
Xroniki bakterial infeksiyalar

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(1 səhifə) biz sizin sağlamlığınıza üstünlük veririk və xroniki bakterial infeksiyalar kimi xüsusi ehtiyaclar üçün nəzərdə tutulmuş innovativ sağlamlıq məhsulları təqdim etməyi öz missiyamız hesab edirik. Biz Sağlamlıq Məhsulları, Təbii Müalicələr və Digər İxtisaslar kimi müxtəlif kateqoriyalar üzrə bir sıra məhsullar təklif edirik. Bizim məşhur müalicə vasitələrimizə bakterial infeksiyalarla effektiv mübarizə aparmaq üçün nəzərdə tutulmuş vaginal tabletlər daxildir. Sağlamlıq və gözəllik təhlükə altına düşməməlidir və Beeovita-da yüksək keyfiyyətli İsveçrə məhsulları ilə sağlamlığınızı proaktiv şəkildə idarə edə biləcəyinizi təmin edirik. Bu gün Beeovita-da İsveçrənin aparıcı sağlamlıq və gözəllik innovasiyalarının faydalarını hiss edin.
Vagi-c vag tbl 12 ədəd

Vagi-c vag tbl 12 ədəd

Məhsul kodu: 6477097

Vaginal tablets are used to treat chronic or recurring bacterial infections. Properties Vagi-C vaginal tablets are used to treat chronic or recurring bacterial infections of the vagina.Bacterial infections of the vagina are more common than you might think. Some women even get sick several times a year.The healthy vaginal flora is a natural protection against infection. Lactic acid bacteria colonize the mucous membrane and create an acidic vaginal environment. This pH value (about 4) is maintained and is an important, natural protection against infections caused by pathogenic germs. The growth of pathogenic germs can be inhibited in this way. Another way of preventing infections caused by lactobacilli is through their H2O2 production.However, if the natural lactobacilli flora is disturbed, H2O2 production decreases, lactic acid production decreases and the pH value increases, which promotes the multiplication of pathogenic germs. A typical sign of this can be increased discharge with a typical fishy smell. Sometimes the infection goes undetected, which can have dangerous effects, especially during pregnancy. For example, she can B. lead to premature birth and miscarriage. Therefore, avoiding or treating bacterial infections quickly is of great importance, especially during pregnancy.If a bacterial infection is treated with medication without restoring the protective endogenous vaginal flora, it usually returns. The chronically recurring infections are annoying and very stressful for those affected. Restoring and stabilizing the vaginal environment is the focus of the treatment.The active ingredient ascorbic acid (vitamin C) actively leads to acidification of the pH value in the vagina to approx. 4.0. In this way, the natural vaginal environment is maintained.A 6-day application of Vagi-C is usually sufficient for the treatment of mild to moderate bacterial infections. If the lactobacilli flora are completely absent, prolonged use over weeks is recommended. A repetition after the period increases the chance of healing. Application Due to the natural mode of action of Vagi-C, the preparation can be used during pregnancy. Administration over weeks and months to prevent infection is possible.This product is CE-certified. This guarantees that European safety standards are met. ..

25.44 USD

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Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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