
Procjene međunarodne isporuke

Dobro došli na našu stranicu s procjenama međunarodne dostave, gdje pružamo procijenjeno trajanje dostave za pakete poslane putem švicarske pošte na odredišta širom svijeta.

Obratite pažnju na sljedeće:

Navedeni vremenski okviri su procjene koje generira Switzerland Post na osnovu njihovih istorijskih performansi isporuke i nude se kao približne vrijednosti.

Ove procjene se posebno odnose na pošiljke koje obrađuje Švicarska pošta.

Nudimo procjene isporuke na nivou zemlje kako bismo pružili opću ideju o vremenu isporuke.

Važno je razumjeti da su ovo prosječne procjene, a stvarna vremena isporuke mogu varirati. Različiti faktori, uključujući carinsku obradu, kašnjenja lokalne pošte i neočekivane izazove, mogu utjecati na stvarni datum isporuke. Stoga, ne možemo garantirati da će paketi stalno stizati u predviđenom roku.

Kada se pozivate na ove informacije, navedite njihovu približnu prirodu i smatrajte ih referencom kada planirate svoje narudžbe.

Destination Transit time
Afghanistan 8-12
Albania 3-7
Algeria 6-10
Andorra 3-5
Angola 8-12
Anguilla 6-12
Antigua and Barbuda 10-15
Argentina 10-16
Armenia 5-10
Aruba 10-15
Australia 6-10
Austria 2-4
Azerbaijan 5-10
Bahamas 10-15
Bahrain 5-10
Bangladesh 5-10
Barbados 5-10
Belarus 5-10
Belgium 2-4
Belize 8-12
Benin 8-12
Bermuda 10-15
Bhutan 8-12
Bolivia 12-16
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2-4
Botswana 8-12
Brazil 10-20
Brunei 5-9
Bulgaria 4-5
Burkina Faso 8-12
Burundi 8-12
Cambodia 8-12
Cameroon 8-12
Canada 5-7
Cape Verde 10-15
Cayman Islands 5-8
Central African Republic 8-12
Chad 8-12
Chile 10-18
China (People’s Republic of) 6-14
Christmas Island 12-18
Cocos (keeling) Islands 10-18
Colombia 10-18
Comoros 8-14
Congo, Democratic Republic 8-12
Congo, Republic 8-14
Cook Islands 12-18
Costa Rica 8-12
Côte d’Ivoire 8-12
Croatia 3-7
Cuba 8-12
Curaçao 10-14
Cyprus 3-6
Czech Republic 3-5
Denmark 3-8
Djibouti 8-12
Dominica 8-14
Dominican Republic 5-10
Ecuador 8-12
Egypt 5-10
El Salvador 8-12
Equatorial Guinea 10-15
Eritrea 5-10
Estonia 3-6
Eswatini 8-12
Etiopia 8-12
Falkland Island 14-18
Faroe Islands 3-8
Fiji 10-18
Finland 2-5
France 2-4
French Guiana 10-15
French Polynesia 10-16
Gabon 8-12
Gambia 8-12
Georgia, Republic 5-10
Germany 2-4
Ghana 8-12
Gibraltar 2-4
Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2-4
Greece 3-6
Greenland 3-8
Grenada 8-12
Guadaloupe 12-18
Guam 6-10
Guatemala 8-12
Guernsey 2-4
Guinea, Republic 10-15
Guinea-Bissau 8-14
Guyana 10-16
Haiti 5-9
Honduras 8-12
Hong Kong 5-10
Hungary 3-5
Iceland 3-6
India 5-10
Indonesia 10-18
Iran 10-18
Iraq 10-18
Ireland 2-4
Isle of Man 2-5
Israel 5-10
Italy 2-5
Jamaica 5-9
Japan 3-6
Jersey 2-4
Jordan 5-10
Kazakstan 5-10
Kenya 8-12
Kiribati 10-18
Korea, Dem. People’s Republic of 10-15
Korea, Republic of 5-12
Kosovo 3-6
Kuwait 5-10
Kyzgyzstan 5-10
Laos 8-12
Latvia 3-6
Lebanon 5-10
Lesotho 8-12
Liberia 8-12
Lithuania 3-6
Luxembourg 2-4
Macao 10-15
Macedonia 4-8
Madagascar 8-12
Malawi 8-12
Malaysia 8-12
Maldives 10-15
Mali 8-12
Malta 3-5
Mariana Islands 6-10
Marshall Islands 10-18
Martinique 10-15
Mauritania 8-12
Mauritius 10-15
Mayotte 8-14
Mexico 10-15
Micronesia (Federated States of) -
Moldava 3-7
Monaco 2-4
Mongolia 8-11
Montenegro, Republic 3-6
Montserrat 5-12
Morocco 6-11
Mozambique 8-12
Myanmar (Union) 5-10
Namibia 8-12
Nauru 10-14
Nepal 8-14
Netherlands 2-4
New Caledonia 10-18
New Zealand 4-8
Nicaragua 8-12
Niger 8-12
Nigeria 8-12
Norfolk Island 10-14
Oman 5-10
Pakistan 8-12
Palau 12-18
Palestine 3-7
Panama 10-16
Papua New Guinea 8-14
Paraguay 10-16
Peru 10-16
Philippines 8-14
Pitcairn 12-18
Poland 2-5
Portugal 2-4
Puerto Rico 6-12
Qatar 5-10
Réunion 8-14
Romania 3-6
Russian Federation 8-18
Rwanda 8-12
Saint Christopher and Nevis 8-14
Saint Helena 14-18
Saint Lucia 8-14
Saint Maarten 8-14
Saint Martin 8-14
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon 6-12
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8-14
Samoa, American 8-14
Samoa, West 8-14
San Marino 3-5
São Tome and Principe 5-10
Saudi Arabia 5-10
Senegal 8-12
Serbia Republic 3-5
Seychelles 10-15
Sierra Leone 8-12
Singapore 8-14
Slovakia, Republic of 3-5
Slovenia 3-5
Solomon Islands 10-18
Somalia 7-12
South Africa 8-11
South Georgia and the south Sandw. Isl. 12-18
South Sudan 12-18
Spain 2-4
Sri Lanka 8-12
Sudan 8-12
Suriname 8-12
Sweden 2-5
Syria 5-8
Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) 6-12
Tajikistan 8-11
Tanzania 8-12
Thailand 5-9
Timor-Leste 8-14
Togo 8-12
Tokelau Islands 10-14
Tonga 12-18
Trinidad and Tobago 10-15
Tunisia 6-11
Turchey 3-7
Turkmenistan 5-10
Turks and Caicos 8-14
Tuvalu 12-18
Uganda 8-12
Ukraine 5-8
United Arab Emirates 8-12
United States Minor Outlying Islands 6-10
United States of America 3-7
Uruguay 10-16
Uzbekistan 5-10
Vanuatu 8-12
Vatican 2-4
Venezuela 10-16
Viet Nam 8-12
Virgin Islands, british (Tortola) 8-12
Virgin Islands (USA) 6-10
Wallis and Futuna Islands 12-18
Yemen 4-6
Zambie 8-12
Zimbabwe 8-12
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