
الزيوت العطرية العضوية

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(2 صفحات)
في، نحن نفخر بتقديم مجموعة حصرية من الزيوت العطرية العضوية التي تلبي عددًا لا يحصى من الفوائد الصحية وقطاعات التجميل. توفر زيوتنا الأساسية، المصنوعة من نباتات عشبية طازجة موجودة في سويسرا، حلاً محببًا للطبيعة لأمراض الجلد ومشاكل الجهاز التنفسي والصحة العامة. استفد من القوة العلاجية لزيت شجرة الشاي لعلاج حب الشباب أو القشرة، أو ابحث عن العزاء في العطور المهدئة لللافندر العطري وزيت الياسمين المصري. استمتع بالخصائص المضادة للبكتيريا لزيت إبرة الراعي، أو انغمس في حمام مريح مع زيت رائحة الغابة المنعش. من تلبية احتياجات جميع أنواع البشرة إلى إثبات الحل المستدام للعناية الشخصية، فإن زيوتنا العطرية تحمل نقاء الطبيعة وعلم العلاج النباتي. استمتع بتجربة تطور الصحة والجمال في، متجرك الشامل للزيوت العطرية العضوية من سويسرا.
Aroma stick دبوس شمي 100٪ bio balance bag

Aroma stick دبوس شمي 100٪ bio balance bag

رمز المنتج: 7752992

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The Aroma Stick Balance has stimulating and relaxing properties to help body and mind work in harmony again. To maintain inner balance. Ideal for on the wayFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic peppermint oil, organic cypress oil, organic geranium oil, organic ginger oil...

16.51 USD

Aroma stick دبوس شمي 100٪ bio energy bag

Aroma stick دبوس شمي 100٪ bio energy bag

رمز المنتج: 7752988

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The smelling pen Energy revives mind and body. For an extra boost of energy. Ideal for on the roadFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic peppermint oil, organic rosemary oil, organic grapefruit oil...

16.51 USD

Aroma stick دبوس شمي 100٪ تركيز عضوي bag

Aroma stick دبوس شمي 100٪ تركيز عضوي bag

رمز المنتج: 7752989

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The smelling pen focus increases attention and creates clarity. Be ready for the next task. Ideal for on the roadFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic peppermint oil, organic rosemary oil, organic cinnamon bark oil...

16.51 USD

Aroma stick دبوس شمي 100٪ عضوي calm bag

Aroma stick دبوس شمي 100٪ عضوي calm bag

رمز المنتج: 7752991

The aroma stick contains 100% certified organic essential oils. The effect unfolds quickly, as fragrances are the fastest way to send signals to the brain. The calm smelling stick calms mind and body. For more control and calmness in everyday life. Ideal for on the roadFree from additives, carrier oils and artificial fragrances Application Open the pen, close one nostril, hold the pen under your nose and inhale. Repeat the same with the other nasal opening. Composition Organic bergamot oil, organic lemon oil, organic cedar wood oil, organic clary sage oil, organic vetiver oil...

16.51 USD

Aromalife lorbeer äth / öl bio 5 مل

Aromalife lorbeer äth / öl bio 5 مل

رمز المنتج: 4079487

خصائص زيت Aromalife laurel th / الزيت 5 مل الكمية في العبوة: 1 مل الوزن: 0.00000000 جم الطول: 0 مم العرض: 0 مم الارتفاع: 0 مم اشترِ Aromalife laurel th / الزيت 5 مل عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..

30.54 USD

Aromasan myrtle äth / oil bio 5ml

Aromasan myrtle äth / oil bio 5ml

رمز المنتج: 5666815

Aromasan Myrtle Eth / Oil Bio 5ml جرب الخصائص المهدئة والمهدئة لعطر Aromasan Myrtle Eth / Oil Bio 5ml. يتم استخلاص هذا الزيت العطري من أوراق وأغصان أشجار الآس ، وهي موطنها الأصلي منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط. إنه زيت أساسي عضوي نقي 100٪ ومعتمد ، يضمن حصولك على جميع فوائد الطبيعة في زجاجة صغيرة. فوائد Aromasan Myrtle Eth / Oil Bio 5ml: يعزز الاسترخاء ويحد من التوتر يخفف من مشاكل الجهاز التنفسي مثل الربو والتهاب الشعب الهوائية خصائص مضادة للبكتيريا والفطريات يخفف من تقلصات الدورة الشهرية وأعراض الدورة الشهرية يساعد في العناية بالبشرة وعلاج حب الشباب إن رائحة Aromasan Myrtle Eth / Oil Bio 5ml منعشة وترابية ، مما يجعلها خيارًا مثاليًا للعلاج بالروائح والتدليك. يمكن أن تساعدك بضع قطرات من الموزع أو ماء الاستحمام أو الزيت الناقل على الشعور بمزيد من الاسترخاء والهدوء. كما أنه مفيد لصحة الجهاز التنفسي والجهاز الهضمي ، فضلاً عن تحسين نوعية النوم. هذا الزيت العطري مليء بمضادات الأكسدة والعناصر الغذائية ، مما يجعله إضافة رائعة لروتينك اليومي للعناية بالبشرة. يمكن أن يساعد في تقليل الشوائب وإشراق البشرة وتحسين صحة البشرة بشكل عام. يتم استخراج Aromasan Myrtle Eth / Oil Bio 5ml من نباتات الآس العضوية بدون أي مذيبات كيميائية أو إضافات. إنه زيت أساسي نقي وقوي يمكن أن يفيد جسمك وعقلك بشكل طبيعي. اطلب الآن وجرب الفوائد الطبيعية لـ Aromasan Myrtle Eth / Oil Bio 5ml. ..

22.58 USD

Aromastick riechstift النوم الحيوي 100٪

Aromastick riechstift النوم الحيوي 100٪

رمز المنتج: 7810576

AROMASTICK Riechstift 100% Bio Sleep The AROMASTICK Riechstift 100% Bio Sleep is a natural remedy that promotes relaxation and peaceful sleep. Made with organic essential oils extracted from lavender, chamomile, and ylang-ylang, this inhaler stick offers a safe and effective way to calm the mind, reduce stress, and ease you into a restful slumber. Organic Ingredients AROMASTICK Riechstift 100% Bio Sleep is made with only the finest organic essential oils that are extracted from plants grown with respect for the environment. Every inhaler stick is free from chemicals, harsh fragrances, and synthetic ingredients. This makes it a great choice for people with sensitive skin and those who prefer natural remedies. Easy to Use The AROMASTICK Riechstift 100% Bio Sleep is packed in a small, handy inhaler stick that fits perfectly in your pocket or purse. Simply remove the cap, place the inhaler below your nostrils, and inhale deeply for a few seconds. Repeat as often as needed to enjoy the benefits of the organic essential oils. Benefits The AROMASTICK Riechstift 100% Bio Sleep promotes the following benefits: Helps calm the mind and reduce stress Relaxes the body and prepares you for a restful sleep Has a pleasant and soothing fragrance 100% organic and natural Easy to use, portable, and discreet Conclusion If you're looking for a natural and effective way to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed, the AROMASTICK Riechstift 100% Bio Sleep is the perfect choice. With its gentle and soothing fragrance, this organic inhaler stick will help you achieve better sleep and a healthier lifestyle. ..

16.29 USD

Farfalla citronella ct geraniol bio gr cru

Farfalla citronella ct geraniol bio gr cru

رمز المنتج: 7787828

Experience Nature's Bounty with FARFALLA Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru Introducing the FARFALLA Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru, a versatile and potent essential oil that promises to bring nature's best offerings to you. Made with the finest ingredients sourced directly from organic farms, this essential oil is an effective and natural solution for your wellness needs. Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru Our essential oil is extracted from the leaves of the Cymbopogon Winterianus, also known as Citronella. It contains a high concentration of geraniol, a terpene compound with antimicrobial, antifungal, and insecticidal properties. This makes it an effective solution in repelling mosquitoes and other insects, particularly during the hot summer months. Quality and Purity FARFALLA Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru is made from organically-grown Citronella plants, cultivated without the use of harmful chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers. We employ a rigorous production process that involves distillation under low pressure and low temperature to ensure that essential oils are not degraded. The result is a premium quality essential oil free from any impurities and guaranteed to deliver optimal results. Versatile Use FARFALLA Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru is ideal for different aromatherapy applications. You can add a few drops to your diffuser, massage oil, or bath water to enjoy therapeutic benefits that include relaxation, stress relief, pain reduction, and mood enhancement. It can also help in treating skin conditions such as acne, fungal infections, and eczema. Order Your Bottle Today Experience the best of nature with FARFALLA Citronella CT Geraniol Bio Gr Cru. Place your order today and enjoy the natural and therapeutic benefits of this essential oil. ..

14.67 USD

Farfalla أوكالبتوس جلوبولوس äth / زيت بيو فل 10 مل

Farfalla أوكالبتوس جلوبولوس äth / زيت بيو فل 10 مل

رمز المنتج: 2135371

Eucalyptus globulus organic essential oil. Composition Essential oil from eucalyptus leaves (Eucalyptus globulus), from contr. organic wild collection. Origin: Spain. Contains: alpha-pinene, limonene, gamma-terpinene, beta-pinene.. Properties Odor: fresh, camphoraceous, herbaceous. Effect: refreshing, loosening, strengthening, cleansing. Helps with: lethargy, winter ailments. Ensures: energy, concentration, germ-free room air, free breathing. The best-known essential oil of the more than 500 different eucalyptus species is extracted from the "blue-leaved" eucalyptus tree, which grows up to 90 meters high in its native Australia. Eucalyptus globulus impresses with its very high content of 1.8 cineole. A typical essential oil for winter and the sauna, very air-purifying, refreshing and invigorating. Avoid during pregnancy. Not suitable for babies and children under 6 years of age. Be careful with children with spastic airway diseases.Vegan. Application For room scenting and for personal aroma care. Consult the specialist literature for use in aromatherapy. In room scenting, it offers good protection in winter. Mix 2 - 3 drops of oil with organic jojoba oil as a loosening rub and massage into the chest and back area. Notes Danger. Flammable liquid and vapour. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. DO NOT induce vomiting. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Rinse skin with water. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. If possible, remove contact lenses. Continue rinsing. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

13.18 USD

Phytomed oregano ether / زيت عضوي 10 مل

Phytomed oregano ether / زيت عضوي 10 مل

رمز المنتج: 2420060

Which packs are available?Phytomed Origano Essential Oil Organic 10 ml..

28.03 USD

Puressentiel geranium flowers معطر äth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel geranium flowers معطر äth / oil bio 5ml

رمز المنتج: 5930399

خصائص عطر Puressentiel Geranium Flowers / Oil Bio 5ml درجة حرارة التخزين بحد أدنى / أقصى 15/25 درجة مئوية الكمية في العبوة: 1 مل الوزن: 39 جرام الطول: 20 ملم العرض: 30 ملم الارتفاع: 80 ملم اشترِ Puressentiel Geranium flowers Fragrant Äth / Oil Bio 5 مل على الإنترنت من سويسرا ..

37.68 USD

Puressentiel laurel äth / oil bio 5ml

Puressentiel laurel äth / oil bio 5ml

رمز المنتج: 6338438

Puressentiel laurel Äth / Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel laurel Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is a high-quality essential oil, extracted through the steam distillation method from the leaves of the Laurus nobilis plant. This organic oil is 100% pure and natural, without any chemical additives, making it beneficial for various uses. Laurel Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is known for its powerful and pleasant aroma that can be used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. It has a woody, spicy, and sweet fragrance that creates a relaxing and soothing atmosphere, ideal for aromatherapy. Not only does the essential oil have a fantastic scent, but it also contains many health benefits. It helps to stimulate the immune system, relieve respiratory issues, and promote digestive health. Moreover, the antibacterial and antifungal properties make it effective for combating infections and reducing inflammation. Furthermore, this essential oil can also be used in beauty and skincare products, as it helps to improve hair strength and growth, prevent dandruff and dry scalp, and promote clear and healthy skin. Puressentiel laurel Äth / Oil Bio 5ml is an all-natural and environmentally friendly product. The packaging is small, making it easy to store and take on the go. It can be used in a diffuser, blended with carrier oils, or inhaled directly for aromatherapy purposes. Experience the benefits of this organic essential oil and add it to your collection today! ..

27.38 USD

Puressentiel ravintsara äth / öl bio

Puressentiel ravintsara äth / öl bio

رمز المنتج: 7798053

PURESSENTIEL Ravintsara Äth/Öl Bio is a 100% pure and organic essential oil made from the leaves of the Ravintsara tree, native to Madagascar. Recognized for its numerous medicinal properties, Ravintsara essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy to relieve respiratory ailments, prevent infections, and promote relaxation and well-being. This top-quality essential oil is carefully extracted from the leaves of the Ravintsara tree through steam distillation, ensuring maximum purity and potency. It is certified organic, meaning it is free from synthetic chemicals, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms. With its fresh, camphor-like aroma, PURESSENTIEL Ravintsara Äth/Öl Bio is highly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways. It can be diffused, inhaled, or applied topically, diluted with a carrier oil, to obtain its numerous health benefits. Thanks to its powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties, Ravintsara essential oil is highly effective in boosting the immune system and preventing infections. It is also an excellent remedy for respiratory ailments, including flu, cold, bronchitis, and sinusitis, as it helps to clear congestion, reduce inflammation, and promote breathing. Furthermore, PURESSENTIEL Ravintsara Äth/Öl Bio can also help to ease stress, anxiety, and insomnia, promoting relaxation, and aiding restful sleep. It is also great for uplifting the mood, improving focus, and increasing energy levels. In summary, this essential oil is a must-have for any home looking to promote overall wellness and health. With its natural, organic, and therapeutic properties, PURESSENTIEL Ravintsara Äth/Öl Bio is a great addition to any aromatherapy routine...

29.43 USD

Puressentiel زعتر äth / زيت بيو 5 مل

Puressentiel زعتر äth / زيت بيو 5 مل

رمز المنتج: 5930525

Puressentiel Thyme Essential Oil Bio 5ml Puressentiel Thyme Essential Oil Bio is a 100% pure and natural essential oil that is extracted by steam distillation from the aerial parts of thyme plant. This oil has a warm, herbal aroma that is commonly used in aromatherapy to support respiratory health and to promote relaxation and calmness. The oil is certified organic by ECOCERT, meaning it has been sourced from plants that have been grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals. Key Features: Pure and natural essential oil Warm, herbal scent Extracted from thyme plant through steam distillation Certified organic Comes in a compact 5ml bottle Benefits: Thyme essential oil is renowned for its various benefits, including: Supporting respiratory health by clearing airways and reducing coughs and congestion Helping to alleviate stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and calming the mind Relieving sore muscles and joints when used topically Boosting immune system function with its natural antiseptic properties Being an effective insecticide, helping to keep bugs and pests at bay Directions for Use: For aromatherapy, add a few drops of Puressentiel Thyme Essential Oil to a diffuser and inhale the vapors for 15-20 minutes at a time. For topical use, dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as almond or coconut oil before applying it to the skin. Always patch test first to ensure no allergic reaction occurs. This product is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women or for children under 7 years old. If you have a medical condition, always consult a healthcare professional before using essential oils. Experience the natural benefits of thyme essential oil with Puressentiel Thyme Essential Oil Bio 5ml. Place your order now and get ready to enjoy optimal benefits of nature...

27.38 USD

Taoasis teebaum äth / öl bio fl 10 ml

Taoasis teebaum äth / öl bio fl 10 ml

رمز المنتج: 7811139

Taoasis Teebaum Äth/Öl Bio Fl 10 ml The Taoasis Teebaum Äth/Öl Bio Fl 10 ml is a premium quality organic essential oil that is extracted from the leaves of tea tree plants through steam distillation. This essential oil is known for its versatile uses and is popularly used for its cleansing and purifying properties. It is a pure and natural product that has been produced without the use of any harmful chemicals or additives. Benefits of Taoasis Teebaum Äth/Öl Bio Fl 10 ml Has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties Helps in fighting against infections and flu symptoms A natural remedy to treat acne, dandruff and other skin conditions Can be used as an effective insect repellant Has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body How to use Taoasis Teebaum Äth/Öl Bio Fl 10 ml This essential oil can be used in a variety of ways: For topical use, it can be mixed with carrier oils like coconut oil, almond oil or jojoba oil and applied on the affected area For aromatherapy, it can be added to a diffuser or vaporizer to create a calming and refreshing ambiance Add a few drops to your bath water for a relaxing and refreshing bath experience Can be added to homemade cleaning products for its anti-bacterial properties The Taoasis Teebaum Äth/Öl Bio Fl 10 ml is a must-have for any natural and organic skincare routine and is suitable for all skin types. Store in a cool and dark place away from sunlight and heat...

21.90 USD

أرومالايف كريسماس äth / زيت فل 10 مل

أرومالايف كريسماس äth / زيت فل 10 مل

رمز المنتج: 3321199

خصائص عطر Aromalife Christmas th / الزيت 10 مل الكمية في العبوة: 1 مل الوزن: 0.00000000 جم الطول: 0 مم العرض: 0 ملم الارتفاع: 0 ملم اشترِ Aromalife Christmas Äth / oil fl 10 ml عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..

22.31 USD

أرومسان الفلفل الأسود äth / الزيت الحيوي 15 مل

أرومسان الفلفل الأسود äth / الزيت الحيوي 15 مل

رمز المنتج: 5672738

Aromasan Black pepper Äth/Oil Bio 15ml Aromasan Black Pepper Äth/Oil Bio 15ml is a high-quality essential oil made purely from the organic black peppercorn. This oil is 100% pure and free from any chemical additives, making it a natural and safe choice for your aromatherapy needs. The oil is extracted using a steam distillation process, which ensures that all the beneficial compounds of black pepper are retained. The oil has a spicy and warm aroma that can invigorate your senses and provide an overall sense of well-being. Benefits of Aromasan Black Pepper Äth/Oil Bio 15ml: Relieve muscle and joint pain Improve digestion Reduce stress and anxiety Boost circulation and stimulate blood flow Act as a natural insect and pest repellant The Aromasan Black pepper Äth/Oil Bio 15ml can be used in various ways such as in diffusers, massage oils, or added to your bath water. This powerful oil is ideal for those who want to add an extra level of natural and holistic therapy to their daily routine. Order your bottle of Aromasan Black Pepper Äth/Oil Bio 15ml today and experience the health benefits that this essential oil can provide. ..

52.06 USD

اروماسان زيت عطري من الشمر الحلو عضوي 15 مل

اروماسان زيت عطري من الشمر الحلو عضوي 15 مل

رمز المنتج: 4730793

Product Description: AROMASAN süsser Fenchel Äth/Öl Bio Experience the natural goodness of Fennel with AROMASAN süsser Fenchel Äth/Öl Bio. This pure and organic essential oil is extracted from the seeds of the Fennel plant through a steam distillation process, ensuring that you get the highest quality product. The sweet and fragrant aroma of Fennel has been used for centuries for its therapeutic properties, known to soothe the mind and body and promote overall well-being. Our AROMASAN süsser Fenchel Äth/Öl Bio is certified as organic by the European Union, ensuring that it is free from harmful chemicals and pesticides. This essential oil can be used in a variety of ways, including aromatherapy, massage, and as an ingredient in beauty and skincare products. AROMASAN süsser Fenchel Äth/Öl Bio is perfect for those looking for a natural solution to stress, anxiety, and other ailments. It is also an excellent choice for those who want to incorporate natural and organic products into their daily routine. Order your bottle of AROMASAN süsser Fenchel Äth/Öl Bio today and experience the refreshing and rejuvenating effects of this beautiful essential oil. ..

29.23 USD

اروماسان لافندر äth / زيت في علب بيو 15 مل

اروماسان لافندر äth / زيت في علب بيو 15 مل

رمز المنتج: 3671462

Aromasan Lavender Essential Oil in Boxes - Bio 15ml The Aromasan Lavender Essential Oil in Boxes- Bio 15ml is a top-quality product that offers numerous benefits to users. This essential oil is extracted from lavender flowers, and it contains a soothing fragrance that helps to improve the mood and relax the mind. It comes in a box packaging that helps to preserve the oil's freshness and quality. The Aromasan Lavender Essential Oil is entirely organic, making it safe for use by anyone who cares about their well-being. Its production process involved using eco-friendly methods that ensure no chemicals or toxins are present in the oil. This product is also Vegan-friendly and certified to meet the highest ethical standards. The benefits of using the Aromasan Lavender Essential Oil are numerous. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties make it an effective remedy for treating skin ailments like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Its soothing fragrance also helps to promote sleep and relaxation, making it ideal for people dealing with insomnia or anxiety. This essential oil is also useful for respiratory issues, as it can help improve breathing quality and reduce symptoms of asthma. It can also be used as an insecticide, as its fragrance helps repel mosquitoes and other insects. With its numerous benefits, the Aromasan Lavender Essential Oil is an excellent addition to any household or personal care routine. Enjoy the benefits of this high-quality Aromasan Lavender Essential Oil in Boxes - Bio 15ml by adding it to your cart today! ..

37.59 USD

زيت الليمون العطري العضوي 10 مل

زيت الليمون العطري العضوي 10 مل

رمز المنتج: 2420829

Which packs are available? Phytomed Lemon Essential Oil Organic 10 ml ..

14.92 USD

زيت نبات البرغموت الأساسي عضوي 10 مل

زيت نبات البرغموت الأساسي عضوي 10 مل

رمز المنتج: 2419140

ما هي العبوات المتوفرة؟ زيت نبات البرغموت الأساسي عضوي 10 مل ..

21.92 USD

زيت نباتي من شجرة الشاي العضوي 10 مل

زيت نباتي من شجرة الشاي العضوي 10 مل

رمز المنتج: 2420344

Which packs are available? Phytomed Tea Tree Essential Oil Organic 10 ml ..

18.71 USD

فارفالا كيسنسبراي جوت ناخت لافينديل

فارفالا كيسنسبراي جوت ناخت لافينديل

رمز المنتج: 7740558

"Good night" pillow spray with organic lavender. Composition Organic alcohol, natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.).. Properties Leave your pillow to cloud nine and take you from it to the land of dreams. The gently floral pillow spray with fine lavender helps to get a good night's sleep. Leaves no stains on the textiles. With 100% natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.).Vegan. Application Directly onto the pillow spray on. Leaves no stains. ..

15.20 USD

فرفلا إكليل الجبل سينيول äth / زيت بيو فل 10 مل

فرفلا إكليل الجبل سينيول äth / زيت بيو فل 10 مل

رمز المنتج: 2140343

Essential oil rosemary cineol organic, wild collection. Composition Essential oil rosemary cineole (Rosmarinus officinalis ct cineole), from contr. organic wild collection. Origin: Spain. Contains: camphor, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, limonene, linalool.. Properties Fragrance: fresh, clear, herbaceous Effect: stimulating, strengthening, concentration-enhancing, revitalizing. Use: aroma care, cosmetics, room scenting. Helps with: weakness, listlessness, tiredness, dizziness, skin blemishes. Ensures: strength, concentration, warmth. The flame-like shape of the shrub symbolizes the stimulating, fiery and warming properties of rosemary. The essential oil strengthens, invigorates, stimulates and is suitable for appropriate applications. Avoid during pregnancy and in children, also with epilepsy.Vegan. Application For room scenting and for personal aroma care. Consult the specialist literature for use in aromatherapy. Tips: ? Enrich the morning shower gel or body oil with 1-2 drops of rosemary as a stimulant ? after sport, use it in massage oil to regenerate stressed muscles. Notes Danger . Flammable liquid and vapour. Harmful if swallowed. Causes skin irritation. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause an allergic skin reaction. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. If medical advice is needed, have label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor. rinse mouth. DO NOT induce vomiting. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Rinse skin with water. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. If possible, remove contact lenses. Continue rinsing. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. ..

22.00 USD

فرفلا بخاخ لافندر عضوي للنوم جيدا 75 مل

فرفلا بخاخ لافندر عضوي للنوم جيدا 75 مل

رمز المنتج: 7736484

"Sleep tight" organic room spray with organic lavender. Composition Organic alcohol, natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.). Contains: limonene, linalyl acetate, linalool. . Features Let go of your thoughts and let the day pass, let yourself be carried away into the realm of dreams. The gently floral room spray with the purple wonder is a faithful helper for everyone who wants a good night's sleep. More than any other essential oil, lavender facilitates falling asleep and improves sleep quality. With 100% natural essential oils (lavender, vanilla extract, bergamot, orange, tonka bean, etc.).Vegan. Notes Danger. Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Harmful to aquatic organisms, with long-term effect. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Read label before use. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. Do not smoke. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water. Dispose of the contents of the container in accordance with local regulations. May produce an allergic reaction. ..

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