pojačivač energije
(1 stranica)
Alpx booster za njega gélules
ALPX BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules Boost your energy and performance with ALPX BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules. This dietary supplement is designed to support men's vitality and provide a natural boost to their energy levels. Packed with top-quality ingredients, ALPX BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules is the ultimate energy booster for men looking to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. The benefits of ALPX BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules Boosts energy levels and performance Supports healthy testosterone levels Contains powerful antioxidants for overall health and wellness Enhances muscle growth and recovery Improves focus and mental clarity The ingredients in ALPX BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules ALPX BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules is made with premium-quality ingredients that are scientifically proven to promote men's vitality and overall health. The key ingredients include: Tongkat Ali - A plant extract known for its ability to support healthy testosterone levels, improve muscle mass, and enhance athletic performance. Maca Root - A superfood that is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Maca root is known to enhance energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve exercise performance. Tribulus Terrestris - A natural herb that has been shown to improve male fertility, increase testosterone levels, and enhance athletic performance. Ginseng - A popular herb that has been used for centuries to enhance physical and mental performance. Ginseng is known to improve focus, reduce stress, and boost overall energy levels. How to take ALPX BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules To get the most out of ALPX BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules, take 2 capsules daily with a meal. For maximum effectiveness, use for at least 8 weeks. The bottom line If you're looking for an all-natural energy booster that can help support healthy testosterone levels, enhance muscle growth, and improve overall performance, then ALPX BOOSTER FOR HIM Gélules is the perfect supplement for you. Packed with top-quality ingredients, this dietary supplement is designed to help you achieve your health and fitness goals and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. ..
92.26 USD
Biotta vital shot ingwer 16 x 60 ml
Biotta Vital Shot Ingwer 16 x 60 ml Biotta Vital Shot Ingwer 16 x 60 ml is a powerful drink made with organic ginger to give you a quick and easy natural energy boost. This drink is perfect for those who need an immediate pick-me-up, whether it?s in the morning, mid-afternoon or before a workout. Each shot contains 100% organic, non-GMO ginger root juice and other natural ingredients to give you a quick and sustainable energy boost. Biotta Vital Shot Ingwer 16 x 60 ml is a perfect addition to your daily routine, offering numerous health benefits. Ginger is known to soothe the digestive system, improve circulation, reduce inflammation and boost the immune system. Drinking Biotta Vital Shot Ingwer will not only give you an energy boost but it also provides a number of health benefits that can dramatically improve your overall well-being. Features: 100% organic ginger root juice Easy to drink on-the-go Non-GMO ingredients 16 shots in one package Perfect for a quick and easy energy boost Provides numerous health benefits How to use: Biotta Vital Shot Ingwer 16 x 60 ml is easy to use. Simply shake well before opening and drink one shot per day. You can drink it straight or mix it with your favorite juice or smoothie to create a delicious and energizing drink. Biotta Vital Shot Ingwer is perfect for those who need an immediate energy boost, whether it?s in the morning, mid-afternoon or before a workout. Biotta Vital Shot Ingwer 16 x 60 ml is a natural and organic energy booster that provides numerous health benefits. It?s easy to use, easy to store and easy to take with you wherever you go. Order now and experience the benefits of ginger in a convenient, delicious and easy-to-consume package. ..
83.98 USD
Isostar energy shot 60 ml
ISOSTAR Energy Shot 60 ml: Your Ultimate Energy Booster If you are looking for an instant source of energy to help you power through your workout or busy day, then ISOSTAR Energy Shot 60 ml is exactly what you need. This compact-sized shot features a powerful formula that contains caffeine, guarana, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and C. It is specifically designed to provide you with an instant energy boost, improve your concentration, and reduce fatigue. One of the unique features of ISOSTAR Energy Shot 60 ml is that it is easy to carry and consume. The compact-sized bottle is convenient to take with you wherever you go. Whether you need a boost before a workout or during a long drive, you can carry this shot with you and enjoy the benefits of its energizing formula quickly and easily. ISOSTAR Energy Shot 60 ml is also scientifically tested and proven to be effective. The ingredients used in the formula are all of high quality, and they have been carefully chosen to offer reliable and consistent results every time you take the shot. If you want to improve your physical performance, boost your concentration, and ward off fatigue, then ISOSTAR Energy Shot 60 ml is the perfect supplement for you. Order yours today and feel the instant difference in your energy levels...
4.17 USD
Ovo sport 60 g
Ovo Sport 60g Spremite se za sljedeću sportsku aktivnost uz Ovo Sport 60g ? vrhunski pojačivač energije. Bilo da se bavite dizanjem utega, trčanjem, biciklizmom ili bilo kojim drugim sportom, ovaj proizvod je savršen za sportiste svih nivoa. Napravljen od visokokvalitetnih, prirodnih sastojaka, Ovo Sport pruža energiju i hranljive sastojke koji su vam potrebni za najteže treninge i takmičenja. Visoka količina proteina: Ovo Sport sadrži 20 g proteina po porciji koji pomažu u popravljanju i jačanju mišića nakon napornog treninga. Malo ugljikohidrata: Sa samo 4 g ugljikohidrata po porciji, Ovo Sport je odlična opcija za sportiste na dijeti s niskim udjelom ugljikohidrata. Bogat vitaminima i mineralima: Ovo Sport je pun vitamina i minerala koji pomažu u održavanju zdravog imunološkog sistema i opšteg blagostanja. Bez glutena: Ovo Sport je potpuno bez glutena, što ga čini sigurnim izborom za one koji su preosjetljivi na gluten ili celijakiju. Lako probavljivo: Ovo Sport je napravljen od lako probavljivih sastojaka kako bi se osiguralo da vaše tijelo može brzo apsorbirati energiju i nutrijente koji su mu potrebni za najbolji učinak. Ovo Sport dolazi u pakovanju praktične veličine od 60 g, što ga čini lakim za poneti sa sobom gde god da idete. Jednostavno pomiješajte s vodom, mlijekom ili vašim omiljenim napitkom i uživajte u ukusnom, osvježavajućem ukusu. Napunite svoje tijelo Ovo Sportom i podignite svoje atletske performanse na viši nivo! ..
5.23 USD
Pharmaton vital film-coated tablets
Pharmaton Vital tablete je kombinovani preparat sa ekstraktom ginsenga G115, vitaminima, mineralima i elementima u tragovima. Ekstrakt ginsenga G115 koji se koristi napravljen je od korijena pravog ginsenga (Panax ginseng CA Meyer) i ima dosljedan sadržaj aktivnih sastojaka. 11 vitamina, 2 minerala i 5 elemenata u tragovima sadržanih u Pharmaton Vital tabletama su esencijalne tvari koje tijelo općenito ne može samo proizvesti. Njihova doza je prilagođena dnevnim potrebama ljudskog organizma. Pharmaton Vital tablete služe kao sredstvo za jačanje u slučaju fizičke slabosti, iscrpljenosti i umora. Jača opšti otpor. Pharmaton Vital tablete također imaju stimulativni učinak na mentalne performanse, na primjer kada koncentracija opada i pažnja je ograničena. Preparat se može koristiti i za nadoknadu nedovoljne opskrbe vitaminima, mineralima i elementima u tragovima te u rekonvalescenciji nakon bolesti. Informacije o pacijentima koje je odobrio SwissmedicPharmaton® Vital tableteOpella Healthcare Switzerland AGŠta su Pharmaton Vital tablete i kada se koriste? Pharmaton Vital tablete je kombinovani preparat sa ekstraktom ginsenga G115, vitaminima, mineralima i elementima u tragovima. Ekstrakt ginsenga G115 koji se koristi napravljen je od korijena pravog ginsenga (Panax ginseng CA Meyer) i ima dosljedan sadržaj aktivnih sastojaka. 11 vitamina, 2 minerala i 5 elemenata u tragovima sadržanih u Pharmaton Vital tabletama su esencijalne tvari koje tijelo općenito ne može samo proizvesti. Njihova doza je prilagođena dnevnim potrebama ljudskog organizma. Pharmaton Vital tablete služe kao sredstvo za jačanje u slučaju fizičke slabosti, iscrpljenosti i umora. Jača opšti otpor. Pharmaton Vital tablete također imaju stimulativni učinak na mentalne performanse, na primjer kada koncentracija opada i pažnja je ograničena. Preparat se može koristiti i za nadoknadu nedovoljne opskrbe vitaminima, mineralima i elementima u tragovima te u rekonvalescenciji nakon bolesti. Šta treba uzeti u obzir?Najvažnija mjera za sprječavanje simptoma nedostatka je adekvatna i raznovrsna prehrana. Kada se Pharmaton Vital tablete ne smiju koristiti?Pharmaton Vital tablete se ne smiju uzimati: ako postoje poremećaji metabolizma kalcijuma kao što su povišeni nivoi kalcijuma u krvi ili pojačano izlučivanje kalcijuma mokraćom;ako je organizam prezahranjen vitaminom D;kada uzimanje drugih lijekova Preparati koji sadrže vitamin D;u slučaju poremećaja funkcije bubrega;u slučaju preosjetljivosti na jedan od sastojaka;u slučaju intolerancije na fruktozu;u slučaju intolerancije galaktoze.Kada je potreban oprez pri uzimanju Pharmaton Vital tableta?Osim pod medicinskim nadzorom, Pharmaton Vital tablete se ne smiju uzimati duže vrijeme u dozama koje prelaze preporučene. Ako se ginseng uzima istovremeno s lijekovima koji inhibiraju zgrušavanje krvi (tzv. antikoagulansi, posebno kumarini), njihov učinak može biti oslabljen. Napomena za dijabetičare: ginseng može smanjiti razinu šećera u krvi. Tokom liječenja određenim antibioticima (npr. aktivnim sastojkom doksiciklinom), ne treba uzimati preparate koji sadrže željezo kao što su Pharmaton Vital tablete. Pharmaton Vital tablete sadrže vitamin B6. Ova supstanca može smanjiti učinak L-Dope u liječenju Parkinsonove bolesti. Kod pacijenata koji se liječe L-Dopom, upotreba Pharmaton Vital tableta je stoga indicirana samo ako postoji stroga indikacija i pod medicinskim nadzorom. Pharmaton Vital tablete sadrže 4,8 mg β-karotena po tableti. U kliničkim studijama sa teškim pušačima (20 ili više cigareta dnevno), pokazali su povećan rizik od raka pluća ako su uzimali 20 mg β-karotena tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda. Pharmaton Vital sadrži 150 µg biotina po tableti. Ako ste zakazani za laboratorijske pretrage, morate reći svom liječniku ili laboratorijskom osoblju da ste nedavno uzeli Pharmaton Vital, jer biotin može utjecati na rezultate ovih testova. Ovisno o metodi ispitivanja, biotin može uzrokovati lažno povišene ili lažno smanjene rezultate. Vaš lekar može od Vas zatražiti da prestanete da uzimate Pharmaton Vital pre sprovođenja laboratorijskih testova. Imajte na umu da i drugi proizvodi kao što su multivitaminski preparati ili dijetetski suplementi za kosu, kožu ili nokte također sadrže biotin i stoga mogu krivotvoriti rezultate laboratorijskih testova. Obavijestite svog liječnika ili laboratorijsko osoblje ako uzimate takve proizvode. Uticaj na plodnost kod ljudi nije proučavan. Obavijestite svog liječnika, farmaceuta ili ljekarnika, Farmaceut ili ljekarnik ako: patite od neke druge bolesti,imate alergije iliuzimate druge lijekove (uključujući i one koje ste sami kupili!) ili ih koristite spolja.Da li se Pharmaton Vital tablete mogu uzimati tokom trudnoće ili dojenja?Na osnovu prethodnog iskustva, ne postoji poznati rizik za dijete kada se koristi prema uputama. Međutim, nikada nisu sprovedena sistematska naučna istraživanja. Kao mera predostrožnosti, izbegavajte uzimanje lekova tokom trudnoće i dojenja ili se obratite svom lekaru, farmaceutu ili apotekaru za savet. Kako koristite Pharmaton Vital tablete?Odrasli: Općenito, 1 filmom obložena tableta dnevno, najbolje za doručak, sa malo tekućine. Općenito, filmom obložene tablete je lako progutati zbog filmske obloge. Pharmaton Vital tablete nisu namijenjene djeci i adolescentima. Držite se doze navedene u uputstvu o lijeku ili kako vam je propisao ljekar. Ako mislite da je lijek preslab ili prejak, razgovarajte sa svojim ljekarom, farmaceutom ili ljekarnikom. Koje nuspojave mogu imati Pharmaton Vital tablete?Sljedeće nuspojave su se javile prilikom uzimanja ili upotrebe Pharmaton Vital tableta: Psihijatrijski poremećaji:Nepoznato: Nesanica Poremećaji nervnog sistema:manje često: glavobolja i vrtoglavica Gstrointestinalni poremećaji:Manje često: Mučnina, bol u stomaku, povraćanje i dijareja Poremećaji kože i potkožnog tkiva:Manje često: Alergijske kožne reakcije (crvenilo kože, svrab) Produženi unos prevelikih količina (ekvivalentno 10 tableta Pharmaton Vital dnevno za vitamin D) može uzrokovati simptome kroničnog trovanja kao što su povraćanje, glavobolja, pospanost i dijareja. Ako primijetite nuspojave koje ovdje nisu opisane, obavijestite svog liječnika, farmaceuta ili ljekarnika. Šta još treba uzeti u obzir?Pharmaton Vital tablete sadrže 27 mg laktoze, 1 mg saharoze i 2 mg glukoze. Pharmaton Vital tablete čuvajte na sobnoj temperaturi (15-25°C) u originalnom pakovanju i staklenoj boci ili kartonu. Staklena boca sa tabletama mora biti zaštićena od svjetlosti i vlage. Čuvati van domašaja djece. Ljek se smije koristiti samo do datuma označenog «EXP» na ambalaži. Vaš ljekar, farmaceut ili ljekarnik vam može dati dodatne informacije. Ovi ljudi imaju detaljne informacije za specijaliste. Šta Pharmaton Vital tablete sadrže?1 filmom obložena tableta sadrži: Aktivni sastojci: β-karoten 4,8 mg Holekalciferol (Vitamin D3) 200 IU dl-α-tokoferil acetat 14,9 mg – ekvivalentno (vitaminu E) 10,0 mg Tijamin nitrat (vitamin B1) 1,4 mg Riboflavin (vitamin B2) 1,6 mg Piridoksin hidroklorid (vitamin B6) 2,0 mgCijanokobalamin (vitamin B12) 1,0 mcg Folna kiselina 0,2mgBiotin 150,0 mcg Askorbinska kiselina (vitamin C) 60,0 mg Nikotinamid (vitamin PP) 18,0 mg Kalcij 100,0 mg Gvožđe 10,0 mg Bakar 2,0 mgMangan 2,5 mgMagnezijum 40,0 mg Cink 1,0 mgSelen 50,0 mcg Standardizirani ekstrakt ginsenga G 115(iz korijena Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) 40,0 mg Pomoćni sastojci: Boje: titan dioksid (E 171) i željezni oksidi (E 172); excip. po filmom obloženoj tableti. Broj odobrenja54967 (Swissmedic). Gdje možete nabaviti Pharmaton Vital tablete? Koja pakovanja su dostupna?U apotekama i drogerijama bez lekarskog recepta. Blisteri od 30, 60 i 90 tableta (trenutno nisu komercijalno dostupni). Staklena boca od 90 tableta. Nosilac odobrenjaOpella Healthcare Switzerland AG, Risch. Ovaj letak je posljednji put provjerila agencija za lijekove (Swissmedic) u januaru 2020. ..
141.70 USD
Sinergy dextrose strawberry 10 x 40 g
Sinergy Dextrose Strawberry 10 x 40 g Sinergy Dextrose Strawberry je ukusan i hranljiv pojačivač energije koji je savršen za ljude koji su uvijek u pokretu. Svako pakovanje dolazi sa 10 pojedinačnih porcija od po 40 grama, upakovanih sa slatkim i voćnim ukusom jagode. Dekstroza je jednostavan šećer koji pruža brzi nalet energije, što ga čini odličnim izborom za sportiste i aktivne pojedince koji trebaju napuniti svoje tijelo gorivom tokom intenzivnih treninga ili takmičenja. Ovaj proizvod Sinergy Dextrose Strawberry napravljen je od visokokvalitetnih sastojaka bez umjetnih zaslađivača, boja ili konzervansa, osiguravajući prirodnu i zdravu užinu pogodnu za ljude svih uzrasta. Svaka porcija također sadrži esencijalne vitamine i minerale, uključujući vitamin C, vitamin B6 i kalij, koji mogu pomoći u održavanju cjelokupnog zdravlja i dobrobiti. Praktično pakovanje olakšava nošenje gde god da krenete. Jednostavno otvorite pakovanje i sipajte prah u svoju bocu vode ili sportski napitak za trenutni porast energije. Bilo da idete u teretanu, bavite se sportom ili vam je samo potrebno da se brzo oporavite tokom napornog dana, Sinergy Dextrose Strawberry je odličan izbor. Pa zašto čekati? Dodajte ovaj ukusni i zdrav pojačivač energije u svoju kolekciju grickalica danas i podignite svoj nivo energije i performanse na nove visine. ..
46.86 USD
Sinergy glukoza classic 10 x 40 g
Sinergy Glucose Classic 10 x 40 g The Sinergy Glucose Classic is a pack of 10 x 40g of glucose powder. It is formulated to provide a quick source of energy for those who require it, especially for athletes, active individuals, and people with diabetes. It is also an excellent energy booster for people who need to stay alert during long hours of work or study. With its fast-acting formula, the Sinergy Glucose Classic helps maintain optimal blood sugar levels, thereby supporting healthy brain and muscle function, and boosting overall performance. Its high glycemic index (GI) ensures that it is rapidly absorbed by the body, providing an instant energy boost. The Sinergy Glucose Classic is made from high-quality glucose and is free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. It comes in a convenient pack of 10 x 40g, making it easy to carry and use on-the-go. It can be enjoyed directly or mixed with water, juice, or other beverages. The Sinergy Glucose Classic is an affordable and effective energy-boosting solution that is perfect for people who lead an active lifestyle or have a busy schedule. It is recommended for athletes, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, students, and people with diabetes, among others. Order your pack of Sinergy Glucose Classic 10 x 40g today and enjoy its fast-acting formula that helps you maintain optimal blood sugar levels and boost your energy levels anytime, anywhere!..
46.86 USD
Sinergy traubenzucker orange vitamin c
SINERGY Traubenzucker Orange Vitamin C Looking for an energy booster that also supports your immune system? Try SINERGY Traubenzucker Orange Vitamin C! Natural orange flavor: Our Traubenzucker tablets are infused with a delicious and refreshing orange taste that will satisfy your sweet tooth. Vitamin C: Each tablet provides your body with 80 mg of Vitamin C, an essential nutrient that helps keep your immune system strong and prevent oxidative stress. Traubenzucker (dextrose): Also known as glucose, Traubenzucker is a natural sugar that your body can quickly break down and use as a source of energy. It is particularly helpful during physical activities, to prevent fatigue and improve endurance. Convenient size: Our tablets come in a small and resealable container that you can easily carry with you, making it a practical snack for those who are always on the go. At SINERGY, we believe that a healthy lifestyle should not sacrifice taste or convenience. That's why we created this nutritious and delicious product, to help you get that extra boost of energy and protection your body needs. Try SINERGY Traubenzucker Orange Vitamin C today and feel the difference! ..
46.88 USD
Soleil vie maca prah bio 140 g
Soleil Vie Maca Powder Bio 140 g: Introducing the Soleil Vie Maca Powder Bio 140 g ? the perfect natural energy booster for anyone seeking to add a healthy and organic boost to their diet. Maca powder, derived from the maca plant, is known for its energizing and stamina-enhancing properties. Made from 100% organic, non-GMO maca root, this powder offers a wide range of benefits that can positively affect your body and mind. This nutrient-rich food supplement is ideal for athletes and fitness enthusiasts looking to build muscle mass or reduce muscle recovery time. It is also an excellent choice for anyone seeking relief from stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, or low energy levels. Key Features: 100% organic, non-GMO maca root Easy to mix and digest Free from additives, preservatives, and artificial colors or flavors Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants Boosts energy, enhances stamina, and promotes mental clarity Improves hormonal balance and supports reproductive health May help reduce symptoms of menopause and PMS Supports bone density and heart health The Soleil Vie Maca Powder Bio 140 g comes in a resealable package that keeps its freshness intact. It has a pleasant and mild taste, making it an excellent addition to smoothies, yogurts, cereals, or baked goods. It is also ideal for vegans and vegetarians looking for a plant-based dietary supplement rich in nutrients and energy. Order now and experience the benefits of this organic, nutrient-rich maca powder that can help you achieve a healthy and balanced lifestyle!..
33.42 USD
(1 stranica)