عظام صحية
(1 صفحات)
أ. فوغل ملتي فيتامين 120 كبسولة
Rich in vitamins A, C, D3, E and ?-carotene from natural sources. Vitamin A is necessary for normal growth.Vitamin C has the function of an antioxidant.Vitamin D3 helps maintain healthy bones, especially in childhood and old age.Vitamin E is necessary for the maintenance of muscle functions.Among other things, ß-carotene serves to maintain the tissue, the surface of the skin and the mucous membranes. Consumption recommendation: Take 1-2 capsules daily with enough liquid. ..
42.67 USD
أ. فوغل ملتي فيتامين 60 كبسولة
Rich in vitamins A, C, D3, E and ?-carotene from natural sources. Vitamin A is necessary for normal growth.Vitamin C has the function of an antioxidant.Vitamin D3 helps maintain healthy bones, especially in childhood and old age.Vitamin E is necessary for the maintenance of muscle functions.Among other things, ß-carotene serves to maintain the tissue, the surface of the skin and the mucous membranes. Consumption recommendation: Take 1-2 capsules daily with enough liquid...
23.26 USD
برجرستين فيتامين د3 كبسولات 600 وحدة دولية 100 قطعة
يعد فيتامين د3 من برجرستين مكملاً غذائيًا للتعويض عن عدم كفاية الإنتاج الداخلي لفيتامين د3 عبر الجلد. يمكن أن يحدث هذا بسبب عدم التعرض الكافي لأشعة الشمس، والذي يحدث بسبب نمط الحياة وهو أمر شائع في أشهر الشتاء. يساهم فيتامين د3 في امتصاص واستخدام الكالسيوم والحفاظ على كتلة العظام الصحية. كما تحتاج وظيفة العضلات والجهاز المناعي إلى هذا الفيتامين بكميات كافية. يحتوي برجرستين د3 على فيتامين د3 على شكل كوليكالسيفيرول سهل الهضم. الكبسولات الصغيرة المذاق واللطيفة مناسبة بشكل خاص لكبار السن والأطفال وجميع الأشخاص الذين لا يحصلون على ما يكفي من أشعة الشمس. خالي من اللاكتوز والخميرة وزيت الفول السوداني وليسيثين الصويا والغلوتين التطبيق تناول كبسولة واحدة يوميًا مع قليل من السوائل. تحتوي كبسولة واحدة على فيتامين د3 15 جرام (= 600 وحدة دولية) التركيب عوامل ضخمة (زيت بذور اللفت)، جيلاتين صالح للأكل، مواد مرطبة (جلسرين، سوربيتول)، فيتامين د3..
24.27 USD
جدول format
FORMAG Tabl - The Ultimate Calcium Supplement FORMAG Tabl is a specially formulated calcium supplement that provides your body with essential calcium required for the healthy functioning of bones and teeth. With its advanced formula, FORMAG Tabl helps in the efficient absorption and utilization of calcium by the body. Features and Benefits High-Quality Calcium - FORMAG Tabl is infused with high-quality calcium that is easily absorbed and utilized by the body. Bone Health - The advanced formula of FORMAG Tabl helps in the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Supports Optimal Health - FORMAG Tabl is an excellent supplement for people looking to support their overall health and wellbeing Easy-to-take - The small size and shape of the tablet make it easy to swallow and digest. Safe for Long-term Use - FORMAG Tabl is a safe supplement for long-term use and is perfect for those with calcium deficiencies or a calcium-poor diet. Usage Instructions FORMAG Tabl is recommended for adults aged 18 and up, who are looking to supplement their diet with calcium. Take two tablets daily with meals, or as directed by your healthcare professional. About the Manufacturer FORMAG Tabl is manufactured by XYZ Nutraceuticals, a leading provider of high-quality supplements. All our products are made from natural ingredients and are designed to support optimal health and wellness. ..
84.13 USD
دكتور جاكوب فيتامين ك 2 أولد فل 20 مل
Property name Food supplement. Best bioavailability in the form of all-trans MK-7. Composition MCT oil (coconut) (98%), antioxidants: vitamin E of natural origin, menaquinone (vitamin K2, all-trans MK-7).. Properties Vitamin K2 is active throughout the body because it has a half-life of 72 hours almost 50 times longer than conventional vitamin K1 (1.5 hours).Vitamin K2 activates osteocalcin proteins, which incorporate calcium into bone.Vitamin K2 contributes to the following normal body function: maintenance of normal bones Use 6 drops a day. Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Use within 6 months after opening. Allergens Contains Contains no declarable allergens ul> Notes Store in a cool (6-25°C) and protected from light. If you are taking vitamin K antagonists (coumarin-type anticoagulants), you must consult your doctor. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Property name Food supplements.Best bioavailability in the form of all-trans MK-7. Composition MCT oil (coconut) (98%), antioxidant: vitamin E of natural origin, Menaquinone (Vitamin K2, all-trans MK-7).. Properties Vitamin K2 is active throughout the body because it has a half-life of 72 hours almost 50 times longer than conventional vitamin K1 (1.5 hours).Vitamin K2 activates osteocalcin proteins, which incorporate calcium into the bones.Vitamin K2 contributes to the following normal bodily functions: Maintenance of normal bones Use 6 drops daily.Best before date and batch number : see bottom of pack. Use within 6 months after opening. Allergens Contains No declarable allergens ul>Notes Store in a cool (6-25°C) and protected from light. If you are taking vitamin K antagonists (coumarin-type anticoagulants), you must consult your doctor. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. ..
36.13 USD
(1 صفحات)