active Support Gr5 Titanium The Epitrain Active Support Gr5 Titanium is a state-of-the-art athletic support designed for individuals who wish to remain active while providing exceptional joint support. This amazing product is manufactured using Gr5 titanium, which is a highly durable and lightweight material used in the aerospace and medical industries for its superior strength, biocompatibility, and corrosion resistance. The Epitrain Active Support Gr5 Titanium is specially designed to relieve pain and swelling, improve circulation, and enhance mobility for athletes and individuals suffering from joint pain. Features Gr5 titanium material provides exceptional joint support Highly durable and lightweight (30% lighter than steel) Breathable and moisture-wicking material ensures comfortable wear Anatomically shaped for a precise fit and enhanced support Adjustable straps for personalized compression and support Designed to relieve pain and swelling, improve circulation, and enhance mobility Easy to wear and clean Benefits Provides exceptional joint support and stability Relieves pain and inflammation Improves circulation and enhances mobility Reduces the risk of further joint damage and injuries Allows individuals to remain active with confidence Perfect for athletes and individuals suffering from joint pain Can be worn during exercise, sports, and everyday activities Conclusion The Epitrain Active Support Gr5 Titanium is a game-changing product that provides exceptional joint support, pain relief, and enhanced mobility for athletes and individuals suffering from joint pain. Its Gr5 titanium construction ensures superior durability and lightweight without compromising on support, making it an ideal choice for active individuals looking to stay fit and healthy. So, don't let joint pain hold you back ? get the Epitrain Active Support Gr5 Titanium today and continue living your life to the fullest! ..
144.79 USD
Ostenil mini inj loes 10 mg / 1 ml fertspr
Ostenil mini Inj Loes 10 mg / 1 ml FertsprOstenil mini otopina za injekcije sadrži 10 mg/ml natrijum hijaluronata i koristi se za liječenje bolova u zglobovima uzrokovanih osteoartritisom. Hijaluronska kiselina u Ostenil mini je prirodna supstanca koja se nalazi u tijelu i služi kao amortizer i lubrikant u zglobovima.Ovaj proizvod je dizajniran za one koji pate od blagog do umjerenog osteoartritisa i pruža trajno olakšanje. od bola i ukočenosti. Redovnom upotrebom može pomoći u obnavljanju funkcije zgloba i poboljšanju pokretljivosti.Ostenil mini Injection Solution se daje injekcijom direktno u zglob i brz je i jednostavan za korištenje. Mala veličina šprica znači da je injekcija relativno bezbolna i da zahteva minimalno vreme zastoja nakon toga.Prednosti korišćenja Ostenil mini Injection Solution uključuju: Efektivno ublažavanje bolova i ukočenosti zglobova Poboljšanje funkcije i pokretljivosti zglobova Dugotrajni rezultati uz redovnu upotrebu Brz i lak proces ubrizgavanja Minimalno vrijeme zastoja Ako patite od osteoartritisa i tražite efikasan način za ublažavanje bolova u zglobovima, Ostenil mini Injection Solution može biti rješenje koje ste tražili. Razgovarajte sa svojim ljekarom ili zdravstvenim radnikom da saznate da li je to pravo za vas...
58.32 USD
(1 stranica)