
Протеин на растителна основа

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Beeovita предлага широка гама от продукти за здраве и красота, всички изработени с грижа и прецизност в Швейцария. Сред нашата разнообразна продуктова гама, нашите растителни протеинови добавки се открояват със своята мощна хранителна стойност и ползи за здравето. Обогатете диетата си с нашите зърнени закуски, пълни с растителни протеини и напълно без глутен. Разгледайте и нашите подходящи за вегани протеинови напитки, пълни с хранителни вещества и идеални за активен начин на живот. За тези, които предпочитат капсулите, нашите вегански капсули със спирулина предлагат лесен и удобен начин да поддържате своя прием на протеин под контрол. Не само това, тези продукти на растителна основа са част от нашето здраве+ хранене, диети и продукти за отслабване, курсове/хранителни добавки, хранителни продукти, зърнени храни и бобови растения и категории натурални лекарства, като се вписват без усилие в разнообразни хранителни нужди и нужди за начин на живот. Всеки от нашите протеинови продукти на растителна основа помага за укрепване на имунната ви система, като същевременно предлага всички основни хранителни вещества, необходими на тялото. Прегърнете по-здравословния начин на живот с растителни протеинови продукти само в Beeovita.
Moltein complete vegan nature 6 fl 58 g

Moltein complete vegan nature 6 fl 58 g

Продуктов код: 7839291

Moltein Complete Vegan Nature 6 Fl 58 g Moltein Complete Vegan Nature 6 Fl 58 g is the ultimate protein supplement for individuals who follow a plant-based diet. This product is specially formulated for vegans who require an excellent source of essential amino acids and proteins to enhance their overall health and well-being. Moltein Complete Vegan Nature 6 Fl 58 g is made from 100% natural and organic plant-based proteins, including pea, brown rice, and quinoa. Key Features: 100% natural and organic Provides essential amino acids and proteins Vegan-friendly Easy to digest Gluten-free Nutritional Information: Nutrient Per 100 g Per Serving (58 g) Energy 1552 kJ 901 kJ Protein 73 g 42 g Fat 2 g 1.2 g Carbohydrates 11 g 6.4 g Fibre 5 g 3 g Ingredients: Pea protein isolate Brown rice protein concentrate Quinoa protein concentrate Flavours (Natural vanilla, cinnamon) Sweetener (Stevia) Moltein Complete Vegan Nature 6 Fl 58 g is suitable for anyone who wants to supplement their diet with a high-quality plant-based protein source. It can be used as a post-workout supplement, a meal replacement, or as a convenient way to increase your protein intake throughout the day. Try it today and take the first step towards a healthier you! ..

88.48 USD

Morga spirulina vegicaps 100 бр

Morga spirulina vegicaps 100 бр

Продуктов код: 5785313

Morga Spirulina Vegicaps 100 pcs Experience the power of nature with Morga Spirulina Vegicaps. Each bottle contains 100 pcs of vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free spirulina capsules. Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that grows in both fresh and saltwater. It is full of essential vitamins and minerals including iron, B vitamins, and antioxidants. Morga Spirulina Vegicaps are an excellent source of plant-based protein. In fact, spirulina contains more protein per gram than beef, chicken, or soy. Spirulina is also a natural detoxifier, thanks to its high chlorophyll content. It can help flush out toxins from your body, boost your immune system, and improve your overall health. Each capsule contains 500mg of spirulina powder, making it easy to add to your daily routine. Simply take 2-4 capsules per day with water, or add the powder to your favorite smoothie or juice. Morga Spirulina Vegicaps are made with organic spirulina and are free from preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors. Order now and experience the benefits of Morga Spirulina Vegicaps for yourself. ..

26.02 USD

Purya! vegan protein drink raw energy raw organic 550 g

Purya! vegan protein drink raw energy raw organic 550 g

Продуктов код: 6685619

Пурия! Веган протеинова напитка Raw Energy Raw Organic 550 g Търсите протеинова напитка, която е едновременно сурова и веган? Не търсете повече от Purya! Веган протеинова напитка Raw Energy Raw Organic 550 g. Направена от висококачествени съставки, които са сурови, органични и подходящи за вегани, тази протеинова напитка е перфектна за всеки, който иска да зареди тялото си с чист, растителен протеин. Сурово и органично Едно от основните предимства на тази протеинова напитка е, че е направена от сурови, органични съставки. Това означава, че протеинът не се обработва при високи температури, което може да увреди жизненоважните хранителни вещества и ензими в съставките. Вместо това, протеинът се извлича чрез нежен процес с ниска топлина, който запазва хранителната цялост на съставките. В допълнение, всички съставки са сертифицирани като органични, което означава, че са отгледани без използването на синтетични пестициди, хербициди и торове. Това гарантира, че получавате възможно най-чистия и здравословен протеин. Подходящо за вегани Ако спазвате веганска диета, може да бъде предизвикателство да намерите висококачествени източници на протеини, които също са в съответствие с вашите етични принципи. Пурия! Веган протеинова напитка Raw Energy Raw Organic 550 g е идеалното решение, тъй като е направена от съставки на растителна основа, които не съдържат животински продукти и странични продукти. Независимо дали сте отдаден веган или просто се опитвате да ядете повече храни на растителна основа, тази протеинова напитка е чудесен начин да увеличите приема на протеини, без да правите компромис с ценностите си. Страхотен вкус и гъвкавост Разбира се, всички хранителни ползи в света няма да имат значение, ако продуктът няма добър вкус. За щастие, Пурия! Веган протеинова напитка Raw Energy Raw Organic 550 g е едновременно вкусна и универсална. Напитката се предлага с естествен аромат на ванилия, който не е прекалено сладък, което го прави лесен за включване в голямо разнообразие от рецепти. Независимо дали искате да го добавите към смути, да го смесите с овесените си ядки или да го използвате за печене на здравословни лакомства, тази протеинова напитка е чудесен избор. Заключение Като цяло, Purya! Веган протеинова напитка Raw Energy Raw Organic 550 g е отличен избор за всеки, който търси висококачествена протеинова добавка на растителна основа. Със своите сурови, органични съставки, подходяща за вегани формула и страхотен вкус, това е продукт, който ще ви помогне да постигнете хранителните си цели, като същевременно отговаря на вашите ценности...

57.39 USD

биоферма био елда пъпка батальон 500гр

биоферма био елда пъпка батальон 500гр

Продуктов код: 1720162

Biofarm Organic Buckwheat Bud Battalion 500 g Introducing our premium quality Biofarm Organic Buckwheat Bud Battalion 500 g - the perfect addition to your healthy diet! Sourced from the finest organic farms, our buckwheat buds are carefully harvested and processed to retain their natural nutrients. Benefits of Organic Buckwheat Bud Battalion Rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals including magnesium, manganese and fiber Low in fat and calories, making it great for weight management and heart health Gluten-free and suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance Great source of plant-based protein for vegans and vegetarians How to Use Biofarm Organic Buckwheat Bud Battalion Our organic buckwheat buds are easy to use and versatile. Here are some suggested ways to include them in your diet: As a healthy breakfast cereal: Simply soak the buckwheat buds overnight, rinse and drain in the morning, and enjoy with your favorite milk or yogurt and fruits As a nutritious ingredient in savory dishes: Cook the buckwheat buds like rice or quinoa and use them in salads, soups or stir-fry recipes As a tasty snack on-the-go: Roast the buckwheat buds with some honey or spices and enjoy them as a crunchy snack Why Choose Biofarm At Biofarm, we are committed to providing our customers with the best quality organic products that are sustainable, ethical and affordable. Our buckwheat buds are certified organic by the European Union, and we use eco-friendly packaging to reduce our carbon footprint. Our mission is to support a healthy lifestyle and a healthy planet - one organic product at a time...

12.60 USD

морга прашец чаша 225гр

морга прашец чаша 225гр

Продуктов код: 1551972

Morga Pollen Glass 225g The Morga Pollen Glass 225g is a high-quality, all-natural pollen harvested from the blossoms of a wide variety of plants. This pollen is sustainably sourced from the pristine meadows and fields of Switzerland, providing you with the purest and most nutrient-dense pollen available on the market. Morga Pollen Glass 225g has a mild, slightly sweet taste and a crunchy texture that makes it an excellent addition to your smoothies, yogurt, cereal, or salads. It is also a perfect ingredient for baking, adding a delicious tang to your favorite recipes. This product is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help support a healthy immune system, promote digestive health, and enhance athletic performance. The pollen is also an excellent source of plant-based protein, containing all nine essential amino acids you need for optimal health. The glass jar packaging helps to preserve the taste and nutrients of the pollen, ensuring that you get the freshest product every time you open the jar. Order your Morga Pollen Glass 225g today and start enjoying the many health benefits and delicious taste of this amazing product!..

29.77 USD

провамел био ванилия соево мляко 1л

провамел био ванилия соево мляко 1л

Продуктов код: 1924025

Provamel BIO Vanilla Soymilk 1L Provamel BIO Vanilla Soymilk 1L is a delicious and nutritious dairy-free alternative to cow's milk. Made from organic non-GMO soybeans, this rich and creamy plant-based milk is perfect for vegans and those with dairy allergies or intolerances. Ingredients Water Whole soybeans* Raw cane sugar* Corn maltodextrin* Vanilla extract* Sea salt *Organic ingredients Nutritional Information (per 100ml) Energy - 289kj/69kcal Fat - 2.0g - of which saturates - 0.3g Carbohydrates - 7.9g - of which sugars - 7.7g Fibre - 0.6g Protein - 3.6g Salt - 0.11g Benefits Provamel BIO Vanilla Soymilk 1L is a rich source of plant-based protein, vitamins, and minerals. It is also low in saturated fat and free from lactose and cholesterol. Soy milk has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and improving bone health. It is also a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to dairy milk. Uses Provamel BIO Vanilla Soymilk 1L can be used in a variety of ways, including: As a delicious any-time drink on its own As a vegan milk substitute in tea, coffee or hot chocolate As a non-dairy ingredient in smoothies, shakes or baking recipes Storage Store in a cool dry place. Once opened, keep refrigerated and consume within 5 days. Can also be frozen. Provamel BIO Vanilla Soymilk 1L is a healthy and delicious alternative to cow's milk that is suitable for everyone seeking a plant-based, organic and sustainable choice...

8.31 USD

пурал бирена мая на люспи с малц 200гр

пурал бирена мая на люспи с малц 200гр

Продуктов код: 1770527

Pural Brewer's Yeast Flakes with Malt 200g Pural Brewer's Yeast Flakes with Malt is a 100% natural, vegan-friendly and gluten-free nutritional supplement. This product is made from deactivated yeast and malt extract, which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and complete protein. This means that it contains all of the essential amino acids, making it a great source of plant-based protein for vegetarians and vegans who may struggle to meet their protein needs through diet alone. Key Nutritional Benefits: Rich in B Vitamins: Brewer's yeast is the richest known source of natural vitamin B, which is essential for healthy nervous system function, energy metabolism, and cell growth High in Minerals: Brewer's yeast flakes contain essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium, selenium, and zinc, which play a vital role in maintaining good health Complete Protein: Brewer's yeast flakes with malt extract contain all of the essential amino acids, making it an excellent source of plant-based protein Low in Fat: Brewer's yeast flakes with malt extract are a low-fat alternative to traditional sources of protein such as meat, cheese, and eggs How to use Pural Brewer's Yeast Flakes with Malt: Pural Brewer's Yeast Flakes with Malt can be used in a variety of ways to boost your nutritional intake. Here are some ideas to get you started: As a seasoning: add it to soups, stews, casseroles, and sauces for a nutty, savory flavor As a topping: sprinkle it on salads, popcorn, or baked potatoes for added nutrition In smoothies: blend it into your favorite smoothie recipe for a protein boost In baking: substitute some of the flour in your baking recipe with brewer's yeast flakes for added nutrition With Pural Brewer's Yeast Flakes with Malt, you can easily add valuable nutrients to your diet, enhance your food's flavor, and enjoy the many health benefits that this high-quality supplement has to offer. ..

17.20 USD

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