
Диетични добавки гранули

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Гранулите за хранителни добавки предлагат удобен и ефективен начин за подобряване на хранителния ви прием, особено за тези, които искат да повишат нивата на протеини. Един изключителен вариант в тази категория е Biosana Whey Granules Nature 500 g. Тази висококачествена диетична добавка е формулирана с суроватъчен протеинов концентрат, получен от 100% естествени източници, като гарантира, че е без изкуствени подсладители, цветове и аромати. Той е идеален за любителите на фитнес, които искат да поддържат възстановяването и поддържането на мускулите, както и за всеки, който се нуждае от допълнителен протеин в диетата си. С основни аминокиселини, ниско съдържание на мазнини и въглехидрати, тези гранули са идеални за тези, които се стремят да постигнат или поддържат здравословно тегло. Препоръчителната употреба включва разтваряне на 1-2 супени лъжици във вода или мляко, което го прави лесно допълнение към ежедневието ви. Безопасен и произведен под строг контрол на качеството, Biosana Whey Granules Nature 500 g е надежден избор за повишаване на физическата ефективност и цялостното уелнес.
Biosana суроватъчни гранули nature 500 гр

Biosana суроватъчни гранули nature 500 гр

Продуктов код: 3982937

Biosana Whey Granules Nature 500 g Biosana Whey Granules Nature 500 g is a high-quality dietary supplement that is composed of whey protein concentrate and is ideal for people who engage in physical workouts, as well as those who require additional protein in their diets. The product is made from 100% natural whey which is free from artificial sweeteners, colors or flavorings. This means that it is a healthy and nutritional boost that helps in maintaining body wellness. Benefits Biosana Whey Granules Nature 500 g is an excellent source of protein, which helps to maintain lean muscle mass, supports the recovery process after exercise and boosts the immune system. The product is rich in essential amino acids that are required for the growth and repair of muscles, bones, and other tissues in the body. It contains low levels of fat and carbohydrates, making it a perfect choice for people who prefer to maintain a healthy weight. Recommended use The recommended daily intake of Biosana Whey Granules Nature 500 g is 1-2 tablespoons, dissolved in water or milk in the morning, before or after exercising. The product can also be used as a nutritional supplement for children, the elderly or people who do not consume enough protein due to dietary restrictions or medical conditions. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor or nutritionist before taking any dietary supplements. Quality assurance Biosana Whey Granules Nature 500 g is manufactured under strict quality control procedures to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality and safety. The company uses only top-quality ingredients sourced from trusted suppliers to produce its products. Conclusion Biosana Whey Granules Nature 500 g is an excellent dietary supplement for anyone looking to enhance their physical performance and overall wellness. It is made from 100% natural whey protein concentrate, making it a safe and healthy option with no side effects. With regular intake, Biosana Whey Granules Nature 500 g can help you achieve your fitness goals while improving your overall health and well-being...

22.55 USD

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