

Prikaz 26 od 49 dp 49
(2 stranica)
Otkrijte svijet hidratacije uz naš odabrani izbor proizvoda za zdravlje i ljepotu. Naša oznaka za hidrataciju objedinjuje niz hranjivih proizvoda za njegu kože i wellnessa dizajniranih da održavaju vašu kožu i tijelo optimalno hidratiziranim. Od revitalizirajućih maglica za lice i hidratantnih krema do hidratantnih kapi za oči i njegujućih balzama za usne, svi ovi proizvodi su napravljeni da pruže esencijalnu vlagu i podrže potrebe vašeg tijela za hidratacijom. Bilo da tražite olakšanje za suhu kožu ili želite da održite prirodnu ravnotežu svog tijela, istražite vrhunske proizvode koji utažuju žeđ vaše kože i promovišu cjelokupno zdravlje. Prihvatite prednosti trajne hidratacije za blistav i zdrav izgled.
Aloree elixir régénérant biografija za spašavanje kože

Aloree elixir régénérant biografija za spašavanje kože

Šifra proizvoda: 7789732

ALOREE Elixir régénérant skin rescue bio Le Elixir régénérant Skin Rescue Bio d'ALOREE est un sérum à absorption rapide qui a été spécialement conçu pour aider à régénérer la peau abîmée et terne. Cette formule unique est formulée à base d'ingrédients naturels et biologiques pour offrir une solution douce et sûre aux problèmes de peau. Les avantages du Elixir régénérant Skin Rescue Bio Hydrate intensément la peau Apaise les peaux abîmées et irritées Revitalise la barrière cutanée Favorise la régénération cellulaire pour une peau plus ferme Améliore la texture et l'apparence de la peau Ingrédients naturels et biologiques Les ingrédients les plus importants de cette formule sont tous des extraits naturels et biologiques provenant de plantes et autres sources dermatologiquement appropriées. Parmi eux, on compte : L'huile de graines de chanvre La vitamine E L'huile essentielle de lavande L'extrait de feuilles d'aloès L'huile essentielle de ylang-ylang L'extrait de racine de réglisse Ces ingrédients actifs ont été soigneusement sélectionnés pour leurs propriétés régénératrices, nourrissantes et apaisantes pour la peau. Ils travaillent ensemble pour aider à restaurer la vitalité et l'apparence jeunesse de la peau. Utilisation Appliquer 2 à 3 gouttes du Elixir régénérant Skin Rescue Bio d'ALOREE sur une peau propre et sèche tous les matins et soirs, en massant doucement sur le visage, le cou et le décolleté. Éviter tout contact avec les yeux. Appliquer régulièrement pour profiter pleinement des avantages régénérants de cette formule. ..

55.41 USD

Avene cold cream nutrition reichhaltiger lippenpflegestift 4 g

Avene cold cream nutrition reichhaltiger lippenpflegestift 4 g

Šifra proizvoda: 7814581

Avene Cold Cream Nutrition reichhaltiger Lippenpflegestift 4 g The Avene Cold Cream Nutrition reichhaltiger Lippenpflegestift 4 g is a highly-nutritive and moisturizing lip balm that provides long-lasting hydration and protection against dryness and chapping. Enriched with natural ingredients, this lip balm contains a unique blend of cold cream, shea butter, and vitamin E, which help to soothe and repair damaged lips while providing deep hydration. The lip balm is ideal for those with dry and sensitive lips, as it is free from fragrances, parabens, and preservatives. It has been clinically tested for hypoallergenicity and is suitable for everyday use. The rich nourishing formula quickly absorbs into the lips and leaves them feeling soft and smooth. Its convenient size makes it easy to carry with you wherever you go, allowing you to maintain healthy and well-hydrated lips on the go. Overall, the Avene Cold Cream Nutrition reichhaltiger Lippenpflegestift 4 g is a must-have for anyone looking for an effective and gentle lip balm to keep their lips moisturized and healthy. ..

19.40 USD

Avene hydrance boost serum

Avene hydrance boost serum

Šifra proizvoda: 1001590

AVENE Hydrance Boost Serum Tražite odlično rješenje za hidrataciju za svoju dehidriranu i suhu kožu? AVENE Hydrance Boost Serum je savršen izbor za vas. To je inovativni serum s jedinstvenom formulom vodenog gela koja pruža intenzivnu hidrataciju vašoj koži, ostavljajući je revitaliziranom, osvježenom i mlađahnijim izgledom. Ovaj serum sadrži složenu formulaciju aktivnih sastojaka koji rade zajedno kako bi pružili duboku hidrataciju i vlagu vašoj koži. Obogaćena je termalnom vodom Avène koja je poznata po svojim umirujućim i protuupalnim svojstvima, koja pomažu u smanjenju crvenila, upale i štite od stresora iz okoline. Hydrance Boost Serum također sadrži patentiranu Cohederm tehnologiju koja zatvara vlagu unutar vaše kože i sprječava izlazak vlage. Osim toga, serum sadrži hijaluronsku kiselinu, koja je moćan humektant koji pomaže privlačenju i zadržavanju vlage unutar vaše kože, osiguravajući da vaša koža ostane hidratizirana cijeli dan. Hydrance Boost serum je nekomedogen i pogodan za sve tipove kože, uključujući i osjetljivu. Lako se nanosi, brzo se upija i nemasni, što ga čini idealnim kandidatom za upotrebu ispod vaše dnevne hidratantne kreme i šminke. Uz redovnu i dosljednu upotrebu, vaša će koža biti glatkija, puna i sjajnija nego ikad. AVENE Hydrance Boost Serum je neophodan ako želite svojoj koži dati poticaj hidrataciji i poboljšati vaš cjelokupni ten. Naručite sada i sami iskusite transformacijske efekte ovog snažnog seruma. ..

58.21 USD

Avene tolérance hydra-10 hidratantna krema tb 40 ml

Avene tolérance hydra-10 hidratantna krema tb 40 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7838316

Avene Tolérance Hydra-10 hidratantna krema Tb 40 ml Avene Tolérance Hydra-10 hidratantna krema Tb 40 ml je hidratantna krema posebno razvijena za najosjetljiviju kožu. Jedinstveni sastav ove kreme osmišljen je da intenzivno vlaži kožu i obnavlja njenu prirodnu barijeru. Sadrži esencijalne sastojke kao što su glicerin koji održava kožu mekom i gipkom i ceramide za jačanje prirodnog zaštitnog filma kože. Avene Tolérance Hydra se posebno dobro podnosi jer ne sadrži mirise, konzervanse i druge iritirajuće supstance. Idealan je izbor za njegu osjetljive i suhe kože te pomaže vraćanju zdrave i blistave kože. Hidratantna krema se jednostavno nanese na pažljivo očišćeno lice, vrat i dekolte i nježno umasira. Avene Tolérance se odmah upija i ostavlja ugodan osjećaj na koži bez lijepljenja ili masnoće. Lagana tekstura kreme može se koristiti ispod šminke ili samostalno. Dermatološki je testiran i nije testiran na životinjama...

49.65 USD

Cationorm kapi za oči emulzija ud 30 x 0,4 ml

Cationorm kapi za oči emulzija ud 30 x 0,4 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7772206

Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsion UD 30 x 0.4 ml Introducing the Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsion UD 30 x 0.4 ml, a gentle and fast-acting eye drop solution that provides lasting lubrication for your eyes. This product is designed to help calm and soothe your eyes, making them feel refreshed and comfortable. For those who suffer from dry eyes, the Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsion UD is truly a game-changer. Its unique formula combines cationic emulsion, hyaluronic acid, and natural lipids to give you instant relief from dry or irritated eyes. The eye drops create a thin, protective layer that keeps your eyes hydrated and moisturized, even in harsh or dry environments. What's more, these eye drops come in a single-use vial which ensures that there is no contamination, making it extremely safe for people with sensitive eyes. The vials are also very convenient for carrying around in a purse or backpack, easy to use, and the perfect size for travel. Use Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsion UD 30 x 0.4 ml every time you feel discomfort or dryness in your eyes. It is also suitable for those who wear contact lenses or spend long hours in front of screens. With regular use, your eyes will feel more hydrated and comfortable, allowing you to focus on what's important without the distraction of dry or irritated eyes. Order Cationorm Eye Drops Emulsion UD 30 x 0.4 ml today and experience the difference!..

45.70 USD

Cetaphil feuchtigkeitslotion

Cetaphil feuchtigkeitslotion

Šifra proizvoda: 7833833

CETAPHIL Moisturizing Lotion CETAPHIL Moisturizing Lotion is a highly effective, lightweight lotion that provides instant hydration for dry and sensitive skin. It is a non-comedogenic formula that is suitable for all skin types including normal, oily, and combination skin. This lotion is designed to soothe and soften skin without leaving a greasy residue. Formulated with a unique blend of emollients and humectants, CETAPHIL Moisturizing Lotion delivers long-lasting hydration to keep your skin supple and moisturized all day long. The combination of glycerin, dimethicone, and panthenol helps to lock in moisture and prevent moisture loss, leaving your skin feeling smooth and moisturized. CETAPHIL Moisturizing Lotion is pH-balanced and fragrance-free, making it safe and gentle for even the most sensitive skin. It is ideal for use after cleansing, shaving, or bathing as it helps to restore and maintain the skin's natural moisture barrier. This moisturizing lotion is dermatologist and allergy tested, making it safe for everyday use on your face and body. The non-greasy and fast-absorbing formula is designed to provide immediate relief and long-lasting hydration, leaving your skin feeling soft, smooth, and healthy-looking. Use CETAPHIL Moisturizing Lotion daily to hydrate and protect your skin from dryness and irritation. It comes in a convenient pump bottle that makes it easy to dispense and apply the lotion wherever you need it most. ..

30.46 USD

Cetaphil optimal hydration 48h activation serum

Cetaphil optimal hydration 48h activation serum

Šifra proizvoda: 7826170

CETAPHIL Optimal Hydration 48h Activat Serum CETAPHIL Optimal Hydration 48h Activat Serum je idealno rješenje za one sa suvom ili dehidriranom kožom. Ovaj serum sadrži jedinstvenu mješavinu sastojaka koji rade zajedno kako bi pružili intenzivnu hidrataciju i obnovili prirodnu barijeru vlage vašoj koži. Serum je formuliran sa snažnom kombinacijom hijaluronske kiseline i glicerina, dva sastojka koja su poznata po svojoj sposobnosti da privlače i zadržavaju vlagu. Hijaluronska kiselina je prirodna komponenta kože koja joj pomaže u održavanju hidratacije, dok je glicerin humektant koji privlači vlagu na površinu kože. Pored ovih ključnih sastojaka, CETAPHIL Optimal Hydration 48h Activat Serum također sadrži niz antioksidansa i hranjivih sastojaka koji pomažu zaštiti vašu kožu od stresora iz okoline i podržavaju zdravu funkciju kože. To uključuje vitamin E, vitamin C i pantenol. Ovaj serum koji se brzo upija je lagan i nemasan, što ga čini savršenim za korištenje ispod vaše dnevne hidratantne kreme ili šminke. Pruža do 48 sati hidratacije, pomažući u rješavanju simptoma suhe i dehidrirane kože, kao što su tupost, perutanje i zatezanje. Ako tražite proizvod koji će vašoj koži pružiti potrebnu vlažnost da izgleda i osjeća se najbolje, CETAPHIL Optimal Hydration 48h Activat Serum je savršen izbor...

33.70 USD

Cetaphil optimal hydration erfrischendes augengel tb 15 ml

Cetaphil optimal hydration erfrischendes augengel tb 15 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7803831

Cetaphil Optimal Hydration erfrischendes Augengel Tb 15 mlCetaphil Optimal Hydration erfrischendes Augengel Tb 15 ml je osvježavajući gel za oči koji pomaže da nježna koža oko očiju ostane hidratizirana i izgleda mladoliko. Ovaj inovativni gel je posebno formuliran sa mješavinom jedinstvenih sastojaka koji zajedno djeluju kako bi koža oko očiju bila svježa, hladna i revitalizirana.Osobine Pruža optimalnu hidrataciju za osjetljivu kožu oko očiju Osvježava i revitalizira umorne oči Pomaže u smanjenju pojave finih linija i bora Lagana formula koja se brzo upija Nemastan i neiritantan PrednostiCetaphil Optimal Hydration erfrischendes Augengel Tb 15 ml je dermatološki testiran i pogodan za sve tipove kože. Njegova lagana formula koja se brzo upija čini ga jednostavnim za korištenje, a njegova nježna, neiritirajuća šminka osigurava da neće uzrokovati iritaciju ili nelagodu. Osvježavajući gel pomaže poboljšanju cjelokupnog izgleda kože oko očiju, ostavljajući joj osjećaj i izgleda revitalizirano i mladoliko.Kako koristitiZa upotrebu jednostavno nanesite malu količinu kreme. Cetaphil Optimal Hydration erfrischendes Augengel Tb 15 ml nanesite na kožu oko očiju i nježno umasirajte prstom dok se ne upije. Za najbolje rezultate koristite svakodnevno kao dio svoje rutine njege kože.Sastojci Voda Glicerin Dipropilen glikol Pentilen glikol Hijaluronska kiselina Kofein Alantoin Carbomer Disodium EDTA Natrijum hidroksid Polisorbat 20 Fenoksietanol Sa svojom jedinstvenom mješavinom hidratantnih i osvježavajućih sastojaka, Cetaphil Optimal Hydration erfrischendes Augengel Tb 15 ml je must-have za svakoga tko želi održati nježnu kožu oko očiju mladolikom i revitaliziranom. Isprobajte danas i uvjerite se u razliku koju može napraviti!..

31.04 USD

Cetaphil pro dryness control port krema za ruke

Cetaphil pro dryness control port krema za ruke

Šifra proizvoda: 7784933

Introducing CETAPHIL PRO DRYNESS CONT PROT Handcreme CETAPHIL PRO DRYNESS CONT PROT Handcreme is the ultimate solution for dry and dehydrated hands. It is a specially formulated hand cream that provides long-lasting hydration and nourishment to your hands. The unique blend of ingredients in this hand cream helps to protect your hands from environmental stressors and prevent dryness, cracking, and peeling. This product is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Features: Provides long-lasting hydration to hands Protects hands from environmental stressors Prevents dryness, cracking, and peeling Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin Benefits: Moisturizes and hydrates dry skin Softens rough and calloused skin Nourishes and restores skin's natural barrier Prevents skin dryness, cracking, and peeling Provides protection against harmful environmental stressors Direction for Use: Apply a small amount of CETAPHIL PRO DRYNESS CONT PROT Handcreme onto your hands whenever you feel the need for hydration and protection. Gently massage the cream into your skin until it is fully absorbed. Use as often as needed, especially after washing hands or exposure to harsh weather conditions. Ingredients: Glycerin - helps to retain moisture in the skin Dimethicone - forms a protective layer on the skin to prevent moisture loss Allantoin - soothes and promotes healing of dry, cracked, and irritated skin Vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant that helps to nourish and protect the skin Conclusion: CETAPHIL PRO DRYNESS CONT PROT Handcreme is an excellent solution for dry and dehydrated hands. Its unique formula provides long-lasting hydration and protection to your hands, preventing dryness, cracking, and peeling. The cream is enriched with nourishing ingredients that help to restore your skin's natural barrier and protect it from environmental stressors. Try CETAPHIL PRO DRYNESS CONT PROT Handcreme today to experience softer, smoother, and healthier-looking hands! ..

66.87 USD

Eucerin urea repair plus krema 30 % uree

Eucerin urea repair plus krema 30 % uree

Šifra proizvoda: 7517338

EUCERIN Urea Repair PLUS Creme 30 % Urea The Eucrin Urea Repair Plus Creme is an excellent solution for dry, rough, and scaly skin. It is a highly effective moisturizer that harnesses the power of 30% urea to penetrate deep beneath your skin's surface and provide long-lasting hydration. This unique formula is specially designed to restore your skin's natural moisture levels instantly and effectively. The Eucrin Urea Repair Plus Creme's rich and nourishing formula makes it ideal for even the most sensitive of skins. This cream is enriched with natural moisturizing ingredients like lactic acid and ceramides, which work together to improve your skin's barrier function, leaving you with a smooth, supple and hydrated skin. The intensive moisturizing properties of this cream makes it an excellent choice for people suffering from dry skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and diabetes. The cream is dermatologically tested, and is free from any harmful substances like fragrances and dyes, making it safe and gentle to use on your skin. This cream is ideal for daily use and can be applied to any dry or scaly areas, including elbows, knees, and feet. It is highly recommended by dermatologists and is a trusted brand for those looking for deep hydration. Experience the difference with Eucrin Urea Repair Plus Creme, your skin will thank you for it! ..

29.30 USD

Gloup schluck gel zero himbeer

Gloup schluck gel zero himbeer

Šifra proizvoda: 7830872

GLOUP Schluck Gel Zero Himbeer The GLOUP Schluck Gel Zero Himbeer is a fruity and refreshing drink that is perfect for those who are looking for a healthy and low-calorie alternative to traditional sugary drinks. This drink is infused with the sweet and tangy flavor of raspberries and is packed with essential nutrients that your body needs to function properly. One of the great things about the GLOUP Schluck Gel Zero Himbeer is that it contains zero calories, making it an excellent choice for those who are watching their weight or trying to stay in shape. It is also free from any artificial sweeteners, preservatives, or colors, making it a healthy and natural drink that you can feel good about drinking every day. The drink comes in a convenient gel form, which makes it easy to take with you on the go. It is also easy to digest, and the nutrients are quickly absorbed by your body, helping you to stay hydrated and energized throughout the day. Whether you are looking for a refreshing drink to enjoy during a workout or simply want to stay hydrated throughout the day, the GLOUP Schluck Gel Zero Himbeer is an excellent choice. So why not try it today and discover the delicious taste and numerous health benefits that this drink has to offer!..

16.11 USD

Hakle feucht pflegende sauberkeit refill 42 stk

Hakle feucht pflegende sauberkeit refill 42 stk

Šifra proizvoda: 7809127

Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit Refill 42 Stk Introducing the Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit Refill 42 Stk - a handy pack of 42 moist wipes that provide not only gentle cleaning, but also nourishing care that nourishes your delicate skin. These wipes are specifically designed to provide deep cleansing and hydration, ensuring that you stay fresh and comfortable all day long. Suitable for daily use, these wipes are perfect for maintaining personal hygiene and freshness, especially during periods of high activity or when on the go. Features: 42-pack refill of Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit moist wipes Provides gentle cleaning and nourishing care for delicate skin Specially designed for deep cleansing and hydration Perfect for maintaining personal hygiene and freshness on the go Benefits: The Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit Refill 42 Stk offers several benefits, including: Soft and gentle on the skin: The moist wipes are crafted from soft, delicate material that doesn't irritate the skin. Moisturizing: The wipes deliver a burst of hydration that soothes dry or dehydrated skin. Convenient: The refill pack is extremely convenient, making it easy to replenish your supply of moist wipes at any time. Effective: The wipes provide deep cleansing and hygiene maintenance for long-lasting freshness. How to use: Simply take a wipe from the Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit Refill 42 Stk pack and use it to clean your skin. These wipes can be used for any part of your body, especially the hands, face, and intimate areas. Dispose of the used wipe in the trash bin after use. Conclusion: The Hakle Feucht Pflegende Sauberkeit Refill 42 Stk is an excellent choice for anyone looking for daily hygiene and freshness. With its gentle cleaning and moisturizing properties, these moist wipes offer a convenient and effective solution for maintaining personal hygiene and freshness, no matter what the day holds. Order yours today and enjoy a fresh and clean feeling all day long!..

7.46 USD

Innodrops cp kapi za oči

Innodrops cp kapi za oči

Šifra proizvoda: 1008994

INNODROPS CP Eye Drops INNODROPS CP Eye Drops is an advanced formulation designed to relieve irritated and dry eyes. The eye drops are made with a unique combination of ingredients that work together to deliver fast relief and lasting hydration to your eyes. This product is specially formulated to help people who suffer from conditions like dry eyes, eye fatigue, and other eye problems. INNODROPS CP Eye Drops provide essential moisture to your eyes, resulting in brighter, clearer, and more comfortable eyes. Key Benefits Alleviates dry and itchy eyes, reducing irritation and redness Reduces eye fatigue and helps to prevent further damage to the eyes Moisturizes the eyes, resulting in brighter, clearer, and more comfortable eyes Ensures maximum safety and efficacy with its sterile, preservative-free formula that is safe for use with contact lenses Active Ingredients Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose - Provides essential moisture to the eyes to alleviate irritation and dryness Glycerin - Helps to soothe and moisturize the eyes, preventing further irritation and damage Boric Acid - Helps to reduce redness and irritation, promoting healthier eyes Directions for Use To use INNODROPS CP Eye Drops, simply tilt your head back and place one or two drops in each eye. Blink several times to distribute the solution throughout the eye. Use as often as needed to relieve dryness and irritation or as directed by your healthcare professional. INNODROPS CP Eye Drops are a must-have for anyone who experiences dry, itchy, and irritated eyes. With their unique formulation and advanced technology, INNODROPS CP Eye Drops provide fast and effective relief for all types of eye problems. ..

23.00 USD

Klorane pfingstrose bio serum spr 100 ml

Klorane pfingstrose bio serum spr 100 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7809434

Klorane Pfingstrose Bio Serum Spr 100ml The Klorane Pfingstrose Bio Serum Spr 100ml is a hair care product that is designed to support the natural growth and health of your hair. This serum spray is enriched with organic peony extract that is obtained through sustainable farming practices. It provides a host of benefits that help to strengthen, hydrate, and nourish your hair, making it look and feel healthy and vibrant. Key Features and Benefits Formulated with organic peony extract that is sustainably grown without any artificial fertilizers or pesticides Provides deep hydration to the hair, making it visibly softer and smoother Strengthens the hair fibers, reducing breakage and split ends Helps to maintain the natural balance of the scalp, reducing oiliness and dandruff Non-greasy formula that is easy to apply and doesn't leave any residue How to Use The Klorane Pfingstrose Bio Serum Spr 100ml is easy to use. Simply spray it on your hair and massage it gently into your scalp and hair. You can use it on damp or dry hair, depending on your preference. For best results, use it regularly, especially after washing your hair. Ingredients The Klorane Pfingstrose Bio Serum Spr 100ml contains a host of natural ingredients that are gentle on your hair and scalp. These include: Organic peony extract Glycerin Alpha-isomethylionone Aqua Citronellol Geraniol Hydroxycitronellal Isocetyl alcohol Limonene Linalool Panthenol Parfum Polysorbate 20 Buy Now! If you're looking for a hair care product that is safe, effective, and environmentally friendly, then the Klorane Pfingstrose Bio Serum Spr 100ml is the perfect choice. Order now and experience the transformative benefits of organic peony extract on your hair and scalp!..

31.62 USD

Linola milch

Linola milch

Šifra proizvoda: 3299910

LINOLA Milch Hydrate and Nourish Your Skin LINOLA Milch is a high-quality skincare product designed to provide hydration, nourishment, and protection to dry and sensitive skin. Its unique formula is enriched with natural ingredients that help to soothe and calm the skin, reducing itching and inflammation, and leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and supple. Benefits Deeply hydrates and nourishes dry and sensitive skin Clinically proven to reduce itching and inflammation Free from fragrances, preservatives, and colorants Can be used on both the face and body Suitable for babies, children, and adults Ingredients The key ingredients in LINOLA Milch include linoleic acid and ceramides, which are essential for healthy, hydrated skin. It also contains natural oils such as jojoba oil and sweet almond oil, which work to soothe and protect the skin's barrier, preventing moisture loss and improving elasticity. Directions for Use Apply a thin layer of LINOLA Milch to clean, dry skin and massage gently until fully absorbed. Use as often as needed to keep skin hydrated and moisturized. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Safety Information LINOLA Milch is dermatologist-tested and is free from fragrances, preservatives, and colorants, making it safe for use on sensitive skin. If you experience any skin reactions or irritation, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional. Keep out of reach of children. ..

28.82 USD

Meme hand- und fussserum

Meme hand- und fussserum

Šifra proizvoda: 1009407

Iskusite vrhunsko olakšanje i ishranu za svoje ruke i stopala uz MEME serum za ruke i stopala. Ovaj luksuzni serum je posebno napravljen da pruži intenzivnu hidrataciju i podmlađivanje suve, ispucale kože. Obogaćen mješavinom hranjivih sastojaka, uključujući umirujuću aloe veru, hidratantnu hijaluronsku kiselinu i revitalizirajući vitamin E, ovaj serum će učiniti da vaše ruke i stopala budu mekani, glatki i osvježeni. Recite zbogom gruboj koži i zdravo svilenkastoj mekoći uz MEME serum za ruke i stopala. Savršen za svakodnevnu upotrebu, ovaj serum se brzo upija, ne ostavljajući za sobom masne tragove. Priuštite si iskustvo maženja i pružite svojim rukama i nogama njegu koju zaslužuju uz MEME serum za ruke i stopala...

22.71 USD

Meme pflege wasser tb 100 ml

Meme pflege wasser tb 100 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7835472

MEME Pflege Wasser Tb 100 ml Product Description MEME Pflege Wasser Tb 100 ml Product Description Introducing the MEME Pflege Wasser Tb 100 ml - the ultimate skin care solution for a fresh, hydrated, and glowing complexion. Formulated with natural and nourishing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, panthenol, and allantoin, this product is designed to provide optimal hydration and moisture to the skin, while also soothing and calming any irritations or redness. Key Features: 100ml bottle Hyaluronic acid for deep hydration Panthenol and allantoin soothe and calm skin irritation Refreshes and revitalizes dull skin Softens and smooths skin texture Improves overall skin tone and radiance Perfect for all skin types How to Use: After cleansing your face, use MEME Pflege Wasser Tb 100 ml as a toner by spraying it all over your face or applying it using a cotton pad. You can use it before applying your daily moisturizer to boost hydration or anytime throughout the day for a refreshing mist. Ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid, Water, Glycerin, 1,2-Hexanediol, Butylene Glycol, Panthenol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate, Hydroxyethyl Urea, Allantoin, Betaine, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Fragrance Experience the ultimate skin care experience with MEME Pflege Wasser Tb 100 ml - the perfect addition to your daily skincare routine to achieve a glowing and radiant complexion...

29.45 USD

Oxysept comfort solution + lpop 3 x 300 ml

Oxysept comfort solution + lpop 3 x 300 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7792659

Iskusite udobnost i čistoću bez premca uz Oxysept Comfort Lös + LPOP rješenje za meka kontaktna sočiva. Ovaj sveobuhvatni set uključuje tri bočice od 300 ml svaka, osiguravajući dugotrajnu zalihu za vaše potrebe za njegom očiju. Oxysept rastvor efikasno uklanja nečistoće, naslage proteina i ostatke sa vaših sočiva, promovišući jasan vid i sprečavajući bilo kakvu nelagodu. Nježna, ali moćna formula osigurava optimalnu dezinfekciju i hidrataciju, održavajući vaša sočiva svježima i zdravlje očiju. Vjerujte Oxysept Comfort Lös + LPOP za pouzdano i praktično rješenje za održavanje vaših kontaktnih sočiva i poboljšanje vaše cjelokupne rutine njege očiju...

104.25 USD

Sanddorn argousier vision augenspray

Sanddorn argousier vision augenspray

Šifra proizvoda: 7778082

For quick and instant hydration. Suitable for sensitive eyes. Composition Sea buckthorn oil, hyaluronic acid. Properties relieves the symptoms of dry eyes from the outsidemoisturizes the skin around the eyessuitable for sensitive eyescan be used with eye make-up Application Spray onto closed eyelids. Suitable for contact lens wearers. This product is CE-marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

39.87 USD

Scholl intensiv pfleg fussmaske aloe vera

Scholl intensiv pfleg fussmaske aloe vera

Šifra proizvoda: 7786185

SCHOLL Intensiv pfleg Fussmaske Aloe Vera The SCHOLL Intensiv pfleg Fussmaske Aloe Vera is a foot mask designed to provide intense nourishment and hydration to dry, rough feet. Infused with the soothing and healing properties of Aloe Vera, this foot mask is an ultimate solution for tired and rough feet. Features and Benefits: Intensely nourishes and hydrates dry and rough feet Enriched with the healing properties of Aloe Vera Softens the hard skin on the feet Improves the overall appearance and texture of the feet Easy to apply and use Comes in a convenient pack of 2 single-use masks Free from harsh chemicals, parabens, and artificial colors How to use: Clean your feet and pat them dry. Wear the foot mask and adjust it to fit your feet comfortably. Relax for 20-30 minutes while the mask works its magic. Remove the mask and massage the remaining cream into your feet. Rinse your feet with water and pat them dry. Use the SCHOLL Intensiv pfleg Fussmaske Aloe Vera regularly for soft, smooth, and nourished feet. Say goodbye to rough and dry feet with this refreshing foot mask...

14.06 USD

Simimed gel kapi za oči 0,3% hijaluronska bočica 10 ml

Simimed gel kapi za oči 0,3% hijaluronska bočica 10 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7782214

Iskusite umirujuće olakšanje za suve, umorne oči uz SimiMed gel kapi za oči. Formulisano sa 0,3% hijaluronske kiseline, ovo inovativno rešenje pruža dugotrajnu hidrataciju, promovišući udobnost i jasnoću. Bočica od 10 ml pogodna je za upotrebu u pokretu, što je čini obaveznim za one koji traže nježnu, ali efikasnu njegu očiju. Bilo da se bore protiv stresa iz okoline ili svakodnevnog nelagodnosti, ove gel kapi nude prirodni lijek za razne očne bolesti. Priuštite svojim očima revitalizirajuću njegu koju zaslužuju uz SimiMed gel kapi za oči...

30.85 USD

Vichy krema za ruke tb 50 ml

Vichy krema za ruke tb 50 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7774421

Iskusite luksuznu njegu koju vaše ruke zaslužuju uz VICHY kremu za ruke. Ova dermatološki testirana formula je posebno dizajnirana da hrani i štiti vaše ruke, pružajući intenzivnu hidrataciju bez masnoće. Obogaćen mineraliziranom vodom VICHY i shea maslacem, pomaže u jačanju funkcije barijere kože i umiruje isušenost. Neljepljiva tekstura se brzo upija, ostavljajući ruke mekim, glatkim i podmlađenim. Savršena za svakodnevnu upotrebu, ova krema za ruke je neophodna za maženje kako bi vaše ruke izgledale i osjećale se najbolje. Pružite svojim rukama pažnju za kojom žude uz VICHY kremu za ruke...

17.70 USD

Weleda skin food losion za tijelo fl 200 ml

Weleda skin food losion za tijelo fl 200 ml

Šifra proizvoda: 7798443

Body lotion intensively nourishing and quickly absorbed for dry to very dry skin. Composition Water (aqua), helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil*, caprylic/capric triglyceride, glycerin, carthamus tinctorius (safflower) seed oil*, alcohol*, glyceryl stearate citrate, betaine, butyrospermum parkii (shea ) butter*, tapioca starch, stearic acid, palmitic acid, sorbitan olivate, rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf extract*, chamomilla recutita (matricaria) flower extract*, viola tricolor extract, calendula officinalis flower extract*, xanthan gum, tocopherol, lactic acid, glyceryl caprylate, fragrance (parfum)**, limonene**, linalool**, benzyl benzoate**, benzyl cinnamate**, geraniol**.*organic ingredient**from natural essential oils and/or plant extracts. Properties Skin Food Body Lotion with extracts of pansy, calendula and chamomile as well as 100% organic safflower oil. Fast-absorbing care, intensively nourishes and provides long-lasting moisture. For supple, soft skin.93% agree: skin feels instantly comfortable.Agreed in a consumer study with 30 subjects after 4 weeks of once or twice daily use. Skin compatibility and effectiveness dermatologically tested. 100% of the ingredients are of natural origin. Bottle made of 97% recycled plastic, lid and label excluded. ..

26.89 USD

Zuccari bouleau compl birke stick-pack

Zuccari bouleau compl birke stick-pack

Šifra proizvoda: 7798181

Ostanite osvježeni i revitalizirani sa ZUCCARI BOULEAU Complex paketom BIRCH. Iskorištavajući prirodnu snagu ekstrakta breze, ova inovativna mješavina pića predstavlja moć zdravstvenih prednosti. Prepun antioksidansa i esencijalnih nutrijenata, podržava detoksikaciju, hidrataciju i opću dobrobit. Svaki praktični paket za štapiće je jednostavan za korištenje u pokretu, što ga čini savršenim izborom za užurbane stilove života. Prepustite se osvježavajućem okusu i osjetite okrepljujuće djelovanje ovog jedinstvenog napitka. Podignite svoje zdravlje i nahranite svoje tijelo sa ZUCCARI BOULEAU Complex paketom BIRCH...

65.88 USD

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