مرحبًا بكم في بيوفيتا، حيث نقدم منتجات الصحة والجمال المتميزة من سويسرا، والتي تلبي احتياجات نظافة الفم الخاصة بك. مجموعتنا الواسعة تشمل عدة فئات، بما في ذلك فرشاة الأسنان، وخيط تنظيف الأسنان، وفرش تنظيف ما بين الأسنان، وغسول الفم، والمزيد، مما يضمن لك العثور على ما تحتاجه بالضبط للحصول على نظام مثالي لصحة الفم. سواء كنت تبحث عن منتجات العناية بأطقم الأسنان، أو حلول تبييض الأسنان، أو ملحقات السفر للحفاظ على النظافة أثناء التنقل، فإن Beeovita توفر لك ما تحتاجه. من الحفاظ على صحة اللثة إلى منع تسوس الأسنان، والحفاظ على أنفاسك منتعشة، ومساعدة الأسنان الحساسة، نقدم منتجات متكاملة مع العلاجات الطبيعية للعناية الشاملة بالفم. كما نقوم بتوفير المكملات الغذائية للحيوانات الأليفة، مما يضمن العناية بصحة أسنانهم. استكشف مجموعتنا السويسرية للصحة والجمال اليوم، واتخذ خطوة مهمة نحو تحسين روتين نظافة الفم.
Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Soft:
Say goodbye to plaque build-up with Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Soft. This toothbrush is designed to effectively clean teeth and gums while preventing plaque formation. It has soft and tapered bristles that are gentle on teeth and gums and reach deep into hard-to-reach areas of the mouth.
Soft and Gentle Bristles
Tapered Bristles Reach Hard-to-Reach Areas
Prevents Plaque Formation
Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Soft has a compact head that allows for easy access to all areas of the mouth. Its ergonomic handle provides a comfortable grip and allows for easy brushing. The soft bristles prevent damage to teeth and gums and reduces the risk of gum bleeding while brushing.
This toothbrush is easy to use and ideal for those who suffer from sensitive teeth or gums. The soft bristles are perfect for those who need a gentle brush but still want an efficient clean. The anti-plaque technology keeps teeth clean and healthy while preventing further buildup of plaque.
Overall, Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Soft is the perfect solution for those who want to prevent plaque formation and maintain their oral hygiene. Buy now and take the first step towards a cleaner, healthier mouth!
Long-lasting freshness.
Long-lasting freshness. -deep cleaning-fresh breath-white teeth-plaque prevention-gum protectionThis product is CE marked. This guarantees that European safety standards are met.
Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Medium
The Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Medium is the perfect tool for combating plaque and maintaining healthy teeth and gums. This toothbrush is designed with high-quality bristles that effectively clean hard-to-reach areas and remove plaque buildup. It comes with a rounded head that makes it easy to reach the molars and other challenging parts of your mouth. The ergonomic handle is comfortable to hold, and the flexible neck allows for easy access to back teeth.
Effectively Removes Plaque: The Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Medium is a great choice for anyone looking to reduce plaque buildup and improve oral health. The bristles are arranged in a unique pattern that makes it easy to clean hard-to-reach areas and remove stubborn plaque.
Easy to Use: The toothbrush is designed with a comfortable handle that offers a secure grip, ensuring that your brushing experience is comfortable and effective.
Medium Bristles: The Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush is made with medium bristles that are perfect for people with normal sensitivity levels. These bristles offer a balance between cleaning power and gentleness, making them the perfect choice for daily use.
Ergonomic Design: The toothbrush is designed with an ergonomic handle that fits comfortably in your hand, making it easy to control and maneuver.
Regular brushing with the Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Medium can help reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease by removing plaque and food particles from the teeth and gums. The toothbrush's unique design is effective in reaching all areas of the mouth and ensures that your teeth and gums stay healthy and clean.
The Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Medium is an excellent tool for anyone looking to improve their oral hygiene. It is easy to use, comfortable to hold, and effectively removes plaque buildup. The medium bristles are perfect for daily use, and the unique design ensures that all areas of the mouth are thoroughly cleaned. Invest in your oral health by choosing the Elgydium Anti-Plaque Toothbrush Medium.
TePe Mini-finned 36 pcs
The TePe Mini-Finned 36 pcs is a must-have for dental hygiene. It is a set of 36 interdental brushes designed to clean the gaps between teeth, where traditional toothbrushes cannot reach. These brushes are small, flexible, and gentle on gums, making them perfect for those with tight spaces between teeth or sensitive gums.
The design of the brushes features a unique grooved handle for an improved grip that allows for easier and more precise use. The mini-finned feature is a bonus that adds to the effectiveness of cleaning, as it enables the bristles to access hard-to-reach areas. The brushes are efficient in removing plaque and food particles that traditional brushing and flossing might leave behind.
The TePe Mini-finned 36 pcs packaging is also designed for convenience, each brush is individually wrapped, making it easy to use on-the-go, and the compact size allows for discreet storage. It is ideal for daily use and recommended for individuals with dental implants, braces, bridges, or who simply struggle with oral hygiene.
Overall, the TePe Mini-finned 36 pcs set is an essential product for anyone who values good oral hygiene and a bright, healthy smile. It is easy to use, reliable, and affordable, making it an excellent investment for any household.
خصائص خيط الأسنان GUM SUNSTAR 30m خاص الكمية في العبوة: قطعة واحدة الوزن: 22 جم الطول: 22 ملم العرض: 76 ملم الارتفاع: 120 ملم اشترِ GUM SUNSTAR floss 30m special عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
خصائص غسول الفم GUM SUNSTAR Paroex بنسبة 0.12٪ كلورهيكسيدين 300 مل الكمية في العبوة: 1 مل الوزن: 362 جم الطول: 65 ملم العرض: 65 ملم الارتفاع: 153 ملم اشتر غسول الفم GUM SUNSTAR Paroex بنسبة 0.12٪ كلورهيكسيدين 300 مل عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
TePe Angle Interdental Brush Assorted 6 Pcs
The TePe Angle Interdental Brush Assorted 6 Pcs is an excellent product for those who want to maintain good oral hygiene. The pack includes 6 interdental brushes in different colors with angled bristles, which make it easier to reach the spaces between teeth and remove any food particles or plaque that may be present.
Angled bristles for easy access to interdental spaces
Can be used for cleaning between teeth, crowns, bridges, and orthodontic appliances
Comes in six different sizes to cater to all interdental spaces
Ergonomic handle for easy grip and control during use
Durable bristles that last for several uses
The TePe Angle Interdental Brush Assorted 6 Pcs offers several benefits for those who use it regularly. These include:
Preventing the development of cavities
Reducing the risk of gum disease by removing plaque from hard to reach areas
Improving overall oral hygiene thereby reducing the risk of halitosis
Minimizing the chances of tooth and gum sensitivity
Helping to prevent the need for expensive dental procedures that can result from poor oral hygiene
Directions for Use:
The TePe Angle Interdental Brush Assorted 6 Pcs is easy to use. Simply follow the steps below:
Choose the appropriate size of the brush that will fit between your teeth.
Insert the brush between your teeth at a 90-degree angle and move back and forth to remove plaque.
Rinse the brush well and store in a clean, dry place after use.
Replace the brush when the bristles become worn out or every week to ensure optimal effectiveness and hygiene.
Overall, the TePe Angle Interdental Brush Assorted 6 Pcs is an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to maintain good oral hygiene. Order yours today and experience the difference it can make to your oral health!..
قم بترقية روتين العناية بالفم الخاص بك باستخدام فرش Oral-B Brush Pulsonic المكونة من 4 قطع. صُممت رؤوس الفرشاة عالية الجودة هذه لتتوافق مع فرش الأسنان الكهربائية أورال-بي، وتتميز بشعيرات ناعمة تنظف المناطق التي يصعب الوصول إليها بفعالية وتصقل الأسنان بلطف للحصول على ابتسامة متألقة. توفر التقنية الصوتية المتقدمة تجربة تنظيف فائقة، وإزالة البلاك والحطام بسهولة. مع مجموعة مكونة من 4 فرش بديلة، يمكنك الحفاظ على نظافة الفم المثالية لعدة أشهر قادمة. ثق بـ Oral-B لتحصل على ابتسامة واثقة وصحية كل يوم...
فرشاة أسنان Trisa Sonic الاحترافية - تنظيف استثنائي لابتسامة أكثر إشراقًا توفر فرشاة الأسنان الاحترافية Trisa Sonic تجربة تنظيف استثنائية من المؤكد أنها ستضفي إشراقًا على ابتسامتك وتحول روتين نظافة الفم. تتميز فرشاة الأسنان هذه بتقنية سونيك المتقدمة التي تنتج ما يصل إلى 31000 ضربة فرشاة في الدقيقة ، وتزيل البلاك المستعصي وتوفر تنظيفًا عميقًا حيث لا يمكن أن تصل الفرشاة العادية. الميزات والفوائد
تقنية الصوت المتقدمة - توفر الاهتزازات الصوتية عالية التردد تجربة تنظيف غير عادية تصل إلى العمق بين الأسنان وعلى طول خط اللثة
أوضاع متعددة للتنظيف بالفرشاة - اختر من بين أربعة أوضاع للتنظيف بالفرشاة لتلبية احتياجاتك الخاصة بصحة الفم ، بما في ذلك وضع التنظيف والنعومة والتدليك والتبييض.
عمر بطارية طويل الأمد - تتميز فرشاة أسنان Trisa Sonic الاحترافية ببطارية تدوم طويلاً يمكن أن تدوم حتى 4 أسابيع بشحنة واحدة.
تصميم مريح - التصميم الأنيق والمريح يجعل فرشاة الأسنان مريحة في الاستخدام ، مما يقلل الضغط على يدك ومعصمك أثناء جلسات التفريش الطويلة.
مؤقت ذكي - تأتي فرشاة الأسنان مع ميزة مؤقت ذكي تنبهك كل 30 ثانية لتبديل الأرباع وتنطفئ تلقائيًا بعد دقيقتين من تنظيف الأسنان بالفرشاة ، مما يشجع على عادات تنظيف الأسنان الصحية.
لماذا تختار فرشاة أسنان Trisa Sonic الاحترافية؟ إن فرشاة أسنان Trisa Sonic الاحترافية هي أفضل منتجات العناية بالفم التي تجمع بين تقنية الصوت المتقدمة والتصميم سهل الاستخدام. تم تصميم فرشاة الأسنان هذه لتقديم تجربة تنظيف عميقة وشاملة ولطيفة ، وهي خيار مثالي لأي شخص يبحث عن فم أكثر إشراقًا وصحة. فلماذا تنتظر؟ اطلب فرشاة أسنانك الاحترافية من Trisa Sonic اليوم واختبر الأفضل في تكنولوجيا نظافة الفم. ..
Introducing the Paro Toothbrush S39 with Interspace Soft Blist!
Experience a new level of oral hygiene with this advanced toothbrush. The Paro Toothbrush S39 with Interspace Soft Blist is designed to provide you with exceptional cleaning power, while delivering a gentle touch that leaves your teeth and gums feeling fresh and healthy.
Benefits of the Paro Toothbrush S39 with Interspace Soft Blist
Cleans deep between teeth and other hard-to-reach areas.
Helps to prevent plaque buildup and gum disease.
Has a soft bristle that is gentle on teeth and gums.
Easy to use and maintain.
Advanced Technology, Advanced Cleaning
The Paro Toothbrush S39 with Interspace Soft Blist features advanced technology that makes it more effective at removing plaque than a regular toothbrush. The bristles are designed to effectively clean deep between teeth and other hard-to-reach areas, ensuring that your entire mouth is consistently clean and healthy.
Gentle on Your Teeth and Gums
The soft bristles of the Paro Toothbrush S39 with Interspace Soft Blist provide a gentle touch that is perfect for people with sensitive teeth and gums. The bristles are soft enough to prevent damage to your teeth and gums, while still effectively cleaning your mouth.
Easy to Use and Maintain
The Paro Toothbrush S39 with Interspace Soft Blist is easy to use and maintain. The ergonomic design and comfortable grip make it easy to hold, and the brush head is easy to replace when needed.
Invest in Your Oral Health
If you want to maintain healthy teeth and gums, investing in a high-quality toothbrush is essential. The Paro Toothbrush S39 with Interspace Soft Blist is the perfect choice for anyone who wants a toothbrush that is advanced, effective, and gentle on their teeth and gums. Try it today and experience the best clean you?ve ever had!..
خصائص فرشاة أسنان Trisa Pro الناعمة بين الأسنان الكمية في العبوة: قطعة واحدة الوزن: 40 جم الطول: 20 ملم العرض: 40 ملم الارتفاع: 230 ملم اشترِ فرشاة الأسنان الناعمة بين الأسنان من تريزا برو عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
خصائص فرشاة الأسنان المتوسطة من Trisa Pro بين الأسنان الكمية في العبوة: قطعة واحدة الوزن: 40 جم الطول: 20 ملم العرض: 40 ملم الارتفاع: 230 ملم اشترِ فرشاة أسنان تريزا برو المتوسطة عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
خصائص فرشاة TePe بين الأسنان بحجم 0.7 مم ، 6 قطع صفراء اللون الكمية في العبوة: 6 قطع الوزن: 22 جم الطول: 12 مم العرض: 75 ملم الارتفاع: 127 ملم اشترِ فرشاة TePe بين الأسنان 0.7 ملم بليست أصفر 6 قطع عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
خصائص فرشاة TePe Interdental Brush 1.1 مم باللون البنفسجي 6 قطع الكمية في العبوة: 6 قطع الوزن: 17 جم الطول: 12 مم العرض: 75 ملم الارتفاع: 127 ملم اشترِ فرشاة TePe بين الأسنان 1.1 ملم باللون البنفسجي 6 قطع عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
Curaprox CPS 06 prime plus handy 5 interdental brush holder + 1
Introducing the Curaprox CPS 06 prime plus handy 5 interdental brush holder + 1, the perfect solution for your oral hygiene needs. This product is a must-have for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy smile and prevent gum disease or tooth decay.
The Curaprox CPS 06 prime plus handy 5 interdental brush holder + 1 is designed to reach the areas between your teeth where regular flossing and brushing cannot reach. It is made of high-quality bristles that can clean effectively without causing any damage to your gums or teeth.
The five interdental brushes come in different sizes, making it easier for you to choose the one that is perfect for your teeth. The handle is designed to provide a comfortable grip, which allows you to maneuver the brush easily. The holder also provides easy storage for the brushes, keeping them clean and safe for use.
Here are a few reasons why you should choose the Curaprox CPS 06 prime plus handy 5 interdental brush holder + 1:
It is designed to reach the areas between your teeth, which regular brushing and flossing cannot reach.
It is made of high-quality bristles that can clean effectively without causing any damage to your gums or teeth.
The handle is designed to provide a comfortable grip that allows you to maneuver the brush easily.
The holder provides easy storage for the brushes, keeping them clean and safe for use.
It comes with five interdental brushes of different sizes, which can be used according to your teeth's individual needs.
Maintaining a healthy smile is essential, and the Curaprox CPS 06 prime plus handy 5 interdental brush holder + 1 makes it easier for you to achieve this. Order yours today and experience the difference!..
Curaprox CPS 08 prime plus handy 5 interdental brushes + 1 holder
Looking for a high-quality interdental brush that can help you achieve optimal oral hygiene? Look no further than Curaprox CPS 08 prime plus handy interdental brushes. These brushes are designed to remove plaque and food particles from small gaps in your teeth, helping to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
The CPS 08 prime plus handy interdental brushes are part of the Curaprox Prime range, which is known for its exceptionally gentle yet effective cleaning abilities. These brushes are designed with ultrafine bristles that are coated in a microcrystalline substance, allowing them to reach deep into the crevices between your teeth without causing damage or discomfort.
The brushes come in a pack of five, each with a different color for easy identification, and are housed in a convenient holder that makes it easy to keep them organized and within reach. The holder even comes with a cap to keep the brushes clean and protected when not in use.
In addition to their superior cleaning abilities, the CPS 08 prime plus handy interdental brushes are also great for those with sensitive teeth or gums. The small size and flexible bristles make them an ideal choice for those with tight or irregularly shaped spaces between teeth.
So why wait? Order your pack of Curaprox CPS 08 prime plus handy interdental brushes today and start enjoying a cleaner, healthier smile!..
Curaprox CPS 09 Prime Plus Handy 5 Interdental Brushes + 1 Holder
Introducing the Curaprox CPS 09 Prime Plus Handy 5 Interdental Brushes + 1 Holder, a must-have dental care product for anyone seeking complete interdental cleaning. The pack contains five cylindrical interdental brushes and a holder that keeps them organized and hygienic.
The brushes are designed to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy by removing plaque and food debris from the spaces between your teeth, where regular toothbrushes cannot reach. They come in a range of sizes to suit different interdental spaces.
Five cylindrical interdental brushes providing complete cleaning
Holder included for keeping them organized and hygienic
Soft and flexible bristles for gentle and effective cleaning
Available in different sizes to suit different interdental spaces
Provides complete interdental cleaning, keeping teeth and gums healthy
Removes plaque and food debris from the interdental spaces that regular toothbrushes cannot reach
Uniform bristle texture ensures thorough cleaning
The holder ensures easy storage and accessibility
In conclusion, the Curaprox CPS 09 Prime Plus Handy 5 Interdental Brushes + 1 Holder is a necessary dental care accessory that will keep your teeth and gums healthy and clean, ensuring optimal oral hygiene. Get yours today!
خصائص أعواد الأسنان Curaprox DF 967 DF 967 Flosspic من الحرير 30 قطعة الكمية في العبوة: 30 قطعة الوزن: 0.00000000 جم الطول: 0 مم العرض: 0 ملم الارتفاع: 0 ملم اشترِ Curaprox DF 967 DF 967 فلوسبيك حرير 30 قطعة عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
خصائص Curaprox enzycal Zero Tb 75 ml الكمية في العبوة: 1 مل الوزن: 0.00000000 جم الطول: 0 مم العرض: 0 مم الارتفاع: 0 مم اشترِ Curaprox enzycal Zero Tb 75 ml عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
Curaprox CPS Prime Plus Handy Mixed 5 Interdental Brush + Holder
Keep your teeth and gums healthy with the Curaprox CPS Prime Plus Handy Mixed 5 Interdental Brush + Holder. This product is designed to help you clean between your teeth, where your toothbrush can't reach. It features a unique design that allows you to brush your teeth more effectively and remove more plaque and debris than with a regular toothbrush.
Product Features
Includes 5 interdental brushes of different sizes to fit between all teeth
Features specially designed bristles to clean thoroughly between teeth and prevent gum disease and cavities
Comes with a holder to keep your interdental brushes clean and organized
Flexible and easy to use
Made with high-quality materials for long-lasting use
Benefits of Using Interdental Brushes
Interdental brushes are an important part of your oral care routine. They help remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth, preventing gum disease and cavities. If you don't clean between your teeth regularly, bacteria can build up and cause bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease.
Using interdental brushes like the Curaprox CPS Prime Plus Handy Mixed 5 Interdental Brush + Holder helps you clean the hard-to-reach areas of your mouth, ensuring that your teeth and gums stay healthy and plaque-free. They are easy to use and can be used by people of all ages and dental health levels.
How to Use Your Interdental Brushes
To use your Curaprox CPS Prime Plus Handy Mixed 5 Interdental Brush + Holder:
Select the appropriate size interdental brush for the space between your teeth
Insert the brush gently between your teeth, moving it back and forth a few times
Remove the brush and rinse it under running water
Repeat as needed for each space between your teeth
Store your interdental brushes in the included holder to keep them clean and organized
Using interdental brushes is an important part of your oral care routine. With the Curaprox CPS Prime Plus Handy Mixed 5 Interdental Brush + Holder, you can ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy and clean...
Elmex intensive cleaning toothpaste is a special toothpaste for smooth and naturally white teeth. The toothpaste was specially developed to visibly prolong the results of professional tooth cleaning. Because the consumption of coffee, tea, red wine or tobacco can cause superficial tooth discoloration. This discoloration is difficult to remove again as part of daily oral hygiene. The effectiveness of the toothpaste has been clinically proven with regular use. The toothpaste contains special polishing bodies that clean and polish the teeth, bringing the natural tooth color back to the fore and the tooth surface being noticeably smoothed. At the same time, the highly effective amine fluoride offers effective protection against caries.
Special toothpaste for smooth and naturally white teethSpecial polishing bodies effectively clean and prevent new discolourationHighly effective amine fluoride offers effective protection against cariesEffectiveness clinically proven
Every other day instead of the toothpaste normally used or as recommended by the dentist. p>
Composition Amine Fluoride (1400ppm F)Aqua, Hydrated Silica, Sorbitol, Alumina, Olaflur, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Aroma, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Aroma, Sodium Saccharin, Stearic Acid, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Citric Acid, Limonene, CI 77891..
معجون أسنان إلمكس للبشرة الحساسة 75 مل
؟ تخفيف فعال للأسنان الحساسة للألم؟ مع تقنية PRO-ARGIN الحصرية؟ راحة دائمة من وجع الأسنان؟ فعالية مثبتة سريريًا
الخصائص يبهر معجون الأسنان Elmex Sensitive Professional بتخفيف آلام الأسنان الحساسة بشكل فوري ودائم. الاستخدام لتخفيف الألم بشكل فوري، استخدمه ضعيه على الأسنان الحساسة بأطراف أصابعك حتى مرتين يوميًا وقم بالتدليك بلطف لمدة دقيقة واحدة. للأطفال أقل من 12 عامًا: لا تستخدم أطراف الأصابع لتخفيف الألم بشكل فوري. لتخفيف الألم بشكل دائم، ضعيه على فرشاة أسنان ناعمة ونظفيه مرتين يوميًا. تأكد من الوصول إلى جميع المناطق الحساسة للألم. يمكن أن يكون ألم الأسنان مؤشراً على وجود مشكلة يجب أن يعالجها طبيب الأسنان. للأطفال حتى عمر 6 سنوات: استخدم فقط كمية من معجون الأسنان بحجم حبة البازلاء. لتجنب الإفراط في تناوله، قم بتنظيف أسنانك فقط تحت إشراف. في حالة تناول كمية إضافية من الفلورايد، استشر طبيب أسنانك أو طبيبك. معلومات أغلق الأنبوب بعد الاستخدام للحفاظ على جودة المنتج. التركيب < p>كربونات الكالسيوم، ماء، سوربيتول، بيكربونات، كبريتات لوريل الصوديوم، مونوفلوروفوسفات الصوديوم، رائحة، صمغ السليلوز، بيكربونات الصوديوم، بيروفوسفات رباعي الصوديوم، كحول البنزيل، سكارين الصوديوم، صمغ الزانثان، ليمونين، CI 77891. العنصر النشط: أرجينين 8% يحتوي على: 1450 جزء في المليون فلوريد (أحادي فلوروفوسفات الصوديوم).
خصائص وسط فرشاة أسنان ميريدول الكمية في العبوة: قطعة واحدة الوزن: 23 جم الطول: 20 ملم العرض: 42 ملم الارتفاع: 225 ملم اشترِ فرشاة أسنان ميريدول المتوسطة عبر الإنترنت من سويسرا ..
9.23 USD
عرض 51 الى 75 من 173 (7 صفحات)
Beeovita Huebacher 36
8153 Rümlang
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