nježno sredstvo za čišćenje kože
(1 stranica)
Alphanova bb dermo nettoyant organic 200 ml
Alphanova BB Dermo Nettoyant Organic 200ml Alphanova BB Dermo Nettoyant Organic 200ml is the perfect solution for individuals who are looking for a gentle cleanser that can be used daily. This product is made using organic ingredients that work together to gently cleanse the skin, leaving it feeling soft and refreshed. It can be used as a daily cleanser, and it is gentle enough to use on even the most sensitive skin types. The Alphanova BB Dermo Nettoyant Organic 200ml is a multipurpose product that can be used to cleanse the face and neck. It is a mild formula that is free from harsh chemicals, making it safe for use by everybody. This product is enriched with natural ingredients such as aloe vera, which helps to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. The formula for Alphanova BB Dermo Nettoyant Organic 200ml is designed to be gentle on the skin, while still effectively removing dirt, oil, and impurities. It is perfect for individuals who are looking for a daily cleanser that will leave their skin feeling soft and hydrated. This product is also suitable for individuals with dry skin, as it contains ingredients that help to moisturize and hydrate the skin. Overall, the Alphanova BB Dermo Nettoyant Organic 200ml is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a daily cleanser that is gentle, yet effective. Its organic ingredients make it safe to use on even the most sensitive skin types, and its mild formula will leave your skin feeling refreshed and hydrated. ..
16.36 USD
Cerave creme-zu-schaum reinigung
Predstavljamo CeraVe Creme-zu-Schaum Reinigung! Ovaj inovativni proizvod kombinuje hranljive prednosti bogate kreme sa osvježavajućim osjećajem pjene za čišćenje. Pogodna za sve tipove kože, ova 2-u-1 formula efikasno uklanja prljavštinu, masnoću i šminku, a da koži ne oduzima prirodnu vlažnost. Obogaćen CeraVe-ovom prepoznatljivom mješavinom ceramida i hijaluronske kiseline, pomaže u obnavljanju i jačanju barijere kože, ostavljajući je čistom, mekom i hidratiziranom. Doživite nježno, ali snažno iskustvo čišćenja sa CeraVe Creme-zu-Schaum Reinigung za osvježen i blistav ten svaki dan...
32.26 USD
Medicinski hidratantni čistač kože ekstra blagi ph 5,5 disp 500 ml
Der-med je hidratantni losion za pranje kože prilagođen svojstvima kože za nježno pranje ili tuširanje osjetljive, suhe ili oboljele kože. Aktivni sastojak dinatrijum undecilenamido MEA-sulfosukcinat koji se nalazi u Der-medu ima dezinfekcioni efekat i blago inhibira rast na različite bakterije i gljivice kože. Der-med ima blago kiselu, puferovanu kiselost zdrave kože (pH 5,5) i na taj način stabilizuje fiziološki (prirodni) zaštitni kiseli omotač. Der-med na taj način štiti osjetljivu kožu od bolesti i dehidracije te također podržava proces zacjeljivanja oboljele kože. Hidrantne supstance u Der-medu sprečavaju odmašćivanje kože tokom procesa pranja. The-med se koristi: za tretman koji podržava terapiju za: psorijazu; ihtiozu (bolest riblje ljuske); ekcem; > Gljivične bolesti kože (ruke i atletsko stopalo); akne; za njegu beba (posebno pelenski ekcem); >za nežnu negu intimnog područja; za zaštitno čišćenje ostarele kože; za svakodnevno umivanje, tuširanje i kupanje osetljive i bolesne kože. Informacije o pacijentima koje je odobrio Swissmedic Der-med®Permamed AGŠta je Der-med i kada se koristi?Der-med je hidratantni losion za pranje kože prilagođen svojstvima kože za nježno pranje ili tuširanje osjetljive, suhe ili bolesne kože. Aktivni sastojak dinatrijum undecilenamido MEA-sulfosukcinat koji se nalazi u Der-medu ima dezinfekcioni efekat i blago inhibira rast na različite bakterije i gljivice kože. Der-med ima blago kiselu, puferovanu kiselost zdrave kože (pH 5,5) i na taj način stabilizuje fiziološki (prirodni) zaštitni kiseli omotač. Der-med na taj način štiti osjetljivu kožu od bolesti i dehidracije te također podržava proces zacjeljivanja oboljele kože. Hidrantne supstance u Der-medu sprečavaju odmašćivanje kože tokom procesa pranja. The-med se koristi: za tretman koji podržava terapiju za:psorijazu;ihtiozu (bolest riblje ljuske);ekcem; > Gljivične bolesti kože (ruke i atletsko stopalo); akne;za njegu dojenčadi (posebno pelenski ekcem);za nežnu negu intimnog područja;za zaštitno čišćenje ostarele kože;za svakodnevno umivanje, tuširanje i kupanje osetljive i bolesne kože.Kada se Der-med ne smije koristiti? Der-med se ne smije koristiti ako postoji preosjetljivost na jedan od sastojaka. Kada je potreban oprez pri upotrebi Der-meda?Ako se koristi kako je predviđeno, nisu potrebne posebne mjere opreza. Obavijestite svog liječnika, farmaceuta ili ljekarnika ako patite od drugih bolesti, imate alergije ili uzimate druge lijekove (uključujući i one koje ste sami kupili) ili ih koristite izvana! Da li se Der-med može koristiti tokom trudnoće ili dojenja?Sistematske naučne studije nikada nisu sprovedene. Na osnovu prethodnog iskustva, ne postoji poznat rizik da se dijete rodi kada se koristi prema namjeni. Der-med se može koristiti tokom trudnoće i dojenja. Kako koristite Der-med?Der-med se koristi kao tečni sapun. Dobro navlažite kožu mlakom vodom, a zatim nanesite nekoliko prskanja Der-meda direktno na zahvaćena područja kože i nježno isperite. Zatim isperite mlakom vodom i osušite čistom krpom bez trljanja. Ukoliko ste skloni gljivicama na koži, Der-med je pogodan za preventivni tretman pranjem ugroženih područja kože Der-medom. Der-med također podržava proces ozdravljenja kod gljivičnih oboljenja kože ako se koža temeljito očisti s Der-medom prije svake primjene lokalnog antifungalnog sredstva. Da bi se spriječio recidiv, zahvaćena područja kože treba nastaviti ispirati Der-medom 5-6 sedmica nakon izlječenja gljivične bolesti. Preporučljivo je ostaviti Der-med nekoliko minuta i tek onda isprati mlakom vodom. Zatim uvek osušite čistom krpom bez trljanja. Der-med se također može koristiti kod novorođenčadi, male djece i djece. Držite se doze navedene u uputstvu o lijeku ili kako vam je propisao ljekar. Ako mislite da je lijek preslab ili prejak, razgovarajte sa svojim ljekarom, farmaceutom ili ljekarnikom. Koje nuspojave Der-med može imati?Sljedeće nuspojave se mogu javiti prilikom upotrebe Der-meda: u rijetkim slučajevima, reakcije preosjetljivosti kao što su crvenilo ili peckanje koža. Ako primijetite nuspojave koje ovdje nisu opisane, obavijestite svog liječnika, farmaceuta ili ljekarnika. Šta još treba uzeti u obzir?Der-med čuvajte na sobnoj temperaturi (15-25 °C) i van domašaja djece. Ljek se smije koristiti samo do datuma označenog «EXP» na ambalaži. Vaš ljekar, farmaceut ili ljekarnik mogu vam dati dodatne informacije. Ovi ljudi imaju detaljne informacije za specijaliste. Šta sadrži Der-med?1 g Der-meda sadrži 30 mg dinatrijum undecylenamido MEA-sulfosukcinata kao aktivni sastojak, kao pomoćne supstance: deterdženti, arome, boje: briljantno plava (E133) i drugi pomoćni sastojci. Broj odobrenja43110 (Swissmedic). Gdje možete nabaviti Der-med? Koja pakovanja su dostupna? Der-med možete nabaviti u apotekama i drogerijama bez liječničkog recepta. U pakovanju od 150 ml i 500 ml. Nositelj odobrenjaPermamed AG, 4143 Dornach. Ovaj letak je posljednji put provjerila Agencija za lijekove (Swissmedic) u novembru 2018. ..
67.18 USD
Metoda ručnog pranja hladna kokosova voda fl 532 ml
Method Handwash Cool Coconut Water, Fl 532ml The Method Handwash Cool Coconut Water, Fl 532ml is an eco-friendly and refreshing hand wash that is perfect for those who want to cleanse their hands without the harsh chemicals found in traditional hand washes. The cool coconut water scent is invigorating and light, giving your hands a fresh, clean feeling that lasts. Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Method Handwash Cool Coconut Water, Fl 532ml is made from naturally derived ingredients, biodegradable materials, and is never tested on animals, making it an eco-friendly and sustainable choice for those who want to make a positive impact on the environment. Gentle on Skin The gentle formula in Method Handwash Cool Coconut Water, Fl 532ml is free from harsh chemicals such as triclosan, parabens, and phthalates, making it gentle on your skin. It?s perfect for those with sensitive skin, and you can be sure that it will not cause any irritation or dryness. A Refreshing Scent Cool Coconut Water scent creates a refreshing and invigorating hand wash experience. It?s perfect for those who want to enjoy a light and natural scent during and after hand washing. You?ll love how fresh and clean your hands feel. Easy to Use The Method Handwash Cool Coconut Water, Fl 532ml comes in an easy-to-use pump bottle that is perfect for any bathroom or kitchen sink. Just pump a small amount of the hand wash onto your hands, lather, and rinse for clean, fresh hands. Final Thoughts If you want an eco-friendly, gentle, and refreshing hand wash that is made from natural ingredients, Method Handwash Cool Coconut Water, Fl 532ml is the perfect choice. With a light, refreshing scent and easy-to-use bottle, it?s perfect for any household. Total characters: 1093..
7.84 USD
Nivea men active clean care tuš 250 ml
The innovative Nivea Men Active Clean care shower with natural activated charcoal actively binds dirt on the skin and washes it off gently without drying out the skin. The silver-black gel with a masculine scent turns into a caring, white foam on the skin. Effective and at the same time mild cleaning thanks to the formula with activated charcoalSkin and hair feel revitalized and cared forpH-hautneutralSkin compatibility dermatologically approved..
10.76 USD
Tena krema za pranje fl 1000 ml
TENA Wash Cream Fl 1000 ml The TENA Wash Cream Fl 1000 ml is a gentle and effective skin cleanser that is specially formulated to clean and moisturize even the most delicate and sensitive skin. It is ideal for people with sensitive skin or those who require gentle cleansing due to incontinence problems. This wash cream is made with gentle and effective cleansing agents that are specially formulated to remove impurities and dirt from the skin while leaving it feeling soft and smooth. It is enriched with natural oils and emollients that moisturize and nourish the skin, leaving it feeling hydrated and healthy. It helps to maintain the skin?s natural pH balance, which is essential for healthy skin. The TENA Wash Cream Fl 1000 ml is very easy to use. Simply wet the skin with warm water, apply the cream, and then rinse off with water. It is free from harsh chemicals such as parabens, sulfates, and fragrances, making it safe and gentle for daily use. It is also suitable for all skin types, including those with sensitive skin, and it is dermatologically tested. This wash cream is designed to be used as part of a complete skincare routine, and it can be used alongside other products such as TENA pants or pads. It is available in a convenient 1000 ml bottle, which makes it perfect for use at home or in care settings. Overall, if you are looking for a gentle and effective skin cleanser that will leave your skin feeling clean, nourished, and hydrated, then the TENA Wash Cream Fl 1000 ml is an excellent choice...
39.25 USD
(1 stranica)