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Soyana Swiss Soy Drink Natur Bio is a delicious organic drink of the highest quality. It is carefully manufactured in Switzerland from whole organic soybeans and the finest organic ingredients.
4 levels of Soyana quality
In order to guarantee the highest quality and satisfaction, the Soyana team has defined and implemented a new understanding of food quality and processing. Here are levels 3 and 4:
3: Harmonious: Energy flows within us and in every area of ??our environment. In plants, animals, mountains, buildings, machines. As a pioneer, Soyana also takes this aspect of life into account with the Ojas harmony system and thus creates harmonious energies throughout the company.4: Made with love: What a mother prepares with love tastes better for everyone. For the Soyana team, the daily cultivation of a good awareness is part of the company philosophy. every employee leads a holistic, healthy life with vegetarian diet, exercise, meditation and spiritual music to cultivate balance and joy...
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