
Хранене на новородено

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Навигирането в областта на храненето на новороденото може да бъде предизвикателство за всеки нов родител. В ви помагаме да улесните процеса с богат избор от продукти за здраве и красота, произведени в Швейцария. Нашите категории включват Домакинство и семейство, Бебета и деца, Диета за бебета и деца, Мляко и бебешка храна и др. Гордеем се с нашата селекция от продукти като формула за кърмачета и мляко, които подпомагат растежа и развитието. Един популярен избор сред родителите, Guigoz Ultima 1, е специално разработена млечна формула за кърмачета, която е от решаващо значение за развитието на мозъка и нервната система. Всички наши продукти насърчават здравето на храносмилането и са направени от органични съставки, осигурявайки само най-доброто за вашите ценни. Разгледайте нашите разнообразни препарати и се потопете в света на детските комплекти пух, мляко и пепит, за да намерите перфектните продукти за здравето и храненето на вашето бебе.
Beba bio pre ab geburt can 800гр

Beba bio pre ab geburt can 800гр

Продуктов код: 7836640

Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g The Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g is the perfect choice for any health-conscious parent who wants to give their newborn the best possible start in life. This formula is made from high-quality organic ingredients that are carefully designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants from birth to six months of age. One of the unique features of this formula is that it is entirely free of artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Instead, the makers have used natural ingredients that provide essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, and zinc to support your baby's healthy growth and development. The Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g also contains a precise blend of prebiotics and probiotics that promote digestive health and support your baby's immune system. The lactose in this formula is also suitable for babies who are lactose intolerant and have difficulty digesting regular cow's milk-based formulas. The formula is effortless to mix and prepare, making it a great option for busy parents. It is also gentle on your baby's delicate tummy, reducing the risk of colic, gassiness, and other digestive issues. If you're looking for a high-quality formula that will give your newborn the very best start in life, the Beba Bio PRE ab Geburt Ds 800 g is the perfect choice. It is organic, nutritious, and free of synthetic additives, making it one of the healthiest options on the market today...

61.88 USD

Bimbosan bisoja 1 infant formula refill 400 g

Bimbosan bisoja 1 infant formula refill 400 g

Продуктов код: 7789226

BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref is a high-quality infant formula designed to provide complete nutrition for newborns up to six months old. This formula is made with carefully selected, organic ingredients to ensure your baby receives the best possible start in life. BIMBOSAN has been trusted by parents for over 80 years and is proud to offer a formula that is safe, natural, and easy to digest. The formula is enriched with vitamins and minerals to support healthy growth and development, and it is free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. The BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref formula contains essential fatty acids and nucleotides, which are vital for healthy brain and eye development. Additionally, the formula is fortified with probiotics to support a healthy digestive system and reduce the risk of colic and constipation. Preparing BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref is quick and easy. Simply mix the formula with boiled water, shake well, and feed to your baby. The formula is also available in convenient single-serving packets, making it easy to take on the go or while traveling. Choose BIMBOSAN Bisoja 1 Säugligsanfangsnahrung ref for a safe and natural way to provide your newborn with the nutrients they need to grow and develop. ..

31.71 USD

Bimbosan super premium 1 зареждане на бебета

Bimbosan super premium 1 зареждане на бебета

Продуктов код: 1030904

Bimbosan Super Premium 1 зареждане 400 g Формула за детско мляко Състав обезмаслено мляко; LACTOSE, vegetable oils (sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, coconut oil), WHEY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE, ANHYDROUS MILK FAT, GALACTO-OLIGOSACCHARIDES (GOS from LACTOSE), minerals (calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, magnesium citrate, calcium phosphate, potassium hydroxide, sodium citrate, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodate, manganese sulfate, sodium selenate), REFINED FISH OIL, Mortierella alpina oil, 2?-FUCOSYLLACTOSE, vitamins (vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, pantothenic acid, витамин В6, тиамин, витамин А, рибофлавин, фолиева киселина, витамин К, витамин D, биотин, витамин В12), холин битартрат, L-тирозин, емулгатор (лецитин), таурин, нуклеотиди (CMP, UMP, AMP, IMP, GMP ), L-tryptophan, антиоксиданти (Ascorbyl палмитат, екстракти с високо съдържание на токоферол), L-цистеин, L-карнитин L-таррат, инозитол. Свойства Супермодерните, дори и най-модерните бимбозански мляко съдържат първокласно швейцарски краве мляко. Нашите супер премиум млека впечатляват с млечния си, отличен вкус и техните допълнителни съставки. Те отговарят на най -новите препоръки и спецификации и предоставят на бебета и малки деца с хранителните вещества, от които се нуждаят на всеки етап. Super Premium 1 съдържа само един въглехидрати, лактоза. Приложение Сварете определеното количество вода (вижте дозата) и оставете да се охлади до ок. 45 ° C. Добавете броя на измерващите лъжици ниво (вижте дозата). Разклатете добре бутилката и оставете да се охлади до температурата на пиене (37 ° C) (проверка на китката). Неподходящото съхранение и подготовка може да бъде вредно за здравето. Пригответе всяка бутилка прясна, не използвайте повторно остатъчна храна. Дозировка за 1 бутилка: възраст/тегло*: 7 кг | Вода: 40 ml | 80 ml | 120 ml | 160 ml | 200 ml | Измерване на лъжица **: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Сума за пиене Прибл.: 45 ml | 90 ml | 135 ml | 180 ml | 225 ml | Бутилки на ден*: 7 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 4 | * Ръководство стойности/** 1 Бяла измервателна лъжица = Прибл. 6.1 g Тази екологично чиста чанта за пълнене не съдържа измервателна лъжица. Това е във всяка кутия. Хранителни стойности Хранителна стойност Количество per % Точност на измерване енергия 269 kJ 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) енергия 64 kcal 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) натрий 19.2 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) въглехидрати; от която захар 7.3 g 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) Арахидонова киселина 15 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) желязо 0.70 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) магнезий 5.12 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) 2'-фукозилактоза (2'-fl) 25 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) Пиридоксин (витамин В6) 58 µg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) Пантотенова киселина (витамин В5) 0,38 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) фосфор 28.2 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) Линолова киселина 422 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) Карнитин 1.3 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) Биотин 1.9 µg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) инозитол 7.7 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) Алфа-линоленова киселина 57 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) Витамин Е 1.7 mg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) мазнини; от които полиненаситени мастни киселини (CI) 0.6 g 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) Витамин D 1,5 µg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) Диетични фибри 0.4 g 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) тиамин (витамин В1) 58 µg 100 ml приблизителна стойност (~) йод 14.1 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Галактоолигозахарид (GOS) 0.5 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) folsäure 16.6 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) ZINK 0,51 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) nukleotid 3.1 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) selen 3.2 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Рибофлавин (витамин В2) 102 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) kupfer 52 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) холин; gesamt 23 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Витамин В12 0.19 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) DoCosahexaensäure (DHA) 15 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Витамин К 4.5 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) eiweiss 1.2 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fett; Davon Gesättigte Fettsäuren 1.4 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fluorid 1.9 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fett 3.3 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Ниацин 0,51 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) laktose 6.9 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) mangan 7.7 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Калций 44.8 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) taurin 3.8 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Витамин С 13 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) fett; Davon Einfach Ungesättigte Fettsäuren (CIS) 1.2 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) хлорид 47.4 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) kohlenhydrate 7.3 g 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Витамин А 57.6 µg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) kalium 66.6 mg 100 ml ungefährer wert (~) Алерген enthält fisch und fischerzeugnisse milch und milcherzeugnisse Milchzucker (Laktose) hinweise kühl und trocken lagern. Unter Schutzatmosphäre Verpackt. Empfehlung: Beutel в Der Bimbosan-Dose Aufbewahren, Damit Das Pulver Nach Dem öffnen Bis Zu 4 Wochen Lang Оптимален Geschützt Bleibt. wichtiger hinweis: stillen ist ide für ihr kind. Lassen sie sich vom fachpersonal des gesundheitswesens beraten, wenn sie dieses produkt verwenden wollen. ..

28.50 USD

Guigoz ultima 1 ab geburt can 800 g

Guigoz ultima 1 ab geburt can 800 g

Продуктов код: 7759331

Guigoz Ultima 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g Guigoz Ultima 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g is a premium quality infant milk formula specially designed to cater to the nutritional needs of newborns. It is made from the highest quality ingredients, sourced from trusted suppliers, and is designed to support the growth and development of infants from birth onwards. The formula is fortified with Vitamins A, C, and D to support normal growth and development. Additionally, it contains essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and 6 that are crucial for the development of the infant's brain and nervous system. Guigoz Ultima 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g is also enriched with iron, calcium, and other essential minerals that contribute to the development of strong bones and teeth. Guigoz Ultima 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g infant milk formula is easy to prepare and is ideal for times when breastfeeding is not possible or insufficient. With this formula, you can be confident that your baby is getting all the nutrients that they need for optimal growth and development. Overall, if you're in search of a high-quality infant milk formula that meets all the nutritional needs of your newborn, Guigoz Ultima 1 ab Geburt Ds 800 g is an excellent choice. Order yours today and give your baby the best start in life...

61.20 USD

Milupa aptamil pre 400 g

Milupa aptamil pre 400 g

Продуктов код: 7802424

Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g The Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g is an infant formula that provides complete nutrition for infants from birth to six months of age. This formula is specially designed to support the growth and development of babies during their first few months of life. The unique composition of the formula is based on the latest scientific research and has been developed specifically to meet the nutritional needs of newborns. Composition The Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula is made up of a carefully selected combination of ingredients to provide babies with all the nutrients they need to grow and develop. The formula contains a blend of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that are easy for babies to digest. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, and vitamin D, which are important for healthy bone development. Benefits There are several benefits to using the Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula for your baby. Firstly, the formula provides complete nutrition for babies, meaning that you can be confident that your baby is getting all the nutrients they need to grow and develop. The formula is also easy to digest, which can help to reduce the risk of digestive issues such as colic and constipation. Additionally, the formula is enriched with important nutrients that can help to support your baby's immune system and promote healthy brain development. Usage The Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula is easy to prepare and use. Simply follow the instructions on the packaging to prepare the formula, and feed it to your baby as needed. The formula is suitable for use from birth, and can be used for as long as you wish to supplement or replace breastfeeding. Conclusion If you are looking for a high-quality infant formula that provides complete nutrition for your baby, the Milupa Aptamil Pre 400g formula is an excellent choice. With its unique composition and carefully selected ingredients, this formula provides all the nutrients your baby needs to grow and develop during their first few months of life. Additionally, the formula is easy to prepare and use, making it a convenient and reliable choice for busy parents...

29.25 USD

аптамил прегомин ас can 400гр

аптамил прегомин ас can 400гр

Продуктов код: 7760584

Table of Contents Advertisement dosage Aptamil Pregomin AS Advertisement Dietetic food for the nutritional needs from birth in the event of severe food allergies or intolerances. dosage «FI». contraindication 759030 / 05.10.2020 ..

88.47 USD

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